Real Houswives of OC – 8/1/24- Part 2 – Dom and Dommer

Gina tells Katie, who drops in, even though Gina is fixing to throw her right under that damned bus with Heather, that Travis lives “right up the road.”

I assumed last week that he was moving in with someone, perhaps his parents, but maybe I was wrong. She’s not divulging a lot of details. I’ll have to look into Travis’ real estate career and how that’s progressing.

Last season they were getting their licenses together and I thought maybe they were going to be a ‘team’ since you know Gina’s not very bright and needs all the help she can get. She was even making jokes that she would be the ‘personality’ and Travis would be in charge of the details (aka the work.) I’ll have to research that in my spare time, when I have some.

Tamra and Emily indulge in some weed coffee. Last season she had some supposedly super extra thriving THC business that never even got mentioned until the end of the season. I’ll have to look into that too.

Emily is playing or maybe is that dumb, that she never heard of ‘THC?’ Living in California when products with THC have been legalized for some time? I guess she’s trying to act like she’s never gotten high.

TH WHAT?? Never heard of it.

Now Tamra’s a country girl, a biker chick and into pot. Got it. With all of these changes maybe she could stop being a fucking asshole? Just a thought.

I’m guessing without looking it up, that ‘alo’ on her baseball cap is this company she supposedly ‘runs.’ Yet, we never see her actually working. We see her lunching and day drinking. But she’s running a company. Please.

Housewives plugging their shit during filming by the logos plastered all over their attire in every other scene is getting annoying.

I feel like these two’s vile and judgy energy will feed off of each other. I think we’re already seeing it with Emily being so terrible to Jenn for no fucking reason whatsoever.

Katie shows Gina some dresses that I think she said is her “good friend’s company.” ‘Malbon’ which I looked up, and is stuffy overpriced golf attire.

So when did Housewives turn into an infomercial? Now this broad is plugging her friend’s shit? Does that dress really look like Gina? Has she noticed the way this chick dresses?

Andy why would you want a dress with a huge logo on it that no one ever heard of?

So she’s giving all the girls these ‘free’ dresses . Katie is wearing a sweat shirt with some fucking logo on it too, it looks like?

Why are we talking about Heather? I’d rather talk about these ugly basic dresses.

It’s a boring ass pathetic story line in my opinion that Katie knows someone who knows someone that knows Heather calls paps on herself. Like we know she’s obsessed with herself. We know.

So Atlanta Cynthia is now living in LA? She is somehow connected to this Heather Disney paparazzi drama?? I’m confused. And I don’t even care that I’m confused.

Cynthia made an appearance on Beverly Hills last season, so she’s clearly making the Cali rounds. I remember thinking ‘that chick looks like Cynthia Bailey.’ Then I realized it was. I felt stupid.

Gina is such a twat. She threatens to ‘tell Heather’ if Katie doesn’t address it with her. Okay Gina you sound four “I’m TELLING!!!” Katie looks worried for some reason when she’s the one that started this shit. Katie you have one job. Failure is not an option.

How much am I getting paid again??


Gemily gossips about Jenn, as usual. She should be ‘going to work’ to make her payments instead of going to Vegas. Okay morons, you think now that she’s been a Housewife she’s going to get a random job at Target? Like shut up Gemily. SHUT UP. They are obsessed with her and it’s getting fucking weird.


So Katie is some golf guru but she’s bad at it? That’s just silly.

Heather’s sweater has some STFU on it??

Read my sweater – S T F U!

Emily tries so hard to be funny. I just don’t think she’s that funny.

I’m wondering if her skirt can be any shorter? It’s strange to me they’re all wearing these teeny weeny skirts and dresses to golf in?? Like when you’re bending over to swing, and pick up balls? A super skimpy mini-skirt? Okay.

And the platform sneakers and shoes seem weird too? Is it just me??

Even Shein makes mistakes…

Whatever. Ya know maybe it’s outdated by now but I read a long time ago, if you wore a super trendy clothing fad such as platform Mary Janes and bobby socks, the first time around, you should probably skip it when it makes it’s next round. Gina needs to hear that, I think.

I never would have thought in a thousand years that Heather likes hot dogs.

I just think she should know.” OMG Gina shut up!!

Exact same rhetoric as two seasons ago when Shannon talked about that Nicole chick suing Terry twenty years prior. Gina was pretending to be all concerned about Heather and had to run and tell!!!

In what world do we have to pretend Heather Dubrow can’t take care of and handle herself?

These fucking bitches are running around ridiculing and picking on Jenn without ANY concern for her feelings, but we’re all tense about fucking HEATHER having HER precious feelings hurt?

I can’t.

Come on Bravo, some creativity please? Reviving a story line from two years ago?

Good job.

Well Gina not to worry, Tamra’s doing the dirty work, acting all stiff and tense as if she gives a fuck about Heather’s feelings.

Tamra’s such a fucking hypocrite. She tells Heather “Katie says you call the paps and tell them where you’re at all the time.”

‘Katie says??’ What about Tamra says??

She fucking told Emily she knows she does on their little THC night.

Of course she calls the paparazzi on herself. But as I said earlier do we care?

Is this interesting??

I kind of feel like Katie is not intimidated by Heather but is trying to pretend that she is? Or maybe I just want so badly for her to not be intimidated by Heather.

The girls encourage Katie to approach her about all of her various beefs. The IG, The Christmas party, the paps, asking people about her…

She does, and the above gets addressed. Heather just looks at her like she’s nuts.

Heather does the “I don’t even know her” thing. That’s an obnoxious comment made to make her feel like she’s a pee-on next to her.

Someone seems to be getting a little defensive.

I don’t like my weird children that much anyway.

Why do Housewives love the “on the lives of my children” line. That’s so disturbing. Especially when we’re pretty sure they’re lying.

So they flash on this ‘receipt’ that Katie has and as I pointed out earlier, it’s merely her friend answering ‘yes.’ Is that really evidence?

Katie keeps saying “I know you lied” which is irking Heather, and it’s quite funny. I love how Katie is happy to accept the Dom.

Gina walks away in her ridick Shein Herman Munster platforms and ugly logo sweater she was probably paid to wear, citing “this is dumb.”

Why didn’t I get any Dom?? I wore this horrible acrylic sweater and everything.

For once I agree with Gina.

I just realized Alexis was absent from the golf outing.

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