We return for another fun and arguing-filled weekend. How many more days til Labor Day?
I had to sign up and pay for this Peacock shit because I don’t know what’s going on with the ‘On Demand’ feature that I usually use to rewatch the episodes on my computer. Getting this stupid error code and I tried everything. My computer guru guy couldn’t even figure it out.
Okay so this ep marks the end of Bailee. I like how they casually say “oh she’s not here this weekend, boyfriend troubles.”
More like blabber mouth troubles. And we can’t even blame Lindsay for acting cunty towards the new girls like she usually does. Being with child she seems to have hung up her mean girl shoes, for nine months anyway.
I’m sure next summer the baby will be with the nanny, and Lindsay will in the house doing the same mean girl schtick that she always does.
I’m also 99.9% sure that this Turner guy will added to her long long list of ex’s. But I’m sure it’s nothing she’s doing wrong. It’s not her.
Must-be-center-of-attention Lindsay has planned this whole entire fucking scavenger hunt to let them know she’s having a girl.
You know usually at normal gender reveals the mom is also learning the sex of the baby. So Lindsay try this: ‘Guys, I’m having a little girl!” I mean really.
She complains she had to ‘hide the pregnancy’ so now she’s “grabbing onto every “opportunity” to milk the most attention possible.
Why did we have to hide the pregnancy Lindsay? Oh because you got knocked up to a random dude to trap him, like four seconds after Carl called off your wedding.
Kind of wish she’d just be honest. We all know what’s going on Lindsay. We know. Just say it. Turner is a sperm donor and child support payor.
I don’t get why we have to reintroduce Danielle. She was not missed. At all.
I like how she’s kissing Lindsay’s ass as usual, but is being rather crude in her yaps, ridiculing her Lindsay-like choices.
Is she trying to rub this in Carl’s face, she asks, rhetorically of course.

If she doesn’t end up with Carl, I will be totally shocked.
For real, wtf is wrong with West??

They seem to be having fun with the scavenger hunt so whatever.
The game she actually should be playing is “when will Turner dump me?”
That would have been way more fun.
My theory with Craig endorsing Kyle’s competitor’s beverage is that it was done for the sole purpose to plant a story line. Of all things, why would Craig be plugging these crappy canned bottom-shelf alcohol stupid drinks?
Kyle is also crying about Hannah’s comments that he got her fired from the show.
Why does she even care? I don’t get why she’s even speaking on this. It was several years a go, and she’s thriving. She married that dude that she just brought to the house to make Luke jealous, and she seems happy. Why does she care about this stupid ass reality show?? (That I’m spending my time watching, and recapping.)
It’s part of the whole ‘let’s piss Kyle off game.’ He is one of the Bravolebs that delivers the reactions.
No one gets why he’s having a temper tantrum on Paige. Like why wouldn’t he address his grievances with Craig and Hannah directly?
When you have issues with someone, I think you should go right to THAT person, and not be a sneaky disgusting coward and go through a friend, girlfriend, or maybe, I don’t know, their DAUGHTER to talk shit.
What kind of piece of shit tries to turn a young woman against her mother, for some sort of sick revenge and extreme obsession and jealousy? I know what kind of person would do that.
An ugly insecure useless unfulfilled entitled phony funking pathetic childish brat with no morals whatsoever.
Oh that’s nice of you Kyle, for giving Paige ‘leeway’ in the behaviors of others.
This dude.
Sick of hearing about ‘his business.’ Like why isn’t Loverboy sold by now to one of the beer moguls? Oh because it sucks, and no one wants to buy it. Sorry.
Lindsay has also organized dinner following her ‘gender reveal’ (when she already knew the gender.)
I don’t mean to sound old-fashioned, but I think it’s super weird and immature to be having a kid to a dude you just started seeing when you’re pushing 40 years old and not even living together. I think she looks pathetic, and I have second hand embarrassment for her. This is shit you do when you’re young and stupid.
Having said that, she definitely has ‘the glow’ going and she looks cute in her little pink dress with her little baby belly popping out. Sorry I don’t have a black heart and no soul. Can’t really stand her but she looks adorable.
And on the other side of the coin, Paige’s dress is horrible, and wrinkly and does not suit her long legs and no torso body shape. Like this is the best pink dress she could come up with?? It looks like a doily and more white than pink.
Thought she was this fashionista??
Also, it’s time for her to bite the bullet, and just get boobs. Just do it.
Boobs would take the focus off of her weird-shaped body.
Moving on, Jesse is such a dufus. He’s getting slammed on TikTok with guys imitating him and his dufus-ness. I feel bad for Lexi.
Oh no Jesse please don’t change your ‘character’ for someone you just met.
Don’t change a thing!
Please, do us all a favor and continue being a chauvinistic, stuck in the 1950’s disrespectful fucking douche.
Say what you want about Carl, but he is a fucking saint for sucking this shit up like he is with a smile on his face.
We keep zooming in on Paige rolling her eyes every time Kyle opens his mouth.
Nosy AF Danielle drills Jesse at dinner if they’re exclusive now since he’s ‘partied with the parents.’
Lexi seems very interested in how Jesse is answering that question.

He says they need to discuss it.
Here we go, the Paige Show.
Kyle defends his behavior as he usually does.
Is it not a stretch calling Hannah her ‘business partner?’ I mean they have a stupid podcast like every single other Bravoleb. Original.
What I don’t get is how Craig endorsing whatever the hell horrible beverage he’s endorsing, how it’s affecting Loverboy?
Like dude if you’re threatened, and losing sales by Craig Conover from Southern Charm doing commercials for a random competitor, then you have bigger problems than this. Maybe you’re shit’s just not that good?? Maybe it’s time for Plan B, the DJ career??
Amanda defends Kyle. Which I guess is nice, but Kyle is wrong for attacking Paige.
He calls Craig a liar, which is the Craig narrative lately.
Paige gets up from the table to get some good camera time, because she has no idea how ugly this doily dress is, or how wrinkled it is.
Kyle calls her two-faced which sets her off because she doesn’t believe she is, since she has maintained friendships with everyone. I don’t know if that proves she’s not two-faced, but I don’t really want to side with Kyle either.
He’s kind of an asshole.
I think it’s great how Ciara is defending her friend after she stormed off, but it kind of gives a little too invested. This is not your monkey, nor your circus Ciara. Let them haggle it out.
The poor chef inside all alone, just dying for one fucking person to tell him they liked the food.
Wouldn’t it be proper manners to thank the dude before he had to ask. Yes it would be.
Paige goes up to her bed, where she spends 90% of the summer, to sulk and wait for Ciara to coddle her and tell her how right and great she is.
Instead it’s pregnant Lindsay who is pretending to have some sort of common sense now. Or maybe the baby in her uterus IS making her not an asshole.
The poor chef has dessert ready but everyone’s chasing each other around the house whining about the drama.
Lindsay’s compassionate moment with Paige didn’t last long. The others have joined her, and she’s bored, and more worried about dessert. I guess I can’t blame her. She’s pregnant, and she doesn’t really care that much about Paige’s tantrum anyway.

Did Kyle call her fake? I don’t think he did.
Paige gets a little Scheana in her yap, with complaining how no one has thought about how Amanda and Hannah’s falling out affected HER and MY GOD she can’t talk about Giggly Squad for two months out of the year because she’s around Amanda. Poor Paige. Could she be more out of selfish?

So here’s a question: If she and Amanda are such great friends, why are they only seeing each other or talking during the two months of Summer House filming?
The only ones having Lindsay’s cake moment with her are Imrul and of course, OF COURSE, Danielle is glomming onto her as usual.
Lindsay is going hard at that cake.
West is so proud he made Ciara laugh with his ‘I’m broke’ comment. I think she was more laughing AT him, but okay West. At least he admits in his yap it’s pretty 8th grade.
Kyle tries to talk to Amanda and that doesn’t go well. I do get it with Kyle not appreciating people telling lies about him, because I know how that feels and it BLOWS.
Especially when said LIAR cannot apologize, cannot take accountability nor correct her lies and misrepresentation.
Paige is such a twat. She sends eager-to-please Lexi to check the location of where Kyle and Amanda are to see if it’s safe to talk to her without Kyle around.
Hey I have an idea Paige, get your lazy ass out of bed and go find her yourself.
In the kitchen, not caring about all of this drama are Danielle and Imrul wanting to go clubbing. He asks Danielle if she wants to go out. Was that a real questions?

Amanda and Paige hug. I really wish Paige would change out of that dress. It’s awful and it’s bugging me.
Danielle wants a piece of Imrul, bad, even though she’s trying to sound disapproving of his lifestyle.
So I guess Mrs. Doubtfire has a love interest, and he whispers to Lindsay that he’s leaving to see him or her. He wants to keep it on the down-lo as to not piss off Ciara. So big of him to be so fucking considerate.
Lindsay is still eating cake and acting like everyone’s mediator, which is funny.
Poor Carl is stuck outside listening to Kyle cry like a little bitch, and threatening to leave. He looks like he wants to be anywhere else.

The going out crowd is Danielle of course, Carl and Imrul. Danielle is in her element, going out clubbing with two dudes she wants to bone her.
Danielle’s outfit is almost as horrible as Paige’s dress.
Imrul brings a random chick he picked up back to the house.
Jesse is as busy as ever love-bombing Lexi, pretending he’s in love with her, so that when she reciprocates the ‘in love’ thing he can then tell her to fuck off and he changed his mind.
Fucking Grover-looking dipshit.
Imrul throws the chick out at the crack of dawn, and West creeps back in, feeling so pleased with himself.
Grover can’t even take a break while he’s sleeping, and is love-bombing, pretending to talk in his sleep how much he loves Lexi.

Kyle keeps trying to suck up to Amanda who is a very non-communicative person and ignores him telling her he had anxiety attacks all night.
I think Lindsay should stay pregnant forever. She’s so pleasant and drama-free.
But also keep in mind the boyfriend/baby daddy isn’t around so she has no one to pick fights with.
I’m sure there’s been plenty of drama behind those closed doors for the past year. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him.
Why is Danielle so worried about West’s whereabouts all night?
Kyle is pacing around stewing, desperate to plead his case to Amanda who doesn’t want to deal with his bullshit.
He defends his actions but points out, he’s “not the one putting things out there in the first place.”
He is right to be annoyed about Hannah’s comments, not the Craig beverage plugging, but again why not go right to Hannah and Craig? He’s too pussy to confront them.
Amanda tries to explain that to him but he can’t seem to wrap his stupid head around that.
Kyle really needs to stop having issues with girls. It’s a bad look.
Grover rides to the beach day in a separate vehicle than Lexi and tells everyone that he wants to talk to her about where they are at and he’s worried about her jealousy and that things are going to blow up.
AKA he’s lying to her about how much he likes her. He just wants laid for the summer and knows he’s leading her on.
And the poor guy. He’s not quite sure how to present this dilemma to her.
I can’t.
Why is Kyle so worried about ‘where Paige stands.’ Clearly she’s on Craig’s and Hannah’s side.
He pulls Paige to the side to talk to her.
I just realized Gabby wasn’t here. Now I get why they threw Danielle in.
Lindsay needed a friend.