Summer House 5/15/23

Carl is still having his meltdown from last week in the alley after he stormed away from Robert’s scolding for Danielle feeling left out of the engagement. Maybe Danielle is confused and thinks this is ‘Sister Wives’ not Summer House, and she was also getting a proposal ???

Yeah, so Robert’s stupid little talking-to with Carl WAS bizarro. The things he said to him were all Danielle’s words coming out of his mouth.

Danielle and Robert convene and he gives her the recap. Danielle says “he didn’t think about me, he didn’t think about me!!”

Does she hear herself? Carl didn’t think about HER?? No Danielle, he did NOT think about you. He doesn’t like you. He doesn’t want to marry you. For whatever reason, and we all have our suspicions as to why, he’s into Lindsay. And you have your sort of kind of part-time boyfriend.

What is with Carl proposing to Lindsay and not ME???

Perhaps if she was not acting so unhinged all of the time, and critiquing their relationship, she would have been more included in the engagement. I guess??

Quick question, so is it normal for a guy to include the girls’ best friend in this? No, it’s really not. I wish someone would say this to her. I’m so sick of talking about it.

And then there’s Kyle tries to make it about him, while he’s consoling Carl, and how everyone questions HIS actions. I hate when people do that. It’s not making him feel better.

Kyle I don’t care about YOUR problems right now!!

Danielle’s stupid ass fake boyfriend cornered Carl, and bitched that Danielle wasn’t made part of the proposal. It’s not the same as Kyle being questioned about starting a business.

I didn’t do last week’s recap, which I definitely should not have missed doing, since it was the engagement episode. I did watch it of course.

I thought it was funny that Paige made a joke about Lindsay’s beach bonfire ensemble, and how completely obvious it is that she knew what was happening.

Lindsay and Danielle were on the outs, way before now, why is Carl trying to say he feels responsible?

She has been done with her for a while now. It’s obvious to everyone except Danielle.

I kind of think Carl is right for being pissed. Lindsay was also justified for saying FUCK THIS SHIT, and leaving. Danielle making it about her is so absurd. Walking around talking to every single person that would give her audience for two seconds, about how their engagement is not suitable to HER, because Carl didn’t tell HER first. Who DOES that?? And then there’s the whole ‘moving too fast’ thing when they have been dating for one entire year.

Ladies, dudes are under NO OBLIGATION to let anyone in particular know they are proposing, especially if they want it to be a surprise. Like, hello, the less people you let know, the better. Duh. I don’t even agree with the asking the father thing, since that little ritual was done hundreds of years ago when women were literal property, so the dudes HAD to ask the dad if they could have her. It’s true. Punch it up.

Switching gears, thank God, Craig confides in Ciara about his frustration with Paige, and how immature she is, and doesn’t want to get engaged, nor consider leaving her New York bubble, and her mommy. Craig and Ciara seem to be clicking all over the place. Maybe he should ditch Paige for her.

Craig seems really into her long-term, and she seems to be just passing the time.

In her defense, Craig is sort of an acquired taste, and he can be a lot to handle. Not sure if Paige is up for the job.


Kyle calls Carl to get the skinny on their absence.

So they’re pissed off and not attending the boating event, and they want to remove themselves from the “toxicity and negativity.” They seem to be blaming the whole house, when it’s actually Danielle and her little lap dog Robert.

I don’t really think Lindsay and Carl care about ‘making up’ with Danielle and Robert.

The word is spreading through the house like wildfire. Everyone who is anybody is talking about it!

I think Danielle is beginning to feel like maybe this is her fault, and feeling kind of foolish about her behavior. Which she definitely should.


So they’re off on this boating excursion, where there are two different boats, so they split up into two groups/ Paige reminds me of a 60’s girl for some reason. Kyle is in his element hanging with the girls and making girly froofy drinks.

This yacht is so groovy…

Carl and Lindsay arrive back at the house to get their shit out of their room, to make it even more clear that they’re pissed, just in case anyone is confused. A producer wants to get some ‘footage’ and Carl is like “no – stop. Fuck that.”

Of course Lindsay is all about getting some footage and reprimands him. I mean did you SEE her outfit? She expected to be on camera. I feel like this IS the best move for them. Granted they may just be doing this for a little extra theatrics, but if they really are sincere about wanting to separate themselves due to stupid ass jelly Danielle, then I think they should.

They get back from boating, and discover that the newly engaged couple have ‘dipped out.’ Paige thinks it’s so mean to blame it all on Danielle, but not sure who else to blame it on? And since when does Paige care about being mean? Just when it has to do with disagreeing with Lindsay I guess.

I mean, technically it’s Robert’s fault, since his little boo-hoo event with Carl is what put him over the edge, and got this drama going.

Danielle starts to get all in her stupid jealous feelings when the guys take these cheap cowboy hats from Lindsay and Carl’s room. She acts like it’s all disrespectful, (hats they left behind and clearly don’t care about) which is clearly because she’s overcompensating. She knows she’s to blame for this.

Like their abandoned room, is all fucking sacred or something? Give me a fucking break. Danielle is such a twat.

Mya tells her she’s acting all ‘hot’ which isn’t really the word for how Danielle is acting. ‘Hot’ is a little bit of an understatement in how Danielle is acting.

She’s nervously cleaning, and freaking out about dollar store novelty hats that they left behind in the room that they have no intention of coming back to. Yeah, she doesn’t feel guilty, and she’s not acting like a fucking moron at all.

Danielle whines to Kyle about being ‘left out’ of someone else’s freaking engagement ritual. She keeps saying she “knows it’s not about her” as she continues to make it about her. If I were Danielle, I would feel like such an idiot, and would also leave. Or maybe I just want her to leave.


Craig is drunk and calls his mom, and is late in the day saying Happy Birthday to her. He says he thought it was the next day.

He is now like, crying, and comes into the girls’ messy disgusting room, where they’re typically lying in their beds. They’re all asking what’s wrong with him, except for Paige. She calls him a pussy. He is acting like a pussy.

He cries to Kyle that he feels really alone. No, that’s not being a pussy at all.

She calls him a baby to everyone the next morning, when he wants to shower with her. Yeah I don’t see this lasting much longer. Paige is not down with his whiny shit.

Well Carl and Lindsay return, and we’ll see what that brings… more Lindsay and Danielle drama of course.

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