So tonight we have  Mike’s birthday celebration after the text message revelations.  Gotta give him credit,  He is sticking to this far-fetched story of receiving “random” text messages,  which were then sent to Paulina, and being set up.  

Mike really does  WANT to be faithful. but the poor dude just doesn’t seem to  have it in him. Seems like he sort of thrives on the thrill of it.  

Paulina is arriving right as it’s getting heated between him and Reja. 

Very glad to see Reza and MJ talking and attempting again to smooth things over.  (again).  I have a good feeling this time!  Love their goofy banter again !

This episode started off so quiet !  I mean I was almost bored.  I cannot recall being bored watching Shahs EVER, or any Bravo reality shows for that matter!  It seems tensions are high,  but these polo lessons – YAWN FEST ! Wake me when it’s over !!  

I’m thinking ok,  there is going to be an explosion in the last 5 minutes.  But in the meantime – let’s pick this up guys ! 

Shervin and Gigi – they’re not speaking due to a business deal gone south?  Was it her marijuana business?  Does anyone know the deal with this?  I tried to look it up online and didn’t find anything? 

Reza chugging straight 1942 –  could get interesting !  

Mike coming clean ?  What ???????  (it’s not like anyone believed him anyway) 

This does seem to be his pattern as I’m recalling with the cheating on Jessica.  Vehemently denies shit,  then says,  oh yeah, I just remembered , I did do it. Then the excuses start.    Strange dude, that Mike.  Does anyone know if he’s still doing the building site manager of that apartment building?  I felt like he was a little over his head with that , but was hoping he could pull it off!

Ok – next week is going to be better – I know it !!  

Sorry guys this was a little bit of disappointing episode !! Was it not ??

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