Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion Part 2

Mia starts out by claiming her mom WANTED to tell her story on the show, in retaliation to Candiace stating maybe she shouldn’t be parading a newly sober woman around on reality tv. This argument started last week when Mia made a comment if her mom relapses it would be on Candiace for calling her “low budget”

which is ridiculous. I sort of agree maybe this wasn’t the best option for her mom. I am sure that it didn’t help when she had the meltdown as she was babysitting, and having that blasted on TV.

All talking and yelling at once. I don’t know what the fuck they’re saying.

“It has to stop” Candiace gets reprimanded on her hateful and vile comments.

Everyone seems to be ganging up on candiace. But maybe it’s justified. I just saw on Twitter she came after a blogger last year online and wished death upon him, that was writing unfavorable things about her. Apparently he took Monique’s side. And he just died. Here is a link on one of the reports.

Popular Black Blogger Has Died And The Video Of The Bravo Housewife

Andy reads a question to her regarding her body shaming comments to Ashley constantly– she is claiming that they all do it, and gave an example of Ashley saying that Sherree had saggy titties.

They try to tell Candiace she needs to back it down just a hair, or maybe a whole wig, with the insults. She claims that she will take that advice into account.

Mia is getting called out on her Twitter trolling misbehavior. Blaming the ‘social media managers’ is getting a little old, and not really buying it. At all.

“Just own it!!”

Subject comes up about Mia and her bragging about her businesses her husband gave her, (sorry but that does seem to be the case) and how much money she makes. That is tacky. Like when she blurted out that she makes $450,000/year, that is just stupid. Shows someone that is not used to being successful, and doesn’t know proper ‘eti QWIT’ when it comes to this subject.

They keep filming during the “break.” Wendy checks on Candiace. Are Candiace and Wendy close ? I don’t recall them interacting a whole lot together.

Robyn discloses that she had to shit, Andy proceeds to ask many questions about her shitting schedule???

A lot of flashes with Karen’s and Gizelle’s ongoing arguments and insults.

Addressing the fiery box, that was read on a blog (Reality Tea I believe or Blurb,,,)

Gizelle did NOT wish death on poor Ray. That comment was made in jest. And just stupid to still be discussing it.

Now the Eddie rumor, they didn’t linger on it, surprisingly. I have a feeling it will be back.

They play the clip about Wendy looking at Grace at Gizelle’s outdoor event. Wendy did, indeed, do a little up and down hairy judgmental eye ball of Gizelle’s poor little daughter. I have witnessed this behavior of other women A LOT. it’s strange they don’t know how obvious it is. Women always look down at my shoes a lot. But then don’t say “cute shoes” or anything.

Looked to me like she may have been jealous of this young petite girl who has a butt and boobs that Wendy didn’t have pre- surgery. Weird to do that to a teenage girl when you’re i n your late 30’s. How would she like someone looking at her daughter like that when she’s older? She really should apologize.

Gizelle gets a little choked up about talking about Karen’s acknowledgment of her daughters at her event. don’t see that too much, or ever . Karen and Gizelle hug ??? Does this mean the ridiculous six-year argument about Ray dying and Gizelle being pretty is over ???

Ashley time – we get cute clips of the babies, NOT cute clips of the placenta.

Course we had to sit through that comment from Michael telling Ashley that she’s back in shape, and he is so very relieved.

Movie producer Michael – they ask if it’s going to be porns? Ashley shoots that down. But is its true ? i could definitely believe that.

Ashley is feeling sexual and back to herself again. I’m sure we’re all relieved now.

Candiace’s behavior of relishing in Ashley’s slight weight gain after two babies is asked by a viewer. She didn’t really explain or answer it.

Now we’re getting into some dry hair and forehead insults. I’m losing brain cells right now writing about this dialogue and insults between each other about their hair and foreheads.

Which leads to getting into racism aka colorism – since Candiace says Ashley is “lucky” to be bi-racial so her hair is different. Wendy of course is the one that needed to go there. Not surprising. We have a cast of all black women but somehow there is still racism, due to programming by the media.

I would address this argument between Candiace and Ashley, except I can’t understand them right now. i think there are some jealousy issues with Candiace toward Ashley. She got very sarcastic when asked that. But i do believe it. They had a fun night out recently together. Got that part. Candiace calls Ashley ‘fun.”

Unzen Wen – I loved when she wrote a paragraph of her business plan about these stupid candles. Seems like she tried to make herself look stupid, not sure why. Eddie saved the day and did all of the work for her. Maybe that is why the play dumb act.

Clips of wen being unzen. She really hasn’t said ‘zen we’n in the past several episodes. Think she kind of abandoned that. She says Eddie is the one that named her that.

She gives advice to viewers to go to a reputable doctor, and do research, when asked about the specifics of her surgeries. Good advice.

Some of her outfits were atrocious, in my opinion, in the early episodes this season. That sweat suit thing with a thong body suit ? really? and then that black designer outfit with the strapless boustier corset top, that pretty much showed her entire breasts? just seemed to be going too far to me. I got some heat on Facebook chat group about some of my opinions about what she was wearing. I’m not against showing them off, but some of her choices were weird and distasteful. It is a fair question to as to why she talks about her tits and ass and candles constantly, when she talked about her education and profession last year, constantly. It did seem like she was dumbing herself down for the show.

Robyn admits that using the word ‘loose’ was the wrong word. She didn’t mean “loose” in a slutty way. She meant Loose in a way of looking loose, is my interpretation. Wendy goes on a political rant. (sigh)

Gets asked about her candles. Heard they’re $60. For a candle. (one wick). Topic comes up about Karen mentoring Wendy about her candle line, and not mentioning she was also coming out with a candle also. Wendy didnt think it was shady at all.

Why does Wendy defend Karen so much? When Karen was so horrible to her last season. Ridiculing her education of all things, and her “Doctor” title.

Remember — “Doctor of what exactly ??” Now they’re besties — don’t get it.

Mia has a candle now??? Guys do we NEED more candles ? Do we need more wicks???

Wendy claims she will have a seven wick candle. Losing brain cells again. That’s pretty bad when you’re listening to a PhD talk.

For the love of God —– Why do we need all of these wicks >>>>>????

I think more than ‘hundreds’ of people read the blog that the Eddie rumor is on.

“you had a whole tummy tuck, did you keep Jamal ??” is coming next week from Dr Wendy. Again, with the Jamal not working out thing. Do they realize this is the father of her daughters??

Wendy is appearing to go off the rails next week about tossing a salad. Which is not really about tossing salad I understand.

Is this really going to be FOUR parts ???

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