Real Housewives of Potomac – 2/23/25 – Takin’ Out the Trash

Karen’s sentencing is this Wednesday, Feb 26th.

The Washington Post is reporting this is her fourth DUI arrest, not her second.

The other three were in 2006-2011.

And what’s more, this ‘rehab’ she so bravely checked herself into is actually more of a luxury resort.

The woman needs help.

I believe her still to be in denial that she’s a full-fledged alcoholic. I feel like Ray just lets her go, to get her out of his hair. Which probably isn’t that smart of a thing to do if he knows she gets inebriated when she goes ‘out.’

All right, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse talking about this.


Mia stormed off the stage last week and Andy ran after her.

Andy feeds her a load of horseshit that she seems to be buying. He wants her back out there to get called out some more! Because there’s more! There’s much much more!! Does she really think he’s being sincere?

I need you to come back so Gizzy can call you a terrible mother. Work with me here.

She makes every damned excuse she can possibly come up with. Someone tell Mia that being a ‘bad friend’ is the least of her problems. How about a trashy parent?

She comes back. Lucky us.

Gizelle’s ex is one fucking weirdo and I can only imagine how off this new bitch is.

Who, in their 50’s. dresses up as movie characters for their damned wedding?

I feel like Gizelle does a lot of sugar-coating in her question and answer session.

Ashley’s done with that dude she met, and wants rid of him already. I’m assuming he’s not rich. Most likely not since he’s like twelve.

She tries to make a whole thing out of some cracks that Wendy made, whining how ‘offended’ this kid was.

I’m going to have to side with Wendy (see how diplomatic I am cuz ya know I can’t stand her) for being so flippant about her concern, as Ashley tries to make it the most serious thing ever.

Ashley, the Queen of Mess is offended Wendy made a few jokes about some kid she was banging, clearly cares nothing about, and is currently trying to get rid of him. She’s done with him.

Wendy’s not having it. At all. She reminds Ashley of her accusations towards Eddie a few seasons back.

Which I do believe were true, I believe he had a wandering eye, but we’re not getting into that. I feel like he learned his lesson because now he could be more subservient to Wendy.

Ashley is funny sitting here trying to look so serious over this. Girl, STOP it.

I was disappointed to hear that K is still with that Greg asshole narcissistic piece of shit. What is she thinking? She’s actually thinking he’s going to change?

She makes excuses for him that he just didn’t like the cameras and doing the TV thing.

Greg has ordered me to lie and cover for him.

While that MAY be true, HOWEVER, he seemed to be getting pissed when she was calling him out on his abusive behavior on camera. Guys, THAT is when he seemed to have a problem with the cameras. Before that, he was hamming it up.

And not to mention, several times she shared that he was annoyed with her filming, because she had to leave the house to attend events when he wanted her home making his supper and waiting on him.

I had this douche’s number the second he said to K’s mom “she’s doing a good job” since moving in with him.

Doing a good job?? What the fuck? I was like, yep. Abusive, control freak, bully, narcissist, asshole, pick your adjective.

He even looks like a douche bag. And don’t tell me he doesn’t.

Woman, I’ll tell you when you can speak…

It’s funny his name is Greg. It definitely suits.

I like how he told her at the restaurant that he “doesn’t dismiss” as he’s dismissing her.

So typical. They’re so goddamned dumb.

I was getting pissed off when Andy and everyone was chiming in and making excuses for him. What the helllll ladies?? Did he threaten everyone or what?

She seems proud to announce they’re still together and have been looking at rings.

I did catch the judgy looks from Stacy and Wendy. Maybe they are seeing it. I mean, it’s like not hard.

She goes on to explain they separated at a point, she moved out and is in the process of buying her own condo.

But reassures they will be moving back in together.

She uses her very minor injury from the scuffle last season as an excuse, trying to say he was worried about her. Oh please. Narcs care for no one but themselves, and how THEY look and always trying to hide their true selves from the public.

Because deep down they’re ashamed of who they are, make no mistake.

They’re ASHAMED of their behavior.

Is Andy seriously giving him accolades for merely saying when she was on WWHL that he’s ‘here to support her?’ PAHLEASE!!

They’re masters at pretending to be someone they’re not.

The excuses for this man are just pouring out of Andy like fucking word vomit. This shows he cares nothing about these women.

Greg the terrorist must’ve venmoed him a couple grand.

This is pissing me off actually.

Moving on, TJ is now Stacey’s ex, thank God. At least she wised up even if Kierarna can’t seem to. That dude was OFF.

I think his ‘bomb’ he drops next week is that Stacey was paying him to be her guy.

She really needed to ‘watch’ it back’ to see how horrible and douchey that was when he scolded her for ‘ignoring’ him at Wendy’s party.

Not to mention, does he even like women? And Wendy is right, (ughh what is happening??) he WAS more into that male trainer than Stacey.

Stacey corners her about that comment and Wendy had no choice to apologize, although it is a new thing for her.

Where were all of these apologies and admissions of guilt last season with Nneka? The broad admitted and owned nothing.

Most viewers were thinking the same thing about the trainer. You know I was.

Why? Does. She. Talk. Like. A. Robot?

TJ. IS. STILL. MY. B. F. F. Andeeee.

She claims they’re still ‘best friends.’ That is so stupid.

Why is Andy asking her what all they did if they didn’t have sex? He’s such a perv.

So he’s a perv and he’s supportive of men abusing women. Got it.

So apparently Miss Vivien is in a lot of trouble for making Ashley a ‘custom’ dress and then selling it to Stacey as well. She is now dead to Stacey.

Dresses are a VERY serious issue to the Housewives. Like how dare she??

She didn’t even change up the color or anything. You have to admit it’s pretty funny. And very trivial. Why are we even discussing it?

Stacey is as serious about this as Ashley was about her fake boyfriend.

It’s fucking unreal. Yet K being in a narcissistic emotionally abusive relationship, we joke about and say “Ohhhhh he doesn’t like the cameras, that’s NORMAL!!”


And who cares about Stacey’s stupid wig. It wasn’t that bad. Can we please flash on some of these ladies’ past wigs? Can’t believe these shady producers didn’t do that.

First few seasons Gizelle looked like she got hers at Wal Mart for fuck’s sake.

And I don’t want to hear about Trashley’s bunions one more fucking time.

I must have missed the episode when Wendy wore the blue Michelin Man dress. I would have CALLED THAT SHIT OUT immediately I promise you.

Okay ladies and Housewives, who I shouldn’t have to tell this, do not ever wear anything that adds weight or roundness to your body. It’s very very simple.

And Housewives should know the camera adds ten pounds.

I’ve never been on TV in my life but I somehow know this.

Some of these confessional looks were disgraceful. That goes without saying.


Jacqueline being pregnant to some random dude, I just don’t know what to say. Is this what women in their late 30’s-early 40’s are doing now?? It seems so juvenile.

During filming she was hinting at making things work with the father of her two daughters, now here we are a handful of months later, very pregnant to someone else. Okay. Not judging. Kind of judging.

She’s being cryptic about who the father is.

Okay Mia, lose the face. You got NO room to talk.

Wow can you believe her??

So if Gordon has a mental illness, what exactly is wrong with Mia?? Has she been diagnosed?? Because this broad is NOT stable.

This ‘who’s the daddy’ story line of Mia’s has been A LOT to swallow (no pun intended.) I just don’t know that trashy parenting should be a Housewife thing.

She and Inc have broken up, she claims. She immediately turns on the water works.

Gizelle announces she thinks it’s all a farce and they’re still together. And furthermore she lives in Atlanta, not the Potomac region.

The Atlanta Housewives would chew her up and spit her out!! Kenya? Are you kidding me?? So I think she made the wise decision to pretend she lives in DC.

Or wherever. She moves a lot.

Wendy chimes in and backs up Gizelle’s claims, and thinks that Mia and both guys were all in cahoots.

Why is no one addressing Mia’s wig? It’s horrible.

She gets a viewer question if she told her kids about the divorce for the first time on camera.

Because they’re children, and you know, that’s kind of disgusting. Mia does not realize this. Because she stopped maturing at thirteen.

Emotional immaturity is very common in adults with horrible childhoods and abandonment.

The paternity of of Jeremiah comes up. Mia had to know this was coming and should have been better prepared, one would think.

They’re not allowed to be on social mediaaaaaa.

OhhhKay Miaaaaaaaa you fucktard.

You really think he’s not hearing about this? You really think it’s that cut and dry?? It’s on TV, dummy!! And I am sure he is on social media. You’re not exactly mother of the year now are ya?? How do you know what he’s doing?

Gizelle: “you don’t think he’s going to find out?? It’s ridiculous to think that?”

Mia: “one thousand percent.”

Ummmm, what? So you just don’t care??

Oh she expresses regret ‘in hindsight’ for making this her story line. I mean YA THINK???

She answers a viewer question she is being ‘a transparent.’

Mia, stop talking.

Just stop.

Wendy questions Jeremiah being conceived through IVF but she claims she could have been already pregnant to Inc.

So let me get this straight Miss Mia.

WHILE you are married to your husband, you’re going through the IVF procedure to have a child with him, you are in your spare time fucking your high school sweetheart, and you’re super cool with this, and readily admitting it to the Bravoverse.

Wendy, God love her, is trying so hard to nicely and tactfully (and this is the new and improved Wendy, I like it, she finally realized how she was coming across, it only took five years, these PhD’s aren’t too bright apparently) explain to Mia how her story is BS. And gross.

Do you understand you look trampy??

Apparently before the IVF procedure, doctors want to make completely sure you’re not already pregnant, so they do a blood test which can detect very early pregnancy.

What is with her and the ‘1000 percent’ thing every time she’s asked about her trashy parenting.

Yes Mia, 1000 percent you are a trashy parent.

If your answer is 1000 percent, it seems strange you started all of this in the first place woman.

She confirms her son is Gordon’s child. We all knew this. Everyone on the couches, and I would hope viewers too, are disgusted with her at this point.

They think it was shitty for her to push Inc onto Gordon during filming when he did tell her he didn’t want that.


Who knows what’s real and what’s not at this point.

Mia calls this ‘positive co-parenting.’ If that doesn’t explain a lot, then I don’t know what does.

I feel like since she’s trashy, she assumes the viewers are also trashy, and we would be okay with this shit. Or not recognize it.

Like liars assume everyone is a liar. Cheaters assume everyone is a cheater…

Andy asks Jacqueline what she thinks. Okay, I just thought she was here to announce her pregnancy to some randy, but she is summoned for an opinion.

She’s backing up Mia and corroborating her ‘Gordon’s a nut job’ claim.

Mia delivers some word puke that makes no sense in defense of her chaotic and trashy lifestyle.

She claims Gordon wanted to participate in the reunion to apologize and defend her.

No one believes her.

Gizzy accuses her of regretting bringing up the paternity thing due to the backlash only. Not concern for her son. Also calls it deplorable.

She denies that, but of course it’s true.

She is squirming for sure. Good.

I look kind of like Beyonce, if she gained 100 pounds…

Wendy recounts a convo where she referred to herself as Beyonce.

Mia’s expressions say it all. She feels stupid.

Gizzy does NOT mince words and calls her point-blank a terrible mother.

Mia can’t handle the truth.

And because she can’t handle the truth, she does her second dramatic walk-off.

Apparently you’re not just a terrible friend but a terrible mother.

See this is why Andy wanted you back so badly, Mia.

Not my kids” she mutters as she waddles away.

Mia, no one is picking on your kids. To the contrary, they are picking on you, on behalf of your kids.

The kids should be taken away in all honesty.

She reminds me of Kathryn Dennis on Southern Charm. Who does not have custody of her kids.

Just. Saying.

Andy actually seems disturbed. I think he feels bad for this child. As we all do.

It’s Potomac, which usually features ‘the huzzbands’ unfortunately.

They’re backstage getting all spiffed up.

Yuck. Captain Beady Little Eyes is here. He gives me the creeps.

It’s really hard for me to buy that Eddie and TJ are best buds. But whatever.

He’s suddenly BFF’s with this weirdo, but refused to acknowledge (per Wendy’s orders) that he was acquainted with Nneka’s husband in college last season.

So he and Beady Eyes FaceTime TJ, who claims he has some sort of life-altering tea to spill.

I think the tea, or ‘bomb’ is that Stacey paid him to be her guy, but not really sure.

I have been hearing that.

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