Much anticipated break-up finale! For some reason I kept thinking last Thursday night that it was the reunion.
But NO we didn’t even have the dumping yet!
God she’s so frustrating isn’t she?
I need to try to keep the F bombs to a minimum and I AM going to try!
The ‘Doomsday’ fight is still going on.
Ahhhhhhh the goood ole days! Arguing with a narcissist. You repeat (explain) yourself, which usually makes sense, they know it makes sense but they don’t care, its so not the point. They repeat their rebuttal. You repeat (explain) yourself yet again. They repeat their rebuttal.
And then ya wake up and ya get to do it all over again! While they sit there with a smug ass look on their face!
Ultimately, Lindsay gets up and says she’s doe with this and wants to enjoy the party.
What started this, in case we forgot, was Carl filling her in on the very brief informal discussion he and Kyle had in the living room about him being in charge of selling the Loverboy non-alcohol products. He gave her the highlights, nothing was finalized, and she drilled him and acted pissed that he didn’t have all of her answers, and didn’t clarify something she had ordered him to in the car to do on the way to the house. “Baaabe we TALKED about this.” (grunting noise) is demeaning in the way she said it.
Remember delivery and tone matter. And she said it like a mother correcting a child.
And if you can’t see that as being demeaning then I don’t know what to say to you to convince you otherwise.
To give the Lindsay people the benefit of the doubt, if you were never in a relationship with a narcissist or abuser, I guess I CAN see missing all of these little digs and jabs and always referring to Carl as a baby?
It’s typically the dude and not the woman that’s the narc. I’m assuming it’s testosterone related? I guess I could look that up in my spare time. In about ten years.
Carl using this ‘soft’ complaint constantly, I think he needed to just say ‘chill out’ to get his point across. She was taking extreme offense to ‘soft.’
It’s easy to call him a baby and bitch, (as she was doing as we heard during the breakup talk) but if it were the woman acting like this and asking for a hug and asking for patience while she got a job/career thing sorted out, we’d all be calling the dude abusive. Women can be abusive too. It’s not unheard of.
Same with Paige and Craig. If Craig was constantly snickering at her and making jabs and saying he has no intention of relocating, and she needs to, and acting like she was lucky to be in his presence, we as women wold NEVER be supporting that. But somehow Paige doing it to him is okay? And she just ‘knows what she wants.’ I see that a lot. But a guy would be a douchey.
And it’s funny to me that all of the Lindsay people seem to be the same people as Amanda people in her and Kyle’s dynamic.
Isn’t Kyle trying to motivate Amanda to be productive, and get her to contribute to the business and household a lot like Lindsay is with Carl?? Kyle is just a little bit nicer about it.
How is Kyle the asshole because he wants Amanda to be more energetic and get her skinny ass out of bed and do her job, and not act like a four year old?
Explaining to her now is not the time to start a swimsuit line pet project when Loverboy is in the hole, does not make him terrible. Kyle’s somehow an asshole in that scenario, but Lindsay is not the asshole in their scenario? It doesn’t make sense. Although I do want to add some positive two cents about the swimsuit thing, it’s also not a bad idea. It sort of goes with Loverboy since it’s a summery/warm weather beverage. They could even do dual advertising. The could call them ‘Lovergirl.’ They could do guys’ suits too, use matching fabric, and come up with a cute name for them. I wouldn’t put Amanda in charge of it though. Maybe just credit her for having the idea.
Back to this.
They go back and forth and Lindsay just doesn’t have the ability to empathize nor even listen or adjust to what Carl needs in that moment. Sick of hearing them argue over her ‘asking questions.’
It’s the most ridiculous argument because it’s so easily resolved. All she has to do is bite her tongue when he is presenting the Loverboy shit in bits and pieces until it’s ready to be finalized. I’m sure it would all be in writing and they could sit and review it together, and she can give her gripes then. Right now this position is basically just a hypothetical.
He and Kyle have ironed out their differences, and there’s a non alcoholic product now, which for obvi reasons a better fit for him. I don’t get what her problem is and why she needs to micromanage this situation like this and give him this ‘tude.
I recall they talked it out like mature adults, with Kyle apologizing profusely for the ‘coked out’ comment and acknowledged he shouldn’t have said that.
So here we are, he got comfortable not working, and has been trying to come up with a business idea that suits his interests– cigars, non-alcoholic products or establishments, and she bitched about everything being a bad idea.
I have to wonder if when she made him quit Loverboy last year he was under the impression she didn’t expect him to have a job and he could coast on Bravo and do endorsements like she does. That is NOT what she had in mind.
I’m not bragging but I saw a video of a clinical psychologist who agrees with me, and thinks it’s so out in left field for everyone to be so Team Lindsay and accuse Carl of this gaslighting that very few people even seem to know what it means.
In her video, she pointed out every time Carl expressed an emotion or got agitated or frustrated, she labeled him as angry. She did it in in this episode as well. She always does.
She’s done. She springs up and says she’s going to ‘enjoy the party now.’ I don’t get why Carl ever got involved with her. As she keeps pointing out, he knew what she was like.

She walks about the house having conferences with Danielle and Gabby bitching about Carl and the ‘soft’ thing and both of them of course naturally take her side.
She’s pissed Carl knew what she was like when they started dating, because they were ‘best friends’ for eight year.

She talks about him so horribly. She tells the girls “I can’t stand his face right now.”
Carl walks around clearly bothered and upset, as Lindsay parties, completely UNbothered.
Ciara is so nauseating with West. He’s not that into her and is showing so many signs of that and even saying that, it if you read between the lines and notice his demeanor now. The summer is winding down, the house thing is done, filming is done. He’s done.
I can’t stand the way she talks about him like he’s some prize.
She’s cracking me up in her yap when she tries to sell us how she’s so fun and ‘dating can be fun.’ Yes we know that, Ciara. Why is she acting like that’s a huge revelation. It’s supposed to be.
She acts like she invented the going on dates concept. She’s sitting her selling herself as super fun, while not even cracking a smile??
Ciara, love ya lots, but you are boring. You’re gorgeous as all get out, you’re not a bad person, but you’re soooo mundane and boring.
I think between the fact that she’s kind of a dud to be around, sort of lazy, and you add to that she won’t give it up, West is like ‘yeah I’m outta here.’
He’s clearly not ready to be serious with any girl, and he’s said it over and over and over. I just don’t get what the confusion is. I’m catching on, but she is not. We should all be happy she decided to ditch the nursing thing. Pretty sure she would have killed people by now. She’s such an airhead, not to be rude.

In her yap, she half morphs into her Carmen Brown persona form last summer, which I loved! She was actually interesting, cool and funny. She needs to do the wholllllle thing though. She needs to be in costume I guess to really execute it.
She tries to talk with a blaccent, but she’s like so bad at it. Maybe she should consult with BlaBla on Vanderpump who seems to have it mastered.

Danielle is hanging all over Balloon Guy again. Gross.
Paige announces on the mic, the thing she Ciara and Amanda love so fucking much, they LOVE IT, telling the random filler people, very rudely, that they have to leave. It makes them feel very special you know to tell all of the peasants they need to scoot asap as very privileged and important folk get to stay.

Balloon guy is funny. “Where do you want to go? Upstairs?” Well that was subtle.
Danielle is so easy and pathetic. Balloon Guy seems like an idiot. Guess that’s why he’s a balloon guy.
I love this, when Carl tells Kyle, his assessment of Lindsay – that he wants someone who cares how she makes other people feel, and she just doesn’t.
Amen to that. You can’t have a partner like that. Someone like that is just undateable, don’t think it’s a word but don’t care.
You can’t be in a relationship with someone who does not have normal human feeling and compassion for others. They think you’re weird because you have empathy and don’t enjoy being abusive, and they hate your for it because I think they’re deep-down jealous.
People like that will ever ever be in a happy loving successful normal relationship, because they enjoy making you angry and unhappy. Lindsay is an example of that. I know someone who is an example of that.

The shit he’s telling Kyle about her, Kyle tried to tell him all of this last year. But I’m going to get all Glinda again, he had to figure it out for himself.
He absolutely hates her. It’s kind of sad but kind of funny. Her yap is funny that all of this arguing is temporary. I don’t know what ‘planning a wedding’ has to do with it. I honestly haven’t even heard them discussing wedding planning one single time.
This ‘ebbs and flows’ is her new thing as an excuse as to why they’re constantly fighting or not speaking. Sounds like it’s 99% ‘ebbs’ and 1% ‘flows’ Linds.
Is she on fucking crack??

It’s so sad that she thinks this is normal. But it’s normal for the problematic one in the relationship to try to convince you that nothing is wrong. How can they keep continuing to abuse you.
It’s morning. He tries to talk to her, she ignores him.
Danielle can’t wipe the ear to ear grin off of her face.
Is it weird they all crawl in bed with each other? Kind of.
God help us all, here we go again. Lindsay is halfheartedly cleaning up the kitchen which I do commend her for, It’s not like anyone else does shit, as she and Carl take yet another stab at the ‘I’m just asking questions’ argument.
These two are just sooooo unhappy as a couple. Carl is anyway. Maybe not Lindsay. She’s oblivious AF.

Carl tries to have a civil conversation with her about the day. He’s talking nicely, she’s giving the Lindsay ‘tude.
Words I never want to hear again after this Summer House season: ‘career’ and ‘soft.’
He tries again to have a discussion and he’s CA – LEARLY in distress. She keeps cleaning to avoid making eye contact with him or show him she cares about what he has to say.
I mean really, you must be effing absolutely disinterested in what your partner is telling you, that you’d rather clean the fucking kitchen then sit and listen and giving your undivided attention.
She calls him rude so he’s about to get agitated and she’s going to call him angry. It’s coming.

Told ya! She pulled that out when he wasn’t sounding angry at all, just frustrated that she wasn’t listening. It’s what that psychologist chick said. As soon as he has a point or tries to share his feelings, she labels him as angry and from there it escalates.
Kyle eavesdrops on Carl and Lindsay.
He’s trying to have a serious discussion with her about their future and she won’t even look at him. It’s so sad.
I kind of do believe her when she says she was ‘blindsided.’
She really was because she did not think he would have the balls to dump her and cancel the wedding. But he did. Good for him. A woman with a frustrating as eff NPD-er would not call off their wedding. Just as I said, men don’t tolerate this shit like women do.
He’s even telling her right here he’s having second thoughts about the wedding, and she continues to clean the fucking kitchen. Like wouldn’t that get the attention of a normal person?
Yes it would. A NORMAL person.
He tells her that today is their engagement anniversary and she does not give A flying fuck, which is so weird for a woman to not care about that. We love the ‘anniversary’ shit.
He looks so sad.
Not the ‘ebbs and flows’ again.

“What do you need from me??”
Did she for reals say that? He has told her that in like 42 conversations.
She almost looks like she’s warming up, but yeah no. He asks for a hug and it was the coldest most non-emotional hug on her part. Her eyes were blank and dark. This girl has no soul. Why does she even want to marry HIM? She can’t stand him. They have zero chemistry and can’t get along for shit.
He notices her disdain at having to hug him and says “you used to love my hugs.” She’s like, yeah whatever and walks away.

They are in their room packing up and ignoring each other. Carl really tried, but she has all the warmth of a rock. I definitely don’t think this bitch should be having a kid.
So this is it. Everyone packs up to leave the house until next year.
Lindsay talks to Danielle about Carl. Danielle tries so hard not to smile.

She claims she ‘got her ass handed to her.’ Was she part of the same conversation that we just watched? He sat there looking defeated and sad, never insulted her never raised his voice, didn’t sound condescending, and expressed concerns at their inability to resolve their issues, and then asked her for a hug.
She cleaned, half-listened, asked what he wants from her when he told her over and over, and gave him a cold detached weird hug.
If this doesn’t convince the Lindsay people that 1, she definitely has a serious personality disorder, and 2, this disorder causes you to have a warped perception of events, then maybe you also have some issues you should address.
What insult did he ‘sling’ at her? He didn’t yell at her as she’s claiming. What is wrong with this chick?
Danielle the dip shit that she is, knows full well this is Lindsay not being truthful and sits here and agrees with her. She knows Lindsay is embellishing.
She sneers about being around him in Montauk and how she wants to be with the others but not him. You can see Danielle just biting her tongue and not wanting to call her out. She wouldn’t listen anyway.
They’re piling into the vehicles for Montauk, and she proudly announces she doesn’t want to ride with Carl and recruits people to ride with him. I’m going to address Team Lindsay people here again. What would you say if a guy did that to his wife or girlfriend? You bitches would be losing your fucking minds if Kyle walked around telling the group he didn’t want to ride with Amanda.
Three days later back in the city. The infamous scene of Carl calling up the crew to film. You have to wonder, wasn’t Lindsay curious why cameras and production were there? They had finished filming for the season.
Carl and Kyle meet for coffee and Carl unloads on him his apprehension about going through with the wedding in November.
After Montauk where they didn’t even interact, they ride home sounds pretty trailer park, calling each other names, screaming at and recording each other.
She went into the bedroom, slammed the door, and they haven’t spoken in three days.
I’m sorry I know this is a girl doing this to a guy, but this is emotionally abusive behavior. This reminds me of shit I put up with from my ex and he is abusive as fuck.
Kyle is struggling with what to say to him. I don’t think he wants to be on record telling him he thinks he should break up with her.
Carl arrives home. She starts by saying she doesn’t want to fight and then some shit she was thinking about that his needs seem to have changed and she’s so proud of this revelation and delivers it as it it’s so profound.
He recaps their disagreements over the year which mainly seem to do with his lack of a job situation.

Sounds like that car ride Sunday was absolutely miserable. Been there done that, stuck in a car with a RAGING angry lunatic being screamed at and told I was hated. Hated.
“There’s reality and there’s what you spin reality to be.”
Can relate to that too. They definitely do put their unique ‘spin’ on things. That is FER SURE.
I feel like she knows this convo is different and he’s had it. Of course the production crew and cameras could be giving her a clue.

He brings up horrible text messages that he sent to her and she looks a little dumbfounded. I’m going to have to say this is the first time he’s spoken to her so sternly. She doesn’t know what to do. She’s in shock. I’m here for it.
It’s funny, sorry but I’m enjoying it. I’m enjoying seeing her getting shit canned again. Now Lindsay you ARE getting your ass handed to you.
He’s bringing up shit he’s been letting her get away with it seems. He tells her he’s not ready to do the wedding thing in 2 ½ months.
Why is Lindsay so focused on ‘the last two weeks?’ The last two weeks? Girllll, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Carl is referring arguments going clear back to fucking January, and not to mention they’ve been fighting constantly almost every weekend right before our eyes. Two weeks my fucking ass.
Narcs believe just because they say something that makes it true.
You can tell she’s going to keep using this ‘last two weeks’ narrative as if she’s trying to infer that someone influenced him I assume. They’re always thinking, always calculating at how to make your look bad instead of them.
They’ll take something so innocent and so minute, and label you as something horrible, such as an alcoholic, and use it against you to deflect from their hideous behavior. And these people sleep at night. Amazing.
They take one irrelevant point and focus on it to deflect from the real issue. This is a tactic to not only deflect, but to confuse you and make you question it, since they’re constantly repeating it.
This train of thought is common of the abusive partner in the relationship – “they take work, and no relationship is perfect.” That’s one of their go-to songs and dances.
I feel like that phrase, ‘relationships take work’ has been normalized and it’s just repeated because we’ve been so used to hearing it, that we don’t stop and think about it. Should they? Should they take WORK? I would say effort, that’s reasonable. They shouldn’t be hard and it sure as hell shouldn’t be ‘work.’ That sounds pretty miserable.
Your relationship should bring your joy and enhance your life. It shouldn’t be day after day after day fucking drama and trauma. Who in their right mind wants another job, in addition to their actual job, running a household and dealing with kids? There’s a difference between effort and work. If your relationship is ‘work’ – work is not fun, and it’s a sucky ass relationship. It should be easy, actually. It should be the opposite of work. People don’t fucking listen to Lindsay Hubbard.
Having a conversation with your partner should be easy. Resolving conflict should be easy. Spending the day together should be fun. (Summer should be FUN!!!) It shouldn’t be about walking on eggshells and having to manage their emotions and being afraid of their meltdowns at the drop of a hat.
“The fights are not normal.”
Good for Carl for breaking this all down, and maintaining composure. She’s not absorbing any of it, and I think that’s one reason he wanted cameras here. For evidence and documentation.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re in a relationship where you’re screaming at each other and at odds almost every day, and no matter what you say or do it isn’t right or isn’t good enough, you’re not in a healthy relationship. It’s not good for your physical health and sure as hell isn’t good for your mental and emotional well-being. These people want to us suffer because they are suffering.
Every dang day you’re being told you did something wrong, no matter how minor and insignificant it may seem, it’s the end of the world as we know it to the narcissist. They’re trying to make your life miserable. Why? Becasuse they are so damaged and so emotionally immature and unintelligent and so selfish, that they enjoy it. Now that is sick. It’s a sickness. It’s a mental illness.
That’s not a way to live. No Carl’s not perfect. Do I think he’s kind of a baby and high maintenance sometimes? I do. Do I hate the white jeans? I do. But when we’re judging him, can we please keep in mind he’s not the same fuckboy asshole he was several years ago, he’s really not. He has grown. Lindsay however has not and behaves the exact same way in relationships as she did clear back to that Everett dude in Season 1. They had the same exact tumultous relationship.
Can we keep in mind that Carl lost his only fucking sibling to addiction recently, and then got clean and sober very shortly after that? Never even having a relapse.
He then proceeded to enter into a relationship with a very difficult to communicate with and non-compassionate woman.
All of these Team Lindsay people must be on crack to have no empathy for Carl and not see that Lindsay is horrible.
Do the freaking math.
Did I mention a clinical psychologist said every single thing I have been saying??
He reviews the horrible names she has been calling him.
Calling him a’ mama’s boy’ is so rude and heartless. He’s not close with his dad and his mom has only Carl, after losing the other kid to an overdose. I mean really, Lindsay. Could you have more of a black heart? My GOD. What if you’re Carl’s mom in 40 years?
Wouldn’t you want your only living child to be close with you?? Fuck.
Although I hope this doesn’t happen because I do not think she should be having a kid. I don’t even thnk she should get a pet for crissakes.
She reminds me of Bethenney on RHONY when she was with her ex-husband, Jason.
She also has child abandonment issues by both of her parents. Jason was close with his parents and she constantly ridiculed him for it and called him a mama’s boy. If I remember correctly, they also lost Jason’s brother, and only other child to a car accident I believe. That’s so fucking heartless.
She’s making fun of Carl for being a ‘mama’s boy’ but who did she call when he dumped her ass? Her dad and stepmom. Just saying.
I don’t know that she wants him to relapse, but maybe. Narcs often want to see their partners fail.
I think the dude deserves a medal for NOT relapsing after putting up with this fucking circus freak for two years.
Lindsay is in desperate mode we’re seeing. She accuses him of being a quitter.

He doesn’t want to go to ‘couples therapy’ for the rest of his life. If they’ve been going to couples therapy for several months and nothing has changed, I think that proves my long-time belief that therapy is a racket.
Why is this so-called therapist not resolving the problems that they’ve most likely paid thousands of dollars for? Why is she not explaining to Lindsay she’s the problem and helping her?
I know. Because you are paying them to not resolve your problems. That’s my two cents on that.
This crap therapist should be diagnosing Lindsay with NPD and giving the tools and advice so she can try to function normally.
Don’t think there’s a cure for it, but I think if you’re consulting with a fucking professional they should be trying to help. Any idiot can see the issues in this relationship are Lindsay and her inability to listen, communicate, give a fuck, or feel empathy.
If I were a therapist, I would pull Carl aside and say, end it now dude. This bitch is a lost cause. In my opinion the therapist sees this but won’t say it.
Isn’t that what you pay them to to do? But then you wouldn’t need to keep coming back. And if you don’t come back week after week, with the same unresolved problems, they don’t get paid. Pretty sure they tell them this in therapist school.
I’m exhausted from knowing everything.
She’s so mad that he has ‘literally made the decision.’ She tries to shame him for making a decision. Like Lindsay you should know this by now, that’s how break-ups work. The one that does the dumping makes the fucking decision.
This isn’t rocket science.
You don’t own someone you’re in a relationship with as far as I know. She may think she does.
When she sees the decision seems final, she grabs her phone gets up, goes into the bedroom and calls her dad. Carl can’t consult with his parents remember. Or he’s a baby. I’m familiar with unhealthy mother/son relationships, due to my ex-husband, and I’ll be honest, I didn’t pick up on that with Carl and his mom.
His mom seems like a really sweet lady, and did not have it in for Lindsay at all, and seemed to even be trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. I had a toxic mother-in-law and Sharon is nothing like her. At all.
Producer checks on Lindsay as if they care. They give a shit about as much as a therapist does.
Carl looks uncomfortable. For you all bitching about him for doing this ‘on camera’ fuck that shit. They got engaged on camera. Pretty sure their wedding was going to be televised. They sign on the dotted line to share their lives, the good bad and ugly, so here we are.
Do you think this is a picnic for Carl? Admitting to verbal and mental abuse by a chick?? Having his no job status be the discussion week after week? No. It’s not.
I’m not sure where the ‘two weeks’ thing is even coming from. In her mind it makes sense I guess. It’s hard to keep track of all of their arguments. Since the season started which was July 4th and through end of August, in real time, they’ve gotten along one or two episodes.
“He showed up not wanting to listen to me …” she whines to her dad. Again this is how break-ups work. The breaker upper should make the decision, give the reasons, and communicates to your face like an adult, as Carl did.
He’s expressed concerns to her about what he needs to change like 1000 fucking times that was shown to viewers, she didn’t give a fuck. And probably another 1000 times not shown to viewers.
The one convo about his parents’ concerns, she was like “yeah whatever we already talked about this, can we go back to dinner? I’m bored.”
Viewers could see Carl looking like he was about to fucking hurl himself off of a cliff, but his fiance couldn’t see it. She wanted her dinner. Priorities.
I can relate to Carl talking to a producer “I feel like I’m crazy half the time, because I know what I’m experiencing and I know what is going on then I hear her rendition of it and I feel even crazier.”
Dad to Lindsay: after her whole nonsensical diatribe: “There’s gotta be more to this than the last two weeks, sounds like he’s had enough.”
Yeah, dude, there is.

This is first we’ve heard of this: Carl shares with producer that they got a noise complaint in their building due to their fighting. Yikes. Embarrassing. If that doesn’t tell you to hang it the hell up I don’t know what does.
Even Lindsay’s expression as she talks to her dad is blank. I saw a video on how a narc’s eyes are dead and hollow, and I even noticed that before I knew it was a thing. I thought that was just me being dramatic. You know how normal peoples’ eyes are warm and friendly, a narc’s are not. They are hollow people inside. What a sad existence.
Carl kind of called it that he’s going to come out of this the asshole, and she’s going to be the victim and ‘fallen woman’ that everyone is going to feel sorry for.
However if it were Carl treating Lindsay the way she treats him, you all would all still be Team Lindsay.
Two days later the news breaks. They flash on headlines. I forgot there was talk that he had a side chick that was pregnant or thought she was pregnant.
I’m not sure he had the energy for a side chick dealing with Lindsay day after day.
Danielle has all of the girls over, including Lindsay who has not yet arrived. They proceed to all gossip, loving it, but acting like they don’t, about the abrupt break-up. What’s funny about this is that they all know Lindsay is the problem but like Carl, are afraid of her and won’t say it to her face.
Danielle looks really distraught right?

As does Paige.

In the after show following this episode Paige and Ciara broke it all down and said that she does this crying thing with no tears, and agreed with Carl how she’s always the victim and can never acknowledge her part in their issues.
Gabby shows up who is one hundred percent against Carl. The others not so much. You can tell by her tight jaw as she walks in the door she’s upset for Lindsay, whereas the others are smiling ear to ear, and looking completely relaxed.
Lazy ass Ciara, who doesn’t give a fuck about any of this, she probably just crawled out of bed, arrives and immediately wants to lie on the couch with a throw. Jesus, again no wonder she was a nurse for like ten minutes and said ‘fuck this shit.’
Why didn’t she just stay the hell in bed and FaceTimed? Honestly.
We haven’t heard dick about the big lucrative modeling career where she was going to be jet setting about. Propaganda is what that was. This chick goes to bed at 9pm and sleeps until noon every day of the week. She’s not going to be traveling and ‘modeling.’ Are you serious??
Gabby: “We don’t know why they broke up.” You spent every weekend with them and you have no fucking clue why on earth they would have broken up?
Ciara does a little ‘work’ before she hits the couch and wants to hear Danielle’s thoughts since she was vocal last summer about feeling like they should not have been getting engaged.
We all knew she was right. Or most of us did. However her concerns if you want to call it that, were coming from a place of jealousy you have to keep in mind.
Never did she say Lindsay is insufferable. Her argument was that they were ‘rushing into it’ but really, they had been together a year, and an engagement after a year I wouldn’t constitute as ‘rushing.’
Danielle was jealous. She has a thing for Carl. Her relationship sucked, which is now over. She shouldn’t be consulted on her take.
Ciara just go lie on the couch and shut the hell up. For real, if she wasn’t Paige’s friend she would never still he around.
Danielle tries to say this is what she was saying last summer. No it’s not. Let’s change history Danielle even though it’s all on film. If they would have gotten engaged later nothing would have fucking changed.
Lindsay doesn’t know how to treat a partner. Timeline has nothing to do with it.
If you don’t know how to be a loving and normal partner, your relationships will always fail.
Amanda is clearly Team Carl. Which is understandable since he has been confiding in Kyle and Kyle is conveying info to her that the others may not know.
The woman of the hour arrives pretending to cry. Group hug ensues.
Then they all trashed her in the after show.

Moot point I know, but I don’t get why Paige wasn’t invited to the wedding, when all of the other girls were, who Lindsay also had past issues with.
If that doesn’t speak to Lindsay’s character I don’t know what does. She has problems getting along with other girls too.

I really don’t get why Paige was snubbed from the wedding. Not that it matters.
First thing out of her mouth? She can’t understand this.

I’m sick of this ‘best friend’ thing. They were not ‘best’ fucking friends. It gives Scheana on VPR who every dude she was into was her best friend.

She’s blindsided – no warning – her feeling were not considered…blah blah blah.
I love her ‘no warning’ thing. He literally told her in the house the previous weekend, four days ago he was having reservations. She just kept rinsing out Loverboy cans looking bored.
Ciara is wrapped up in a blanket and ready to go to sleep.
Lindsay continues the best friend thing and fake crying.
She claims she loves him so much and always loved him… Yeah Lindsay we could tell. One week ago you proudly announced to the universe you didn’t even want to ride in the car with him, but sure okay.
She comes up with some fucking tall tale that she probably formulated in the cab ride thatshe been waiting all of these years for Carl, and he is who she’s always wanted.
Yeah no. Does she think anyone is buying this? Looks like Paige isn’t.

She insists the fights were only ‘at the end of the summer.’ And the beginning, and the middle, and the spring and the winter. The girls all look awkward. Amanda points out it’s been ongoing.
Paige gets all intense by telling her to let him go and let the next (victim) come along. Talk about blowing smoke up someone’s ass. She knows full well it’s going to be the same scenario it’s been with Carl and the others.
But it it does sound good in the moment, and seemed to dry up her fake tears.
She seems to be pretty satisfied with that advice and begins to smile and laugh.

This is literally real-life (sorta) Sex and the City. Bride gets dumped and still goes to the honeymoon destination with her friends. Difference is Carrie went with her real friends, Lindsay is going with her fake friends. I wonder if they all even went?
Also Carrie and Big reconciled at the end. But still. Almost the same.
Lindsay seems okay now after her ego gets fed. So on brand.

Reunion previews and I see Danielle has the absolute worst hair as she does every fucking year. This is getting bizarre. dddf
Why do the Bravo hairstylists hate her so much?