Didn’t expect to start right off with the Jen Shah arrest drama. I gotta brush up on what exactly went down with all of that, and where things are at now. Does not seem like it’s getting the press that you know who is getting.

This is reminding me of RHOBH, except with snow. What is one of the first things, that was said by Heather, that she doesn’t want involved, hmmm kind of same thing that Sutton was trying to communicate about getting involved in Erika’s sketchy mess. (as opposed to pretty mess)

Ok so now we’re doin a little rewind. We’re not going right to the arrest. Wow they had me fooled.

Shahs got a whole new mansion, since her “lease was up.”

What’s with these people, similar to OC that “lease” or rent these huge huge ass mansions. Cannot imagine the astronomical rent these people pay.

Do they know mortgage rates are like double negative zero right now ? A mortgage payment would have to be so much less than paying “rent.” so dumb. Do they just have bad credit ? No cash? I don’t get it. (my day job may have something to do with this annoyance.)

Jen and Coach Shah have been having some marital difficulties that they seem to have worked out, perhaps? Sounding like he was having the shits of all of her fits and tantrums constantly. Can

you really blame him. That is NO FUN to deal with, believe you me.

Meredith and Seth also have a new house. Do they pay like $20,000/month rent also ?

These two have worked things out as well. Thought things were not goin too great as of the reunion last year.

Well hats off for trying to work things out!

I don’t dislike Meredith, but that voice. Is that

nasally monotone always-annoyed-sounding voice like a thing for a certain demographic of women ?

Think that it’s more prevelant in the 35 – 40ish age range. EJ uses it perhaps because she

thinks she’s 35? Well scratch that, actually she thinks she’s four.

Sometimes, I find that Heather says some strange things about her daughters. Like who says they

want their daughter to be the “good time girl” at college?? I also recall her saying at the reunion she wants them to have one night stands and get drunk ??? Like what ??? is she just trying to say that she doesn’t want them to get married and have kids really young, and have more life experiences than

she had?

I feel like that is what she is trying to say. I feel like she has a hard time communicating what

she is trying to say and things come out sounding maybe like a little “off.”

Alright moving right along. Whitney who is bragging in her confessional that she’s the same age as her stepsons is strange. Whitney, yes we know, you are 20 years younger than your husband. You

snagged yourself a sugar daddy, got it.

But should she be wearing that biking top in the house when they all walk in the door ?

Next scene she has a sweatshirt on. I didn’t realize at the time, but I read on Twitter, that it’s

one of Brooks’ clothing line items? Hmmmm sneaky.

The birthday cake takes a freaking nose dive, make that two nose dives. Oh And then there’s three.

Drunk people shouldn’t try to balance things on one hand. Ever.

Moving on to Mary the married the Grandpa lady. So I talk to myself a lot too.

Should I start a pod cast? I mean it does seem like everyone and their uncle has one.

So people just sit there and yammer into their computer and hope that they’re being

captivating and someone is listening ? Weird to me. Weird to me to be a listener of them also.

Mary is doing a lot of praying on her podcast, and confesses she was never liked. (by anyone?) Seriously who listens to these podcasts????

I remember my mom and dad listened to those “talk show” things on the radio when I was a kid, thought they were soooo lame. Sort of feel the same way about podcasts.

There is a new girl Jennie, who is two years younger than she really is,

and is good friends with Lisa. She seems like she would be friends with Lisa.

She does come off as funny. I like her top. If you’ve been reading my blogs on the shows, you may know by now I like color and HATE black. To me it’s blahhhhhhck, blah boring. Everyone wears black. But if you must, ( I get the whole slimming thing with it) at LEAST put a colorful sweater, earring, necklace or shoes with it. SOMETHING !!! Please. I’m asking nicely. I’m right about this. I am.

Oh here’s the infamous aunt who had her legs amputated, due to diabetes I assume ?

So truth, hearing that sort of grosses me out, it’s not “hospital smell” with me, it’s the thought of having your legs like freaking sawed off. Like I know you’re under, and all of that , but I just cannot imagine that actual procedure ???

Ok im making myself nauseous. She has new legs. Jen asks her if she’s brought her legs

or something ??

Jen doesn’t know the age of her son and needs to do the math on her phone. Not a math major apparently.

Ladies are meeting for lunch and Meredith discloses her father passed away. She seems extremely upset and ets comforted by the girls.

Heather discusses her issues with Lisa and Jen. Lisa and Heather are at odds, if you remember because Lisa didn’t ‘remember’ her from college, but also said that she was this “good time girl” flashing her tits. So which is it, does she not remember her, or does she? All seems like a really strange

thing to be arguing about when you’re in your forties.

Jen apparently is posting really nasty homophobic things (who would even do that nowadays that’s in the public eye – seriously??) about Meredith’s son Brooks, (who has not even identified as gay by the way) and calling Heather a racist. Heather seems upset their friendship is in the can, and said some weird thing about “friendship juice.???”

Meredith says that she is ok with Lisa and Jen being besties, since Jen seems to needs a friend.

That is an adult and mature way to look at it, which I can’t believe I’m hearing on any Real Housewife show.

Uh oh a Brooks scene, so according to a lot of my Twitter peeps, everyone thinks that Brooks is suuuuuuper annoying. I mean that voice, I guess is pretty annoying. It’s sort of like Erika Girardi

and Meredith’s voice had a baby, right ?

except on a dude.

Challah !!! I made this one time. IT IS the bombest freaking bread everrr I am tellin ya !!!

it’s like buttery, it’s like slightly sweet. It melts in your mouth. It is soooo good. I had it last summer with cinnamon. YUMMM. Did I know that Seth is Jewish, or did I just forget ?

Lisa’s family is such a cute family, I gotta say. Those boys are cuties, and her husband seems

like the nicest easiest goingest guy in the world. Where do you find those ???

Now I’m totally hungry for some Challah. Brooks is in charge of the Challah. i love when Meredith is doing six things, and points to where Brooks should

braid the Challah with her head. such a Mom thing to do.

Deep deep deep, and I mean deep discussion at the Jewish get together thing at Meredith’s,

about Jen Shah and how she has hurt Meredith’s family, with her ridiculous tweets or whatever, and how it bothers Meredith that Lisa is friends with her. Blah blah blah. It goes on and on and on.

I keep thinking about the Challah. It’s not that hard to make, maybe I’ll make it again soon. (maybe) I also wanted to make the pancake cake. I see gaining ten LB’s in my near future.

Commercial break and this discussion is seriously CONTINUING. The commercials were more interesting.

Challah came out of the oven and it is golden brown and shiny and I want it. (should have had drinking game for every time I wrote Challah) I freaking looked it up and it’s right.

The spell check Gods don’t know about Challah bread ?? whatever – clearly they’re not Jewish.

Now this leftover from last year, discussion that won’t die, just like the Heather and Lisa college drama is continuing, on Brooks seeing Jen’s vag last year.

Why can’t these bitches wear underwear?

Meredith’s daughter is really freaking beautiful.

That’s a wrap.

Several previews of Jen and her loud loud freaking screeching. Does she ever stop screeching and screaming? No wonder no one can stand her (except Lisa)

These previews look amazing. Why does it really matter where Jen was when she was arrested ? That seems like a big big discussion in future episodes. I’m sure they would have managed to find her. She was like filming a freaking television show.

Challah bread featured on Andy too??? ugh !!! This really should have been a drinking game. Ya all woulda been smashed by now!

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