Summer House 4/25/22

Kyle is still storming out of the restaurant from last week, when Amanda just totally unloads on him and tells him that no one, including her, can even stand him. No one will tell her that’s not cool though. She then totally ridicules him at the table,after he leaves, like you know a great supportive partner does. Everyone looks at here awkwardly Danielle chases him, and he unloads on her.

He tells her that he feels no one is “checking in” on him. What’s this ‘checking in’ thing on here?

Is this a new thing like “triggering?” That was Mya’s spiel too, when she had a tantrum because she’s the only black person in The Hamptons, and Andrea accidentally called her his ex’s name, then a fucking meltdown ensued (I like Mya but that was just all ridiculous, she needs to jump off the “I’m oppressed” train.) I do think that Kyle has real problems, and I do think maybe that’s why he drinks so much and is always agitated. Not making excuses. Again he tries to tell people that he is doing “everything” meaning Amanda does nothing, which does appear to be true. Unless it’s “editing.”

Can Bravo stop referring to Ciara as “nurse” in her caption? When she hasn’t worked as a nurse for like two years? Is she even doing modeling? They need to change it to “reality star.” I’m not sure about her future in reality TV though, she’s gorgeous, but just not that entertaining or interesting.

Paige talks to Amanda at the table, who is crying uncontrollably. Amanda is going on about Kyle embarrassing her. Amanda says “she’s better than this.” Well not really. This is now an every day (every week for the viewers) thing, so clearly you’re NOT better than this.

This is really out of the ordinary for us to hate each other !

Kyle continues to have his own meltdown with Danielle. Carl is also tending to him now. Kyle goes on to defend his behavior, explaining all of the weight on his shoulders alone, and Amanda is an immature irresponsible child. He doesn’t say that last part, I think they should see it, and someone should be telling her that. I think Danielle did kind of try that day after Kyle confided in her about Amanda doesn’t want to do anything, but not sure if sunk in. It didn’t sink in. I guess they just start wandering around as Kyle is crying and sobbing, and they have NO IDEA they’re are literally right outside someone’s front door. Looks sort of obvi it’s a house, but okay. Kyle even gets on the little decorative carousel horse in the yard. Carl is giving a lot of good advice, and we can all appreciate the effort, however Kyle is wasted and not taking anything in, nor even listening to him. The owners arrive home, and that’s when the realize someone might live there. Grown 40 year old dude riding your lawn ornament, crying in your front yard. Not weird at all. I’m sure it happens every day in The Hamptons.

Don’t judge me ! I’m a normal 40 year old dude crying on a merry-go-round pony in someone’s yard.

Andrea wants a little attention and fawning over from the ladies, (no fair! why does Kyle always get all of the attention !) and continues to be distraught, or pretend that he’s distraught over this ‘Lexi’ chick. If they didn’t keep showing the same selfie every time he starts crying, over her, I would wonder if she truly even exists. Watching Kyle and Amanda, everyone that is single, should be pretty glad they’re single.

But is he really sad about Paige? I think he kind of fucked that up. Didn’t she really like him on Winter House? And he was kind of giving her the cold shoulder. Let this be a lesson to dudes everywhere. Don’t play silly games! Don’t play hard to get! So juvenile! Paige wasn’t having it, as she shouldn’t. Women shouldn’t be chasing after fucking guys!

Amanda never goes to check on him. And I don’t think Kyle expected her to, nor wants her to.

Guys, this is a problem. These two are getting difficult to watch. This is such a typical unhealthy and toxic relationship, where it’s apparent neither one is present, and even gives a flying fuck about the other. I doubt if they’re even having sex. Typically you don’t want to have sex with someone you can’t stand. Well, women do not anyway.

They all get their dinners packed up, and leave the restaurant, with many onlookers staring at them like they’re crazy.

After this huge blow-out at the restaurant, Amanda crawls into bed with Paige of course, still not interacting nor “checking in” with Kyle. She does her and Kyle’s weird, yet typical, ‘sell’ of their relationship, to Paige who is vaping away and falling asleep listening to this. (no wonder she’s always tired if she started this vaping thing) This is actually a very telling and funny, but not really funny scene. She’s telling Paige how much she “cares about Kyle” yet not once has tried to speak with him yet tonight. Paige is literally so bored with this same old, same old shit, she is passing out as Amanda is yammering on, and giving her some charity “yeah’s” to make it seem like she’s listening. These two do nothing to try to fix their problems, and have the same fucking arguments over and over. Still floored this wedding actually took place, and without a pre-nup.

Yeah yeah yeah, sure you love him, got it, whatever …
So my same old Kyle problems put you to sleep ? My work here is done.

Kyle is boring Luke and Alex by the fire with the argument recap and defending his behavior. But it seems like they were already pretty bored discussing the inner workings of building a fire, so maybe they’re fine listening to this again. Or maybe they want to stab themselves in the eye with a burning stick. I kind of think I do, actually.

So Amanda and Kyle try to talk this out. This is going to go great. And I was right ! it IS going great. NOT!

You do everything wrong Ky—- le !! So what I want to sit and do nothing. Don’t you know who I am?

They’re so hard to take seriously as a couple. Amanda cannot drop the holier-than-thou attitude. Which she has because she thinks she is the perfect partner. How about asking him why he seems so stressed? Why doesn’t Kyle address with her that speech about how no one can stand him in front of the group? They try to break down exactly when he got mad, and why. Stupid. This would be a good time to let her know that he feels, (like he’s been telling everyone else) tha like he does all of the work in the relationship, with the household, Loverboy, and wedding, and he’s stressed out. But instead of doing that, he storms out of their room, telling her to “fuck off.” Amanda just continues to stare at her phone. Cool. If this wasn’t so sad, it might be funny.

Kyle looks like he’s wearing Paige’s clothes right now. It’s a pastel tie-dyed sweat suit matching set. His whimsical dress shirts are cute, but some of his stuff he wears is just plain girly.

I’m not going to bother telling you what frustrates me. I’m just going to keep acting out, then crying and fake apologizing.

Mya is making French Toast. Now I’m hungry for French Toast!

They’re headed to the beach. Why is Paige showering before the beach ? I have NEVER showered before going to the beach. You shower AFTER the beach. Okay, not important. Kyle continues to bitch at whomever happens to be around about his fucked up relationship. Now it’s Andrea.

Paige says Craig is stuck at the Candian border and “all he has is is AMEX!!!!!!” Ummm okay, poor guy ? Am I missing why the AMEX thing needed pointed out ? They don’t take AMEX in Canada? Rich people problems, Rayna eye roll.

Kyle and Amanda continue to ignore each other while getting ready to go to the beach.

Oliver calls Mya about the prom invite and accepts the cookies, and invitation. There is brief discussion of what he is to wear, she tells him she is wearing a gown, and tells him “to wear whatever he has.” They’re super cute. And they were on WWHL a few weeks ago, and they’re still together! At least when that aired anyway.

Kyle tries to kiss Amanda’s ass at the beach. As if he’s the only one that fucked up. She dismisses him. She doesn’t try to talk to him. That would be stupid.

Lindsay tells the gang that she and Ahmed are officially are over , since you know, she’s bat shit crazy and all. She sometimes reminds me of Katherine on Southern Charm, with her hot temper, selfishness and very high expectations. (Hey is Southern Charm coming back? Or has that one bit the Bravo dust too?)

So — turns out —- Ahmad isn’t really into me, since I screamed at him like four times since we met last week. Whatever. His loss.

Kyle and Carl talk again. I think If I were Carl, and really the peace keeping and level headed one in the crowd right now (I know!) I would pull Amanda aside and tell her some of the things that he is unloading on him. Because he’s really not telling her this. I feel like, as a guy he doesn’t really see that as a big part of their issues. Carl’s delivery to Amanda probably wouldn’t be judgmental or taking sides. He would most likely deliver it calmly and just be like “hey this is some of the stuff that Kyle is telling me, to give you a better understanding of what is actually going on in his head…” Bitch get up off your ass!!

Kidding about the last part. Kidding that Carl wouldn’t say that, not kidding that this is what she needs to hear. Tough love for this millennial spoiled everyone- gets- a -trophy brat. But everyone tip toes around her.

If Kyle and Amanda didn’t fucking despise each other, they would be so cute together right now, for a pic, with her bathing super cute flowery bathing suit and his flowery trunks and shirt! I like Kyle’s cute button downs. I realize they’re not for everyone, but I think they’re cute. So they did have two seconds together, when Kyle approached her to ‘apologize.’ That’s sweet, but I think she also owes him an apology, for the way she ripped him apart at the dinner table. When he first approached her, she was making the worst grimacing faces. She does end up accepting his apology. This is a classic apology in a toxic relationship. Where nothing got resolved, and the same patterns and apologies get repeated over and over.

Alex and Andrea have a chat at the beach, and Alex says that Andrea is his BFF in the house, so cute. They talk about this freaking Lexi chick again. I heard they’re now back together ?

I don’t think Amanda has moved her ass out of her chair once since they arrived. Whatever. We know she’s lazy. And I guess that apology was the only interaction of the whole day with her fiance. ‘So much to do’ Amanda says again. Why can’t they deal with the flowers Now? Flower shops are probably open on the weekends, and they could at least get some calls and emails sent. But it’s really productive to keep bitching about it, and saying that “we need to do this…” These two are just something else. Out of sight out of mind she says in her yap. Yes we know Amanda!

It’s prom day! Yay!!

Lindsay suggests they start setting up. Paige of course disappears to her room because “her coffee kicked in” and she heard mention of actually having to DO something, so her laziness also kicked in. She calls her mom and has zero intention of helping. Or even pretending to.

Well I guess in her defense, none of the girls are really helping, besides Lindsay. Mya and Ciara realize the guys are decorating and apologize and offer to start helping. Well Mya does. You would never hear that from Paige nor Ciara. Some of these girls are so fucking lazy. It’s so not cute. Whatever. Beating a dead horse. Guess they didn’t hear Lindsay announce it in the kitchen. Ciara is actually helping though.

Lindsay is writing Carl, a prom date/ love note thing? The finger banging incident from two years ago, comes up. “They finger banged and didn’t even make out,” Danielle certifies. Thank you for that clarification, Danielle. She says that she went to prom with her gay dude friend? That’s so sad.

Luke picks up his date. You know, his Nicole chick that we know nothing about, since when he was telling the group about her, no one was listening. Then World War III brakes out when Kyle tells everyone to STFU.

Kyle looks pretty slick, for someone who was having a meltdown the previous evening about the crowd discussing their outfit plans. Looks like he put some thought into this ensemble, does it not? Probably unpopular opinion, but I mostly dig his fashion sense. At least he has one, which most dudes do not. And sometimes he does get a little carried away.

This old thing??? I just threw this together last minute!

Paige, a self-proclaimed ‘Prom Professional,’ is dressed like a dude. I’m assuming she did this to make sure Andrea knew this is just ‘friendly’ since she’s ‘exclusive’ with Craigy now. I feel like I really am taking about high school kids going to their ACTUAL prom.

Anyway, she could have put on a cute dress, since Andrea never went to a prom. I looked that up and it is an American thing. (from over 100 years ago!) Some other countries have since adopted it, and have a similar spring dance. Just a little piece of prom trivia.

I would love to hear about your proms! What were your dresses like? Drop me a line in the comments section below! Has anyone gone to twelve, like Paige ?

Lindsay is really, really into this – who’s surprised? She yells her arrival form upstairs and demands that Carl watch her descend the stair case. She is wearing her original prom dress – I mean who DOESN’T love that? And to fit into your prom dress at 35 – sorry a lot of women couldn’t. It’s really cute, supposed to be replica of Halle Berry’s Oscar dress. Love that. Seems a little “mature” for a prom dress though. It sort of suits her more now. I agree it needed another moment! It needs more moments! This event does look like the start of their new romance. Just hope Carl can deal with her extreme high-maintenance-ness, in his fragile state.

You don’t have to say I look gorgeous! But do I??

LOVE LOVE MYA’s dress too ! Love the touley feathery bottom. They’re having a photo op on the stair case. They should be waiting for her date!

And Craig comes to the door to surprise Paige. I knew when they showed the quick preview, of someone at the door from the back, that it was going to be Craig. Andrea looks so disappointed and sad. The camera goes to him and you can tell he’s thinking “what the fuck?” But he’s such a sweetie and stand-up guy, that he pretends to be happy for her. Feel so bad for him.

Andrea out – Craig in!!
Great ! Awesome ! Woo hoo ! Thanks for nothing dude!

I was thinking he should hook up with Ciara, as his date, but Alex already gets in there and asks her. There is a lot of awkwardness with the boutonniere and flowers bouquet. He doesn’t know which is which. Alex is saying boutonn-ya, and Ciara keeps saying ‘boutonnier.’ I guess he was planning on doing this if he has these?

Which is the bouquet and which is the boutonn-ya???

And now that makes Andrea the ONLY one without a date ? Literally the sweetest and hottest guy in the house.

As usual the randy’s are here, where we have no idea where they came from, and no one knows who they are. Hope Andrea doesn’t get kicked in the face again by one. I would say some of them look like they were picked up at the local trailer park, except don’t believe there are any of those in The Hamptons. What is the point of them? Then there’s this group where the chicks literally look thirteen! Maybe it’s a mother and her daughters. This really isn’t the place for teenage girls, I wouldn’t think, but whatever. They like to beef up these events now.

Thought this was a Poison concert ? Where’s Brett?

Paige changes into a gown of Ciara’s – Not sure how that would fit her length-wise, since Ciara is like 9 inches taller, but it seems to fit and looks really good on her. Maybe it’s a mini dress on Ciara? This is also a slap in the face, sort of to Andrea. Couldn’t she at least have humored him since he has never prommed before? She can be an ass.

Lindsay is now in love with Carl it seems, and can’t live without him. Oh here we go.

In three weeks I’ve moved on from Austen and Ahmed , and couple other random dudes, and I think I love YOU now Carl !!

Paige says to Craig, “I love when you love my outfit.” I used to love that. That is really sweet when your guy can acknowledge your efforts. It’s not really an “outfit” though, it’s a gown. He’s a guy so we’ll let that go. It’s the thought that counts.

Oliver arrives – And does not even dress up at all ! Guess he took Mya literally when she said “wear what you have. ”Think she meant like, don’t go rent a tux. But whatever, he came.

I missed the “prom” part, but got my swim trunks !

Just real quick, can you all even imagine if Lindsay was still with that new dude, and he came dressed like that? She would freak the fuck out, and probably tell him to leave. Remember when she flipped on that dude last year she was seeing ? Because she was unhappy with her birthday presentation ? When he ordered a romantic dinner in (since filming was in summer of 2020 when – you know riots were allowed but dining out was not…) and got her a thoughtful gift, and was NOT good enough for her?

I remember being so astounded at that. I would have thought that was so sweet. I would have loved that to be done for me, on my first birthday in a newish relationship. I got taken to some kid’s birthday party, and then to a sports bar. For real. Then the ding dong wondered why I looked annoyed.

ANYWAY !! I got way off track there, Mya gets really defensive and yells. “I told him he can wear what he wants to wear !!” But I thought she said to him when he first arrived – “what are you wearing?” Maybe someone else said that. There was a lot of background chatter. He’s literally holding his swim trunks in his hand. Dudes crack me the fuck up. If a guy tells a girl, bring your swim suit, she’d have all damned bag packed. And dudes, just carry it in their hand. Well at least he followed that part of her instructions. Missed the part where she said she’s wearing a gown.

Speaking on attire, which I usually do, what in the literal fuck is Amanda wearing? She has more misses than hits when it comes to wardrobe.

Amanda’s mom calls her FaceTime as she’s doing shots. She points out and makes fun of Kyle’s outfit to her mom, but I guess she didn’t look in the mirror to see what the hell she’s wearing.

20 ‘days out’ ” Kyle tells her mom. “Twenty ?” She says to Kyle, looking shocked. This girl. Also not good at counting, or good at anything. her mom begs her to “be engaged” with them – in organizing this fucking shit show. Amanda “doesn’t want to think about it.” She says she’s going to have a mental breakdown because she’s exhausted from doing absolutely nothing. She doesn’t tell her mom about the flower mess. I was just reading something someone posted somewhere about NOT wasting a ton of money on flowers for your wedding. It is really stupid when you think about it, and I even love flowers. Do they really need to be everywhere and thousands of dollars spent on them ? I’m thinking no, and it’s something people think they HAVE to do, so the florists are way over charging people, because they can.

Mom, why do you keep talking to me about this wedding? Who’s getting married again ?

Well now Kyle tries to talk to this woman-child Amanda about a prenup when they’re both drunk. Amanda is right when she tries to put this off for another time. She’s guzzling fireball from a mini bottle.

She announces “your investors want to make sure I won’t have majority stake in the business and if we separate without a prenup.” (seems like she understands a prenup pretty well, and why he wants it, so why does she sometimes play dumb?) The crew are in the kitchen and can hear them, and try to listen in.

This seems like the perfect time to discuss this prenup,

Kyle says” you’ll never own the majority” (Is that not fair ? it is his business, that he started, based on his idea, prior to them being married) What is wrong with him saying that ? Why would she think otherwise? And can I point out one thing she seems to be forgetting? Loverboy to me, based on just what Kyle is announcing constantly, seems to be in the red, and not even turning a profit yet? Which is understandable with a new business. Does she really think they’re going to be together for ten or twenty years ? yeah ok, that’s hilarious Amanda. Go play with your Barbies and have a Gogurt.

She points out she quit her job to work for Loverboy (which she’s not really doing) I hate to side with the dude, but I’m really struggling to see her argument.

She wants to know “what do I get out of it?” This girl… thought she didn’t want to talk about the event of the marriage going sour, but she doesn’t hesitate to say things like that. She thinks he is setting her up to get nothing. I think he does want her to get as little as possible. True, she quit her job to join Loverboy, but she hasn’t really been all that productive from what I’m seeing and hearing Kyle say, and she usually doesn’t defend herself.

Kyle asks “do you really want to fight about this now?” Well dude YOU started it. Are you not seeing this spoiled little brat is ready to take you to the cleaners when you split up. My favorite is when she says, “we’re so in love and we’re so happy …” Actually no, they’re not in love at all, and both miserable, but nice try. That would sound good, if it was true.

She says she’s “not signing anything” (which she keeps repeating, like “crossing off the list…”) well there is NOTHING TO sign because he’s yet to actually pursue this, and just keeps talking about. He needs to get the fucking document drawn up and present it to her. The buzz has been that he never does, because she’s such a spoiled whiney little brat, and of course gets her way, and finally give in to her.

He’s annoyed he has to explain thing to her. Again, he storms out swearing and hitting shit.

Next week’s show is the wedding and it literally appears they’re at odds and not speaking, at their own fucking wedding. I changed my mind about two years, I’m actually giving it ONE, which means they’ll be split up by the end of the year.

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