Summer House 4/3/23

This week picks up with the girls still out on their dinner thing where Danielle and Lindsay were bickering about how poor Danielle is feeling left out in the cold since Lindsay is in a relationship with Carl.

Yeah I call bullshit on Danielle’s excuse of being ‘hard on her’ because she’s her best friend, “and that’s what she’s supposed to do.” As if she’s looking out for her or something. She IS looking out for herself.

She’s not being hard on her for her own good, but for Danielle’s good, who thinks she should be ignoring Carl to spend time with her instead. That’s not being a good friend. That’s called being a selfish jealous friend.

And I have to also agree with Lindsay that while Danielle has a boyfriend, sort of, that she “operates as a single person” since Robert is always working. So that makes Danielle free to do whatever she wants, when she wants without having to worry about plans or spending time with him.

It was kind of shitty that night when Danielle put her on a huge guilt trip about going to Montauk when Carl didn’t want to go, and told her she can “do whatever she wants.” It almost seemed as if she was looking for them to get into an argument. That’s not a friend. So you’re telling me if Robert came there to spend the weekend with her, and would rather have stayed home than gone out, she would have said fuck that, and went out anyway? That whole conversation seemed so high school to me, as to what transpires when your best friend has a boyfriend, and you don’t. Only Danielle is 34, so it’s kind of sad and pathetic. I don’t think enough women got their high school antics out of their system in high school, so they carry them on into adulthood, when it’s embarrassing to behave that way.

I thought it was so sad that Robert came to the house for only one night, in which she made him cook for everyone immediately upon arrival, and he had to leave at 7am the following morning. (which he didn’t make) Then he was more into partying with the crew after dinner, than going to bed with her.

Most of you may have heard by now that they broke up earlier this year. After I saw his disinterest in hanging out with her, it was pretty understandable.

The guys are apparently bored back at the house, and are continuing this initiation thing with Chris.

Where is Luke? Not really sure if he left on his own or wasn’t asked back. They make him take something from the all of the girls rooms that they will miss. He decides to take a thong from Ciara, and Kyle’s hair dryer.

We gotta entertain ourselves somehow…

I can’t stand Gabby’s voice. Talking to Ciara, “I don’t knowwwww where I stannnnnnnnnd, you tend to be very guardedddddddd, and stick to your frienshiiiiiipppppppps.”

Maybe she just doesn’t like ya?? Why force it? And after high school you’re too old to talk like that. Just stop it.

So this is weird, but at the same time, not. Paige corners Danielle and shit talks Lindsay, and stirs up animosity towards her to make her more pissed off. When actually for once, Lindsay didn’t really even do anything wrong. She is trying to support and stick by Carl and focus on him. And this is not an easy feat for Lindsay. I’m not sure how much longer she’s going to be able to keep it up, but for now, she is trying. It probably is really hard for him being surrounded by a bunch of functioning alcoholics all day every weekend. Yeah she’s Lindsay, and she’s a bone head, but in this INSTANCE with Danielle, she was right. Danielle is acting weirdly possessive and immature.

The girls start looking for their stolen items. Omg riveting.

Paige is over the moon that she’s aiding with this Lindsay take down, by manipulating Danielle (which seems very easy to do) into believing Lindsay is being a total asshole to her, when I’m not really seeing that. I don’t like Lindsay, so I would be happy to report if she was being a total dick.

Sam sounds completely logical and like an actual grown-up, despite being like ten years younger than Danielle, when she says in her yap, who the hell are we to judge what Lindsay should or shouldn’t be doing when she’s helping her newly sober partner try to move on without alcohol??

If I did have a word of judgment, it would be I think that she should not drink around him, at all. A few glasses of wine when she’s not with him, with friends or family, fine. But that’s it. She definitely shouldn’t be getting intoxicated around him.

And, if Lindsay drinking and partying a lot less than she used to, is irking Danielle THAT much, because she thinks that they both have to be shitfaced to maintain their friendship, and have fun, that that’s kind of alarming also. Why be friends then? Go Sam. Very mature insight.

Danielle, take some notes.

I can see how they would need to be shit faced to be friends with each other…


Amanda plans a yee-haw western themed 40th birthday party for Kyle. Craig’s friend Kory will be in attendance, and Ciara is talking like she’s totally into him. I do recall on Winter House, which I was not religiously watching, that she was eyeing him before he went for that Jess chick. The chick that accused Luke of creeping after her. Maybe that’s why we’re not seeing Luke. Maybe he had enough. So glad he’s not with Potomac’s Ashley Darby anymore. Blah. She’s a user and gold digger and kinda skanky.


It’s Kyle’s birthday weekend, and we all know how much he likes his birthday.

Love Sam’s outfit !! She’s getting best-dressed for the night out. It’s like a sexy Dorothy.

You’re not in Kansas anymore !

There is awkwardness when Danielle and Lindsay interact. They small talk about the new Loverboy flavors. The new pink Loverboy carton that Amanda designed looks like the old Barbie packaging. Not that I’m against Barbie, I love her, just not sure if that’s exactly the vibe that Kyle was going for. Maybe Amanda shouldn’t have designed it. Even the lettering font looks like ‘Barbie.’

Hey I brought my Barbie Dream House and Camper !

There’s a beer store in my neighborhood that sells it. I really do have to try it. I asked about it last year on my Facebook page and got mixed reviews.

So this whole scene with Ciara lecturing Kyle about not working too hard, and making more time for himself, and whatever the hell she was saying, was just ludicrous coming out of this girl. What the hell was up with that? Was that production’s idea to make her seem serious?

A 26 year old girl who lies around in bed all day, and gave up her nursing career during a so-called pandemic, because clearly it was too much work, need NOT be lecturing a 40 year old entrepreneur who is feverishly working on making his business a success, and more profitable. What the actual fuck?

Girl, sit all the way down. And they need to get the ‘nurse’ thing off of her caption too. Should actually say ‘Model/Reality Star.’ You’re technically not a nurse if you are not working as a nurse, in my opinion.

Kyle, take it from an expert, lying in bed all day with NO goals or motivation is TOTALLY the way to go!

Kory arrives and Sam is frothing at the mouth. He doesn’t seem to really notice her. Ciara starts immediately flirting with him when he comes to say hi.

Chicks DIG me!!

Lindsay and Sam have a chat about Danielle. I am on totally Lindsay’s side on this one.


They go to dinner. Kyle and Amanda actually sit together now. Not sure what happened with them, but their dynamic has changed for the better. Perhaps Kyle has thought it better to shape up since there’s no prenup.

Kyle orders a cosmo. Yes he does. Why doesn’t he just say “I’m a pussy.”

Carl compliments Lindsay on her hair at the table and Danielle scoffs at that for some reason. Danielle seems really jealous of their relationship, hence the reasons she’s trying to sabotage it. Guess Robert never tells her he thinks she looks pretty.

Sam sits by Kory and starts flirting with him. Ciara, across from him, tries to get in there, but she’s too late, and too far away. Sam’s a little more aggressive and better at it. Ciara starts to a make bunch of annoyed and contorted faces. I guess she’s deciding she’s in love with him now. I foresee a similar scenario to the Austen drama last year. She decides she’s super into a dude that’s not into her, and she gets all pissed off and freaks out.

Red wine is totally what her little Dorothy outfit needs!

Ciara grills him about seeing Jess from Winter House, and visiting her in LA. He seems not that into Jess, as far as long term, but we already knew that if you watched Winter House. He clearly has a type. Ciara tried snagging him on Winter House, but he went for Jess instead.


Party day prep begins. I think Paige is going to actually get out of bed and help. Probably not Ciara though. Let’s not get too excited.

Kyle and Carl have a strange talk about his and Lindsay’s relationship. I call it strange because I think he is laying it on a little too thick, of how he thinks they’re such a great couple and how cute it is that their friendship blossomed into romance.

Kyle pretends he’s all supportive of it and doesn’t hate Lindsay, when we know that he does.

Carl confides that he’s thinking of proposing to her the following month.

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