Still at The Trixie Motel…

The amount of people I saw online, that think Heather was pissing as she was puking in the van last week is beyond my comprehension.

Clearly women don’t piss in a smooth stream like that, not to mention, she was sitting down! So how would that even be possible?? As she’s sitting and puking, a stream of puke would be coming out of her?

That would be quite a ‘trick.’

I’m not saying she may not have pissed herself, while throwing up, you know it’s kind of like sneezing. She probably did, she does have three kids, and I’m not saying puke leaking from the bag isn’t also gross, but I was shocked how many women don’t seem to know how their bodies work.


Whitney and Lisa recap the previous evening. It is pretty random for Meredith to have brought up a friend’s grandson having health issues when squabbling with bitches on Housewives.

It’s kind of insulting to that child, and the family is it not?

Monica and Meredith also discuss. Monica is very typical new Housewife. Ditch and turn against the friend that ‘introduced you to the group’ and suck up to everyone else.

The ladies convene for the day’s activities. Angie made her own T-shirt and is quite pleased with herself.

I wanted a tacky tee too!!

They head to some obstacle course, trust activity, where two team up, and guide their partner out of the obstacles.

Mary again opts out. She doesn’t need to build trust with these women because she has her higher power. Thought she WAS the higher power, according to her parishoners. Or previous parishoners. I keep meaning to research if she and grandaddy still have their cult/church.

God tells me to embezzle money from the church-goers.

She demands an oat milk latte with a double shot from a producer on the van.


Meredith scolds Mary for not participating. She proceeds to explain how she has no interest in interacting with the group and yells at Lisa for interrupting.

Whitney also jumps in. We missed you.”

Really Whitney you MISSED this? She has to be in every fucking conversation.

Whitney ‘hijacks the trip’ and has a plan for the day.

Meredith gives her a death stare. She bitches in her yap that she had something else planned, but when she was asked what the plan was, she had said “I don’t know.”

This episode is FILLED with a lot of bogus flipping bullshit.

The only thing that seems remotely realistic is Lisa’s wigging out about dressing in drag. Unfortunately I think that WAS real.

Now Whitney is really pleased with HERself, for coming up with the plan of a drag inspired makeup competition.

You have to dress in drag – nanananananana!!!

Lisa gets immediately looks agitated, but more on that later.

She calls John about it and whines to him. No matter what the hell is going on, ‘John ohmiGod, you won’t believe this, John, I’m so mad, John OhmiGod someone called me a bitch, what should I do?’

And Whitney said “come with a clean face and cancel your glam” and I flew MORGAN in…”

Can you all just imagine his face right now as she’s frantically crying about having to put on a wig and some drag makeup?

This motherfucker is a saint.

John’s input and helpful advice: “you have one more night.”

Her tirade in her yap about paying this girl 60k/year to do her makeup to ‘go to the grocery store.’ I call BS on that, Lisa Barlow does not go to the grocery store!

It goes from bad to worse. She starts freaking and crying to Will a guy producer, who quickly calls in reinforcement. He sees there’s a code red meltdown on the horizon about makeup. He’s like – “I’m out.”

I didn’t put this together when I first watched Tuesday night. Call it a blonde moment, but I just thought she was acting like a spoiled rich asshole that wanted attention.

But actually, and yes she was still overreacting and being an idiot, but she had a problem with the whole ‘drag’ persona due to, I guess religious whatever beliefs.

Did you catch when she says “I don’t like this shit!” as Meredith tries to console her.

I really can’t imagine being this close-minded. It’s not like she’s supposed to dress up like a guy. She basically has to look like a woman with a ton of makeup on. What’s the issue? If she is so against drag and gay people, why is she here?

Pacing around the room in circles, this IS actually entertaining. See when they’re acting nuts for real, it’s entertaining. When they’re faking and manufacturing shit (Monica, Whitney) it’s not.

I didn’t realize she has such weird posture. Then again, I’ve never seen her run around in circles like a cat chasing it’s tail, in a hotel room in tight pants.

Drag queens are against my religon! So is alcohol, but that’s beside the point!

She calls Meredith. She now bitches to the female producer that got called in about how she spent $2500 on glam, bragged how she wore the clinky skirt to dinner, but this is drawing the line. It’s HER face!! Producer praises her for being a good sport with the skirt. Why does everyone keep telling her she was a good sport that night?? She fucking pissed and moaned the whole fucking time. The very definition of ‘being a good sport’ is doing something you’re uncomfortable with, or don’t really want to do, WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!

Monica’s comparison to Veruca from Willie Wonka is epic.

I want a $60,000 ring!!!

Literally, all she has to do is put on more makeup than usual, and do something weird with her hair, and just pretend to participate. ‘Drag-inspired’ which simply means over the top makeup and hair. I don’t think God gives a shit, Lisa.

She is relentless with the pretentious type of excuses, instead of just saying “it’s the drag thing.”

I have glam in Monaco, I have glam in St Tropez. Is this woman for real??

I don’t get w hy these producers are standing there enabling and tolerating this shit? Why not just tell her, “then don’t fucking do it.” Mary has been sitting everything out, has she not??

I’m over this.

The competition begins. yay.

Heather looks like a rennaisance era hooker.

Meredith did little to no extra glamming whatsoever. I think she has less makeup on than she normally wears. Probz as an EFF YOU to Whitney, since it was her idea; but as the host she should have put in an effort and been ‘a good sport.’

Mary, Meredith and Lisa were the ‘drags’ as opposed to the drag queens.

Monica wins. Whitney looks pissed.

When they gather for refreshments, it’s so weird. They sit in separate groups. The drags, and the drags.

So stupid.

Monica mocks Lisa again. “I’m not going to do that. I can’t do that I need to call John…”

Perfect. I love it.

They’re off to the sprinter because naturally, they are going out on the town dressed like this. I thought Palm Springs was a bougee area. They’re seriously going out again dressed like hooker trick-or-treaters.

Lisa didn’t appreciate being called a wet noodle.

I love the dramatic music as this wet noodle convo gets going.

Monica pokes at Lisa for not dressing up. Can we be done with this?

Lisa said nothing about the fucking ring, yet for some fucking reason, Monica starts harping on it again, and manages some croc tears since she is broke and poor.

Monica’s Housewife assignment: take jabs at Lisa for being Lisa.

She gets all up on a ‘poor me’ soap box lecturing Lisa how she has so much to be thankful for – and listening to her bitch about her ring, was just too much. The fake tears keep flowing.

I really just want some of your money.

No matter what Lisa says, you can see Monica isn’t having it and doesn’t care . She’s laser focused on her Bravo paycheck.

Monica calls her shallow, which she is. Lisa attempts to call her out on the extra theatrics for the camera.

Is she drunk? I don’t know, I can’t even tell.

They arrive to their destination. Mary remains in the sprinter again and wants Meredith to ‘signal back to her’ if she should come in or not.

I did miss some of what was going on when I first watched. Viewers on Twitter were pointing out that it seemed like Lisa and Mary were put off by the whole drag/gay thing.

Even Meredith is kind of seeming that way, if you ask me, and she’s the one that planned the trip, and chose this drag fucking joint?? So it’s weird right?

Unless Meredith isn’t even the one that decided where there were staying, Bravo did. Since they knew it would bother certain members of the group.

She orders the driver to take her to Mcdonalds, then she gets driven around all evening chowing down on this garbage.

Lisa approaches Monica in the club and they continue what started in the van.

They don’t seem to be grasping the real reason why Lisa didn’t want to do the drag thing. I would think that knowing Lisa like they do, they would have figured it out. It had less to do with her image, than the drag/gay thing is against her morals and whatever religious beliefs.

Whitney bitches at Meredith for HER non participation. What is Whitney’s obsession with the drag thing? She bitches at Lisa and Meredith for not ‘embracing’ it, but her obsession is kind of strange too. All cameras on her. All the time.

Meredith turns into Exorcist Meredith when Whitney makes a snarky remark about this sick child that she’s upset about.

I don’t know why Mary thought this club was going to be a bunch of drag queens walking around. It’s a normal bar/nightclub, with a bunch of attention whore Utah freaks shrieking. I’d rather see a drag show actually. All day long.

Whitney follows Meredith around trying to get her to lose her shit. She bizarrely keeps popping and bopping around the bar bitching at Meredith for not being dragged out.

And here’s Angie – she was bored.

Actually who can blame Mary for staying in the van.

Whitney will just not get out of Meredith’s face, as sits there just trying to have a fucking cocktail.

You didn’t wear a wig!!! You should die!!!!!

Monica is driving me crazy constantly fiddling with this wig.

Somehow the locked up Jen Shah gets brought into this argument. I was kind of missing her.

This was a really stupid Housewives episode.

I guess that’s redundant.

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