Summer House 2/21/22

Kyle still has the sty in his eye. He and Amanda are at a brunch, meeting with their wedding planner, and he starts criticizing her. I’m no Kyle fan, he needs to drink less, and be more respectful, but doesn’t he have a point about Amanda being a business partner with him, and she’s lying around doing nothing? I think she tends to be lazy if Kyle isn’t pushing her. So maybe she could work on that? And Kyle could work on being nicer.

Don’t worry, you can barely notice it
It’s nothing personal, it’s just that I can’t stand Loverboy OR you…

Or get a job if she doesn’t want to contribute? Just a thought. If it would help eliminate Kyle looking like Rocky Balboa. That thing looks wicked.

The wedding planner sits down and the tension is clearly palpable between these two love birds.

Why does Kyle keep bitching about the cost? Thought her parents were footing the bill? What was that whole drama about, when Amanda said her parents made Kyle sign an agreement to pay back the wedding costs if the wedding doesn’t happen?

She gives them a list of things they need to do. She doesn’t have bridesmaid dresses two months out? Or know who’s officiating? Or menus? Amanda looks uncomfortable. And very overwhelmed. I thought I was a procrastinator. Amanda puts me to shame.

Carl and Mya chat in the car on the way to the Hamptons. She fills him in on her convo with the group last week, since he wasn’t there, about being called the wrong name, and the fact that she’s black. I’ll be honest. I’m not sure I followed all of that last week with her. I think the fact that the group isn’t interacting with her as much, is because she’s shy and a little closed off. Not because she’s black. I just don’t think anyone cares that she and Ciara are black. Would it be better if they made a huge deal out of it?

Aren’t we supposed to just not care?

Wouldn’t they have been offended if someone would have said “Is it weird to be a black person in the Hamptons?” or “is it weird to be black in a house of mostly white people?” That sounds so offensive. I mean, the person who said that would have surely been deemed a racist and got “How DARE you say that to me? A black person can’t be in the Hamptons??”

But saying nothing was wrong too?

When I first became friends with a co-worker who is black, I didn’t feel the need to point it out. She knows she’s black. She knows I’m not. I became friends with her because she was funny and cool as fuck. Was I supposed to say “How does it feel to be black in an office of white people?” or “can we be friends even though I’m a blonde white chick?” I think if I did, we would not have became friends, or she may have possibly punched me, or just thought I was a moron. None of those options sound fun. I opted for treating her the same as if I would have befriended a white chick, or any race.

That WAS a bitch move for Lindsay to tell Mya that she couldn’t go out with her and Danielle. I will say that. But I think that was more because Lindsay didn’t want the competition of a younger prettier single girl, honestly. Which is a compliment to Mya. I wish Lindsay would have admitted that, instead of the lame lie she told as an excuse.

Ciara never cared last year. They treated her no differently. But suddenly it’s an “issue” for her too? Because it is for Mya? Make this make sense. I sort of eluded to this feeling last week, but now I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and I’m watching Carl looking at her like he’s so confused, so fuck it. This is how I feel. Mya says to Carl let’s just check in on each other. Okay so Carl, ask Mya if she’s okay every weekend, because she’s black ?

Carl tries to comprehend what she’s saying in the car but doesn’t. He’s a dude. When she mentioned being called the wrong name, he looked at her like he was waiting for there to be more to the story. But no, there wasn’t.

So what name did you get called??

I’ve been called the wrong name before. I called other people the wrong name before. Didn’t Andrea say, he dated a “Lexi?” perhaps Mya resembles her. Micro aggressions? I’m micro over this already. Please let’s not turn this into a Rayna thing from Below Deck. Nobody in the house is racist. Stop listening to Slo Biden. Please. He doesn’t even know where he lives or what his job is. But people are letting him dictate how they should feel. Everyone is NOT racist. And no I’m not a Trumpie either, before I get a comment on that. I just have common sense. You’re not going to offend me by making fun of trump, I promise.

If I get heat or lose people over this commentary then so be it. It all seemed ridiculous and playing into this environment our current government has created to divide different races, and convince everyone that all white people are racist. Even black people are called ‘ racist’ now if they don’t play into this narrative. If you’re not seeing this, then go read a book.

Mya and Ciara are both stunning, and, in my opinion, the two hottest chicks in the house. So THEY should actually feel superior to the rest of them. Instead of crying for no reason that they feel like ‘outsiders.’ ( I think Ciara was just humoring Mya actually) No one is treating them like outsiders due to their race. At all.

Carl said he’s sorry to hear ‘that’ but he doesn’t know what he’s sorry to hear. He’s being polite. I’m hoping this drama over nothing is over.

Carl tells her he has someone he’s talking to. Is Mya interested in Carl? She seems a little jelly when he’s talking about this other chick. I don’t blame her. I like new improved Carl.

Amanda and Kyle arrive and they want to start on invites immediately. They don’t really get too much done when everyone else starts arriving. Amanda scolds Kyle for drinking already. Kyle tells her she’s annoying. These two. I don’t mean to sound like Debbie Downer, but I give this marriage like two years tops.

Alex talks about his high school uniform and religion. This dude. He’s so painfully boring. Cute, but boring.

Kyle again bitches about the wedding being 200g. Does that seem like a lot being that it’s taking place at her parents’ house ? I don’t know. Who cares. They’ll be separated this time next year.

Paige and Mya tell Andrea he looks like Aladdin with his weird shirt. He’s beating himself up over calling Mya the wrong name. Because you know that IS the end of the world. And it’s because she’s black. Why didn’t he say, sorry I used to date this smokin hot chick named Lexi, and you remind me of her. There. Done. Shut up.

Ciara is interested in Alex, but Alex needs to take charge a little bit. He asks random fashion type questions to the girls. He asked Lindsay about her bathing suit belt last week, and is now asking Amanda about her blazer. Is he trying to make conversation, or does he genuinely care about women’s fashion? I’m not judging. I think it’s cute he notices. Girls like that. He needs more interesting things to say.

Carl accidentally spits on Mya while he’s talking. He apologizes. No Mya, it’s not because you’re black. Honest mistake, you were just in the line of fire. I don’t want to hear that next week.

Andrea then accidentally tells Paige that he loves her. I guess that’s better then getting spit on.

You love me, you want to kiss me, you want to hug me…

Poor Alex needs like ten drinks before he can talk to a girl. He’s bashful and insecure. That’s harder for a dude I think then a girl.

Andrea and Paige are so cute. I wish they were together, instead of her and Craig.

They start talking about weird sexual experiences. Kyle says a chick stuck her thumb up his ass. I know this is a thing. But her thumb? I don’t know. Please don’t think I’m a prude. I’m not. I just think that area is for one thing. And that one thing, to me, is NOT sexy. Far from it. Sorry. Is this TMI?

Why does Kyle have his shirt buttoned way up, and what’s with the nerdy glasses? Is he trying really hard to NOT get laid tonight?

It’s Revenge of the Nerds

Alex’s story grosses me out too, and Andrea’s. Jesus. What is wrong with these people ?

I don’t think Kyle wants to get into bed with Amanda. He goes downstairs in his underwear, and I really hope that’s Amanda’s hat.

I love Andrea. I don’t get why he wants to be in America so badly right now. This America is an embarrassment. And food is so much better in Italy. Andrea and Paige frolic in the pool.

I want a pool.

The invites are in the mail. No turning back now! Amanda sent him by himself to mail them. She was probably hoping he wouldn’t send them. “Honey, you wouldn’t believe it, this GIANT pack of wolves came out of NOWHERE, and ate them all… Then I flipped my car 5 times in the snowstorm! I’m really sorry, but they’re gone!”

So a Fifty Shades of Summer/Bondage party is in the works. Andrea came up with this? Or Production?

I feel like everyone is tripping over themselves to pay attention to Mya now. Maybe the “wah wah I’m black thing did work.” And she also seems to be more involved with the group. So there’s that. She could have just went with “wah wah I’m not that outgoing, so I need you to come to me thing.” Would have made more sense.

Amanda walks around calling Kyle like a mom calling a child.

He does his weekly bitch session with Danielle. (Why Danielle?) Who is just being nosy and not really “concerned.” I think she would be happy to see them break up.

All I know is — my relationship sounds way better than yours, and that’s what’s important.

She’s feeling like her relationship is “better” and women love that shit. She needs to remember hers is still in the “new” stage and Kyle and Amanda have been together for four or five years. Let’s check back with her in three years. She already has been expressing some irritation towards Robert.

Kyle says “the business is practically the only thing they have in common right now.” But is that even a commonality? She seems not interested in “the business” at all. So they have nothing in common.

He needs to stop talking to Danielle. She doesn’t even offer advice. She just listens and gossips to the other girls, and feels better about herself.

So Robert DID cut his hair. Also he quit his job.

Getting ready for the slut party now. This could go left. Everyone all revved up , doing shots and making out with each other ? Hope there’s condoms.

Who are the random people at all of these parties ? Do they even know them? We don’t want Andrea to get kicked in the face again.

Mya starts the feel sorry for herself crap. She admits to Paige that her issues are her personality. So much for the race card. Maybe production instigated that. I don’t know. Get mad at me. Whatever. My blog, my opinions.

Paige looks confused too so… it’s not just me.

Alex summons Amanda at the party about Ciara. Dude just has NO game. Maybe he should cry that he’s half Asian. No he’s a dude. That would be stupid. Dudes whine over other crap. Amanda says that Ciara likes an assertive guy, but not demanding or controlling. Girlll, sorry but that is what you’re gonna get with an “assertive” guy. It’s a package deal. At least that’s my experience.

So deal with Alex and his timidness. Take my advice. Please. She’s too fucking hot to end up with a mouthy abusive asshole with mommy issues. Hot girls always end with assholes.

Carl tries to swing on the pole, and forgets he’s like eight feet tall, and the pole does not even begin to hold him. He falls. (again)

Nice form but…
Guess most strippers aren’t 6’6″ and 220 lbs

The party gets a little racy. That’s how it’s supposed to be since everyone is walking around half-naked and dressed like sex slaves. Kyle and Amanda don’t interact at all. Kyle kisses Andrea though. He may as well be kissing someone. He pretends to be grossed out.

They blind fold Carl, and Ciara makes out with him. And then again. Alex gets pissed, and walks away like a little bitch.

Now we’re gettin down to business
But we were dirty dancing and everything !!!

Danielle gossips to Paige and Ciara about what Kyle CONFIDED in her about. That’s shitty of her.

They’re all pretending to be feeling sorry for Amanda.

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