RHOBH – Teeth Charity Event – 8/10/22

Let’s break down some of the looks at the ‘Homeless not Toothless’ Event at Dorit’s. I am sure folks in need, that need new teeth, and a home (not necessarily in that order) really appreciate these types of events, where rich people (or regular people pretending to be rich people) get all dressed up and go out, eat a huge meal, and drink pricey cocktails, on behalf of a charity, so they feel better about themselves. Instead of just donating to the charity.

But whatever. I got off topic. Make sure you read my post on the episode to get my opinions on this charity, about providing new teeth for a Homeless person.

The theme/dress code whatever thing, is Black & Gold. Not sure why that was. Does Dorit secretly like the Steelers? This was filmed at the height of football season. Or maybe black represents the recipients’ rotten teeth, and gold represents the attendees’ lifestyles ?? This whole thing is fucked up.

Anyway, we’re still going to find the humor.

Dorit brags to PK that she is wearing VINTAGE Cavalli. I thought it was pretty. It fit her well. I’m sure she had it altered to fit her like a glove. ‘So chic.’ I’ll give it a ‘HOT.’ No mention of ‘the robbery’ lately right ? She seems to be over it, and has a whole wardrobe full of new designer duds.

That’s VINTAGE Cavalli old man! and I paid good money to rent this, that we have to pay back !

HOT – I really liked Garcelle’s a lot with the large gold vertical gold hardware going down one side. The one chain kept getting caught on her boob though.

Couldn’t one of her ‘friends’ told her this?? She still looked great though!

NOT – Diana’s was weird and not really flattering nor attractive whatsoever. SHE thought she looked exquisite. That much we know.

Sure Kyle, just hair fluff away around everyone’s drinks at the table.

Rinna’s was covered in sequins, and I guess it was cool. She sort of looked like a gold fish to me. You know what, this is Rinna, after all, and I’m giving her a NOT. Just to be an asshole. And it looks like a gold fish.

My pimp followed me in here,

Kathy told her she looked “wet” because you know, she’s Kathy. She also thought a place card reading ‘Diana’ said ‘Leanne.’ And she went on and on about the font, and how much she loved the place cards, and it was literally a typical cursive font.

NOT – Kyle did her basic blah black, or just blahhhhck. She didn’t have to dig too deep in her closet for that. She accessorized with a gold purse that Mauricio grabs on the way in and says how much he loves it, and reminds her that he “picked that out.” Yikes. That’s just weird.

If you don’t mind, I would like to borrow this tomorrow night.

Inside, PK promptly presents him with a gold Versace belt buckle for the ‘gold’ in his outfit. Again, Mauricio, weird. They’re both off. These two deserve each other.

And Erika, well she’s Erika. She got the dress code wrong, all wrong. As usual. Not the ‘Black & Gold’ instructions, but maybe, you know, the unspoken ‘don’t dress like a hooker’ instructions.

Does this dress make me look like ‘Finding Nemo?’ I don’t know, does this dress make my entire tit stick out??

She awkwardly looks around realizing this, and looks like she wants to shrink into the walls. NOT

Well not shocking I came like this, can’t afford the $50g per month people anymore.

I didn’t even notice what Crystal and Sutton were wearing. It was similar to Kyle’s. Basic and boring. NOT.

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