I don’t like Sally. There I said it.
I feel like I’m not alone. She’s so weird. I feel like she’s the Southern Charm Alexis. Cast only because she dated Gaston and to get under Taylor’s skin.
It’s way too much with her and Taylor’s messy crossing of several mutual dudes they’ve banged. It’s gross. Do these two have the exact same taste in guys, or are there just like ten fucking women for every dude in Charleston?? You have to admit, it’s a little bizarre that they have FOUR guys in common.
Did Patricia jump on the Ozempic train or what? I’ve never seen her look this skinny.
JT and Craig meet for coffee to iron out their little spat that Craig blabbed that JT called Patricia a bitch.
They’re both such pussies, I like Craig, but he needs to stop the tattling.
Maybe this is why Paige dumped him.
As a female, who even cares about being called a bitch? I have no clue why she’d be offended by that. She definitely CAN be a bitch. Thought she wore that as a badge of honor?
If somebody called me a bitch I wouldn’t be offended one single bit. I would take it as a compliment actually, because sometimes I tend to let people walk all over me. To be called a bitch, I will be like ‘thank you that must mean I offended you, which I was trying to do.’ Let’s pick our battles here.
There are so many worse things to be called. He could’ve called her ugly. He could’ve called her an asshole. He could’ve called her a gold digger.
Pretty sure all of her husband have been extremely wealthy. Like come on. I highly doubt that was a coincidence.
They flash on the convo with him and Leva. I love how Leva is like, “I never heard JT use that word.”
Okay Leva, that doesn’t fucking mean he didn’t say it because you’ve never ‘heard him say it.’
So dumb.
Sheppy just happens to be driving by, when Molly is walking a dog she is fostering so they stop and chat.
They hooked up too, OF COURSE. Is there anyone in Charleston he has not boned?
I guess that’s why he had to move on to a whole other country, because he banged everybody in Charleston that’s legal, and probably a few that aren’t.

I like Molly, I think she has potential as a regular. She’s already hooked up with Whitney and Shep. I think that’s one of the criteria.
I wish she’d stop talking about her weight gain. It’s getting awkward.
It’s like she has to keep reminding us “I was really skinny, I swear, I was a model.”
Did she say she was on America’s Top Model? Another reality show vet.
She and Shep would be a cute couple, but I don’t want to wish that man-child on anyone. She’s too old and fat for him anyway, even though she’s like ten years younger, and not that fat.
He brags how great things are going with this Bahamas chick that’s using him. I did a quick search and appears they are no longer together.
I skimmed the article, and it looks like they had a spat at the end of 2024 because she wanted him to pay for her and her friend’s flight to South Carolina, and he said ‘okay sure’ but was bothered that she would ask.
So she tells him ‘where I’m from, dudes pay for shit.’
I think dudes should pay for shit too, but I also don’t think he should be expected to pay for all of her flights back-and-forth, and her friend’s too.
That smells of taking advantage.
No woman is going to be dating a man 20 years older than her, unless he has fucking money and she wants her fucking paws on it. Shep’s mad he’s looking like a big stupid oaf probably.
Madison and Brett are so cute. I just have a hard time believing she’s really into this guy. He seems too sweet and wholesome for her.
I see her getting bored. From what I’m seeing online, because they haven’t really mentioned his job situation, seems he still flying back-and-forth to and from California every few days for his firefighter chief job.
I’m assuming he’s been helping with the wildfires, unless he couldn’t because of his health. I was looking for an update on his cancer diagnosis and all I could find is what’s been aired recently but that was months ago of course.
He’s not accompanying her to any events. He likes to stay out of the drama. He also doesn’t like to talk about his illness much and doesn’t want pity. So in other words, he’s kind of an anomaly of a dude.
Polar fucking opposite of most guys, highly fucking dramatic and need to have all of the attention on them constantly. Here’s a dude that wants the attention off of him. This kid has to be the lowest maintenance dude in history.
She’ll probably dump him like Paige did with Craig. Now she’s dating some dickwad from Philly, who looks like he would be an asshole. I also saw online, which doesn’t make it true, but doesn’t make it not true, that his fiancee he dumped for Paige has indicated that it was a toxic relationship. Do the math on how things are going to go with Paige. Can’t wait til that ends in a firestorm and she goes crawling back to Craig just like NaHOmie did.
About Rodrigo and Taylor being besties, I was confused at first, but then the light bulb went off. With Olivia out of the picture, Taylor who came to the show as Shep’s girlfriend, doesn’t really have a friend per se to film with. Especially since she was hooking up with Austen and that whole thing. And it seems like this Gaston character isn’t super excited about the cameras. Which honestly to me, is a good sign.
Or it could be that he doesn’t want to be around his ex, Salley. And if that’s the case, what is he so afraid of?
So they literally assigned poor Rodrigo to her, who you can see cannot stomach being around a girl. However it is entertaining watching him struggle. Taylor’s a sweetie so she’s doing a better job of faking the friendship.
Just like I’ve never heard of a non-dramatic guy that doesn’t have to be the center of attention constantly, I’ve never heard of a girl that doesn’t like to celebrate her birthday and not make entire week all about her. She explains between this being her first birthday since the passing of her brother, and not loving her birthday anyway, she didn’t feel up to it, and probz didn’t wanna be around a bunch of fake fucking people that don’t really like her.
So there’s this big huge fucking very urgent discrepancy over whether or not Salley called Gaston or he called her.
Salley invites Taylor to her housewarming party.
Why of course she would invite Taylor, whom she hates, whose ex-boyfriend is her current boyfriend? Why not? It IS Bravo.
Austen has a new girlfriend too. I’ll have to see if they’re still together.
He seems to be trying to sell us how he’s a changed man and ‘dating with intention’ now and not just a fuck around.
He refers to this new chick Audrey is being easy-going, I guess I agree with that since his ex-girlfriend calls him and he takes the call outside, and she doesn’t seem to give a shit.
I would call that easy-going.
His parents seem to be serious drinkers. When you walk into their house, it’s like walking into a bar, with the various cocktails that she offers. Do you think she can invite me over? I can hope in my car and be there in a day or two.
These fucking dudes are such little bitches. Madison’s phone call was to inform him that OMFG, Craig and JT me for cosmos, I mean coffee.
Austen gets his panties are stuck up his vajayjay and starts having a fucking meltdown. No wonder Brett doesn’t wanna hang around these dudes.
I still think Austen, Shep and Whitney are all gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but they just need to own it, and come out of the closet and stop wasting bitches time.
I think that’s why Shep and Whitney constantly dates girls young enough to be their daughter because they know it’s not going to last, and at the end of the day they don’t want to be with woman anyway.
I don’t know about this dude of Sally’s. He seems kind of off, also a brief previous love interest of Taylor’s.
Why does he grab her neck like that?? It’s every girl’s dream to be with a guy that fantasizes about strangling her.

I think this yap look in the red dress now has yet a third hair color. When production saw she kept changing her hair, why didn’t they have her put another outfit on. Is it the end of the fucking world as we know it if they have more than three confessional looks?

You’ve all heard she was a contestant on the bachelor? So seems like she’s making her reality show rounds.
I’m not sure I’m loving Paige’s advice telling Craig to ditch the podcast thing with Austen.
Salley whines that Taylor hasn’t immediately approached her to say hello upon entering her household.
Rodrigo‘s husband bitches about having to shuck the oysters because he ‘only eats fresh oysters.’ Like. dude you can’t get more fresh then out of the fucking shell.
Where do they get these people? Like the special classes or what?
Taylor does approach Salley, so now she can shut up. She does her job and asks to chat so they can get the footage.
Taylor immediately bitches at her for bad-mouthing her man.
She thinks it’s so weird that Salley’s “talking about a past flame from a year ago.” Okay, that’s not that weird. A year ago is like yesterday in girl time.
They bicker over who called whom.
I don’t think it’s fair for Taylor to refer to their relationship as a fling.
She’s clearly just repeating what Gaston is telling her, and men and women do kind of interpret things differently when it comes to dating.
Over at the oysters, that are still in the shell, however not that fresh, Madison corners this Andrew oddball asking if he knows who made the initial reach-out between Gaston and Salley.
Who the fuck cares? The funniest part about this scene is this moron bragging that he “held her for like 30 seconds.” What is wrong with this dude? 30 seconds? What a stand-up guy! she must’ve been so distraught to be needing held for 30 seconds.

Not sure what resolution came out Salley and Taylor’s convo. I kind of zoned out. Taylor immediately leaves so it’s safe to say she didn’t really have a great time at this little soirée
Venita and Leva joke about jumping into the pool. Venita questions how deep it is, so let’s just keep that in mind for later.
She decides to take the plunge and goes for it. She finds herself in a predicament of not being able to stay afloat.
What made it kind of funny is that literally all of these dudes stand there watch her gasping for air, (Austen Shep and Whitney the three whose preference I question) and just stand there and fucking look at her? Like what dude wouldn’t immediately without hesitation instinctively jump in the fucking water and help her? What the literal fuck was that??
Craig jumps in to save her.
Paige should’ve been very proud that was her man. I don’t know why I haven’t seen more on social media about what pussies those dudes are. Am I the only one that noticed that?
Somebody even says “is she drowning?” And yet they continue to fucking stand there looking stupid.

Why does Molly play the tuba of all the instruments?
She’s bitching about not being a sex symbol, but she willingly plays the tuba. I don’t know that there’s a less sexier instrument. It sounds like a fart. She was all worried about her solo?? How would you even know if she screwed up??
Austin and Craig consult with each other again about their little pissing match at his house.
Austen seems floored that Craig doesn’t want to do their stupid ass podcast anymore.
Literally who would sit there and willingly listen to these two?