Renee’s Enchiladas (not sure about Scheana’s recipe- but here’s mine!)

I was inspired to make MY famous enchiladas since Scheana made hers last episode. And they turned out great !! Not to be outdone by Scheana, but they turned out great !!!

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts seasoned with salt, pepper & paprika, grilled or sauteed, cut into small pieces (don’t overcook, if anything leave a little pink inside, they will finish cooking in the sauce and when the enchies are baked). you can use thighs (or mix) if your prefer dark meat- I would say 4 thighs if you’re using only thighs since they’re smaller.

1 15 oz can of Enchilada sauce. Be careful most brands come in mild/medium/hot. Don’t get the hot if you don’t want them too spicy

finely chopped fresh parsley to taste – I use like a handful of leaves. You can replace with cilantro if you like cilantro – I do not. Be careful when you use it- too much is overpowering and it’s all you’ll taste!

¼ cup of red or white onion, finely chopped. this can be varied depending on taste

1 small garlic clove finely chopped

couple dashes of red pepper flakes, or around 1- 2 tsp finely chopped jalapeno pepper if you like some kick.

8 oz bag of shredded cheddar cheese, or a taco/Mexican blend

8 corn tortilla shells. Try to get a better quality. I don’t care for the Chi-chi’s. The cheaper ones will crack when you’re trying to roll them. The best ones are La Tortilla Factory (my fave). They don’t crack.

After chicken breasts are cooked, cut into small pieces. Saute the onion, garlic and jalapeno pepper, and some of the chopped parsley for few minutes in olive oil until fragrant. Add the chicken breast pieces into same pan that onions were sauteed in, Pour in around half of the can of enchilada sauce, stir with spatula, and simmer on low for around 5 minutes until heated and flavors are united.

Spray a glass baking pan or casserole dish (“No one even brought me a casserole !!”) with some cooking spray, add a little of the enchilada sauce to the bottom.

Assemble the enchiladas (this gets messy…)

Pour some of the sauce on a plate, and lightly coat each tortilla in some sauce.

Add around a tablespoonish of the chicken mixture to each tortilla and sprinkle with some of the cheese and roll into enchiladas. If you’re having trouble closing them, take some of the meat out. Pour remaining sauce over top and sprinkle with remaining cheese and some more chopped parsley or cilantro.

Cover with foil and bake at 350 for around 20 minutes! Serve with sour cream and/or guac if ya like that, but they’re good without too !!

Yummm – they look great right !! ??? Tastes just as good as your favorite Mexican place. And not that hard – just messy !!!

You could also use ground beef, steak or shrimp even – instead of chicken ! This recipe can be tweaked to suit however you like it! you could even use a veggie mix of mushrooms, zucchini and black beans!

These measurements do not need to be followed to the letter. Naturally make adjustments if you’re making more. They work great for entertaining or to take a party! You could bake bake them there !

Pairs great with —– a margarita — what else ???

Email me if you have any questions or send me your pix!

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