Real Housewives of SLC Reunion Part 2 (part 1) Don’t Say Gay

First of all, I seriously need to vent about this. The lighting at this reunion folks, was horrific and made these ladies’ makeup look so dark and harsh.

They look like oompa loompas. Whitney’s spray tan is way too dark, which isn’t helping matters.

The ladies that got it the worst were Whitney and Bronwyn.  And perhaps their makeup was too dark regardless of the lighting. Bronwyn’s blush seemed so heavy for her complexion. It looked almost as vivid red as her dress. 

And don’t even get me started on her dress. Too poofy. Looks like an 80’s prom dress.

 Poor Whitney. As if it’s not a bad enough of a slap in the face that she’s last seat, especially behind a newbie, but Bronwyn’s dress was all up in her space, especially when she did this half turn in Part 1 when she was trying hard to convince us how much she loves her grumpy old man sugar daddy Todd, and was caressing his leg reassuring us he’s not a fucking asshole (He is.)

Mary’s dress? No.  A hard no.  I expect better from her. I kept trying to place what superhero costume that dressed looked like, and it finally occurred to me, She looked like Shazam! A character from a TV series from the 70’s. It literally looked like a Halloween costume. What is she doing??  

And what was with the non-cohesiveness of the color scheme? Angie’s pastel with the bright reds on the left, and the other couch which held Lisa, Heather and Meredith, their dresses all clashed with each other as well. It looks stupid.

Heather is getting Ozempic face and needs to put down the needle and maybe try a better diet and exercise to keep her smalle figure instead of a controversial injection. Really. Like don’t be so fucking lazy.

Back to the lighting for a sec, the bad lighting honestly seems to be mostly to the left of Andy. Lisa Heather and Meredith don’t look THAT bad.

On a positive note, thank GOD Andy listened to Jeff Lewis on a WWHL ep about a year ago where he told Andy something like “control the gays” in reference to how busy and middle school play the stages were beginning to look. I thought it was so funny because I was saying the same thing. Threre was one int hat time frame that was particularly tacky, maybe it was even SLC, I forget.

So I missed last week’s recap because I can’t seem to get these together 1 or 2 days after they air for some reason, but I did do the Finale if you wanted to refresh on that!

Picks up with tough guy John telling tough guy Todd to “watch his tone.” Oh please John just sit there and look like a pussy, do what you do best. I hated that I’m defending that piece of shit, I’m not a Todd fan, but there was NOTHING wrong with his tone. I believe he was just getting emotional about his stepdaughter that your fucking social-climbing evil wife was completely disrespecting.

John dude your wife leads you around by the nose, but you wanna sit here sounding like a thug. Please save it. You can’t tell me this dude is not miserable being married to Lisa.

Lisa is very defensive about all of this Gwen and the mystery dead dad’s family, and what she should and shouldn’t have said. She already apologized to Bronwyn previously, she says, and just wants it dropped.

I find it kind of hard to believe because she offers no genuine apology nor remorse here, and when she did say ‘oh sorry’ it was followed by a ‘but…’ (but I see both sides, but I didn’t mean it like that…) Lisa Barlow is a fucking twat. And I don’t know how anyone can stand her. I don’t believe her husband and sons can stand her to be honest with you.

I guess she forgets how the reunions work. We rehash and re-argue about everything, even if in your mind you thought it was resolved. Is she new here?

Fine! Actually I’m NOT sorry!!

I think this is enough of this whole thing. That poor teen-age girl being exploited like this makes me kind of sick. Bronwyn’s situation is a tale as old as time when you get pregnant as a teen or young adult. I could be wrong on this, but It doesn’t really sound to me like she was in a relationship with this guy. (she said she had one photo of him, so there wasn’t even a photo in existence of them together?) I’m not judging by pointing that out, I’m must saying that adds another layer of complication to the situation. But be that as it may, that guy’s parents still could have wanted to have some sort of relationship with their grandchild. Especially after his passing, you would think.

It’s time to let this die. No pun intended.


Why are husbands here ? I guess because a few of them were involved in some of the drama.

Enough about the gay ‘rumors’ about Shawn.

He clearly is gay and I am wasting my time and precious brain cells talking about it. But it’s coming down to this: Angie is a 50ish year-old woman who has been with this man for 25 years. If she chooses to turn a blind eye and/or accept it, why do we give a shit? I don’t give a shit. Do you give a shit? It’s so mind-numbing.

As is Meredith’s voice, as those two start to get into it.

Angie, open your eyes!

Meredith really did elude to Monica that she could “take Angie’s house” in a potential law suit, which I forget the details of why Monica thought she could sue Angie and actually win.

I wish she would just own that already and admit she said it in a moment of anger without thinking.

When will the wives learn that it makes so much more sense to admit to saying something stupid (that’s on film) and offer some flimsy apology and excuse in the interest of moving on, instead of sitting there looking like a nincompoop denying it. Jesus. You get like second-hand embarrassment for them.

Meredith and her rentals – so if she lives in Utah ‘half the year’ (and not even in SLC) should she really be a SLC Housewife? Technically I know, they’re not really Housewives either, but now they don’t even need to reside in the city in the title. Also even if you live somewhere ‘half the year’ why can’t you still purchase a home? Sorry I know I harp on this, but I do think it’s strange they don’t own a home.

They’re in their 50’s. Like did they ever purchase a house? Ever? It’s just weird for a supposed successful well-off couple.

And yes Meredith you DID try to use the fact that your son is gay to get you out of hot water for your gay comments towards Shawn. Again, she just cannot admit to anything ever. She’s as bad as her bobbsey twin Lisa.

Why not just say you’re sorry, say it came out wrong, admit it was dumb, move on instead of blatantly denying what is absolutely obvious to everyone. We don’t need to have Shawn’s comment read to us. He actually is right. It’s irrelevant as to what the question was in the podcast.

I mean really, the broad looks guilty the second it’s brought up for crying out loud. Let’s use our heads here.

Well it sounded good in my head.

For fuck’s sake even Seth knows she’s wrong.

Yeah I wish she’d just admit to using Brooks to save herself.

Not to mention when Andy thinks something is absolutely ridiculous it must be pretty ridiculous.

Like how many times is Brooks’ gayness going to be Meredith’s fucking story line? It’s not like it’s 1940 and it’s any type of scandal whatsoever. No one cares Brooks is gay. No one even cares that Shawn is gay. No one cares. Not even Angie.


Isn’t repeating a rumor on TV almost as bad or just as bad as ‘starting a rumor’ on TV. Does it matter?

Am I wrong?? Let’s leave this poor gay guy alone and let him lead his best gay life.

And isn’t Meredith the one that started all of this with her “do you want me to talk about the HUZZBAND??” last season? That was Shawn she was referencing. So clearly she had been gossiping about him.

EVEN THOUGH she has a gay son. The difference is Brooks isn’t married to a woman and cheating on anyone. THAT’S the difference. She wasn’t knocking gayness she was knocking cheatingness.

I thought I was dropping this. I meant to, but Jesus, Meredith just keeps making excuses that make no sense that I need to address.

Shawn does a pretty good job at explaining his comments and his thought process behind them and Meredith just can’t admit it makes sense and accept it. She’s just too pissed off that he’s right and sees through her bullshit.

Oh no she so badly needs ‘absolved’ of any wrongdoing whatsoever, she’s getting worked up and Weirdo Meredith is emerging. She starts the head gyrations and we have our first SLC storm-off attempt of the reunion! Poor Seth doesn’t know what to do. I wonder if producers take bets at every Reunion as to who’s going to get up and pretend to leave.

I’m really going to leave, my boyfriend’s apartment is just a few blocks away!

Andy gets her to sit down and shut up by playing two scenes of Monica saying Meredith did say Shawn is gay, and one of her saying she didn’t say it.

I think what Monica’s point was Meredith wasn’t the source of the rumors, it’s been out there for years, but Meredith was gossiping about it and adding her two cents. Which does that really ‘absolve’ her? No not really.

I think we ARE moving on now…

To John and Justin’s little kerfluffle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two dudes in an altercation that looked more like two middle school girls pulling each other’s hair. It was embarrassing.

But, on the bright side, they’re sitting here laughing at themselves and joking about it. Ladies, take notes. I know, fat chance.

We would’ve pulled each other’s hair but we don’t have any!

Speaking of absolvation and ‘RUUUUUUMOOORRRS’ and Shawn’s gayness which is never ever going to be dropped I feel like, we’re circling back to Shawn participating in a circle jerk.

Whitney thinks she’s completely innocent of announcing John and Lisa having some threesome activity (who cares if they do- good for them) because she just announced the ‘rumor’ on TV, and didn’t say she agreed with it. This was during the ‘burn book’ segment of the finale.

Lisa then did the dreaded ‘analogy’ and decided to drag Shawn down with her.

Let’s just say the SLC couples are freaky deaky and fall it a day. Please??

Whitney pleads her case by saying she used the threesome accusation as way to apologize to them for talking about their marriage in the past.

Are we being punk’d again? Because this is how I’m starting to feel watching these shows.

I was burninggggg it by announcing it! Try to follow.

And how dare Justin not stick up for Whitney when Seth called her a BIAATCHHHH.

Probably because it was embarrassing and he didn’t want to bring more attention to it?

Also Whitney was intentionally being messy in that moment and he knew it. She was getting worried she was going to be last seat perhaps.

Whitney sits there trying to look so distraught and hurt. Then don’t be a biatcch, Whitney.

I had heard that she and Justin are splitting up a few months ago. Then it just kind of went away and got replaced by other Housewife gossip so not sure if there’s truth to it.

He says he’s sorry and admits it was too much like five times, and when he stops speaking Whitney asks him if he’s not sorry?? Is this girl stupid or something? Jesus. And it wasn’t that big of a deal. Justin looks at her like she’s an idiot.

And Seth I hope you don’t walk around saying ‘biatch’ constantly as you claim. Ya do know it’s not 2010??

I hate to be repetitive but I’m torn between is this sad or is it hilarious that Whitney is practically sitting sideways. I’m not sure why she’s not complaining more. Housewives usually have no issue with complaining. Or why a producer isn’t seeing this and making an adjustment. Bronwyn HAS ROOM to move down! Maybe Mary was bitching and Mary trumped last-seat Whitney.

This is worse than being called a biatch!

Bronwyn gets asked about this so-called ‘emotional affair’ that she outed Todd on. I’m sure he wasn’t too happy about that. She starts talking out both sides of her mouth much like she did with the $4,000,000 necklace and the hoop earrings and the cheaper necklace and what was actually purchased in Part 1. Jesus talk about a circle jerk. Again just say you didn’t buy any fucking jewelry!!

She sat there insisting she still bought shit with Lisa ranting and reading messages from the jeweler stating they bought nothing and she needs to stop pretending.

Bronwyn’s makeup is TERRIBLE. It’s hard to even look at. I wonder if her artist was watching in the back and cringing. Maybe not because that blush could have been softened during a break.

I drew the short straw for the glam crew.

It was only emotional??” Seth questions. Okay Seth why are you getting involved here Susie?? Stay in your lane. Your ‘biatccchh’ segment is over. Go back to Ohio to ‘work.’ Because there are no jobs in Utah. What about New York? Meredith LOVES New York.

Anyway back to this, now Bronwyn claims “it wasn’t even emotional” as Todd looks guilty as fuck.

Actually it wasn’t even a woman…

Heather seems VERY INTERESTED in this.

I don’t even have a man so this is fascinating.

She’s calling bullshit on Bronwyn now minimizing it (as I believe Todd ordered her to.)

They brag about some fucking ring he got her with five diamonds representing five promises moving forward.

Oh my God who cares.

So is this a piece of jewelry that was actually purchased, or are they making this up too? Let’s ask Lisa.

I’m over these two phonies. Bronwyn is chopping at the bit to dump him, clearly.

It is weird that Lisa and Meredith would be defending the man when a woman tells them their husband was unfaithful. But those two are really the anti-girls’ girl. Just the way Lisa wouldn’t take Bronwyn’s side with the pieces of shit that are her child’s grandparents, she can’t console Bronwyn in this situation either.

They flash a scene of Whitney explaining to her that they both cheat so of course they would defend cheating. I do think Meredith has cheated or cheats on Seth, and it wouldn’t shock me about Lisa either.

Seth just looks really uncomfortable to me. Something’s up. He looks deer-in-headlights-scared-shitless in my opinion. If he’s not looking guilty, he’s looking petrified.

Let’s just talk about Todd’s affair please.

They get questioned about their marriage, since Seth’s employer is based in Ohio (Big Lots if I remember correctly) and it seems like they’re never together when they project that they’re so in love and their marriage is perfect. I absolutely believe they live separate lives. I guess it’s easy to get along with each other when you never even see each other.

She immediately gets defensive.

Seth admits they’re not together much, only weekends, and he “highly recommends commuting.” Meredith looks pissed he said that when she just tried to project this “beautiful marriage.” I’m sure Meredith is great when you don’t have to be around her.

Okay dude I just sat here and said how happy we are…

Sure I guess it is when you SEE EACH OTHER once a week. I can’t fathom a more ‘beautiful marriage’ than that!! I think Seth actually annoys the shit out of her.

Do the ‘HUZZBANDS’ seem like they’re sticking around longer than normal? Isn’t it time for them to go? Don’t they have to fart and scratch their balls or something?

Todd chimes in defending this set-up. He drops how they have multiple homes, unlike Seth and Meredith who have zero homes.

Okay, the huzzbands are excused. Thank God.

I think I have to wrap up here and do a part 2 of Part 2. Which I hate to do, but sometimes it’s just necessary.

Stay tuned for Part 2!!

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