What’s with Bravo and the stupid packing scenes now? Always. It’s just a filler and it’s stupid.

Paige is not attending this trip to Whitney’s rich friend’s house, and feeling uneasy about Naomie with Craig. See I knew it, I said on my recap from last week’s show that she HAD to be annoyed, but just not making a scene. Imagine that! Being annoyed, and NOT making it a whole big thing for attention.

Usually on these shows nowadays, we see them acting pissed off, even when they’re not, just for the “screen time” and attention. How refreshing! And I can’t believe I’m saying this about Paige. See it can be done. Oh and I was right by the way.

Why did everyone get so drunk at a dog wedding??” Naomie asks. Think you answered your own question. It was boring as fuck. Oh and it was at Patricia’s, and there was open bar. Who doesn’t love spending rich peoples’ money?

Austen calls Leva and Naomie. Leva has popped into Naomie’s in the early am following Patricia’s “lavish event.” Why, we don’t know. So real question, is Leva still with her husband?? I guess she is, she was yammering about having a second kid a few eps ago.

It’s just that we have NOT seen him, and she has not even mentioned him except for that thing about having another kid. She seems really bored. She seems extra into everyone’s love life and business.

Maybe there’s trouble in paradise. Should a married woman with a young child be THIS interested in who is hooking up with whom with her single friends?? I sure wasn’t when I had little kids. I wouldn’t have cared if I had one neighbor banging the other.

Then again I didn’t have a bunch of time on my hands either. No one took care of my kids for me. Not even their dad most of the time. I should have been worried about who he was banging.

ANYwho – she’s coming off as such a fucking busybody. Maybe spend time with your weird kid instead of worrying about who Austen boinked last night. Maybe this is why he hangs on you non stop when you are at home. He needs attention.

Austen gives us the recap on Ciara. Yes Austen we know. I like his statement: “I was in the Hamptons this year and spent time with her.”

‘Spent time with her’ in the Hamptons? You mean when you ignored her, and hung all over Lindsay right in front of her, who used you as a pawn to get back at Ciara? ‘Hung out with her in the Hamptons’ my freaking ass!! That would have sounded good, except the pesky camera guys following you around, and a million people saw that you didn’t really spend time with her, and treated her like fucking crap the whole entire time.

So apparently they hooked up the previous night. This must have been the hook-up Ciara was referring to at the Summer House reunion, when she admitted they had been together recently, and she regretted it. She realized he had just used her. Yeah it sucks to be used and to feel like that.

He goes on to say that he really likes Olivia. (right after he spent the night with Ciara – dudes!!)

This fucker is just fucked up. I don’t want to hear his belly aching over Madison “being rude to him” like EVER again. He is being a shit fucking fucker to Ciara. Entitled asshole. Hypocrite. Sorry for the F bombs.

Naomie rolls out that she “kissed Whitney.” to Leva and Austen, the two town busy bodies. So of course she wants this to get around, and back to Craig. Austen is worse than Leva. I wonder if he’s a good kisser. I heard he was Bi.

Leva is loving this. I don’t think the husband is taking care of business at home, just sayin. I’m usually right about this stuff.

You just KISSED???

She goes on and admits he spent the night at her house. Didn’t really have to twist her arm for that extra info. Why not just give us all the details Naomie??

Leva is over overacting when hearing this info. It’s not that exciting. So Naomie is a fucking hoe. Next? Guess someone had to replace Kathryn as the gold digging hoe.

So that’s why Taylor always looks so plain on the show and all glammed in her yaps. I think I pointed that out recently. She says he doesn’t like her wearing makeup? What the literal fuck? That’s weird, and sort of surprising. I would think Shep is all into the glamming with his bitches.

It’s not 1950 Shepherd. Reminds me of Loretta Lynn in that movie ‘Coal Miners Daughter’ fromforever ago. Her husband flipped out when he saw her with makeup on. And that was literally in the 50’s.

They board the bus for this trip that Whitney arranged.

Why would eight months pregnant Marcie be going on this trip? Is this a smart idea to go over an hour from your hospital, in the middle of nowhere, when you’re that far along? Whatever. Maybe I’m jealous.

They ask about this house that Whitney’s bougie friend owns, and oh my God, America’s most famous architect designed it, and his friend bought it in the 80’s. Shep has been there before, and everything is catered, and they take care of you … I think everyone already assumed they wouldn’t be eating Lunchables Shep. We need Kathryn to do her impression of this. Speaking of Kathryn, they realize she has not arrived yet, and start texting and calling her to see where she is.

Kathryn and Chleb are still at their apartment looking somber. Kathryn tells him that they have not been getting along, and maybe he should just leave. Again. Random observation, Kathryn’s bed is so low to the ground. Is there like no box spring on this thing?? She’s practically sitting on the floor.

Maybe I’ll get a new bed now.

Kathryn is literally sitting in her apartment and they’re on the bus waiting. She texts Craig that she’s not coming. I thought she was going to make them sit and wait, and everyone would be all butt holes up in the air when she arrived.

As Craig is getting her message, Naomie impatiently asks “so what are we doing?” Texting Kathryn, Naomie, before they just leave without her. Keep up. I know it’s not about YOU right now, and your head is in Whitney’s ass, dreaming of your bougie life with him, and all the cash he’s going to drop on you,

Kathryn’s not coming ? I wanted to pick her brain for more gold digging hoe tactics. She was the trail blazer.

(Yeah Kathryn thought that about Thomas too. These dudes hold onto their fucking wallets.) This isn’t complicated. I’m sure if everyone was sitting waiting on your ass, it would be okay.


Craig reads her text that she’s not coming. Venita and Naomie laugh and say “we gotta get this bus movin.” That’s kind of rude. It’s all good when Naomie wants to piss and moan about HER fucking love life. And stupid Matul fucking around on her, and how Craig is ‘ignoring’ her.

Leva’s face lights up a little too much when they start talking about their love lives on the bus. It’s just weird for a married woman with a little kid to be this interested in her single friends’ hooking up adventures. Sorry if I’m repetitive, but it’s every fucking scene.

They start talking about their favorite subject. Stupid fucking Madison. I’m so over this chick. So over her. Ya know, I like my fellow little petite gals, so I naturally liked her when she first was on. Then I got to know her, and she’s a mean spiteful vindictive bitch, packaged in this cute little blonde body. It’s just wrong.

Austen needs to just stop fucking whining about her. Period.

Karma will take care of her. She’s an asshole. She messes with people. This Mormon dude is NOT going to marry her. All he has to do is shut the hell up, make some popcorn, and sit back and wait.

Venita totally was texting her when Austen called her out. She sucks at lying. Guess her mom didn’t teach her how to lie effectively either. That will be next week’s conversation. “Mom, what the hell, you never lied to Dad, and now I don’t know how to lie to people!!” This is YOUR fault you terrible parent – wow !”

Oh, It’s my mom’s fault I’m catering to Madison.

They arrive at the weird compound, and Whitney has some sort of entourage or passe lingering behind him as he approaches the gang.

Leva says she keeps thinking about Naomie and Whitney fucking. Is this woman like NOT getting laid at all, or is she some kind of closet pervert? I don’t get her.

This place reminds me of ‘South Fork’ from ‘Dallas’ in the 80’s. So this is making sense. This dude bought this joint in the 80’s. It looks really really late 70’s early 80’s. I guess there’s no woman involved here, and he can’t hire a decorator.

Austen is onto something with the 80’s porn house. Where’s Hugh?? It is a cool place don’t get me wrong. It’s just decorated really badly, and doesn’t give off the warmest vibe. Clearly the owner is not gay.

Okay, so since Naomie opened up the legs for him, sucked him off, whatever she did, ask Leva, she probably got the gory details off camera, she gets to pick her own room. (I assume so he can visit later wink wink) He makes sure he points it out in front of Austen and Shep.

Everyone by this time, except Craig, knows and is outside dry heaving over their interaction. It’s probably not a good sign that most people are grossed out by this. Not sure why. It’s not like Whitney is a bad looking guy. I think he’s cute actually, in a nerdy kind of way. Something just seems off about it.

He even gives her a choice of three rooms. He shows her one that’s “more private” She says “twist my arm Whitney.” They seem so awkward together.

Bow Chicka Bow Bow
And this is where the magic will be happening. . . Get Leva a front row seat.

So there’s an uninvited guest in Olivia’s room. A big ass fucking lizard. Shep and Taylor are in there too (maybe their rooms are joining) and Shep starts acting like he’s at a wedding, and walking in circles doing the spazzy hair thing.

He literally makes Taylor trap it in a cup. Shep is such a puss. Shep is useless except for his wallet. Like for real.

Well Naomie banging Whitney is the whisper down the lane. Is anyone really surprised honestly ? She’s trying to make Craig jealous. And Whitney is loaded, so if it turns into something more, win win. If nothing else, she may get like a some vacays, and some free fancy dinners.

Marcie is a really cute pregnant chick. Still think it’s weird she’s here.

How did Venita never have a helmet on? She never rode a bicycle ? She’s the age range where kids were having to wearing helmets to walk out the door. Some people are so weird. You swear they never leave their houses. So she never had a helmet on, but she’s going like 100 on this four wheeler.

Leva, we know you have a child. Go home and spend time with him.

Naomie, Taylor and Olivia are going horseback riding. The rest are ATVing. That’s why Leva had to announce she has a child.

I know horseback riding is some sort of status symbol type thing. Naomie of course is the BEST at it and Olivia is having trouble.

Naomie ridicules Olivia in her yap… “watching Olivia on a horse is like watching a train wreck in slow motion…” Bitch, you need to just stop. This is a fun casual short ride around someone’s property. It’s not a competition. Maybe you and Whitney do deserve each other. Stop being so pretentious for like a minute. Olivia totally admitted she doesn’t ride horses. It’s not like she claimed to be an equestrian for chrissakes. I applaud her for still doing it with two people that are experienced. So yeah pardon the puns, but get the hell off your high horse, and furthermore, you have proven that you can RIDE !! If ya get my drift.

I can’t believe Olivia has rode NO ONE yet! Bitch needs to keep up !! I just rode Craig AND Whitney!!

She’s not even all that. She’s kind of becoming the group hoe/gold digger to be honest with you. It’s pathetic.

Does she realize that? Hooking up with Craig since he’s successful now, (treated him like crap when he wasn’t) now hooking up with WHITNEY, besides Shep, the other ‘old money’ LOADED dude in the group. It’s not looking good for her I hate to tell her. The horse comment is just too fucking much.

Sometimes Shep is so cute with Taylor. He seems to really like/love her, right ??

Why can’t he, or couldn’t he, get his shit together? So cute when he ATV’d to where she was sitting with the girls, and called her name. Not feeling her ‘cow’ print top though. At all.

They press Naomie about her “love life.” She giggles and quickly changes the subject to Olivia and that dude she brought to Patricia’s. Naomie tells her about Ciara and Austen. This is stupid. This season of SC just seems like a bunch of weird intertwined ‘love triangles’ that make no sense. Why does Olivia care if Austen did whatever with Ciara, she brought a date to an event in front of him??

Why is Ciara (not even on the show, thank God) hooking up with Austen when he treated her crappy over the summer?

Why is Austen still obsessing over Madison? Why does he care she’s fake engaged?

Why is Naomie obsessing over Craig when she’s hooking up with Whitney?? Why does Craig care she hooked up with Whitney.

Like what is happening ???

It’s all stupid and Junior High. Oh so he banged Ciara because he has feelings for Olivia, just to retaliate. Naomie says.

Gee that’s big of you Austen. Pot calling kettle black when you’re ragging on Madison for being a heartless piece of shit. And Naomie – you know this is going to be broadcasted to 1 mill people.

How does that make Ciara feel? Probably like shit when Matul drug your dumb ass to NY, then cheated on you. But here you are, making another woman feel like crap.

Also tired of Naomie being the narrator. Tired of listening to her. She acts so pretentious all of the time, and better than everyone, and she’s literally acting like 22 year old Kathryn right now. The chick she hates on for being so beneath her.

Whitney made a funny gaff when talking to the guys, who is also quite arrogant, to say the least and I can see him ridiculing someone for this. He tells everyone “dinner in an hour and half so you have time to decompose” instead of decompress. Shep and Craig make fun of him and he ignores them. If Craig would have said that, Shep and Whitney would have ridiculed him the whole entire night.

This event planner chick wants to “show Whitney around” the dinner table, as if he cares? Could she kiss his ass anymore? It’s funny because she’s like all serious – “prior to everyone being seated, we’ll light the candles.” Really sure Whitney is very very concerned about that. This show seems like a lot of extra fluff and filling in of nothing scenes. Is it just me? This shit didn’t make the cutting room floor? Whitney tells her they may want to mingle with some cocktails prior to being seated, and she assures him there will be water at the table. Again, this DID not get zapped in editing? Whitney is looking at her like she’s a fucking degenerate. I hope the water glasses are placed on the right side or there’s gonna be a problem!

I still can’t get over Marcie being here – in the middle of fucking nowhere with 3 weeks until her due date. Oh and her husband seems a little —- gay.

Oh for the love of all that is holy – Taylor and Olivia are STILL discussing Austen and Ciara as they’re doing their makeup in the porn house. This fucking house is fucking creepy. I don’t care if this if it was designed by Jesus Christ. It’s not so much the design of the house, it’s EVERYTHING ELSE.

Should I be concerned about the dude roaming around in a hockey mask with a hatchet?

The furniture, the dark 70’s/80’s décor, the orange and blood red bedding, that’s making it so so wrong. Everything is so DARK and dreery and there’s no flipping windows in the rooms!

Was there ever a movie filmed here? It would be a great spot for something like ‘The Shining’ or a ‘Friday the 13th’ type thing. Lots of places to stash dead bodies.

Same old same old with Austen’s and Craig’s convo in one of the other torcher chambers, I mean bedrooms.

So doesn’t Naomie seems quite pleased with herself for fucking Whitney?? As if she really accomplished something difficult? She’s being so bizarre? I just think it seems kind of trashy. Whitney would fuck anyone! She’s not special. He’s a little up there, I wonder if he had any trouble in that department. Hope they used a condom! She’s does this queer coy smug fake embarrassed face when discussing it.

Oh stop! I’m so tired of talking about how I fucked Whitney. Please stop! You’re embarrassing me!

Venita refers in her yap to Naomie as “crème de la crème” and why she is she hooking up with Whitney?

I honestly wouldn’t classify Naomie as that, unless the new meaning of creme de la crème is a fucking skank?? And why is she hooking up with Whitney you ask?

To make Craig jealous, to have a story line for both her and Whitney, to have Whitney take her places and drop cash on her? You know, all kinds of deep meaningful reasons.

Again Leva and her insane obsession with Naomie’s sex life. Is she writing a trashy novel?

Does Craig like KnOOWWW what is going on with Whitney ?? Naomie says she hopes not. yeah mmmkay right.

Leva is super annoying with her multitude of questions about Naomie banging Whitney.

Leva, girl, it’s not that fucking deep !! This is getting weird with her. I wish Lamar would take care of things. It’s sort of coming off as pervy even, to me. I can’t imagine a chick telling me they hooked up with a dude and having this many questions and being this intrigued about it. I know how things work and what goes where. I think Southern Charm should take a break, or be canceled.

Leva will NOT stop stroking and caressing her hair as this convo is going on. I think she’s wishing she was boning Whitney, honestly. And these eerie dark rooms and orange décor aren’t helping the situation at all.

Okay so tell me AGAIN exactly how it happened ??? Who was on top?

Naomie says she’s not going to try to hide and lie about it. Yeah we see that Naomie!! you announced it to a mill people the next fucking morning!!!

The camera keeps going to Venita primping in the mirror. I think she’s been putting earrings in for like 10 minutes. This whole scene needed zapped too. But I get it, there’s not much to work with.

Austen dutifully tells Craig that Naomie ‘made out’ with Whitney (again are we in Junior fucking High??) Craig says “nuhhh –uhhhh” like he’s in junior high

He wants the deets.

Dramatic music as Craig presses for more info. He wants to know if Whitney told him, or how he found out. I feel like he was getting at that Whitney lied if that’s where it came from.

If we all recall past seasons, Whitney usually does not brag when he scores with one of the ladies on the show. It’s the girls that want everyone to know, which is ironic. And embarrassing for the girls, that they’re running around telling everyone.

I think it was last season (which was in 2020, I think we skipped a year- I honestly didn’t think it was coming back, especially after Shahs got canned) that Kathryn and him reconnected and rehookep up – post the early season hook ups when she decided she liked Thomas instead.

Anyway remember Kathryn and him met for coffee, and she made it this dramatic big thing about how “it had gotten out that they hooked up” (because she was telling everyone) and she was pissed he was denying it. And he was just like because it’s no one’s business – it happened and I didn’t feel the need to broadcast it. Like normal people usually are.

He didn’t seem particularly proud of it. So that’s kind of a slap in the face to a chick who thinks she’s all that. Anyway my point … what was it? Oh, Whitney is not the one blabbing about it, Naomie is.

Craig continues to almost unravel about this and pressing Austen as to who told him. Then he tells him he’s not bieng a good friend, and makes some Madison comparison. I would be so happy if we could get through an ENTIRE episode without her being on, and just NOT talking about that chick. Do we know how much she enjoys this?

Okay so Criag is clearly bothered here, which totally just debunks the shit out of that whole fucking holier than thou convo with naomie and his impeccable delivery of the line“you don’t affect my life anymore, Naomie. I guess he should have added, that is until YOU start sleeping with someone, then you MIGHT affect my life.

So I guess Whitney was literally lurking outside the room eavesdropping because he bolts in the room and says “I’m listening to you morons.” He is a producer, so not like he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. He calls them fucking idiots.

Craig’s not bashful about getting in there “whats the story with you and Naomie – you’ve been hooking up?”

Whitney is cool as a cucumber drinking his whiskey or whatever and says “it’s not a lie.”

Craig is clearly agitated as fuck. Hopefully he gave Paige a heads up about this scene before last night when it aired. Whitney looks smug as fuck.

Whitney says “there are other reasons, it’s not just some random hook-up.” What in the hell does that mean?? What ‘OTHER’ reasons?

For the sake of the show, story lines, you were bored, needed laid?? because that does all sound like a random hook-up if I ever heard one. Usually they are random. That’s why it’s called ‘hooking up.’ Fuck me, Whitney, now YOU sound like a fucking moron. He says it’s none of Criag’s business, which it’s not.

Fuck you Whitney” with a condescending shoulder pat is Craig’s response. Whitney sounds like he’s slurring a little bit and half of his glasses are fogged up. Did he just come from Naomie’s room? Lol.

They gather for this outdoor dinner where the candles will be lit, and there will be waters carefully placed by at all of the place settings, by the wine glasses, on the correct side of course…

So Craig is now pissed at Whitney and at the starting point of one of his little hissy fits that we’ve all seen many times before. Does Paige like know what she’s getting into? Surely by now she’s had to have been in his presence for one of these. Maybe not, since they’re still long distance dating ?

Which isn’t really dating and not really a relationship if you ask me. Paige won’t be putting up with shit. Does he know Italians?? I wish she would have gone for Andrea.

Shep is wearing a ridiculous winter hat, that I cannot think of what they’re called right now. Shep and Whitney convene about the interaction with Craig.

Shep is telling him not worry about it. Has he met Craig? Or maybe he meant that in the way that he knows Craig is going to be coming unglued, and he’s down for it. This IS Shep. Yeah that’s probably what he meant.

Craig and Austen (aka Frick and Frack) enter the dinner area, and Whitney apologizes a very insincere apology. Just not buyin his apology. I think he’s just wanting to bring it up to get Craig all riled up about it from the get go. Craig says “I don’t understand her obsession with you but whatever, it’s your life.”

I’m not sure she’s obsessed with him – but I’ll give you two words why she’s interested – Cha Ching!

He calls it shady of him in his yap, and goes into Bro Code rules which is ridiculous. There are no bro code rules with these dudes, they literally ALLL banged Kathryn back in the day. Not an exaggeration. Craig, Shep, Whitney (I think they were even sort of dating, that was a whole thing, remember?) and Thomas.

The ‘bro’s’ sit around the fire still griping about it. Craig says he was “disappointed” by it.

The girls join. Olivia sits by Austen. Naomie is, for the love of God, wearing these fucking latex pants, to sit by a fucking fire in the fucking woods. Like she’s goin at this hard!! Hope Whitney brought the Viagra.

Whitney calls her sparkly. She corrects him to latexy. Craig is stewing as they awkwardly hug and interact briefly. They part. Craig is ready to spontaneously combust. You just know it’s going to be bad just by look on his face.

Well maybe she does affect my life – a little !!

Craig and Shep somehow get into Craig’s ‘insecurity’ issues, (which we all have insecurities about something, with women it’s often body and looks, with dudes, it’s more job, accomplishments, and status. (not saying it can’t be vice versa, or a little of both before anyone gets mad) I think Shep brought it up because he knows it will provoke Craig, and make him appear loserish.

Nothing to do with the issue at hand, but do you remember when you were a loser 8 years ago?

Yes in that period, 7 -8 years ago, whatever, Craig was at kind of a crossroads, if you will.

He was hardly a pathetic loser. He had a law degree, and a finance degree, but didn’t know what he wanted to do, if he wanted to be a lawyer, or not. He was procrastinating taking the bar, and yes being kind of lazy and sleeping half the day. He started the sewing thing as a hobby, but then decided to pursue it as a business, and that didn’t happen overnight,

Shep cannot identify with ANY of this, because when he got out of school umpteen fucking years ago, he didn’t need to worry or sweat ANY of this shit. So for me, I just don’t think he was coming from a place of any type of concern or friendship here. Although he’s trying to sound like he is.

It sort of comes off like a gang- up on Craig thing, because Whitney comes in with “you’ve actually become more of an asshole.” Not really necessary. Think he’s shitfaced.

Naomie is looking on and listening, and seems to see this is what’s happening, but doesn’t say anything. She can’t defend her ex, and go against the dude she’s trying to get with, to make him jealous.

This sucks for Craig, but whatevvs!!! I’m hungry when’s dinner?

Shep again with the “we knew you back when…” Why is he harping on this? This, to me isn’t that embarrassing. He went through that stage when he was in his mid – twenties when you’re SUPPOSED to go throught that stage. A lot of people don’t hit that until they’re in their 40’s and life throws them a curve ball, and have to sort of reinvent yourself… He’s 33 and doing what he wants to do, and is succesful.

This causes Craig to have to bring up how terribly Shep has treated him, which he was. I mean he named his stupid little pug “Little Craig” just to be a jerk. That’s demeaning. I think Craig took that very well. I don’t think I was watching that season every episode, in 2018/19 when Shep got that dog. What was Craig’s reaction when he told him he was naming his dog ‘Craig.’ I’m not sure there was any type of blow- out over it, unless I missed it.

No one will speak up and defend Craig. He tells him he went against his entrepreneurship, and his progression and success, has been due to moving away from him.

So guys, we’re literally having this same convo/argument as one of the first of the season that was at Kathryn’s birthday debacle. And I said it then, so I don’t mean to be repetitive, but this is repetitive,

this does not seem normal in a dude friendship. I thought guys punched each other and moved on, and didn’t go deep into friendship type issues and petty shit like girls do.

Shep says in his yap this is not about them, it’s his anger or whatever is because of Naomie and Whitney banging. But, what I want to point out, is that Shep instigated this subject by saying “it bothers him that they knew him eight years ago when he was struggling…” which has NOTHING to do with the Naomie shit. So basically Shep, you kicked him when he was already down.

And I even agree he’s being stupid, being annoyed in the first place. But why, when you know someone is pissed, do you bring up a sensitive subject? This is just such evil Housewife behavior. It’s provoking. I might even call it actual gas lighting. I try to avoid interchanging the two verbs. They’re not the same.

I don’t think I’ve gotten on my gas lighting soapbox for a short while, but the difference is gas lighting is a pattern, executed over time, when you keep at it, provoking someone and poking, until they lose their mind. It usually has to be someone you’re in a relationship with.

I think it applies here, since this is Shep has been at this for quite some time with Craig. And he knew exactly what to do here.

Shep yap where he says “he’s just lashing out about naomie” but he’s forgetting

he brought this “we knew you when…” thingup. I don’t know what Craig’s lazy period has to do with Naomie fucking whitney. At all.

Shep defends his behavior as “little brother goofing around.” That’s a bad excuse, as Craig is pointing out. Maybe that’s what he thought he was doing, since he never had a younger sibling to pick on, but that should just be harmless joking around, not calling someone a loser in life.

And here’s this thought I have. Tell me again what YOU have accomplished in YOUR life Shep, that makes you so successful, and better, other than LUCK of flying out of a vagina who has great grand daddy that set you up for life??

So this escalates, Whitney who is, reminder: producer and creator of the show – and has been seeing how lack luster the ‘story lines’ and interactions have been, is looking on, silent, drinking his drink, and totally GLOATING, with an almost SINISTER look on his face. (He’s prob thinking, and all I had to do was bang a hot chick – I love my life) And just like that, the show is saved.

This is gonna be the best episode so far, hands down!!!!

This was so contrived. I’m starting to wonder if he and Naomie even fucked at all.

I’m leaning towards yes, because I don’t think Naomie is any kind of actress. And the 15 times she’s spoken about it so far, it seems like it did take place. I mean if not, Leva is going to be so disappointed!

I think Whitney had all of this, including Craig’s reaction to it, totally planned.

This just shows you how you can manipulate people’s feeling and reactions and control them. Like as I’m looking at him, it’s almost like he’s holding a fucking video game controller in his hand aimed at Craig. And Craig played right into this.

Just like I played right into a manipulation tactic two years ago with my sister’s trailer park mother in law. And there’s also alcohol involved so that’s not helping. As there was in my case too.

Of course bored fame whore Leva, puts her nose in, and defends Shep, instead of Craig who has NO ONE backing him up.

It gets worse with Shep claiming Craig needed acceptance from him, and worried about status and whatever whatever. Basically, pointing out he’s not a spoiled rich kid, and has to work for a living, and ridiculing him for that. Yes Craig probably did have some envious type issues hanging around Shep and Whitney, who did not have to worry about money and working and earning a living.

And to Shep, working, just like marriage, “sounds awful!!

Whitney still with his drink, looking on I did this. I did this.”

Leva sort of sticks up for Craig and said when you poke at Craig it didn’t always “land for him.”

I guess I would give her a solid C- for effort there in defending Craig. Sort of still defending Shep, and just pointing out Craig didn’t really appreciate all the digs.

Shep gets all Sheppy and says “this isn’t kumbaya!” Whatever that means. Long way around ofsaying “I just don’t give a shit about anyone else.”

Whitney – still blank stare as this all ravels just the way he intended.

Shep finally says something sort of humane- like “we didn’t realize how sensitive you were.”

A dude doesn’t want to hear that in front of twenty people but whatever.

Leva wants him to think that’s great and Craig says “that’s just putting it on me.” He’s not wrong there. Instead of saying “yeah I can be an asshole” he said “you’re just too sensitive.”

That crosses into the gas lighting and manipulation You can’t really deny that. Why is he wearing this stupid fucking winter cap sitting by a fucking fire?

Whitney needs to get involved here. He rolls out the “you can’t play the victim card Craig!!” which manipulators often do when you really ARE being victimized. It’s the go-to line. Which makes the agitated person more agitated.

Whitney (who the more shit faced he gets, the ruder he gets) sayswe just like messing with you because it’s fun and we can’t help it.”

Craig says “sounds like jealousy and deflection.” and Shep totally over over compensates with his stupid reaction, trying to make it seem like it’s not the case at all, when actually it is part of it.

Shep is such a prick. Everyone laughs at Craig’s expense

So, what you’re saying Shep, is that you ARE jealous?

No career, no business idea, nothing defines you, nothing you’re passionate about. Your girlfriend dumped you.


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