Summer House 5.22.23 – Finale

Lindsay and Carl return to the house for the final weekend.

Lindsay clearly doesn’t want to miss out on any more festies and free drinks.

They made their point, and now they’re back. Seems like Carl and Kyle are back to being besties.

Carl is still pissed at Danielle, and I don’t really blame him. Kyle suggests that they talk to Danielle sooner rather than later.

We’re getting kind of bored, so can you talk to Daniellle??

So of course we have a theme for the final hurrah – a safari party.

Can we talk about Kyle and Amanda having not one argument this whole season?? Not one. They’ve even been annoyingly lovey dovey and all over each other. Last season it seemed like Kyle couldn’t stand even being in her presence.

Seems like he is this kind of whole entire different person. Where is the constant entitlement and drama, and always having a problem with Amanda?? Where is Kyle and what have they done with him??

Remember they never even used to sit together at dinner or interact at the parties?? Now they’re glued at the hip.

Danielle is so naive and clueless, she actually thinks that Lindsay is making up with her. I almost feel bad for her.

Mya gives Lindsay a cold welcoming. Do they not get along? Or is she just jumping on the ‘I hate Lindsay’ bandwagon.

She asks if Carl is with her. Seriously? She thinks Lindsay would come back without Carl? As if she would allow that.

Uhhh, yeah sure, as long as everyone dotes on me when I pretend to be upset…

Lindsay in her yap: “Carl doesn’t take well to disappointing people, he’s a people pleaser …”

Since when?? Carl never came off to me as this wimpy or any type of people pleaser before he became sober. I think his demeanor now is so strange.

She is also funny in her yap, when she recounts how she insisted to him you don’t run away when the going gets tough.” Isn’t she the one who was wanting to leave immediately the previous night??

And I think it’s more about Lindsay wanting to still be filmed for the final episode, and less to do with Carl. Remember when they came back to the house to get their stuff, Lindsay was annoyed Carl didn’t want to be filmed. I think Carl is just trying to live his life. Lindsay is trying to make sure she’s the center of attention, and reality TV gold.

I really like Ciara’s avatar costume, but what’s safari about it??

Ciara for some reason develops an actual personality when she get in costume. She doesn’t even look nor act like herself.

The good news is – today I have a personality!!


Trouble in paradise with Oliver and Mya –it’s a private situation she says in her yap. Oh no it’s not , when you’re on a reality show missy!!

Cory and Sam are the cutest. The CUTEST

Craig drills Amanda on the deets of her and Kyle’s relationship, and how they got to where they are. I think he’s overcomplicating it.

When did they move in together? What does she think they should do to get closer to engagement?? He sees Amanda as some kind of husband snagging expert, I guess.

I feel like Paige is just not that into him anymore. I think she’s seeing things that may be kind of off-putting. Like he’s a big crybaby for one thing. Paige seems to me like she would go for a more confident and less whiny type of guy.

Oliver talks for a minute to one of the random chubby chicks at the party, and Mya is pissed, and orders him away from her. Not sure why she’s jealous about him talking to this chick, but I think it’s more about that fact that he’s already in the dog house over the DM that she got from someone insinuating he may be cheating.

I’m pretty sure this chick at the party already knew who he was, when she asked him what his name was. Production probably planted her, and told her to try to flirt with him. Why would they not have this done by a cute chick? If I saw my guy talking to that girl, I would not be jealous.

Craig wants to have a private chat with Paige, about where they’re at, where they’re going, how they’re progressing, and shit like that. He’s beating this whole thing to death. I think Paige just wants him to chill the hell out and stop stressing. They talk about “starting the process” because he wants to have kids soon. That’s a really unromantic way of putting it. This isn’t The Bachelor.

So the process is — first moving my clothes into your ‘spring coats’ wardrobe.

He asks if he’s allowed to bring “two suitcases” to her apartment, and possibly move in soon. If that happens, and I’m not convinced it will, I think he should definitely open a pillow shop in NYC. Like in SoHo, wouldn’t that be perfect?


So here we go, Lindsay and Danielle approach each other, and it goes as I think we all expected.

Danielle kissing her ass, acting like the perfect friend, (except for all of the snarky things she’s been saying about her and Carl) and pouring her heart out, and Lindsay standing there looking smirky and smug and not giving two fucks.

Can you hurry up? There’s a glass of Rose’ somewhere with my name on it.

So even if you’re not a Lindsay fan, as I am not, you can kind of see her annoyance at Danielle. I mean, if you ask me, just that comment alone, “I’m allowed to feel weird about it” is grounds for maybe taking a friendship break, and thinking perhaps your bestie is a little too friendly with your boyfriend.

Then when you add the pillow screaming with Carl, begging Carl to let her hang out with the two of them, and her prancing around bitching to everyone at the engagement soiree, Lindsay, for me is justified for giving her the friendship heave-ho. Sorry not sorry.

Danielle cannot seem to comprehend why she was not told PRIOR to Lindsay that she was getting proposed to. Make it make sense.

The problem is that Carl picked YOU and not ME!!

Why does Danielle think she was “cut off” she was at the celebratory event following the proposal. In which she proceeded to make an absolute fool out of herself. She actully should have been ‘cut off’ from it.

It is unconscionable as to why Danielle really thought she needed to be told by Carl that he was proposing.

I just can’t wrap my head around this girl’s rationale. It’s pretty bad when someone is sounding more ludicrous than Lindsay.

Craig and Amanda are eavesdropping, and then the rest of the group starts to also be their audience. Like, what the hell, they’re not even being bashful about it. Is it really this interesting?

Remember we’re all here to support what’s her name…

What’s sad is afterwards, Danielle thinks that they’re all totally concerned about her, when really it’s all in the name of nosiness, and wanting to take the opposite side of Lindsay. They don’t care about stupid Danielle. At all.

This is so hard to watch. “We’re all here, babe, we’re here.”

Yes, they were ‘HERE’ eavesdropping, so they could make sure that they had all the tea.

There is an admission of being nosy, but it’s just sick how they all reassure her they were hanging around to be present at the end, and provide comfort to her. I wonder if she watched this back and thought it looked kind of sketchy.

Does she realize they just all hate Lindsay so much, they would probably take the side of satan against her.

Someone hide the popcorn!!

I wonder if there is a point when Danielle will just admit that she has a crush on Carl. She looks distraught here, but I’m just having a hard time having any empathy.

This is what friendship looks like.”

This is so sad. I do kind of feel bad for her. “Oh Daniiii!!” I’ve literally never heard anyone call her Dani.

Lindsay briefs Carl, as Kyle approaches to get the 411. Lindsay storms off, as she’s sick of discussing it. I’m ready for everyone to drop it.

This is getting way too dramatic because I don’t even think they’ve been friends for that long. I think it’s just been a few years. It’s not like they were high school pals or anything. Even if they are, I just don’t care anymore.


Now the drama flips to Mya and Oliver quarreling. I’m so over Mya. I look at her as kind of a phony actually, after last season. She’s like a completely different person. She was trying to sell herself as this huge introvert, and wanted everyone to pity her. She is treating people this season the same way she flipped her lid about people treating her last season, when no one was being rude to her at all. Now she struts around like she owns the joint, saying whatever the hell she wants to people. She knows she can now say whatever hell, because she feels like she has immunity. Remember she was called the wrong name in kindergarten, folks. As if we don’t all have a triggering things from grade school that makes us insecure.

And don’t get me started on the race baiting.

She drags him into the bathroom ordering him to cover his mic. Of course we still hear the convo.

Why did you cheat on me?”

He doesn’t know. Do they ever really know? He keeps repeating “I’m here for you.”

Loser. She kicks him out. I don’t really care.

Craig is all about the gossip tonight.

Danielle continues to cry and moan about Lindsay.

And that’s a wrap on Summer 2022 with the gang. Not sure it really lived up to it’s hype.

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