RHOC – Season 16 – Heather DuBratt and Gemily vs Shannon

I decided to do my Mean Mondays post about none other than Gina Kirshenwhatever on the current season of RHOC, in reference to the extreme gas lighting and non sense mean girl-ness she is displaying towards Shannon week after week (along with the help of Emily and Heather) this season.

Okay so it’s normal to see the Housewives arguing, some insult slinging, talking behind each other’s backs etc etc etc … and we’ve even had some physical altercations, which are never the answer. (Will Smith) They’re great for ratings though.

I just don’t know when ACTUAL bullying, gas lighting, fabricating fake wrong doings, (YOU DIDN’T EVEN ASK ABOUT MY PODCAST !! YOU’RE JEALOUS OF GINA !! YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS! )and lying became okay. Well folks, that is the behavior that I am seeing on OC this season, lead by ring leader Heather DuBratt, with Gina and Big Emily as her stupid little brainwashed lackeys.

Here is the scene a few weeks of the confrontation between Gina and Shannon where Gina was in full mean girl mode. She’s not arrogant at all, she says as she makes 20 over exaggerated, arrogant and vile facial expressions!


Is Heather trying to get some sort of revenge on Shannon from eight- ten years ago ? Is that really adult behavior or behavior of someone who claims to be so well-bred and the queen of etiquette ?

They opened the season with a cute quaint scene of Shannon and Gemily out having dinner and margaritas. Several margaritas. After getting a little buzzed, there was chatter and giddiness about how they’re so chummy, and how Gina and Emily “grew on Shannon.” It was really cute. However that was quite short-lived. I even think that was all a set-up of sorts, to reel Shannon in, and then start the back-stabbing. I don’t know ? It just all seems too planned out and contrived, and not just happening organically as we would rather have the shows go. Doesn’t it remind you of that chick flick movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” with Kate Hudson? How she was so fun and easy going on their first date, then she started the crazy sinister act in an effort to have him break up with her ??? It’s like that, except with friends, except it’s not a movie.

Enjoy this day because , just FYI this is all an act, and we’ll be tormenting you from here on out

From what I have been seeing on Twitter and the FB Chat group pages, is that MOST (with the occasional “I love Heather/Gina” or “Shannon plays the victim…” is that viewers are none too happy with this ‘pick on Shannon cuz it’s fun ’ story line. Reeks of desperation and high school style antics. I thought this Twitter Bravo follower/friend of mine, worded it perfectly when Noella jumps to defend Shannon, and make her aware she sees what is going on. Say what the hell you want about Noella’s quirkiness and that she “doesn’t belong” or whatever, but you GOTTA respect how she stands up to Heather and doesn’t seem to give two fucking shits about “impressing” her. (Awaiting approval to post the tweet)

I wish Shannon was seeing through this desperate attempt for fame and camera time, of these three stooges, and not letting herself get bothered by it. I also hope Heather and Gemily do NOT return next season.

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