Real Housewives of Salt Lake 10/17

Lisa Barlow and Whitney who patched things up last week, are now seemingly besties, and having an exercise outing. Lisa, at 45 years old and eats fast food all day, and doesn’t work out, with a complete flat stomach whatever. Let’s assume there was a nip -tuck or two going on there, so I feel better.

Mary and Rob Sr’s kitchen interaction. We don’t normally see him or them together. Looks like they can’t stand each other. They also look really awkward around each other. It actually seems almost like a first date awkwardness.

I take Mary’s side on the annoyance of your husband making food for you that you don’t like. Also by the way, that chicken looked really plain and gross.

I’ve seen the fish spa thing on Below Deck before. Not something I want to do. Like AT ALL. EVER.

The fish all over their feet – GA –ROSS.

So Jennie has had several miscarriages, and even a still birth, and this dude is harassing her about having more kids. This is hitting home with me right now with Jennie talking about her newborn daughter passing away. We won’t get into that, but it’s very sad and very heart breaking and hard to get over. Even though it is his child too, it’s different for women, who were pregnant and went through childbirth, and to go home empty handed is just beyond what anyone could ever understand who haven’t experienced it. I’m feeling for her right now. I’m not getting how they didn’t know what caused her to pass away though? So sad.

Jen is getting this necklace for all the girls ? A nice gesture I suppose ? Was that the price for each or all six. I thought it was for all ?

Heather and her oldest have a sort of sex talk. I think Heather is looking great this season. I love her interview look with the green dress or top. Not in love with clothing choice, but her skin and face look great. Her daughter is gorgeous. I love the cat reference.

Preview: looks like the Whitney /Lisa love affair DOES NOT LAST. They’re meeting for a double date. So this SEEMS nice. Love Whitney’s necklace. Whitney still seems to believe that

Lisa was behind the caterer cancellation. Will we ever know the truth ????

This IS a hot chef couple … I have to agree. I want to be a hot chef couple. I guess in order for that to happen I need a hot chef dude. Does anyone know anyone ?

Oh now Whitney is getting it, the hot chefs are piping up that they really canceled because they had to… she didn’t really finish when Whitney flipped her lid. This whole interaction does seem pretty strange, and looks like Lisa maybe put them up to it ? I don’t know. I want to believe Lisa.

Whitney is doing some aura thing similar to Sutton’s roller. Lisa is MAINTAINING her innocence.

She seems convincing to me. Sort of ? Maybe? She does seem upset about it, she sort of starts a crying thing that doesn’t quite pan out. Could it be that she’s upset, but just not a cryer?

It ends with them being ok, and deciding to not talk about it anymore. The food IS getting cold. And you know how I hate that. The dudes are like , “we just wanna eat…”

Tennis date with Mary and Meredith. They both suck. They played for like two minutes.

They break to talk marriage, about separations sometimes being good for marriages.

Mary says that it was Rob Sr’s idea for her to be in a separate bedroom, which is odd. I guess this is what you get in an arranged marriage. But you would think he would want to be in same room as his much younger cute wife? Are there any rumors about him having side ladies ?

Jennie and her husband are cute. Maybe this sister wife thing in the preview is a joke ? You know how they do that with the previews a lot, to mislead you ? Then when you get to the actual scene, it wasn’t that dramatic.

Well here we go with this again with this weirdo. She’s had ten, that’s TEN, past miscarriages, and now she’s in her forties. This dude is off his rocker and needs to SHUT IT. Is he just trying to get camera time or what ???

Having three kids is great ! It’s one more than two. Was the baby that passed away the fourth child ?

Just curious.

Oh he IS serious. “it’s about our family…” What a bufoon.

Preview next week – dude is just stone faced as she cries about sharing him with another woman.

Wow whatever, I did have a heads up on the sister wife last month, thanks to Twitter, but I still just cannot believe it.

(I know it’s Utah and all, and I didn’t actually realize it was also a Vietnamese thing as well. )

WWHL: Wendy and Utah Jennie are on. They both look great. Wish I could see more of Jennie’s dress, but her hair is covering it. I especially love the color of Wendy’s dress. (bubble gum pink)

I forgot how annoying Tiffany’s voice is. Hopefully that one sentence is it.

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