Real Housewives of Salt Lake 2/6/22

Jennie is being sent to check on Lisa. Mary checks on Meredith. Meredith doesn’t want to let her in, then does. She proceeds to complain to Jennie and Jennie proceeds to play dumb. She says she was saying what everyone is thinking, and no one defended her.

Lisa is doing the fake packing ritual and is supposedly leaving. For some reason she’s doing it without a shirt on. They all try to say they were defending her. They flash back and Jennie did say, in her defense, “what’s wrong with Taco Bell?” Way to have your friend’s back there Jennie. That’s impressive. They’re all packed into the bathroom and trying to calm her down. I’m claustrophobic looking at this. Whitney of all people is trying to pull her to the side, and thinks she is the one to deal with her. Like Lisa will listen to Whitney, who she can’t stand, who is also very drunk and talking jibberish.

I know girls go to the bathroom together, but this is ridiculous!

I’m packing – because I seriously am really for sure LEAVING !!!! This is no joke!!

They all claim they “had her back.” They really didn’t. Whitney’s all “I asked her about her father’s service after you left the table…”

Ohhh – kay ? I don’t know how Whitney going after Meredith about her father’s service, was ‘having Lisa’s back.’ Oh my God. There’s not enough alcohol in my house for this.

Jen supposedly has some dirt on Meredith Heather says? – like the deets on the ‘fucking half of New York thing ??’ cuz that’s what I want to know!

Whitney confronts Meredith. She does make a good point. Meredith says “where is your father ? I don’t believe you haven’t spoken to him”

Oh no she didn’t !!!

Whitney looks dumbfounded and sounds like a four year old as she comes up with this very witty comeback — “everyone is talking about it and I wanted to know.” Okay go to bed, little girl.

Honestly, no one’s buying my lotions, and I just don’t have anything else to talk about .

Meredith keeps repeating that her father died – which no one is disputing. Whitney talks in her interview how the dates ‘don’t add up.’ She refuses to let this go. Refuses. Like is this all she has? Kinda wish her dad WAS still in her life so she could do the ‘exploiting my alcoholic father for a story line thing’ instead of the ‘repeating the same foolishness over and over ’ story line.

Whitney says “I didn’t hire a private instigator to find out !” I guess that one is better

Meredith is in the kitchen stewing and comes upstairs to say “who is speculating about my father’s death?” it’s not about her father’s death – it’s about the Service. Still ridiculous. But let’s get this ridiculousness right.

Did she speculate? Who speculated ? Lisa did YOU speculate ?” ‘Speculate’ gets repeated 4000 times. Lisa starts going off on Meredith.

Well she finally put a shirt on I see.

More screaming and running around hallways and up and down stairs.

Whitney goes on another rampage and runs downstairs and demands to Mary – “Where is Mary for Meredith ? “Be there for Meredith” Whitney keeps repeating, as Meredith is sitting right, beside her. Reminds me of the “sit down” on OC, from Nicole when Emily was sitting down.

Whitney is hung over and doesn’t remember anything. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to remember anything either. Is this trip FINALLY over?

Nope, still talking about this funeral service, or the no funeral service. They actually move on, and discuss the Mary/Meredith’s “strange” bond.

For crissakes is this a thing now?? a college selection ‘reveal’ party ??? Heather’s oldest’s younger sisters look at her like they hate her.

Scene with Jen and her attorney. I don’t think Jen’s attorney has one single clue. Of course he is trying to defend a guilty person, so I guess that’s challenging. I read a few months ago, he did dismiss himself from defending her. I can’t imagine why. Listening to that convo between him and Jen, he sounded like a five year old trying to pretend he’s an attorney. I’ve never heard anything so idiotic.

So I don’t actually believe you’re innocent, and have no intention of really trying to prove that, fyi.

Lisa Barlow: “I really want to learn to make eggs.” Sure never too late to learn to make breakfast for your kids, at 45 years old I guess.

We’re getting a peek inside Mary’s congregation. Jen Shah was extended an exclusive invite. She arrives in thigh high snakeskin boots of course. What else would you wear to church?

This all seems normal to me.

These people are really loving on some Mary. This all looks OFF. They do seem to worship her and not God. It did look really odd. She even said in her interview, that she missed people worshipping her, or something like that. A woman screams, “you’re the facsimile of God!!” and “you’re the best friend I could ever imagine!” She is sitting there absorbing all of this praise, and accolades of her wonderfulness, as a dude fans her. What the actual fuck ??? Her kid is even looking like – ‘yeah this is some bullshit.’

Wow these people are being hosed.
How much do you love me ??? I have Venmo, and PayPal.
Or I can take a check…

For some reason Meredith invites Heather and Whitney to her home. For working out but not really. It’s this thing with direct currents. Where you don’t have to work out, but supposedly get results like you did 1000 sit-ups. I need one of those. Does Whitney have the current thingy attached to her vag? Her face is weird.

Meredith apologizes to Whitney. Not sure why. Meredith clarifies the date (after she’s had a chance to look at the calendar to make sure she was giving the right fake date.) of this service for her dad.

It’s like the sky opened up and the angels started singing. Meredith confirms that she left Aspen Monday night and went to Vale, since this service was actually on Monday, not Tuesday. For fuck’s sake. CAN WE DROP IT ?????

So fun game if you’re in, let’s play the WWHL game – if you’re home, and not operating a motor vehicle anytime soon , or caring for small children, reread this , and take a drink every time you read ‘Meredith.”

Thank freaking God the finale is next week! The best part will be making fun of their horrific dresses at the Reunion they got off Amazon! Make sure you tune in for my “Hot or Not??” on that one!!

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