Madison as the narrator, who can barely string a sentence together, so not feeling it. Whitney, I guess is really trying to make Madison happen. I’m guessing that’s why he insisted she tag along, as the only female to the bro’s dinner gathering at Patricia’s following Taylor’s event. No need for her presence there amongst four guys.
Is the hot tea drinking dudes a Southern thing, I’m also wondering? I just don’t see guys often making hot tea. I do appreciate the wine glass creativity. Maybe he should consider washing his dishes.

Naturally Paige would gravitate towards Madison as her Charleston BFF. They have similar personalities, both being bitchy, however, Paige is not as mean and vindictive as Madison, by a long shot. Like I said, producers seem to really want to make Madison happen. And I wish they would not.
Maybe they want to catch all of the drama when this fake marriage goes ‘south.’
And that whole spiel that Craig is repeating that Paige is hesitant to move to Charleston, because she has no ‘social circle’ there. Silly Craig! Gullible much?? She doesn’t want to move to Charleston because she’s just not that into you.
Clearly her ‘work’ is flexible, as a reality show star and ‘influencer’ if she’s able to be flying down to South Carolina from New York, every week, staying for three or four days.
If my guy that I was really, really into, and saw a future with, was renovating this huge banging bougee house, complete with pool, and referring to it as ‘our house’ letting me choose the décor, without me even opening my checkbook, I would be packing my shit, and I would be there, as most women would probably be. Craig is being naive, and is looking like a schmuck, for buying all of her excuses like not wanting to leave her mom, and having no friends or social circle there.
I guess some guys don’t care when they clearly look like schmucks? I don’t think Craig needs to be that desperate though. I think he really trusts Paige, that she’s planning on making the long term commitment, and I don’t think that she is. I think she’s just having fun.
Madison’s relationship/marriage being long distance kind of explains a lot. He’s another poor sap that I feel bad for.
The latest tea and talking point is Taylor’s nude photo sent to Whitney. Is this really THAT interesting? In the preview, for this week’s episode, I see Madison comes after Taylor about it, in her fucking typical Madision way, which makes me uncomfortable. It’s also shitty of Whitney to be showing everyone.

Taylor is no match for Madison’s venomous and hateful personality.
And of course it’s so beyond hypocritical to call Taylor out, when Madison legit flew to wherever and fucked ARod while he when he engaged to JLo. Also Taylor just loves Jesus, she never claimed to be a fucking nun. I think women who love Jesus, also have sent nudes. Maybe just not every day. Anyway, that’s this Thursday’s episode.
Taylor is clearly a little lost right now and desperate for attention, and wanting to piss of Shep. I think she has seen how far being the ‘good Southern girl’ got her, in reference to her relationship with Shep, and is maybe trying the opposite tactic?
Maybe trying to be this season’s NaHOmie, who banged and used Whitney to make her ex jealous? Paige and Craig fill Madison in on Taylor confronting Olivia the second she walked in the door at Shep’s dinner party, with “Hey, I kissed Austen! Sorry I lied.”
I personally think they did more than kiss, but this is just sounding so middle school. I just realized Madison wasn’t at the pheasant dinner. Hmmm, didn’t even miss her!
Paige, in this scene says, “they had been sleeping together for months” when discussing the timeline of this supposed ‘kiss’ and discussion about pursuing a relationship. Did she mean Austen and Olivia? That’s how I took it, but one of my FaceBook Bravo friends pointed out that it sounded like she may have meant Austen and Taylor had been hooking up for months.
Austen fills his parents in on the drama, and that he’s been getting therapy regarding his issues with relationships.
I have thought for a while, that his problems have a lot to do with his sister’s tragic and sudden death, when he was only seven years old. He is extremely sensitive and empathetic, and it could have easily gone the other way. Kind of even comes off a little bit wimpy sometimes, but he also has this subtle asshole side to him, which was demonstrated in his treatment of Ciara and Olivia. Both gorgeous and sweet girls. Maybe he’s more attracted to bitchy women like Madison?
He says “quite literally” like four times during this convo. I don’t know what all of this insistence is on ‘maintaining friendships’ with exes on here? Is that a Southern thing too? It’s just not logical and not necessary to be friendly, or hang out together unless you share children.
It’s normal, and there usually is, animosity and hard feelings of at least one party when a relationship ends. A friendship is just not feasible, and not the norm. Can we stop this?
Like Ciara, he treated Olivia kind of crappy, and strung her along. Not as crappy as SOME dudes treat women. I mean, he’s not abusive and mentally disturbed with a multitude of personality disorders, but he certainly could have handled things better. I think he’s still in Madison, actually, which I hate to admit.
Little Craigy is having a little health scare, 108 fever, not sure what is average for dogs. He was at day care while Shep was being his usual hard working, productive self, and golfing. Not sure why he points out to the vet that he has his golf shoes on, like who the fuck cares. Shep, we know you do nothing all day.
He was having a breathing issue due to his smushed face. But seems to be okay. We love little Craig, even though his dad is Shep.

JT’s décor in his event space is not cohesive. I’m all for eclectic and not matchy matchy furniture, but these three pieces are just NOT cohesive. And I like all of the pieces. I could deal with the brown leather chair being replaced with a 2nd pink wing chair in this ensemble. I love the blue modern couch. That brown leather needs to go, and the side and cocktail tables are also all wrong. In his defense, he is a guy. Not sure why he didn’t consult with another female on this if his mom was not available.

He complains to his mom about being still single, and not met anyone since his divorce several years ago. Guess he doesn’t want to settle for an extremely unattractive mentally ill married chick just because she puts out non-stop. You know, he’s got standards.
Patricia and Whitney call Michael, who had a stroke, as we know. He’s at a facility in Florida. He helps them make a martini. Patricia pretends like she cares about him. Maybe she does. Kind of. She misses his martinis.

Leva and Venita meet for dinner, and cannot reach Olivia. Taylor calls, who lets them know that Olivia’s brother had passed away. And what makes this extra depressing, is that this past June, Taylor’s brother also passed away. Lyme disease was the culprit of Olivia’s brother, but not sure about Taylor’s. The info is still unavailable online from what I was able to find.
They leave the restaurant upon hearing this news.
Naturally this is difficult and awkward since Austen and Taylor are at odds with her. Austen is not sure if he should reach out to her, or not reach out to her. He knows what it’s like to lose a sibling, so there’s that.
I know Craig is trying to plug his products with this goofy apron, but can he not? He’s making dinner for Olivia of gluten free lasagna. What’s with the Bravolebs having all of these shitty corkscrews? And who opens wine like this??

Venita hosts a get together for Olivia to get her out of her house and have her friends’ support.
Leva arrives, and they discuss whether or not to invite Madison. Yeah, let’s just have Madison sit this one out. She’s not exactly Captain Empathy, nor exactly heartwarming, and Olivia can’t really stand her. Who does really like her? Just Paige and Patricia. That explains a lot.
Now Taylor is on the potential chopping block, as to whether or not she is worthy of an invite due to their recent discussions, and the kissing scandal.
Do we really need to discuss that Taylor and Austen fucking kissed, at a time like this? I thought when something tragic happens, isn’t it supposed to, at least temporarily, put life in perspective, and make you feel silly for making something so fucking stupid and trivial seem like the end of the world?
Then fucking Venita sulks and whines about Taylor not calling her back, when Olivia’s brother fucking died. Is this really happening? I know we’re trying to take down Taylor this season, but we seriosuly cannot take a ten minute break??

This whole scene with these two selfish twats was so awful.
Venita and Leva collectively decide Taylor should not be included in their little get together. Venita seems to be mainly pissed that she hasn’t answered her calls in the past week, and wants to punish her. These are some selfish fucking bitches. Taylor calls, and they smirk when she asks if the invite is still available.
Venita starts to tell her that she shouldn’t come, and Taylor defends her case, stating that Olivia needs people that are close to her family, then fucking Leva grabs the phone, and tells her “you know I’ve known Olivia’s parents too right, and that’s hurtful to me?”
Venita thinks this is hilar and laughs. Yeah Venita, this really is so fucking funny that Olivia’s brother died, and you’re going out of your way to exclude Taylor from your little slumber party. What a couple of imbeciles !
Leva the ruler of all, then tells her that it’s okay to come over. She seriously is making this about her, and even points at herself, and how dare Taylor insinuate that she doesn’t know Olivia’s parents. This scene blew me away and I was surprised there wasn’t more outrage on social media about it.

At a time like this, we’re seriously trying to one up each other as to who knows her family better?
Like read the room Leva! It’s not a fucking popularity contest! It’s the death of someone’s only sibling. Wow, just WOW!
Olivia walks in, and makes some small talk, then quickly breaks down, and it’s so sad. Taylor also arrives, and I don’t think Olivia gives a rats’ ass right now that she kissed stupid fucking Austen. Venita and Leva are such fucking immature dicks.
