Real Housewives of Salt Lake 1/9

So first off. This whole time I have been referring to those stupid infamous camo boots as Louis Vuitton ???? they’re actually Christian Louboutin, not Louis Vuitton ?? I got worried I was wrong on last week’s episode because of the exchange with Seth and Mary, at Whitney’s event. Seth had asked Mary if her shoes were Prada, (which reminded me of the exchange on Legally Blonde) And Mary says no they’re Christian Louboutin, red bottoms. Then I was like, don’t those boots have red bottoms ? I have been referring to them as Louis Vuitton boots like 847 times, since they have been almost like the eighth and ninth housewife on Salt Lake this season. ( Sorry! What the hell do I know !! )

Also – I am sure you have all heard by now that Mary has excused herself from the Reunion, and she has this cousin Dan, that is talking and talking and talking, about how she and Cameron, who sadly passed away last year, were allegedly having an affair, that is what all the strife was about.

Here is the link for the YouTube interview: It’s long, I listened to most of it. It is like crazy !!

I don’t own rights to this video — for entertainment purposes only

Mary and this “Bishop” dude (Grandpa) are off the chain insane. He even knew about the affair and was okay with it. This shit puts Theresa, Erika, Ramona, Jen Shah, Nene, all of them other crazy bitches, and their antics to shame !

There was even a family member that wasn’t liking what all as going on with this “church” and how they treated people, that mysteriously stabbed himself in the heart ? People don’t usually commit suicide by stabbing themselves in the heart??? do they ??

New Episode

Stunning Views of the city!

A city that has the word ‘Salt’ in their name is somewhere i would go !!

Boys’ Golf Outing – so are they going to start gossiping like the ladies do ?

They’re sending the ladies all away for Mother’s Day. They bet that the losing cart pays for the trip.

For some reason I’m feeling like my heart isn’t in this tonight.

Yay a birthday party for Seth ? Who’s not excited for a Housewife birthday party/event ?

Big 49 for Sethy.

Heather says that instead of taking Jen a ‘casserole’ she is treating her to a luxury spa day.

Remembering Vicki on OC during the whole “Brooks, Vickie’s ex, (not to be confused with Meredith’s son Brooks, or Whitney’s son Brooks) has fake cancer” scandal, and she complained when none of the ladies ‘took her a casserole.???

Housewives shows are like fashion, everything eventually makes it’s way back around again. Casseroles and high waisted jeans … making appearances in 2021/22

At the spa, Heather asks Jen if she was issued a very exclusive invite to the Seth Birthday event. She was not. Jen says she is getting treated differently now because of the ‘accusations. ’ I would say it’s safe to assume that. She’s revisiting the Brooks (Meredith’s son) thing again.

Jen points out the hypocrisy with Meredith, and she does have a point.

Birthday Party —

Holy Boobs Meredith. Like Holy Freaking Boobs. Seth says he is going to treat her like a “second wife?” Is that a thing ? what does that mean ?

There is zero chemistry with these two, and Meredith acts annoyed every time he tries to get close to her. In my opinion. Yet she goes on and on in the confessionals how happy they are.

They discuss Jen’s non – invite. Do they really have to ask her this ?

Do we SERIOUSLY have to be reminded of (Meredith voice:) “How many times do I have to say if you invite Jen Shah to an event, please don’t invite me…???” Do we really think she’s going to invite the bitch to her OWN party ?????

Grouchy Mary has arrived and is seemingly not QUITE as grouchy as she usually is. She interacts pleasantly with Meredith’s dog. She ignores Jennie but answers Duy when asked how she is doing.

Ask me in an hour.” How about let’s NOT do that.

Is Meredith wearing that weird chest thing that she has on in the one interview look? I think it’s a sheer netting of some sort.

I don’t want to talk about this regifting thing again. I just don’t . Of the Loubuitton boots, as opposed to Louis Vuitton.

The guys announce this stupid Mother’s Day getaway that Duy and John end up footing the bill for, due to losing the golf bet.

Great idea guys !!! NOT !!!!!

Cannot wait for the entire scene of Jen going all cra cra on Lisa on the bus to the said relaxing getaway. Meredith in that very weird plunging orange get- up with a long chain, in her interview, explains again her hatred for Jen. Because she’s not sure we’re convinced.

If you’re going out, and want to make sure you look really cute, just DON’T wear anything Meredith wears, and you’ll look perfect, I promise

All of the convos between Jen and whomever, about money and this law suit are always so awkward to watch. They’re always so staged. Coach and Jen are doing some weird therapy thing. She talks about house hunting and not finding a scaled down version that she likes. Who cares.

Whitney presents to Seth a boob cake on behalf of his appreciation for Whitney’s boobs?

Apparently all of the guys are obsessed with Whitney’s tits. Think Meredith is being a good sport, but wants to twist her nipples off

Okay that was weird. Literally after Project Runway Thursday, and just finishing that post late last night, so tired of looking at boobs, so tired of talking about boobs. Why are we all so obsessed with boobs ?

They all get into the pool and hot tub in their clothes. I was too lazy to get off my ass to get a pic of that. I did get Seth licking the boob cake though. Thank God.

Packing for the trip. Jen complains about “packing herself.” Jesus Christ- shut up Jen. God I hope she goes to jail.

bum bum bum bum bum bum … ‘

this is almost over and I am really happy.

They board the same bus with the same driver. Is it the same pick-up location though???

Heather is hilarious. and cracks me up always. she’s whining in the car that she doesn’t want to come. They are all in ridiculously good spirits.

Jen and Whitney are in identical black short short outfits.

Jennie is dressed like a 10 year old boy.

Did she borrow her son’s clothes ??? (also she’s looking annoyed ) Like can i just have ONE girls’ normal getaway ???!!!

Lisa and the Diet Coke arrive.

I would have to pee like 22 times while drinking this

No Mary and Meredith ??? They are not taking the short bus with crazy Jen. They’re flying instead.

They discuss the how they are most likely not here because of Jen’s attendance.

Lisa and Jen begin to argue, about this ongoing strife between Jen and Meredith, and Meredith hiring the private investigator on Jen, because of threats to Brooks and Heather etc etc etc . . .

And then there’s the — Jen ‘liking the homophobic tweets’ and the vagina thing…

Jen is yelling and ranting and Heather is just eating her snacks. (or maybe chewing on her nails – i can’t tell)

I‘m just sittin here — tryna stay out of it…

Jen is getting extremely agitated. (even though everyone is agreeing with her for the most part) Lisa is trying to stay calm. She tells her ‘don’t hold me accountable for shit Meredith is doing.’

She’s right. They’re all quiet and listening to Jen rant, hoping if they keep agreeing she’ll shut up.

They come to some sort of agreement thing to tonight, “make it all up to Jen” how she feels iced out of the “friend group.” (paraphrasing) and because Meredith for some reason is ride or die for Mary, always.

Whatever “side” you’re on, you have to hand it to Lisa and the ladies for really TRYING to de – escalate the Jen tantrum. By agreeing with her and not antagonizing her.

Sadly it doesn’t work work, because she blows her stack on Lisa, for not saying she’ll pick sides?

I think ? I can’t understand her when she starts screaming like that.

Lisa looks terrified of this crazy lady ! and i don’t blame her !

She gets up and begins to physically attack Lisa. We see a producer. We all know when we see a producer, better buckle up! No pun intended!

And she wonders why she wasn’t invited to the birthday party !!

Uhhhhhhh— Can we really blame Mary and Meredith for not wanting to ride the short bus???

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