Summer House 4/17/23

Kyle’s birthday continues, and Kory finally kisses Sam! He admits in his yap that he was purposely not kissing her because he knew she wanted him to. For some reason she thought it was hot, so good for her. If that’s any indication of how he’s going to be in a relationship, it’s a little red flaggy to me (since they are still together). It comes off that he’s kind of a player.

Since there’s no prenup, I guess I need to shape up.

I still can’t believe how well Kyle and Amanda are getting along. Is this a joke? I guess I have to take back my last year’s prediction of giving them two years tops.

I’m glad, but is it a joke? How do you go from yelling and insulting each other non-stop to getting along perfectly. I realize we’re not seeing every minute of their time together, but I think if they were not getting along, we would be seeing that. He even said to Danielle last summer (I don’t know why people confide in her – she always runs around telling everyone) that he didn’t even think that they had anything in common anymore. Oh my God, and remember his birthday last year? They met the crew at a restaurant in the city, and Kyle was being all pissy about everyone ‘interfering’ in their relationship. Then Amanda got all ticked. It was a freaking shit show. Which is a testament to how they were so not hitting it off.

Lindsay announces that she and Carl will be hosting a housewarming party for their new apartment, which is also Lindsay’s birthday. I thought that was strange when Carl divulges that as sort of a ‘by the way’ thing, when Lindsay LOVES LOVES LOVES — LOVES to celebrate her birthday. As it turns out, it’s the same day as when Carl’s brother passed away, or when he learned of it. That has to be hard for Lindsay, Just sayin. She may be okay with this now, but I don’t foresee that lasting. This IS Lindsay we’re talking about.

Okay, a weird scene of Paige, Ciara and Amanda doing home fertility blood tests. I feel like Amanda needs to figure out why she weighs 82 pounds and is not getting a period, over whether or not she’s fertile. Whatever.


Lindsay tries to convince us that she’s unbothered by not celebrating her birthday in the way she has become accustomed.

To me, Carl doesn’t seem like himself at all. Some of his expressions seems kind of off to me. Like the lights are on, but no one’s home. In this scene he kind of appears as if he’s looking at her fondly, but it also seems like he’s a little out there. I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. He seems a little too thin too.

Lindsay you’re so perfect, even though you’re a domineering high maintenance rude bitch.

Everyone starts to arrive to the Housewarming at their new bougie apartment. Guess those Bravo checks are pretty lucrative, or Carl is being paid well by Kyle? I assume Lindsay is still doing the publicist thing. She doesn’t really talk about it at all.

Danielle and Lindsay chat on the terrace thing, and Lindsay tries hard to pretend she’s interested in Danielle’s life and relationship with Robert. She looks bored as Danielle describes some of her challenges in dating Robert. At this point, you can kind of tell that she and Robert are just going through the motions.

Wait, who’s Robert again?

It soon turns into an argument because Lindsay is still miffed that Danielle “doesn’t support her relationship” with Carl, and is hearing some of the snarky comments she has been making.

Danielle makes some analogy about her brother that makes no sense. Girl, just say you’re jealous. Is she still into him?

Honestly, if they started dating almost a year ago, and they were friends previously, in what world is that considered ‘insanely fast?’ This is getting out of hand. She needs to just shut it. Especially if she moved in with Robert two months into dating. It seems pretty obsessive. And like jealousy.

“Wedding and engagement has been thrown out there and you haven’t hit the year mark yet.” Is that a law ? You have to have been dating one entire year to get engaged. I guess you can call it a rule of thumb, but they are close to a year. Danielle is coming off kind of idiotic.

I could see this concern if Carl was an asshole, but he’s not. Danielle just really wants to drill her opinion down her throat. Fine that’s her opinion. She’s expressed it multiple times. We get it. Next ?? Maybe worry about your own relationship that seems to be in the can?? Lindsay is right, she does not need her blessing and approval. Especially when it seems more self-serving and not sincere.

There’s more gibberish exchanged, and Danielle does a bad job of proving her case. They agree to take a breather.

Danielle shares with the other girls that she and Lindsay are now on the outs again after a seemingly successful convo in the Hamptons. Paige immediately jumps on Danielle’s side, even though Danielle sounds like a dipshit. That’s Paige, she hates Lindsay so of course she sides with Danielle. None of theses bitches can be diplomatic.


Carl shows Kyle a pic of the ring he got for Lindsay. What the hell is with the gigantic poster of Lindsay on the wall? That’s not narcissistic at all. Do people that do this realize that’s not normal?

Carl must NEVER forget that I’m the fairest one of all!!

Random fashion moment: Why does Amanda insist on dressing like she’s twelve non-stop? Paige is dressed in beige, when she ridiculed the Southern Charm ladies for dressing in beige when she was visiting Craig. Also confusing how she was making fun of how they dressed on last season’s Southern Charm, when she looked like Minnie Mouse at Craig’s Christmas party.


Back to Lindsay and Danielle, Lindsay discusses with Carl that Danielle finally admitted the whole problem, (I think it was by mistake though) and why he will NOT stop harping on their relationship. It seems she divulged that she “feels weird about it.”

And there it is. It seems to me like someone might have a little crush on Carl? Didn’t they date for like a minute several years ago. I feel like she didn’t mean to say that. And to say “I’m allowed to feel weird about it.” It’s weird. It’s weird she feels weird.

Sure you’re allowed to feel whatever way you wanna feel, but if that’s your true opinion about your bestie’s man, then I think it’s time for her to not be your bestie anymore. Carl wants her to be an adult and say what the actual issue is. He thinks jealousy too. I mean, you would have to be an idiot to not see that by this point.

And Kyle is again drinking a cosmo.

Danielle makes another stupid snarky, comment about Carl and Lindsay spending so much time together, to Carl. She lives with her boyfriend too, but they “don’t spend THAT much time together” is her defense.

Whatta fuck is wrong is with this girl? That’s because Danielle’s dude is NEVER EVER around.


I think it’s cute that Sam and Kory arrive to the party together, They do look like Ken and Barbie. They match the new Loverboy cartons that look like the old Barbie boxes.

Carl pulls Danielle aside, and she seems confused about why Lindsay is bugged by her saying “I feel weird about it.” That’s so insulting to have someone telling you the person you love that you’re with is ‘weird.’ And why does she keep saying this ‘hella fast’ thing. Carl rolls his eyes. He points out she moved in with her dude after only two months. She has nothing to say in defense of that.

He tells her when prompted, that he has been shopping for a ring. She proceeds to put a pillow in her face, and screams into it. That is the reaction of a woman scorned, not the reaction of someone concerned about her friend.

I was still hanging onto hopes that WE would hook up!!

OhhhhKAY this is officially fucking OFF. Danielle is still into Carl. And I feel weird about it.


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