Jennie and Lisa visit Meredith for snacks and drinks.

The color of this drink is very green and very off putting. Very Kermit the Frog.

It’s not easy being green…

It looks like the celery smoothies on Project Runway last week.

But I do love Jennie’s lime green jacket and purse. And It matches the drink. Was this planned?

She matches the featured cucumber cocktail

So we’re back to the Sister Wife thing??? Did the producers tell Jennie that she needs more to talk about? (aka ‘story line’) Did she not share this with ALL of the ladies previously?

John would NOT ask Lisa for a sister wife… John is scared shitless of Lisa.

Jen calls Heather and tells her that she is “driving herself” OMG. eye roll

She discloses that she talked to Lisa 3.2 hours per day. Who the hell, over the age of twelve, talks on the phone 3 (.2) hrs per day to one person ? And 3.2? Maybe she was joking with the .2 thing ?

Jen and Lisa meet for lunch. It already looks awkward. Lisa asks “how are you ?” twice.

Jen begins with her go-to how this is affecting her ‘family.’ She knows she’ll get sympathy with that one every time. At least for like a minute. And then she rolls out her second go-to – “I’m innocent and I don’t even understand what is going on?”

Lisa says she ‘ listened’ to John by meeting up with Jen. I find that hard to believe. She admits she didn’t get back to her right away because her “feelings were hurt.” At least she didn’t say she was “DRIVING CARPOOL!!!!!”

Lisa brings up the interactions and arguments prior to her arrest. Lisa is doing her weird cry thing that passes in four seconds after she gets your attention.

Lisa says she still is a mom and still had to work, after the hurt that Jen caused her. It’s a contest apparently because Jen says “SHE’S a mom and SHE has to work… well she has one of these things off her plate now (I assume) Are these ladies too old to say “friend group?”

This clearly is a contest. Now – “My feelings are hurt, well MY feelings are hurt.”

Is this question and answer to yourself thing a Salt Lake thing or a Meredith and Lisa thing ? Or do they all do it ? I’ll have to pay more attention. But it’s annoying.

Heather’s brother is visiting. Heather is in the middle of six kids, she says.

How are you the “middle” of six kids? Whatever. There’s nothing great about being a middle child. (believe me I know) why do people try to make themselves a middle child? It’s not a good thing. It’s only a thing in a family of three kids. Because when there’s only three, the middle child is the ONLY middle child. There’s an older that get the oldest/firstborn benefits, and youngest that gets the “baby” benefits. When you have five or six kids -there are SEVERAL in the “middle” status. It doesn’t count ! Wanted to get that off my chest for a while. I seized this opportunity.

Her brother has been living in Switzerland and recently decided to leave the Mormon Cult, I mean church. Did it really take this long for these people to realize Mormonism is a weird cult thing ? Like they tell you that you can’t drink COFFEE ??? Does that sound like a religion or some sort of dictatorship?? Does it take a genius to figure this out ?? Maybe not a genius, just someone not brainwashed. And they start them young. Emily from OC, why is she having her daughter getting involved in this crazy shit. ??

She’s going to be really mad at her in about ten years, I’m predicting.

Jen we know this is a ‘difficult time ‘ for you —- we know !! maybe if you were not scamming peopl, e you wouldn’t be having this ‘difficult time. ’ Maybe the elderly people that don’t have much money, that you lied to and scammed, so you can by head to toe Louis Vuitton, and live in a mansion, are also going through a “difficult time…” Narcissist much ????

Coach and Jen discuss downsizing, in light of her legal issues. Jen says that her home is a “meeting place” for all of the extended family, therefore she doesn’t want to downsize. She says she employs her family at 50k/ month ? what ?

Is anyone feeling sorry for her right now? I’m not.

Whitney and Lisa meet at a “zen” yoga retreat thing. There are some strange things in Salt Lake.

Remember (oh they flash it ) that tub scene (like old school bath tubs) outside (where Heather and Jen were arguing) in the middle of nowhere, that looked like something from an old western movie ?

Whitney admits to Lisa that she spoke to Cameron. Lisa is pissed about this. “She doesn’t even know him” (Well she does now.)

Lisa does the question and answer thing — “Do I trust Cameron ? Yes. Should others be reaching out to him ? Absolutely not.

Lisa is of course, all over the place. Now she seems to be questioning Mary’s ethics, after she was just team Mary. Especially when she got a free Louis Vuitton purse.

Meredith tells Seth that she can’t reach her shoes from her top shelf in her closet ? Can we safely call this “Rich People’s problems?? also maybe ‘Not Smart’ people’s problems ? She couldn’t think of herself to use something long to knock them down? Maybe I know this because I’m short. I don’t have to have a three story closet to not be able to reach something. Guess it’s called “short people’s problems…”

Time for Jennie’s Pho luncheon ? Previews tell us this is, OF COURSE, not anything even close to “Internal Peace. ”

Jen, Whitney and Heather arrive. I am loving Whitney’s lavender hounds tooth mini skirt suit set. Will be doing my “Hot or Not” post for this event. Maybe not the tube top part though. But this is Whitney.

Loved this until i saw the tube top part

Lisa breaks down her entire outfit to the girls down to her “straight hair” (Isn’t this how she always wears her hair ?) Like you really have to be in an unaware state of narcissism to stand there and break down and make people notice and comment on your entire outfit – head to toe – including hair and shoes. Is it just me that thinks this is strange ? We can see what you’re wearing Lisa. No one asked you to break it down. if no one asked, no one cares. shut up.

Meredith: in weird Meredith voice to Jennie- “didn’t we have this whole conversationnnnnn to not invite me if you invite HERRRRR?”

New Weird Meredith face to go with weird Meredith voice

There’s a lot of fake nicey nice banter as they all sit down, and Mary arrives. Mary makes a weird ‘slanty eyes’ comment to Jennie. Remember she also made a “Mexican” comment few weeks ago. She and Heather make peace. Mainly because I think Mary wants to bury all of the accusations.

Whitney ‘whispers’ to Jen, that this all is really fake and is she on some mushroom trip?

Mary who is sitting across the table, of course hears, and pipes in about why she thinks there is fakeness. I think this is what starts it all.

Jen keeps saying she didn’t know “this was going to happen??” I guess that’s not a lie. She really thought she would just keep scamming people and never get caught ? She maintains she has NO CLUE what is going on. The play dumb act is getting old. She needs to come up with something else.

They attempt to throw Whitney under the bus, as the ring leader of the text messaging chain about Jen. That quickly gets buried when they point out everyone was talking back and forth. There’s a lot of yelling and talking at once, everyone is in a weird competition as to who said the worst, and the most, and the most worst.

Well we knew it was coming — Jen starts crying.

Mary is doing it now – “do I hope she’s innocent – yes – do I think she’s innocent – NO” – must be a Salt Lake thing. Any Salt Lake residents out there ? Is this a thing?

Lisa is saying ‘friend group’ again. Mary tells her to shup up.

Jen should feel pretty important righ now as they’re all fighting over who is the better (worse) friend.

They forget about Jen even sitting there, and they start arguing amongst themselves about her predicament about what all they said and didn’t say.

Mary literally tries to say that she said NOTHING negative. Is she doing a Lisa Rinna and forgetting about the camera guys???

I almost feel bad for Jen right now. ALMOST.

Mary says she won’t be called a liar!!!! – does she, like, notice the cameras ?

Lisa says she has ‘PTSD’ from that day. ???? (of Jen’s arrest)

Mary walks away – Meredith the chaser, chases after her…

Jen walks away after the PTSD comment from Lisa. Guess by that point she officially had enough of these crazy bitches.

Jen and Mary the two odd (wo)men out – convene to the side. Meredith and Lisa begin to argue.

They look like a bunch of toddlers that the moms are trying to have all sit down at the table for dinner.

Mary tells Jen she is praying for her. She says she prays to God she’s “guilty, I mean innocent”—- Freudian slip???

Jennie: “I wanted it to be peaceful…” Girllllllll really ???

Meredith to Lisa: “This is not peaceful – you have been screaming for a half hour …” she sort of has.

Heather laughs out loud. Now Lisa and Meredith walk away.

Lisa is missing the point. She wants to know why Meredith is defending Jen when she can’t stand Jen. What Meredith is pointing out, is the fakeness and dishonesty. How they’re all telling Jen to her face they’re on her side, and believe her, but they don’t. At least she’s being honest, Meredith points out.

You know who much I love when they walk away in a huff adamant that “they don’t need this!!!!” and they’re leaving RIGHT NOW” and then someone chases them down, and they return back to the madness.

Lisa manages to lure Meredith back with her fake weird cry. She says she needs her to go back there, as if she’s completely helpless.

She’s doing it so much now, that she seems to be perfecting it. It’s almost seeming believable.

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