Real Housewives of Potomac 7/18

Ashley’s comment was funny in reference to the Karen/Gizelle (ongoing) feud – old lady talk ??

so yeah I’m old – wtf is a hot box and sing sing ???

Ladies need directed to stop bitching about their coochies long enough for the chef to describe the salad.

So that’s a bit too far with Karen’s issue about Gizelle’s snarky comment several years ago in regards to Ray telling her that her looks will fade at some point. I mean no one wants to hear that, even though we know. And Gizelle’s commentary was meant to be funny. I guess. I’m not a Gizelle fan, looks overdramatized.

Wendy is admitting to the new butt. they all did know. I didn’t, but I wasn’t paying attention to the butt.

Flick and bite her nipple ? Tittie toast ? Tittie cake ? what happened to this broad?

She went form Miss three degrees, I’m a PhD… to a porn star. ALL RIGHT I’m down.

Still trying to figure out Mia. She’s bragging a lot. Been here, seen this.

Yeah bad guys ARE actually running the world . Lol . Mia’s daughter is sort of right . Ok, moving on.

So Candiace is “better.” Rumor had it that she was holding out for more money from Bravo (which she didn’t get) that is why she was not an attendee at the Tittie party.

Candiace, its just art imitating life.

Still trying to get over last week when she couldn’t figure out a 5th grade level story problem/basic math equation, (96 – 28 ) and called it an SAT question.

she is going to Howard for an MBA right ? Not sure why if she’s focused on an acting career ?

I think she should just retake 5th grade if she couldn’t figure out that math problem. (I even suck at Math – and I was like wow – was she kidding ? )

Chris doesn’t have the restaurant anymore? So he does nothing but “manage” her ?

Gretchen and Slade Slimey anyone ?

Well I am now understanding why she tried to hold out for more Bravo cash – and had to ask for an advance – (rumor has it …) And they do have this huge ass house to pay for… that Miss Spoiled HAD to have.

Ashley to her mom – That’s why God gave her two holes (to her mother ?) Holy shit ! No pun intended.

I don’t know that we needed that much intricate detail about their boudoir activities Ashley but, (pardon the pun – again ) I’m open minded. Whatever works. You gotta keep this dude interested.

Lucy is turning over in her grave right now. I mean way —way back then, TV had to show couples sleeping separately. (and that was before my time – I’m not that old – used to watch the reruns on Nick at Nite before I was Bravo obsessed)

Does Chanel pay the housewives to advertise ? At least Gizelle’s sweater doesn’t say NEL CHA. Hahaha.

Think she’s tired of the shit about her fashion, so she’s like, I’ll wear something with Chanel slapped on it, and I’ll be the damned Queen !!!

So why is her place called “the west wing ?” Does she own like the whole house ?

Why is the pandemic being used as an excuse for Gizelle ditching this loser dude ? Planes were still goin, just admit it – He Sucks.

She needs someone that lives 8 miles away ANNNNNND isn’t a lying cheating dickhole maybe ?

No one is surprised. Her own daughters didn’t even want her to reconcile with their father.

Intimacy is not there … for YOU, I am sure it’s there for HIM, if you get my drift.

Why is Karen so obsessed with Jamal and Robyn now? Guess she needs to feel like she is doing better? She seems to be trying to oversell her marriage. I mean they’re up there, they’ve been together for 25 years, no one expects you to have the perfect marriage.

I don’t know —- this is a lot – at least I’m not bored like I was on some early Shahs episodes.

What is sing sing ? Singapore ? Just looked it up – it’s a prison in NY ? Confused. Gizelle was in jail, over her hot box/STD?

Ray seems extra interested in all of this gossip for some reason.

So Wendy’s mom was all for her change in careers from Professor to …….. Porn star !

Ohhhhh no wait candles??? — my bad. is this for real ?

Hubby doesn’t seem too pleased about the new career path. Think he’s seeing his bank account dwindle away.

she is loving to show off those new melons~ WOW

Was mom paid off to say that she is supportive of the candle making venture ? Again, Eddie does NOT seem pleased. A lot of nervous twitching going on. Hey, I forget, what does he like —- do ?

Ashley’s apartment/ condo – sorry— looks really cool with nice views.

(don’t EVER say APARTMENT !!)

Dean is beyond cute, he wasn’t having Karen though. That was so cute last week when Ashley said “close your eyes” (in reference to Wendy’s weird invitation) and he did! That seemed advanced for a one year old ?? !!

So Ray and Karen – also renters of a huge house ? I cannot imagine what these people pay in rent ? What a waste of thousands of dollars every month ?

Gizelle’s kids are TELLING HER about relationships.

I loved her “don’t date an athlete speech” – thought she was going the route of – they’re never home. they tend to have a wandering eye – but no – her athlete hurt his knee and then she had to be supportive.

I mean if this doesn’t say it all about this human I don’t know what does. Even her daughters were like what ?

What is Karen wearing – thought Gizelle was the horrific dresser ? Looks like a (slightly ) glorified track suit.

Mia is the fourth wife – yikes.

They are going through with the vow renewal ?

Do you know what I just recalled though ? That Dallas HW – Stephanie – she and her husband did a vow renewal a few years back, and they’re still together (hope I didn’t just jinx them…)

Now Karen is picking on Robyn’s and Ashley’s relationship since can’t pick on Gizelle anymore?

It’s so odd that Michael is home minding the baby while she is out ?

How IS Ashley doing all of this socializing one week before her due date ? Holy shit, guys I don’t know about you but I was NOT going to parties at nine months pregnant. I didn’t have the energy to take a shower at nine months pregnant, and didn’t have two that close together like her. All right well you go girl.

Are these hot toddys ? Thought I saw steam coming form the glass ? Maybe not.

So the clitoris work was because of all the action that Mia is getting ?

Does Mia mean meshing ? She was saying moshing or something.

We’re doing the manufactured drama creation ? I do miss the old days of the organic drama. Not just being a plain asshole for a “storyline.”

Ashley is cracking me up, just sitting there eating and eating !! lol – I don’t blame her

who the hell is katie

Wendy just tells Eddie – YOU BETTER NOT PUT MIA ! On their Newlywed game that seemed to be designed to cause an argument.

He didn’t. He listened.

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