4th festies are getting underway.
This will be picture-less due to some technical difficulty. I wasn’t able to re-watch it on my computer. It’s giving me an error message, so I had to review it on my phone, which doesn’t allow me to take screenshots, which is annoying.
West and Jesse must really have a special relationship. West barges in when he’s taking a shit to talk about Ciara and he doesn’t really care.
West is so proud that he actually worked up the nerve to face a confrontation, and issued an insincere apology to Ciara, so he wouldn’t feel awkward the rest of the summer.
It seems fitting that he would brag about it to Jesse while he’s taking a shit.
Jesse tells him, “good job!”
Boys vs Girls. The ‘guests’ of the party, AKA the peasants, are to judge who the better party throwers are.
I would certainly hope the girls would win this. It would be embarrassing if they didn’t. For both teams.
Carl does need product in his hair as Ciara directs.
Carl used to be the Summer House stud. Now he comes off as this kind of awkward geeky guy. Not sure if this is because of his sobriety, or coming out of an abusive and narcissistic relationship that shot his confidence in the ass.
Jesse to Lexi: “I don’t like planning trips, but I like going on them.”
In other words, he wants a some chick to be his bitch and do everything for him.
He made a similar comment last season. This dude is not a good dude. He pretends to be, and it’s easy to be fooled, but he’s just not. It’s pretty easy to see he’s love bombing Lexi and cares nothing about her as a person.
He’s also really drunk.
Lexi invites him to her room, and I’m kind of disappointed. I was hoping she’d hold out somewhat and make him work for it.
She’s falling hook line and sinker for his all of his love bombing.
She claims in her yap she’ll fine if it doesn’t work and she gets hurt, she’d rather have tried and had the experience. Or something like that.
Yeah, we’ll check back with her on that in about a month.
The guys did lose the party challenge, thank God, and losers get dunked in the dunk tank.
The girls pour gross boiled hot dogs and the disgusting juice in the dunk tank.
I’m very bothered that the hot dogs were not grilled. Like euuw, boiled hot dogs? And why did they make like 1000 of them?
It seems fitting since it’s the guys getting dunked that they pour a bunch of wieners into it. Heehee.
Back in the city, Lindsay is loving putting her ‘bump’ on display. I really doubt if she puts it away throughout her entire pregnancy.
She meets Paige who goes on and on about the baby being a girl. It seems like she knew. So she and Paige are friends now? Why? It’s annoying because we all know Paige hates her.
Please stop saying “the bump is bumping” Lindsay. Just. Stop. Be an actual adult.
Paige claims in her yap, as soon as Lindsay announced her pregnancy, she was like, “I felt immediately closer to herrrrrrrr. Thaaaaaaaat’s my friennnnnnnnnnd, she’s having a baaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.”
(If this is how she talks on her podcast, I’m not sure how people actually are able to listen to it.)
I don’t know why that would suddenly make someone your friend that you hate with a passion but it’s Bravo. It’s ‘reality.’ Maybe she wants to babysit.
Please don’t take her seriously. Paige frequently talks out her ass. Ask Craig, he knows all about that.
Of course she’s planning an ‘epic’ gender reveal. She’s squeezing out every bit of attention she can out of this. You all know damned full well she didn’t want to have no boy.
Unless you have a heart of stone you do feel a certain type of way as she talks about her mom deserting her as a child, and how she vows to do better.
Okay having a baby does not ‘heal the wounds from your childhood’ Lindsay. You know what might help though?? Is therapy. A lot of therapy.
Jesse Solomon and Lexi have a date in the city. I thought it was funny that she orders a gin and tonic. Is she 50?
I don’t know the fact that you have two famous ‘ex’s’ is a flex, but she seems to think it is.
If you don’t know, Lexi dated Cindy’s Crawford’s son and David Beckham’s son. In other words two bratty entitled nepo kids that will never have to work for anything, ever.
Jesse doesn’t beat around the bush. “Are we going to share a room this weekend??”
Sorry but I think he’s such a wormy scum bag. I don’t know if I felt this way last season. Maybe it was the cancer thing.
It’s just so clear he’s taking advantage of this girl and her good nature and naivety. This is not a girl he is going to be taking home to Mom.
She tells him she has the tendency to get jealous and she’s not a causal dater. She is letting him know. And the fact that he continues to pursue her when he has zero intentions of acknowledging her presence the second the cameras go down, is kind of gross.
I think he’s such a dufas. He looks like Grover on Sesame Street.
Kyle invited the gang to his DJ gig because you know, he’s now a DJ. Last season in the heat of anger when shit faced, and arguing with Amanda about how she’s lazy, he said he’s always wanted to be a DJ (however he’s a responsible adult, unlike Amanda.) And now here he is, a fucking DJ.
You can’t make this shit up. Or IS it made up?? I mean, he really does seem to be a DJ. Is he a good one? Not sure. But how hard is it?
It just seems to be a strange hobby or side hustle, whatever it is, when a big issue in their relationship is his going out, and how she likes to stay in and lie around doing nothing.
He claims to Carl he ‘doesn’t like to be buzzed whatsoever’ to do his Dj-ing.
Yeah sure Kyle.
So the new guy arrives. He’s from Bangladesh, and very ‘free’ and has opted to ditch the Muslim lifestyle. And I mean really ditch it.
Kyle seems to be very ummmm, enamored. No dudes are as into other dudes as the Bravo dudes. It’s a bit abnormal.
So we knew this was coming. I was hearing about it over the summer, the Kyle vs Paige and Craig thing because Craig endorsed a beverage that competes with Loverboy. He sends Paige a bunch of rage texts.
Kyle acts like he has the corner of the market on this canned alcohol crap. He doesn’t. There are dozens of these fake flavored seltzers with cheap alcohol that would probably give me an instant headache.
He’s also all in his little feelings that Hannah called him out for getting her fired from the show. Which he probably did. He did not like Hannah and I don’t remember why. I think because she didn’t take out the trash and didn’t kiss Kyle’s ass. Something like that.
Danielle’s trying to worm her way back on the show. I don’t miss her, at all.
I looked up this fashion app, Donne, and it still seems to be in existence. Which I’m surprised at. So I guess she’s CEO of SOMETHING.
Danielle in her yap echos what we’re all thinking, how it’s absolutely NUTS for Lindsay to be in this house with Carl, five month pregnant with someone else’s baby, when they broke up like nine months ago.
And here’s 38 year-old Lindsay just prancing around in cropped tops talking about her ‘baby daddy.’ She’s very immature. I mean, that’s not even a question is it?
This might be the first time I agree with Danielle.
She’s planning a scavenger hunt for her gender reveal. Of course she is. That Carl will be forced to participate in.
I already KNOW for a fact, horny Danielle is going to be into Imrul, who is fresh back from a sex party.
Lindsay actually looks a little into him to be honest. She kind of perked up when he walked into the kitchen.
I guess West is embracing the Robin Williams comparisons and decides to dress like Mrs. Doubtfire? What is he doing?
Lexi for some reason decides to introduce Jesse to her family. I don’t know how his conscience let him get through that, but whatever.
The way he talks about it is different from how she discusses it. He in no way wanted to do that. He half-jokes about having to make some calls and ‘clear the roster.’
Lexi was not kidding when she said she tends to get jealous. She told him he’s not allowed to comment on other girls’ posts. That’s a little extreme.
Kyle casually apologized to Paige for the texts. Paige mentions how he continues to complain to her about Amanda, which is inappropriate, and he should NOT be doing that.
She also promises to bitch at him during the stupid gender reveal. Okay Paige. We cannot wait.