Real Housewives of Salt Lake 11/7/23

Monica and Angie meet up in a girlie little Pink cafe that I love. I could spend all day there.

Angie presents her with a book about something that I don’t know.I wasn’t paying attention. Monica is sad, as they start discussing the Shawn being gay thing, and how she didn’t say he was good at fucking men, she just said he fucks men. Well then THAT makes a difference!

I never said he was GOOD at it!!

She said Lisa made that part up, but when they play the flash you can see how that was not word for word what she said, but it’s a very minor difference.

I didn’t say he fucks men WELL! I just said he fucks men”

If Angie’s Easter gathering was so heartwarming, and she felt so grateful, that her daughters were experiencing a family event, that they haven’t in years, then why fight with your mom there for a TV moment?

This is where she’s losing me. So she can get choked up and cry all she wants, about her kids, but I don’t see this in her behavior.

She didn’t need to bring her mom, she didn’t need to fight with her mom at a bougee holiday dinner. They all walked out of there looking a little trailer parky, honestly, and that they shouldn’t have even been there to begin with. Monica clearly joined this show with an agenda to humiliate her mom, who I don’t think was the best mom, I get it, but if she’s trying to make the point that she’s such a better mom, she’s failing by behaving this way.

Then in her yap, going into her ex and how family oriented and normal his family is, and she loved that for her kids, but then proceeded to start fucking her brother-in-law.

She’s not getting any mother of the year awards. And to have four daughters, two of them in the age range to understand that this is what you did, and the younger ones will too in a few years, it’s disgusting. Sorry not sorry. She’s a fucking skank, and that’s sleazy trampy behavior. You reap what you sow, I don’t want to fucking hear it.

And Monica, the affair didn’t ‘happen.’ A snow storm ‘happens.’ You taking off your clothes, opening your legs for a fucking family member of all people, while married, is horrendous. Horrific sick, nasty and gross.

I think I feel a tear coming.

They seem to be back to being chummy, so whatever.


I like Whitney’s house but it looks a little development cookie cutter-y. Whitney seems to have turned over a new leaf. So far she’s only had a brief moment of slutty behavior, when she started grinding her ass into Justin’s dick at a religious family event, in front of children. I feel like she’s trying to tame down the drinking and getting naked for the cameras this season, since this shit cost Justin his job.

Lisa drops in. Whitney is preparing for two events, Bobbi’s 13th birthday celebration, and she supposedly has some new jewelry line.

Whitney’s mom is attending. Don’t think we’ve met Whitney’s mom yet, right?

Bobbi is getting a golf cart as a gift. Where exactly is she going to be driving this golf cart? Are they allowed on the roads? She’s going to be carting her younger brother around too?? This is safe?

Mary is not invited. And I have nothing more to say about that.

I take it back on Whitney walking around half naked. Looks a little chilly out, and that’s not stopping her from sitting outside in her bra with the girlies on full display. Baby steps.

Sun’s out – boobies out!

She discusses Monica’s mom situation with Lisa. I absolutely feel for Monica. I just don’t get if she hates her mom so much, and she is/was so terrible and abusive, why she keeps doing activities with her, and dragging her to events? If this were actually real, and not a ‘reality’ show, would she have brought her to Angie’s Easter dinner? No, she wouldn’t have. I believe she did say she didn’t really do holidays with her in the past.

Which is kind of what Lisa sort of gets into, like ‘oh how convenient’ that she wants everyone to feel sorry for her, as she’s running around talking about Angie’s husband being gay, and poking at her for being materialistic and successful. He probably is gay. Have you seen him? Who cares. If Angie’s okay with it, then let it be. And should a woman who started banging her brother-in law be judging others’ relationships?

And I’m sick of everyone wearing those stupid sunglasses.

It’s not that I don’t believe her about her mom, clearly the woman is off. Housewives is just not the platform for it. I just feel like she’s exploiting the whole situation for fame and money, which I guess is what we ‘re doing now.


Meredith and Heather meet for cocktails. Her voice, her laugh, I don’t know why she thinks sounding this way is pleasing to anyone.

Heather brings up Jack’s mission. She does love talking about it, but I guess I get it. It’s surprising. Last season, he was ‘fudge college’ sick of school, and has this hair products company, that Lisa and John got for him, so he’s like, ‘why what’s the point, seems like a waste of time.’ The family really isn’t that into being Mormon, they’re not exactly devout Mormons.

I don’t get Heather in her yap whining about being ousted from the Mormon community, when she wrote a whole ass book about how much she hates the faith, and regrets her affiliation with it. I don’t think that compares with Lisa wearing strapless dresses to church.


Bobbi’s roller birthday is getting going.

I have to say, Lisa has a banging body for a 50ish woman that eats fast food and doesn’t exercise. She rocks these high waisted jeans. I’m still trying to get used to them.

I totally missed, and even watched it twice, why Meredith got up in a huff to leave the party. Did she like piss herself or what. It didn’t even seem like there was any type of altercation. They must’ve cut out whatever was said. I love when they go and grab the husband when they’re all huffy and want to leave an event.

Well now Monica knows about Lisa’s little tirade about her mom issues, so we know what’s coming.

I hate to tell Monica she’s actually middle-aged, when she makes fun of Lisa. Middle age is 40ish. But I see she’s coming after Lisa’s age, because that makes you look desperate, jealous and immature.

No-couthe-whatsoever Monica is going to bitch at Lisa about this at Bobbi’s party. Why are all of these adults even at a 13 year old’s party?

I know, shut up and roll with it.

I don’t know that Lisa said embellishing did she? She said she needs to stop using it as an excuse for behaving badly.

I wouldn’t exactly call her mom ‘charming and charismatic.’ She makes a Ted Bundy reference.

Monica refers to her as abusive, and Lisa asks a valid question – “why did you bring her to Easter dinner then?” She didn’t really answer that.

I think Lisa starts talking to Heather, because Monica keeps interrupting her. She compares Lisa to her mom’s passive aggressive behavior.

Whitney’s mom clearly doesn’t want the spotlight. Is Whitney really related to her?

Heather and Lisa chat about Jack and his mission. Wasn’t it on last week’s episode where they did the announcement tht Lisa acted all nonchalant about Jack most likely will have a gun held to his head in Colombia, and laughing about it?? I just can’t wrap my head around this being a joyous occasion and a parent wanting this for their kid.

Party wraps up and I still don’t get why Meredith stormed out.

Lisa and John scenes are always so hard to watch. John is just so passive and quiet and Lisa is such a bitch. They’re talking about Monica or whatever, and he does a really good job at pretending to be interested, and she starts texting in the middle of him talking to her.

Okay you can leave now,,,


I absolutely love Georgia’s prom dress. I love the color, I love the style I love everything about it, and would totally wear that right now. Actually don’t laugh, because I have looked up Housewife formal dresses, and they/re often advertised as ‘prom dresses.’ It’s so princess-ey.

Heather again is making comments about her daughters that don’t seem like typical comments a mom would say about her teenage daughter. I think it was a few years ago, where she was saying that she wants them to ‘party and drink and have fun’ because she didn’t get to do that. It’s just weird.

Heather even acts like she wants Georgia to have sex with this kid. She says since she’s no longer ‘in the purity culture’ she’s “not sure how to navigate it, but she wants to support it.

Heather you still don’t ‘support’ and encourage your teenage daughter to have sex. Like WHAT is she thinking putting this out into the universe? And she’s not stupid, at all, I just don’t think she realizes what she’s saying. It’s like growing up Moromon has her so pissed off that she didn’t get to drink and be slutty in high school and college, so she wants to live vicariously through her daughters. I at least hope this girl is on the pill. I feel like if she comes home tomorrow morning and says she and this kid banged, Heather’ll be high-fiving her. So strange.


It’s Whitney’s Prism event, which it sounds like she is just the spokesperson for. She has a designer/gemologist for the brand, and a spiritual/chakra advisor. So Whitney is doing what?

These Housewives act like they’re these businesswomen, and they’re literally handed products to peddle. These are not their original ideas. I would say off the top of my head, the only Housewives who had their own legit businesses, were Bethenney on RHONY, and Vickie on OC. Oh, and maybe Ramona on RHONY.

Angie arrives and she is wearing the same blue dress with the cut-outs, that Tamra on OC wore in her yaps. I saw a post social media, and they were wondering if it’s coincidental or if the producers give them suggestions or even provide the looks as loaners.

Tamra was asked about this designer, and I had looked it up. It’s Mugler. Sorry girls, this dress is sold out. For a mere thousand, it could have been yours.

I borrowed this from Tamra…

Lisa seems under dressed in jeans, and everyone else is in cocktail attire. Just accidentally noticed that. Did she come from somewhere else and didn’t have time to change?

She literally tries to bug Whitney with Monica drama as soon as she arrives. Whitney shuts her down immediately. Lisa looks pissed. She seems extremely agitated just by Monica’s presence. Honestly she’s not used to anyone talking to her the way Monica does.

It gets weird when Lisa summons Angie to join her as she’s talking to Monica. Monica keeps taunting Angie, “she’s pulling you, she’s pulling you.” Okay no one was being ‘pulled.’ Monica is very childish.

This is definitely Monica starting the shit, and my prediction is she’ll be the crying victim by the end of it.

The bickering seems to stop. Lisa is totally seething, and suddenly orders Angie to not touch her, as she does the Housewife acting like she’s leaving thing.

I’m leaving, I swear !

I feel like Monica came on the show, with this agenda to cry about her mom, and go after Lisa. If you all recall ep #1 of the season, Monica, Angie and Lisa met up, and Monica shit talked Lisa in her yap and says has info conveyed to her by Jen Shah, and her life is phony and not how she portrays it.

This is the perfect time for a ‘sound bath.’ This is a new thing apparently. We’re going to be getting bathed in Lisa and Monica bitching at each other.

Monica seems, not agitated, as she sips her Dr. Pepper. Why do we keep talking about Dr. Pepper? Did they pay for advertising or something?

I just came for the Dr. Pepper.

If you recall the Easter party that caused all of this ruckus, Monica was behaving badly and arguing with someone, I guess it was Lisa, and her mom quietly and calmly told her this wasn’t the place for that, and Monica went OFF. So honestly, she was the one, in that moment that was inappropriate. And that’s what Lisa saw, and was like “wow that was childish and rude.”

Now they argue over who’s older, smarter skinnier prettier fatter… It continues and I don’t even know what’s going on right now. These camera people must have a field day.

Lisa repeats “it’s not that deep!!” about 103 times. She’s kinda right.

Then can we shut up??

Monica hugs Angie good-bye.

I’m guessing she didn’t buy anything.

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