Summer House 5/23/24

We find out what Danielle is a CEO and founder OF. I actually did look it up after that episode and read a little bit about – ‘Donne.’ I think it’s stupid. And not because I think Danielle is weird. I do have a reason. It’s stupid because someone that is into fashion and looking stylish and knows how to put outfits together doesn’t need the help of, nor have to pay a ‘stylist’ to tell them what to wear.

And someone who’s NOT into fashion and creating fun unque looks is not going to be interested in going to all of this trouble to have someone telling them what to wear, because they don’t care. I’m jut not sure what her key demographic is.

I wasn’t sure what the Clueless comparison was that a producer asked because I don’t know why or how, but I’ve actually never seen it, even though it seems like a movie I would like.

Her face when asked that makes me think she got did get the inspo from the movie. Also there is a similar app called ‘Indyx’ that seems to do the same thing and she says hers is the only one.

I You Tubed a clip from Clueless to see about that closet thing, and that seemed pretty high tech for 1995, I will say that. And seems similar to what she’s doing.

Well that is where I stole the idea from.

Understanding what you own.” I kind of get that concept because if you have a lot of clothes and accessories in various locations, sometimes you forget what all you have. I guess you have to take pictures of everything and upload it onto the site. That seems time consuming.

BUT, she’s excited about it and has been working on it for like three years. Guess she’s been coasting on Bravo income since she quit her job to start this ‘fashion app.’

Jesse Solomon arrives and announces that he got a clean bill of health from the nut doctor, so that’s good news. The lump he felt was a calcium deposit.

I have a very important question commentary thing. Does Carl ever NOT wear white pants?? Like enough already!! Lindsay needed to stop worrying about whether or not he had a job and hide his all of the white jeans!! And suggest different outfits! Maybe he needs ‘Donne.’

I wonder how Paige feels coming to the event after her “CEO and Founder of WHAT???” comment.

Her questioned is answered. I thought for sure she would have some sort of crack. Craig is in tow and she as usual treats him like you would treat an annoying little brother that you don’t want around.

I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but if this were the dude treating his lady like this we’d all have a problem with it. She didn’t like him being in New York for a whole week, and she says she doesn’t really ‘need’ him around, but pretends to.

A guy stating all of this snarky shit this about his girlfriend we would be calling an asshole. You’re all calling Carl an ahole for being pissy to Lindsay right? Even though Lindsay is sort of shall we say, difficult? And poor Craig doesn’t even do anything to deserve the constant bitchy attitude.

Paige would not put up with a dude treating her like this for five minutes. It’s cute to an extent, but she doesn’t know when to put a lid on it. It’s too much. If he’s going to deal with a shit ton of entitlement and princess BS, he may as well go back to Naomie. She already lives in Charleston, and is probably ready to get married and pop out his offspring now that he has a business, a nice house, and money.

Speaking of Craig, I’m assuming you all have gotten wind of the latest Summer House ‘tea!’ Whoa!

Craig invested in and is the spokesperson for a Loverboy competitor, Spritz Society, which wouldn’t be an issue necessarily, but the CEO of the company took Kyle to dinner and he thinks he was pumping him for info and ideas about Loverboy. Why would be be dumb enough to divulge info about his company to a competitor is what I don’t get. And what was the premise behind the meeting? Like a collaboration maybe? He didn’t give those details based on what I saw.

And Craig is playing dum dum when Kyle asked why he didn’t at least let him know. Craig claimed he thought Loverboy was hard iced teas not ‘spritizes.’

Which is pretty lame because he’s definitely been around and has even drank them. Kyle thinks this other company even copied his ideas and concepts.

I smell a Summer House story line for 2024 and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was kind of manipulated by Bravo.


Why do they keep bringing back the poor rejected house dwellers from last season, Sam and Chris to attend the parties and events? If I were them I’d tell them to fuck off. They’re shown for like two seconds. Brian from Family Karma even made the trip from Florida to New York to be shown for half of a second.

Carl talks to the guys about Lindsay, and they didn’t make up from the previous weekend. He does kind of have a point that she needs to trust that he’s going to make a good decision.

Paige again makes sure we all know she has no intention of moving to Charleston.

I would laugh my ass off if Craig woke up one day, sick and tired of her shit and just dumped her. I did hear some tea that they bought a house together in Charleston, which may or may not be true.

I can’t see Craig selling that house he put so much time into renovating and making it his own. But I can also see her pitching a fit about it being ‘his’ house. Have him put your name on the deed, then that way you own it but you’re not financially responsible. Win win.

If you think I’m moving away from my mommy for some pillow guy you got another thing comin’!

I’m tired of this Ciara and West game. She really needs to stop gushing over him.

It’s making me nauseous “Oh my God – he even called his daaaaaaaaad to give him tiiiiiiips on how to guide a horrrrrrrrrrrse.”

I can’t. This girl is too pretty to be getting this gaga over every flipping weirdo that says hello to her.

West is so totally RAD and bitchen!! I’m lost without him!!

He’s not that great, and things he said on the horseback riding date were disturbing.

Long story short, is there a happy medium between Paige’s nonchalant bitchy attitude with Craig and Ciara being so compliant and obsessive??

We already know they’re not together anymore so who cares. He was being such an ass after horse back riding. He was using rhetoric like Paige that everyone thinks is so cute and sassy. Didn’t seem cute and sassy coming from a guy. It sounded douchey and player-y. Now he’s acting like he’s not even interested in her. I assume because she won’t have sex with him. So my point has been made. Jackass.


Okay I’m going to get on another Amanda rant. Kyle in his yap – “Amanda didn’t sign up for this entrepreneurial life.” Well actually she kind of did. It’s not like he started Loverboy after they got married.

Then in her yap, she whines how this isn’t how she pictured married life (working I assume she means.) “I thought entrepreneurs started businesses then sold them.”

Amanda I’ll talk to you like you’re five– maybe if Loverboy was profitable someone would want to buy it. No one wants to buy a company that just lost 3 million dollars. And if that really is your goal, why not roll your sleeves up, bust your ass and help your partner? Perhaps it could be bought in the near future.

I wish he would just fire her. Follow Paige’s stellar business advice – let her blow a million bucks pretending to start a swimsuit line. At least she’ll be happy!!!


I thought I was going to lie around all dayyyyyyyyy and eat bonnnnn-bonnnnnns!

Lindsay drills Carl in the car on the way to the Hamps about working for Loverboy.

He envisions a consulting fee and commission. Lindsay orders him to make sure it’s clarified. Well duh Lindsay.

So this is the last weekend. Next week is the finale and dumping episode.

You have heard the online comments about Jesse and Amanda having a teeny bit of a connection? They both looked like they enjoyed the cancer-free congratulatory hug a little too much and lingered on it a little too long.

Kyle who??

They’re throwing him a cancer-free party at dinner, which he had zero clue about, however had a song written and prepared to sing to the group.

Lindsay should be commended I guess for not getting hammered every single weekend. I realized that when she announced she was driving when they left for dinner. I don’t think Carl even rode in the same car with her.

She asks Jesse to tie her outfit in the back in the parking lot of the restaurant in which Carl gives a little side eye to. Is he seriously not wearing white jeans?

That’s kind of ballsy to ask another guy to do that in front of your fiance. But then again, they’re barely even speaking to each other, and it’s been an entire week.

Speaking of ballsy, it’s a balls to the wall no more cancer ‘ball.’

He says no one’s ever thrown him a surprise party, because you have to have a girlfriend for that. Awwww poor little 6’5” guy. He breaks out into his planned song for his ‘surprise’ party.

I just happened to have a song ready about you all! But I’m surprised!

It’s like the song that never ends. Just when you thought it was over, it wasn’t.

And wait there’s more!!

Ciara tells the girls in the am about West telling her he’s ‘texting with other girls.’ Is he TWELVE??

Why are they drinking coffee out of these teeny fricking coupes? Is Patricia here? Let me rephrase that, why are the guys drinking coffee out of fricking coupes??

These glasses are good enough for Patricia they’re good enough for me!

Not surprised at Kyle, but I would expect Jesse Solomon to be a little more manly. He’s holding his more girly even. And look who’s sitting together.

Don’t forget I still have one good nut.

Not another theme party. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It is the last weekend.

It’s a ‘Doomsday’ party which was West’s brain child. I guess it’s fitting given what’s taking place the following weekend.

Carl and Kyle have this ‘meeting’ of sorts mainly to see if they’re on the same page and if Carl is interested in Kyle’s idea for his role. It was nothing official, nothing was being decided right then and there, no exact start date was determined, no contract was signed. This is important to point out due to what happens later.

Lindsay eavesdrops.

Kyle’s vision seems to align with what Carl was picturing. I honestly think Lindsay is altogether against him going back with Loverboy. I think she wanted him to do something more entrepreneurial, which is why she always has these pissy questions. And that’s what’s annoying Carl. Questions are fine. It’s her delivery.\ and tone which is what I keep trying to tell people. He seems worried she’s not going to approve.

Can Ciara ever not have everything going up her crack and her entire ass out?? Just asking. She’s as bad as Ashley on Potomac.

Lindsay asks Carl about his informal meeting while they’re getting ready. He gives the few points that were offered and it’s not good enough nor thorough enough, and he didn’t ask enough questions. Carl gets pissed at the interrogation style questioning.

Is she kind of interrogating? Yes. Is Carl being kind of a baby? Yes. Both can be true. I’m seeing so many comments of ‘ohh I’m totally Team Lindsay now after seeing Carl do this and say that.’ My reply to those online comments are – why can’t both be true? Just because Carl is not reacting in a way you think is as he should, that doesn’t make Lindsay not difficult.

I wish he’d drop the ‘softer’ bit. It’s not the right word to use. To me she needs to like calm down, more so than be ‘soft.’

What does Lindsay not get that this was a casual ten minute conversation to see if they had the same ideas of his role? She keeps grunting “eh baaaabe??” and sighing in a frustrated condescending way when he doesn’t have every single answer. Or doesn’t like the replies.

I would feel like Carl too, honestly if my partner was talking to me like that. It was her frustrated demeaning tone, not the fact that she had a few questions. That’s what a lot don’t get. But maybe you had to have been in a relationship where you were spoken to in a demeaning and condascending tone constantly to be able to see it.

She acts like there can’t be any more conversations with Kyle to get things clarified and squared away. Like this was IT, he has to make his decision now, and he’ll never talk to Kyle again.

Baaaabe! Ehhhh!! I told you what to ask!

Carl reassures her that everything will be in writing. Kyle said he didn’t even want him to start until December, and it’s only August. Like relax.

That ended as you would have expected. He doesn’t like the tone of the questioning. She doesn’t care.

Danielle’s trying to get with Balloon Guy again.

Lindsay expresses frustration to Ciara as she fills a solo cup to the top with Tito’s.

They try to talk again and sort out now what should have been a simple conversation. She didn’t like the interrogation accusation.

You just worry about peddling makeup on TikTok!

I’m so sick of this same stupid conversation week after week after week.

How am I supposed to find anything out if I don’t ask questions?”

Okay we get that Lindsay.

Just be softer, sensitive, and supportive.”

I don’t want to be soft and supportive, I want to ask questions. How am I supposed to know if I don’t ask questions.”

You offend me.” “Well you offend me too.”

My. God.

I don’t think Carl is asking for a Stepford Wife at all. That’s not what he’s saying to her and it shows how she doesn’t listen if that’s what she is perceiving.

Now she’s going to cry that she’s the victim because he snaps “it’s a lot!”

All I was doing was asking condescending questions! What is the problem??

Gotta love an argument in costume.

The fact that Lindsay says she was ‘blindsided’ about her getting dumped and the wedding canceled, is ludicrous.

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