Southern Charm 10/13/23

Austen admits to Shep that they kissed. Which we knew. When he covered his mouth and lied “no” when asked that specifically, at least I knew.

Shep asks him “Where’s the boundary? Wives with families?” Okay that made no sense, Shep.

Are you going to become a home wrecker now?

No one thinks it’s possible to stop at a kiss. I tend to agree. I don’t know. I probably shouldn’t weigh in on that.

Anyway Shep take in this info, mulls it over for a minute, and then comes up with I think what a lot of viewers are thinking “I was broken up with her…” Yes, Shep, so shut it.

They embrace.

Why don’t we just stop pretending?

They rejoin the group.

Did you fuck Taylor or not??” Madison is so fucking inappropriate. The chick has no couth, no manners, and literally no business even being in a house alone with four dudes, as a married

woman. Including an ex-boyfriend. And I don’t even think she’s funny.

Nauseating JT scene. Who is he again, and why is he here?? Bro – mind your beeswax.

I wish I could kiss Austen…

It’s hard for me to focus because I keep coming back to how, to me, it’s not that big of a deal, Austen and Taylor, at all.

Olivia and Leva meet for lunch to discuss, and apparently there is an upcoming ‘pheasant’ dinner to honor and feature Shep’s kill.

Austen drops in on Taylor, which seems like an excellent idea as they’re trying to seem not into each other.

He tells her know that he let Shep in on the big kissing secret. Taylor is pissed since she did the whole ‘swear on my life, bible. nothing happened, not even a drunken kiss’ thing to Olivia.

Madison drops in on Whitney and Patricia to get her up to speed on the drama. She’s such a fucking leech sucking up to Whitney and Patricia.

Patricia drops –“Then there’s the nude photo Taylor sent to you.”

I’m not saying I don’t believe Whitney, but I do have a hard time fathoming Taylor doing that. I don’t know what’s more unbelievable – the fact that she sent it, or that she sent it to Whitney??

Maybe she was drunk. And why Whitney of all people? And why would he show his mother?

Shep and Craig seem extra chummy this season right? Last season not so much. Shep was kind of bullying him around like a little brother, and Craig sort of snapped.

Paige arrives dressed as the Tin Man. She doesn’t care about putting her dirty suitcase on the bed because SHE doesn’t sleep in it.

Okay scarecrow, let go of the suitcase.

This pheasant party is getting underway, and Shep’s jacket is leaving me speechless. Taylor arrives and her sweater is almost just as bad. The neck collar looks so uncomfortable.

Who do you think is the worst dressed?

She’s wearing some weird ass sweaters this season. And a strange thing to wear to a dinner party.

Shep gets teary over Taylor seeing Little Craig for the first time, since they broke up. I mean it’s sweet, but I don’t know – it’s also Shep.

I don’t miss her, I just miss her doing everything for me.

Just when you start to think he’s not a complete shit and has an actual heart, he rolls this out:

I don’t miss being in a relationship, but I miss the closeness we had with Little Craig.”

So if he doesn’t miss her at all, which is what he just said, then why all of the pissing and moaning about she and Austen?

Another Fashion Police sec– I don’t like Paige’s all black look either. I especially hate it when brunettes wear all black.

Shep pulls Taylor outside to chastise her about Austen,

Everyone’s on edge about Olivia’s arrival. Oh my God !!! So riveting!!

Taylor IMMEDIATELY, and I mean IMMEDIATELY grabs Olivia to let her know that she lied and that she did kiss Austen. Apparently she wanted to talk to her that morning before the gathering, and Olivia was not receptive.

She’s like, “here’s some wine, I kissed Austen.”

So do you think he’s a good kisser?

Taylor sort of tries to shift the blame to Austen. Shep interrupts and tells them the food is ready. Shep makes a weird rambling toast.

That’s the most idiotic toast I’ve ever heard.

Taylor gets flirty about her ‘make out skills’ with Shep when Olivia steps away.

We don’t know why Austen is so dead set on being ‘friendly’ with Olivia. Does he really care or is he just worried about his image?

So bickering starts at dinner, and Shep yells at them to take it away from the table. Since they’re not you know, rednecks.

Austen starts bumbling and rambling and making no sense whatsoever.

This friends with ex’s thing on here is just bizarre. Is it a southern thing??

So since I’m on a roll with the fashion commentary, Olivia’s coat, I’m not feeling. It’s literally camel on one side and cream on one side. Paige must be losing her mind.

I don’t WANT to be your fucking friend!!

This ‘friend’ argument is so fucking stupid. They’re ex’s!! You can’t be friends. This isn’t a new thing.

What does he want? For him, Taylor and Olivia to all hang out together? Let’s just throw Ciara in there too. And Lindsay – she’s single now.

Well safe to say, that didn’t go well.

Not a super jam-packed episode, but that’s fine. Trying to not be up all night finishing this.

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