Real Housewives of Potomac 8/22

Catching up a little from last week: I miss things when I’m writing.

Robin and Gizelle during their little pow wow about Wendy while waiting for everyone to arrive:

“There’s no judgment” oh — kayyyy. No one’s buying that, AT ALL (I hope)

Have opportunity to pay more attention to to some of the other’s outfits, since I was just in shock about what Wendy was wearing, and just like they say, it was like a bad train wreck and I just couldn’t look away. I didn’t dislike the outfit per se, to be honest, but the way that tube top thing was fitting and, I just can’t fathom she thought that looked good. I’m ok with some cleavage sexy clothes, but it was too much tittie, and she looked desperate for attention.

Like I always say, I don’t get why Gizelle gets such a bad wrap with her fashion sense. Did I love that white sweater with the bright red roses ? No not really. On paper, this is something I would typically like, but the flowers were just so, odd. I was reading last week some comparisons to lobsters, and I don’t disagree.

On to Robyn, the braids, bright orange shirt and ripped jeans, she seems kind of under dressed compared to the rest of them. The braids are making her look kind of like a gangster, then add the bright orange top, and well, you do the math.

I don’t like Karen’s get up at all either. The long leopard tunic with the loose white pants. Just not feeling it at all. I typically don’t like A LOT of leopard. I myself will do leopard shoes, or earrings, or SOME leopard in a shirt or dress. And I don’t like the pairing with white pants for some reason. The pants are also ill fitting (too long/large)

Mia’s tweed jacket thing is ok, maybe a little stuffy, and needs a pop of color.

Askale- love that pink blazer on the shoulders, and her pink earrings.

So I know you’re dying for my favorite, process of elimination, my absolute FAVORITE outfit of the night – Candiace.

That black lacy and sheer top is absolutely stunning. (I am partial to lace.) And the fitted winter white slacks. It’s pretty and tasteful, and it just WORKS. I typically do like Candiace’s style. And she is built similar to me. It’s hard sometimes when you’re petite to know what you should or should not wear.

Back to Wendy and the boobs, she’s like Rinna on RHOBH, random Disik mentions out of nowhere.

Wendy has her nonsense random tittie mentions out of nowhere. And the fact that I am comparing Wendy to Rinna, should be alarming to Wendy.

I mean WTF, bitch sitting there eating, and I guess getting annoyed no one’s noticing her and her tits. and blurts out “the more I eat the bigger my boobs get” like what ? Who IS this woman? Sounds like something an empty headed airhead would say. (Then stop eating please, cuz girlfriend gonna bust right out of that top that looks 3 sizes too small to house those things)

She sounds like an idiot. I am sorry, but our resident PhD sounds like a fucking idiot. Me comparing her to Rinna is alarming because she has 16 degrees and Rin

I just can’t stand people dumbing themselves down. I hope she is not doing this for Bravo. If Bravo did tell her that, she should have told them to suck it, and said she sure AF doesn’t need Bravo.

I have to agree with the green eyed bandits that she is not happy and seems to be wanting to change her whole persona for whatever reason. Maybe to please her husband, if not Bravo.

New episode:

Did Gizelle seriously not say thank you to the chef she handed her plate to her and said be careful, it’s hot. She said “OK??” had to watch that a second time. Could she really be that rude?

Maybe they edited it out.

Wendy followed Karen’s advice, unfortunately.

I don’t know what was so conservative about her outfit, it was a crop top??? it was more appropriate to eat breakfast in. But she opted for the bathing suit with a WIDE open “cover up” over it.

She walked in like “look at my body NOW!!” as usual . YAWN.

The bathing suit is ok for the pool but why at the table ?

What is wrong with this woman ? If you don’t agree you don’t have to, but she is coming off as desperate for attention. Not sorry.

What body of water is this ? Is this the Chesapeake ? Is it ?

So we have this pool gathering where there is going to be some sort of exercise routine lead by Gizelle.

Wendy’s trynna show off the va jay jay too.

Is it warm out ? It doesn’t look particularly warm.

Ashley and the placenta pills. Euuuwww , I’m with the producer , I gagged too.

I don’t know that Gizelle was viscous exactly the previous night. She was being Gizelle for sure. But I have seen worse.

Wendy brings attention to her body A- GAIN as she’s exiting the pool. I think it would be so much sexier if she was showing it off in a less sleazy way, and wasn’t talking about it constantly.

I know I have some haters already on some Facebook chat groups for pointing out that her behavior is really really really odd. It’s not just the boobs, and for the umpteenth time I’m not “conservative” or jealous. She is acting WEIRD. She is saying WEIRD things. She is dressing like a sleazeball.

I know, all across all of the Housewives in all of the cities, we’ve all seen cleavage and overly sexy clothes. But I don’t think any of them have pointed out their body to everyone constantly, right?

I’m right, right ? Yes I am.

So something is going down at lunch. Ashley is told to bring up the substance, or lack thereof argument. I missed her constant Corona Light’s .

Can’t buy this Wendy and Karen love affair. It’s fake. It’s weird. Was this Bravo created ? It seems off. As off as Wendy’s “hey check out my new body” constant rhetoric.

Random fashion moment: I like Wendy’s hat.

I agree with Mia, sorry, there is a time and place to show off your assets. On a girls’ trip it’s weird. We don’t wanna hear about em. I love her defense about that horrible cut out body suit thong and sweats. “It was from Zara” what does that mean ?

Who cares where it’s from, don’t wear it ever again.

This “box” you always talk about, you need to fit into, whatever whatever lalala, when someone nicely asks you to put your tits away.

put that horrific body suit in a box and send it away !! forever !!

I can’t imagine Eddie said he’s so happy for her for feeling her new body.

Eddie doesn’t seem all together thrilled with her if you ask me.

She seems to be sooooo over compensating.

He can’t be happy with this new empty headed bimbo that wants to make candles, thing she is now into. Not buying it.

Ashley is tasked to bring up the Eddie cheating rumor to Un Zen Wen,

Aren’t we glad Ashley joined the group.

Mia slams the door right in poor little Askale’s face. Sheeeesh, manners ladies !!

Candiace, alcohol is always what calms the housewives down ! Great idea.

I am going to agree with the haters of Gizelle’s clothes right now.

She is really wearing this tie dye sweat suit ?

So Ashley is pulling Wendy to the side, saying she is doing this because she appreciated when it was done to her.

Has she met super defensive crazy, I mean Zen Wen Wendy ? And I’m sure Wendy already knows about this article, so it’s not the same as you being informed about the Michael thing that had just happened ? Not to mention Ashley was used to this shit by that point.

Buzzed Robyn is cracking me up right now. Oh a blog a blog a blog blah blah blah.

Zen Wen is going off the damned deep end. Screaming about the cameras. This is making me feel like there is some truth to it and she already knew about it.

She is really going for the jugular with Gizelle? She looks dumbfounded. She’s sippin her whiskey mojito thing.

Wendy ain’t wrong about Gizelle and Jamal, and what a waste of time and energy that was, thinking that ass was gonna be different for some reason. Gonna have to side with her on that one.

Gizelle doesn’t know what to say.

Wendy is rage lipsticking right now. Why do they always go and put on make up when they’re having a meltdown?

I’m kind of feeling that she is having an almost-Monique unraveling moment right now. Is she yelling about a bazooka ???

Next Wendy’s gonna be grabbin Gizelle by the hair. But we don’t want that, or do we ???

Candiace is pissed at Ashley for bringing it up. “Take your milk and get the fuck out”

The poor whiskey guy, he’s probably scared to death.

What is the damned difference if Gizelle or Ashley confronted her? She’s making no sense.

She’s swinging the braids all over the place. I can’t with this woman, I’m losing respect for her by the second. She should get off of this show and deal with what she needs to deal with.

Next week we have Queen Karen getting crowned as queen of her small town or whatever.

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