Kyle to Amanda: “you’re about as fun as a fucking piece of wood” wow what an ass fucking hole. They play a flash from two years ago when he stayed out all night. That time he had cheated on her.
Guess he didn’t learn from it. Typical guy. Keep making the same idiotic mistakes and expecting different results. Now Kyle decides to come apologize, after he screamed at her and humiliated her. She’s not having it, so he gets up and leaves.
Crew of Carl, Kyle, Lindsay, Danielle and Mya are going to a brewery while Andrea is making pasta for Paige and Amanda. Andrea continues to wait on and try to impress Paige. This is annoying me. yes because I’m jealous.
Ciara and Alex go to the grocery store. Alex was bitching about not having food he likes. (aka protein) Ciara tells him that she is relocating to NYC from Atlanta. She is unsure if she wants to stay in nursing. I’m assuming she quit her job as a nurse, since she probably wouldn’t have three months off to ‘go film a Reality Show.’
Mya talks about the breakup with her ex fiance. She said she was in his shadow. He is a chef of some sort. I think? Maybe semi-famous. Didn’t catch his name. They showed a clip of him with Emeril Lagasse. She says they were having the same fights over and over. Yes, that is when you know there is a problem. Having the same disagreements, and they never get resolved. And nothing ever changes
Paige and Amanda talk about the argument with Kyle. Paige is sort of leaning her toward calling off the wedding. I would have to agree. I like how she points out that calling off a wedding is hard, but so is being in an unhappy marriage for years and years.
Alex is judging the way they eat. I’m not sure if he’s really a food snob, just kind of eats plain type of food. And I get it, he needs his protein. Did you hear the producer ask him last week, “why protein?” Oh I don’t know – Because he’s a crazy muscular dude that works out non-stop, and the boy needs his protein!
Indoor rainy day dance party –

Kyle hurts Amanda’s foot when they’re goofing around in the kitchen. She goes upstairs, and he tries to apologize and she says they’re not ‘fine and dandy.’ (Kind of disappointed she didn’t say “hunky dory”) He tells her to “call off the wedding.” He goes outside and cries to Danielle, and says they “live and work together and she doesn’t want to do either.” He keeps saying things like she puts everything on him, and she doesn’t do shit…” He seems really difficult and immature sometimes. I did catch that last week in the car on the way to the house, where she says she’s been so busy planning the wedding, she should be able to ‘work’ now. He was like, yes. Yes you do.

Things are still weird with them. Amanda says she wants to talk about it when they get home.
Danielle is barking out orders for the 4th of July party. I feel like they usually start the Summer House shenanigans in early June, not July? Her dude is bringing seafood boil stuff. He’s a chef apparently.
Paige discusses with Ciara and Amanda about her seeing Craig, and if Andrea knows ? Paige thinks he knows. Amanda looks sad and terrible. Kyle is such a shit.
America’s B-Day Party is on. Carl is manning the grill to distract him from the drinking. Good idea. Alex is sort of being a wall flower and won’t go mingle. Ciara tells him he’s uptight. He says he’s ‘only uptight about eating and working out’ as he’s standing there looking uptight. He needs to throw back some drinks. And pronto. He talks to a chick about being Asian and turning red when he drinks. I think she calls him a lumber jack. This dude seems like he has the same amount of game as Wes from Below Deck.
Kyle is tipsy I assume, and wearing that stupid 80’s hair band mullet wig, for whatever reason. He slurs to Danielle about how unhappy he is with Amanda. This is really sad for ME. (it’s all about me)

I really thought that they were getting along great last summer, and on Winter House too, even though I didn’t watch every episode. It SEEMED like they weren’t arguing at all.
Danielle’s dude seems really boring, not bragging but I think I was pretty spot on about my assessment from last year. She sort of storms into the house, because he won’t stop cooking and is not paying attention to her. She’s whining about never seeing him. They get into sort of a thing about it, that seems to be going around in circles. He sort of reminds me of Lindsay’s last year boyfriend. Remember how he kept “working” to avoid her.
There’s quite a crowd here. Who are all of these people ? Lindsay just planted a kiss on on Alex. She’s acting strange. I think she is trying to overcompensate for being upset about having a miscarriage. Is this going to explode at some point ?
I wonder if Ciara is now regretting her move to NYC?
Amanda and Kyle do not interact whatsoever at the party. Amanda IS really feeling herself, dancing around, and humping a paddle or something.

Ciara and Carl talk about how they are both in a place to possibly be possibly dating each other ? ?
Lindsay is talking how she may have feelings for Carl, as Ciara is talking about how she wants to fuck him.
Andrea throws some random chick in the pool, and she gets pissed and literally kicks him in the face ?

With hard sandals on ? You don’t kick someone in the fucking face ???

If they were just playing around, what was the big deal? I think she said she had her phone in her hand. Whatever. Paige tells them to leave. Looks like they were already leaving. Andrea is shocked and goes upstairs into his bed. Paige comes to comfort him. They briefly discuss how she is seeing Craig, and how he is upset about it. Paige says that mid- sex Andrea said to Paige, you’re the smallest person I ever had sex with. That’s so funny.
I think that’s kind of how it rapped up.