Real Housewives of Potomac 8/29

Starting right from Wendy going off the deep end about a blog post being brought up she already knew about. (Shouldn’t she be mad at the website that exposed it ?)

Very tense take-out dinner with Team Gizelle at the cocktail table. The other three take theirs and go off to “the cottage”.

Typical what we have been seeing lately of Wendy crying and Karen comforting her.

I’m getting tired of the phrase “ that’s my trigger, that triggered me …”

it seems to be used just as an excuse for over reactions, or any type of reactions. It’s one of the new buzz words and I’m sick of it’s overuse. How about

“ that pissed me off???”

If Eddie is so great and perfect then why does Wendy even care?

It was a blog post written By SOMEONE ELSE.

Again can’t deal with the fake ass lovey crap with Wendy and Karen.

Robyn was laughable when Wendy was goin off. She seemed like she was just buzzed

and tipsy enough to see the humor in the whole thing (Wendy’s over over over reaction) but not shitfaced enough where she participated in the drama or got offended with Wendy’s diatribe of insults towards her.

I agree with Robyn about how she hates waking up kids. Her comparison was funny to her

trying to get them going, to Juan’s man voice yelling at them to wake up, and they hop to it.

But she did say Juan just yells from bed?

So why can’t these two seem to get out of bed

at a decent time to get these kids up and going, and get them some breakfast to help get

them moving ?

I know it’s tempting since they’re schooling from home, but its still not conducive to productivity waking up shortly before class starting.

Not Wendy with the voter ID being racist. PLEASE . Does she not have an ID ?

That’s all im sayin about that.

Awkward discussion with nanny present about Ashley’s vajayjay. Michael throws a piece of

jewelry at her. Who is impressed by this ???

Gizelle admitting she’s messy. Does she usually do that ? Admit she’s wrong ?

I’m not loving Wendy’s braids. Are there supposed to be bald spots like that ? Well whatever, she turned them to Gizelle, and started stroking them when she offered to talk things out about the whole Blog post thing they were discussing. Did she completely not answer?

Wendy is acting really immature I have to say. Like childish immature.

Looking the opposite way and stroking her hair when Gizelle is speaking to

her is the behavior of a five year old. It’s very strange. Her behavior is strange.

You can be mad at me all you want. It is,

So is this a hot tub they’re in ? It seems cold out. Candiace announces that she needs

a dance routine for her video, and they are sort of “auditioning?”

Gizelle can’t just laugh at Karen shakin her bootie.

Why cannot she ever just NOT look miserable.

Her face is gonna freeze like that. Maybe it already has.

What ??? Karen is starting a candle line tooo ?? oh it’s a three wick candle– (that’s never

been done.) so it’s not really copying. Karen is feeling really important at this Surry County

Ambassador thing. “She has the keys” lol.

Sometimes these ladies act so immature.

Robyn: “I can tell ya who’s not invited to my wedding.

I can tell ya how not invited to my bridal shower.”

#1. Doesn’t someone usually throw you a bridal shower ?

#2 You’re seriously having a bridal shower ?

So the whatever thing with Karen in Surry County is over. I am so glad

Mia now calling out Gizelle, who didn’t really say “weak bitch.” This seems like

a “weak argument.”

Ladies are all in cocktail attire and Gizelle is wearing ripped jeans.

Is this going to turn into a thing ?

I think its strange when the girls get all decked out when they’re not even going out.

Is this the second time poor Askele had the door slammed in her face?

Robyn confronts Wendy’s braids about the nasty things that she had said to her about her and Juan, when she was pissed at Gizelle over this blog, She feels like Wendy was never really genuine or a friend. Wendy apologizes but Robyn’s not really believing it.

Wendy seems to be putting the boobs away this week. Much much more tasteful clothing this week. Still sexy but TASTEFUL

Why are we still in an environment of women not being notable unless they’re married or have a boyfriend ? We’re not past that in 2021?????

I don’t know where to begin with these scenes for rest of season ??

this looks like some MESSI – NESS, NOT HAPPI NESS – MESSI NESS.

more house husband strife and drama – looks almost identical to Robyn’s engagement

thing last year with an altercation with Michael and Chris.

karen and ray really go through with the vow renewal ???

like why ??????

So bets on when they will spit up ??

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