Roasted Broccoli and Veggie Pizza !!!

Prepared Pizza Crust – I LOVE Wewalka – it’s a European brand I recently noticed in my grocery store, and started using. I do have a from-scratch dough recipe I’ve been using for years, but this crust is sooo good, why hassle with it? I hope you can find it in your area ! If not, I guess use the Pillsbury, or any other brand.

Get this dough if you can !!!!

Maybe you have an Italian Market you can get fresh dough from. ???

I will also provide my crust recipe if you would rather! It’s not that hard – just needs to rise for an hour so you gotta plan ahead for that !


Olive Oil

Pizza Sauce

Cheese – this can be altered – but I used even amounts of both mozzarella and goat cheese for something different and extra creaminess and it was great !!! Provolone or Fontina is awesome too !

I used approximately ½ cuppish of each. But use whatever amount makes you happy !

1 small head of broccoli

Yellow/Red/Purple cherry tomato assortment, approx 10 -12, cut in half

1/2 cup shredded zucchini (measurement is approximate)

¼ cup sliced red onion (measurement is approximate)

1 small garlic clove, minced

fresh parsley, chopped, curly or Italian. I prefer the Italian (flat) parsley

fresh basil, chopped, or dried basil can be used. This can be omitted. Oregano can also be used.

No rules when it comes to making your own pizza!! But the fresh herbs do make a difference! Try to at least use the fresh parsley, if possible. I am a fresh parsley fanatic and put it on almost everything. I’m just crazy like that !!!

Salt and Pepper to taste, and Red pepper flakes if you like some kick.

Cut the broccoli into large pieces, season with salt and pepper to taste, drizzle olive oil over them, and roast in a 400 degree oven for approximately 15 minutes. Roasting it first makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE, I promise, it’s worth the extra time and effort. It should look a little brown and caramelized! I never really cared for broccoli on pizza, and it’s because if it’s not precooked, it has like ZERO flavor! And it’s just annoying !

We all know that broccoli needs a little help !!!

Roasting the broccoli first is my only ‘MUST’ for this recipe !

I shred my zucchini in the food processor, with the shredder blade, but it can also be finely chopped.

Saute the zucchini, chopped onion, chopped parsley, basil and garlic clove in saute pan with a little olive oil on med – low just until tender.

3 – 5 minutes should do it. Be careful the garlic doesn’t burn!! Add a little salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the pizza crust as directed. If you’re using the Wewalka, it’s packaged with the parchment paper, so you just leave that on and trim if needed. Place crust on your baking sheet. This crust comes in a round or rectangular version.

I used the round for this recipe, but it doesn’t matter.

Brush olive oil over the pizza crust, add sauce, cheese and the sauteed zucchini/onion/garlic blend.

Coarsely cut the roasted broccoli and add that, then the sliced cherry tomatoes, and more fresh parsley or basil/oregano if you’re using it, little more salt and pepper and red pepper flakes !

This can be adjusted to your liking, or what you have on hand. The star is the roasted broccoli!

You can add your pepperoni, sausage or any meat if you want! – nothing wrong with that ! No rules here !!! I personally think with all of these flavorful veggies, I don’t even miss it !

Hot chick with a hot Pizza !!!! Check my Tik Tok Vid and see me in action !!

I recommend NOT using the “pizza stones” as the dough does not cook on the bottom, on these pans. They are better for reheating or frozen pizzas.

So if you wanna do the scratch made dough – go for it ! This is a really good and basic recipe I’ve been using for years!

Pizza Crust Recipe

1 tsp dry yeast

2 – 7 T warm water approximately, may not need it all.

½ cup warm water

2 cups flour

1 tsp salt

Dissolve yeast in ½ cup warm water in small bowl. Let stand for 5 minutes. Put flour and salt in food processor and process and pulse until blended. Add the yeast mixture slowly through the food chute.

Add the remaining warm water, 1 T at a time until dough forms a ball. You may only need a few tablespoons so keep an eye on it. Process for additional 30 seconds. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead 4 or 5 times, place dough in large bowl coated with cooking spray, turning to cover top of dough. Cover and let rise in warm place for an hour. Sometimes I will turn my oven on very low temp, and put the bowl on top on the stove for part of the time. I cover with saran wrap and a towel. It should double in size so make sure your bowl is big enough. Punch it down and rest for additional 5 minutes. Roll out on floured surface with floured rolling pin in shape of sheet pan you’re using.

(I HATE this part !!! I can never get it shaped right!! —-I just say it’s “rustic” )

Place dough on baking sheet, and continue with directions above for the toppings etc.

Bake at 500 degrees for 9 minutes. I recommend NOT using the “pizza stones” the dough does not cook on the bottom on these. They are better for reheating or frozen pizzas.

Alter toppings with whatever you like ! No rules for Pizza !!!


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