Southern Charm Reunion Part 1 – 10/6/22

And here’s Naomie, she got her coveted ‘first chair’ right smack dab next to THE Andy fucking Cohen.

Girlfriend worked hard for this, fucking a dude old enough to be her dad, strutted around in skin tight leather pants and push up sports bras, no matter the temp, and last but certainly not least, totally fucked over and humiliated a friend of ten years. All in the name of sitting next to Andy. Wow, shallow and disgusting much, Naomie No Morals Olindo?

Even Paige ain’t that shallow and skanky. So, long story short, guess Craig has upgraded, somewhat. I’m shocked she’s not in a bra and rubber pants right now, actually.

Taylor is killing her first reunion look, and love the way she looks at Shep, when she sits down, like fuck off!! It’s funny that he tried to pull her aside, and talk to her before they started. Think he wanted to attempt to ‘coach’ her on what to say or, not to say.

Everyone looks great, except Madison who wrecked her face, (& Naomie who I just hate) who is such a skank, she fucked Alex Rodriguez, just because he DM’d her and told her she was hot. JLO then dumped him, and proceeded to hook up, and marry her ex Ben Affleck.

She loves having this sordid little story on her resume. What is this dude that she’s with thinking?? Is he stupid, is he desperate? Is he not watching this shit?Is he one of these traumatized Mormons, that hates his parents for raising him in this cult, and is now trying to get back at them? By marrying a crazy person?

I just can’t stand even looking at Naomie or hearing her voice. What a sell-out. I can’t stand her fake laugh, with her eyes closed thing she always does. She closes her eyes a lot, which I noticed in getting pictures.

Andy brings up who has hooked up with whom. Kathryn totally doesn’t want to talk about it because she has banged all of them, with the exception of Austen. Andy says she has commonalities with Naomie and Taylor. Taylor looks confused, then I guess understands.

Okay that was eight years ago, I accidentally fucked everyone on the show…move on

Yeah, so Kathryn was passed around by all of them. Naomie is now on that path. Predicting next year (unless it gets canceled, which would make me laugh because Naomie would have done all of this ‘work’ for nothing) Shep will be her new target. She seems to be following the smell of money. She’s with some loaded dude now connected to some sports team.

Andy: Any other commonalities we don’t know about?”

Madison chirps “Thomas and Olivia?” So feels like this was an intentional set up for Madison to present this info. That seemed like a weird question for Andy to ask. Olivia vehemently denies it, and says that Thomas is a family friend.

Naomie paid me a grand to announce that you banged Thomas

Yeah, cannot picture Olivia, who seems like she HAS morals. (unlike Naomie and Madison – no wonder they’re Pat’s favorites – two opportunistic little gold digging ho’s)

Maybe YOU fucked Thomas you little tramp

That sort of blows over, but I wish Olivia would have made it a bigger deal. Naomie seems to think this is all hilarious. Accidentally caught this smug little satisfied fucking look on her face, that if you blinked you missed it, when I hit pause. Guessing she was in on it. What does she have against Olivia? Oh, nothing. She just fucks, sucks dick, and hates whomever, does whatever, if Shitney says that it will secure her ‘star’ status on the show. Do you think this tidbit came from Naomie and had Madison doing her dirty work by bringing it up.

Thatta girl, Madison, now YOU too get to fuck Whitney, and I’ll venmo the cash stat

Apparently after the break-up the boys flew to Texas, and Shep was sticking his dick into whomever walked by. Austen tries to shush him. Honestly don’t even want to know what these dudes that think they’re big fucking studs, did in Texas. Sounds like it may have been some sort of group orgie situation. Maybe not, but probably. Why else would Austen try to shush him, if he was just doing normal hooking up. Austen and Olivia have obviously broken up, which I did read a few weeks ago.

This is bothersome to Taylor, of course, and you can see how it would be. She points out that now she feels like she’s just another number in the slew of the ‘whores’ he has fucked. He’s “sorry she feels that way.” I hate that phrase.

I do think he really loved her, he’s just bad at it (I won’t get into that again) and I also think being in a relationship sort of suffocates him. The mistake he made was even beginning a committed relationship with her in the first place. He had no intention of following through and making a true commitment (aka marriage) He just rode it out until she got sick of it.

I was just the whore that lasted the longest.” She goes on to point out that he was fucking around while they were even together, and “using women to masturbate.”

He looks suuuuuper uncomfortable, as does everyone. I liked her “at the age of 43…”

It is kind of not cute anymore at this point, and as the years go by, it will get more and more uncuter I’m shocked he hasn’t knocked a chick up yet looking for a payday.

Especially since he gets pretty bombed, when he engages in this activity. His leg is goin a mile a minute. He’s such a fucking mess. He has nothing to say except “what are you talking about?”

I agree with what you’re saying but what are you talking about???

Typical thing to say for this type of personality as you proceed to make multiple points, and they know you’re right.

She drills him on some of her ‘favorite’ things and he has no clue. (she’s wearing a bright pink dress, so that would have been a safe guess…) Shep points out that he was a worthwhile boyfriend, and I’m paraphrasing, but because they had fun together, and he took her on vacays and cool places, for him, that’s what their relationship was all about.

For her, it was getting married to a man she loves and having kids. (and the fact that he comes from a loaded family didn’t hurt, but I don’t believe she sought him out for this, nor that this was something on her ‘checklist’)

Craig still refuses to wear an undershirt. He asks her if she truly thought he could be better, and be what she wanted, or ignored the signs that said otherwise. It is a good point, he’s not trying to blame her, I don’t think but pointing out there were a lot of red flags. (women tend to ignore red flags)

She answers she believed he could be better because she had gotten glimpses of his vulnerable capable side. Andy asks him to answer the questions of her fave color/animal/ movie. He guesses ‘green’ (because it’s her last name – nobody’s favorite color is green, stupid) dog – wrong, and whatever.

She knows his fave color is purple – he challenges “why because I’m wearing it?” No, she recounts the exact convo where he told her he likes purple.

Women listen, guys do not. I was just talking to a guy friend of mine, and he was surprised I remembered something he had told me ages ago, about his mom and stepdad when he was a kid.

I was like why would I not remember that. Especially since that story explains a lot about the way he acts. We used to work together. And Yes! Another narcissist – but we are just friends I promise! His fucking wife can have him!

Chleb moved onto Miami, Kathryn shares. They flash recap on her birthday party where Venita first started to rub me the wrong way, then it just went down hill from there. (although I am now feeling bad for the way Naomie and Madison have been treating her.)

When Chleb approached Venita, and suggested she say hello to Kathryn, and Venita’s very dismissivly says “she invited me but we just don’t chit chat…”

Girl. What a dumb ass thing to say. Were ya raised, in a barn? When you are an attendee at someone’s fucking party or event, you approach them and say hello, and thank you for inviting me.” You don’t just proceed to indulge in their free food and alcohol, without even saying hello. Come on now. I don’t even know how she could stand there and say that to Chleb without realizing what a fucktard she sounded like.

Now onto Naomie, and her dismissive and pretentious attitude towards Kathryn at her own party.

Kathryn was stomping around, she was. She tries to deny it, but after she was pissed at Chleb for talking to Venita, which was kind of dumb, she was totally charging around on a rampage.

I can see why Naomie didn’t want to approach her then. However, she had plenty of time before ‘the stomp’ started happening, to say hello to her. And there was an overheard convo where Naomie said “let’s get this over with” in regards to greeting her.

I don’t recall that, or maybe it wasn’t aired. Naomie dismissively answered Andy that she wouldn’t have liked that, had someone done that at her party, but she wouldn’t have reacted the way Kathryn reacted. Okayyyy NaHOEmie. What the fuck ever. No wonder the mere sound of her voice and that smug look on her face annoys Craig. He had to deal with this day in and day out for four fucking years.

Kathryn goes on to tell Naomie about her condescending attitude that she’s always had towards her, and Leva feels the need to get involved and interrupts with, as you know, MY FAVORITE FUCKING WORD, and tells her “that’s your own trigger!” (smirking) Okay so what is she saying?

Listen bitch it was MY party and I’ll stomp if I want to!!!!

Does that mean it’s okay, and it’s HER issue when someone talks to her that way. I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary to be pissed off when someone thinks they can talk down to you?

‘Trigger’ is the dumbest fucking new buzzword out of all of the new buzzwords and phrases.

It’s being used to make excue when people behave badly, and here we have it being made as an excuse for Naomie talking down to her, becauese it’s HER trigger, aka problem? What ??

She tells Leva to shut the fuck up. Apparently it’s not all rainbows and bunnies with them anymore as it had been after Kathryn said she’s trying to be relevant when asked a question on WWHL.

She proceeds to scream in Kathryn’s ear, well maybe not scream, but raise her voice, and she’s sitting like six inches away from her, so the high intensity talking isn’t necessary.

Kathyrn IS actually staying for the most part, calm, for Kathryn. She asks her to stop yelling at her, and then Leva says “relaxxx!” She’s such a fucking twat. She’s the one all cranked up telling Kathryn to relax. What a dispshit.

I think you’re triggered if you didn’t like me yelling in your ear. Sounds like a trigger. was that triggering?? Relax!!

No one is allowed to watch her stupid new show, because I said so !!

Who else is getting tired of the reunion arguments that are fueled by comments on WWHL,and social media posts. I am. The reunions are supposed to be discussing the events on the shows.

The meatball dinner she made poor Chleb when they were fighting is the new topic. Okay so I don’t want to speak ill of her mom, I’m sure she was a great cook, however these jelly/chili sauce meatballs are not anything new, and the jelly is not really that strange. It just adds a note of sweetness to the savoriness of the meat. It’s not that difficult to comprehend, and it’s not that strange. Like putting brown sugar on ham or fruit on pork. What is wrong with everyone? Way back int the 90’s that recipe used to be in magazines with the Heinz chili sauce ad. I think I even made them once for a party. That’s probably where her mom got it, or on the chili sauce bottle. They’re more for appetizers, not the way she was serving them with rice to Chleb.

But then again, think it’s the only thing she knows how to make, and she wasn’t exactly trying to impress him that night.

Austen and Shep compared dicks, apparently. Austen also wants to see Craig’s. I just think there is something off with the way these dudes interact.

Austen talks about his late sister. That’s all so sad. Taylor leaves crying and says that her sister has cancer. Did we know this? I didn’t know this. This is terrible, she can’t be that old.

So we discuss the fact that Austen wanted to “take it slow” and then Olivia brings the random dude to the dog wedding. Ciara had came to Charleston with Paige, and they proceeded to hood up. He tries to defend this. He can’t. It was shitty. It was shitty to do that when supposedly he had feeling for Olivia. It was also shitty to Ciara. It was just shitty !!!

Austen and Olivia confirm they are no longer together, because Austen still wanted to continue to “take it slow.” Olivia explains it I think well. It sounds good on paper, and so carefree to say “oh we’re having fun, we’re not putting a label on it…” but after a while, you wonder, why aren’t we putting a label on it? Am I not good enough? And it messes with your confidence.

Her and Madison start arguing because Madison starts slinging insults at her. That girl has fucked up her face. That ortho surgeon that did her teeth, did her dirty. There’s something goofy going on with her mouth. Also She’s wearing entirely too much makeup and tanner, she looks orange, and something is weird with her head and face. Is she doing the fillers already? She looks like she gained 20 lbs honestly. Her jawline looks suddenly square.

I don’t get why she is the main focus of the reunion. She was barely even on this season. NaHOEmie’s probably sitting there like “hello, I fucked the creator and producer?” Guess she’s up next week to give all of the details of her tawdry little affair with her boss.

Maybe I should count my blessings that I have to sit here and listen to Madison talk about this fake engagement. I’ve never seen a bitch in the last fucking chair, speak and be spoken to this much at any reunion, ever.

Now the texting thing when Leva texted Venita that “Madison was being dumb” when she knew full well Venita’s loyalty was to Madison. I mean she’s practically her bitch. That whole argument seemed to be sort of a set up and ‘staged.’ I don’t think Venita realizes she was brought on to be sort of the sacrificial lamb. It’s pretty sad. True, I wasn’t caring for her early in the season when she was calling everyone racist. But she did stop that. Between this set-up, and how NaHOEmie has been treating her, it’s kind of feeling like a little Housewife bullying.

It’s giving me Beverly Hills vibes actually, in the way the ladies treat Garcelle. And that’s all I’m gonna say. I’m not taking any pleasure in feeling that way. But I’m seeing what I’m seeing.

I knew that “we were figuring out music” thing was a lie. Of courses Venita showed her the messages.

Leva knew that she would. And she knew it would be a whole big thing. They argue about the joint birthday, and whatever. Who cares.

Olivia was crying during the break. It’s weird for her because Madison is being an asshole, mainly.

Andy asks Austen if he thinks he is leading women on. It gets weird. Madison doesn’t shut up.

It is strange that Andy asks Shep for his input. Why does Madison never stop smirking?? what the fuck is so funny??

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