Real Housewives of Potomac 12/10/23

So for past week, these girls have been sitting by the pool in Austin arguing. The big question is whether or not Wendy knows or is friends with Leba, and if not, why was she at her ‘Sip and See.’ And why did she give her a special introduction and accolades?

Wendy’s answer? “I mean, that’s my sister’s friend.” Okay Doctor Ph DoubleD, that clears THAT up.

Wendy is definitely sweating this one, it’s pretty clear.

Ashley in her yap, it’s not like Wendy to not tell the truth?? Yes, it is like Wendy. And lies mean you’re hiding something.

She again deflects, and seems to have no shame in doing so, and accuses Nneka of smoking crack, as she gloats toward the cameras. Does she think she’s on a sitcom? What is she doing? She’s acting kind of desperate.

Putting out crack smoking allegations is not the same as accusations of disparaging remarks being made to you, ‘Doctor’ Wendy.

She then scolds Candiace for speaking to Nneka. Wendy may have gotten away with that this one time, but if she tries it again, she’s going to get the Candiace that no one wants to see, and rightfully so.


There is such a friendly aura in the air, as they sit at dinner small talking and discussing what to order, and ‘swallowing’ as well as another really gross activity.

Not sure why the camera guy keeps zooming in on Ashley eating this tostada? Let the girl eat. There’s clearly no way to do this eloquently. They’re in Austin. Who cares.

I can’t believe this dinner is over and no one yelled, screamed, cried, or threw anything?? No one stormed out, no one decided they were going home. I could have done without the ass eating convo, but I will take it if it’s what made them laugh, and eat a dinner out like normal fucking people. It can happen. Maybe they should raunchy sex talk some more.

You gotta watch Wendy’s face and mannerisms every fucking time Nneka opens her mouth. Wendy starts twitching and trying hard to look like she’s not listening. It’s so entertaining. Clearly her mom and sister did do this shit to Nneka.

And believe it or not the camaraderie continues as they head back to the hotel and hang in Robyn’s suite for a few. Even though Candiace is at odds with Robyn and Gizelle, and Wendy hates Nneka. What. Is. Happening?

Maybe it’s the Texas air, maybe they’re all the perfect amount of drunkenness from their pitchers of margs. Not too drunk that they’re crying and throwing shit, but the perfect buzz where everything is funny.

Maybe certain people who are very, very unhappy and vindictive, should hippity hop on a plane and head to Texas, and have some margies. (maybe that’s an idea for you and your nasty hag! She’d look so cute in a cowboy hat-NOT!!! Oh never mind, you probably can’t afford plane tickets, or a hotel, unless you get her to pay, and daddy allows it. Tell her you’ll “pay her back.”)

Candiace asks to speak to Robyn the following day to make amends, I assume. At least that’s the vibe that I got. We shall see.


The next morning, Ashley wants them to paint a pic of their lady parts, or their interpretation. Not going over well. Sounds very Ashley.

Karen starts a thing with Robyn. Maybe to get out of doing ‘the exercise.’ She passive aggressively asks how she’s doing.

Well the margarita pitcher good vibes have dissipated, and Robyn and Candiace go at it. Why can’t they just say they were both shit talking each other, and call it a damned day?

Robyn is kind of funny clapping back on the ‘hold accountable’ accusation from Karen, since she wasn’t sharing her issues with Juan last season. She already explained why she didn’t talk about it, so we need to move on, whatever you believe, or whether or not you approve. Unless you want to burn her at the stakes, for breaking some fucking Housewife sharing laws, it’s a moot point. Also, I didn’t see Karen sharing last season about ‘Blue Eyes’ and her and Ray’s troubles, which caused her to be banging dudes in public bathrooms.

We all know Juan is a liar and a scammer. So are 80% of dudes. Dudes don’t care, they have no morals, they have no integrity, and they have no loyalty. I could go on and on. It’s to the point, where Robyn needs to figure it out for herself. And by that I mean, admit what she already knows. Because you know he did already cheat on her, she divorced him for that reason. Then remarried him.

Karen’s yap was funny with the bonnet thing, but ya know, if the whole world knows about Juan, then why in the HELL are we continuing to discuss it? If we all know, it’s kind of a yawn. So drop it.

It doesn’t really help her case to announce that Juan ‘cleans his phone out like crazy’ and no longer had the messages from the stranded Canadian, who happened to lose her wallet, while she happened to be in Baltimore, who happened to have been communicating with Juan over social media.

Right Gizelle, if you trust somebody, you don’t have to be all rifling through their phone to see what’s going on. But when they’ve proved themselves to be untrustworthy and lying to your face, then ya do.

Oh darn, now they can’t draw their vagina. Good job Karen. Way to go!! Everyone was looking so forward to it. I know I was looking forward to see them.

There’s too many of them to all go to the same place for their outing, so they do a drawing to see who goes where. Okay, there are eight, not fifty. There’s a distillery visit, and cowboy boot shopping on the agenda.

Karen thinks she’s playing tennis. Candiace looks adorbs. Love her.

Stores that offer free cocktails while you shop, are genius. I would be so disappointed in the distillery, as their alcohols are the two that I hate, whiskey and gin. These ding dongs have no fucking idea what a distillery is, apparently. They literally keep asking for beer and wine.

250 proof? Is that pretty much gasoline??

In the other group, Mia asks Wendy if a crow nearby is her mom. Funny, but doesn’t land with Wendy.

She takes extreme offense to this, and goes on a tangent about how great her mom is, which I respect but at the same time, if she’s calling people and threatening them, that’s a little off. Wendy could just acknowledge that mom got a little too worked up, and maybe shouldn’t have done that.

Instead she delivers various ‘shrine’ interpretations. True, but she’s making it seem that her mom was not being offensive to Nneka. So is she now admitting that her mom did call? Previously she was denying that. And what about the ‘praying against her’ part? She’s not addressing that. Is that what good Catholics do too??

Her mom didn’t mean she’s submitting Nneka’s name to a shrine in a BAD way, it was a compliment, and she was being — Catholic.

Karen’s lapping this shit up, when she has to know it’s complete crap.

Now she’s Nigerian and misunderstood, followed by some fake waterworks. This is the Wendy spin.

What’s with Gizelle and tequila on the rocks?? Never recall her ordering this before. Is this a Jason influence thing?

Nneka insinuates that Eddie perhaps bought his Title, which is similar to a chief in Nigeria. Wendy ignores her, and makes weird smug smirky faces.

We know Ashley, you’re in no rush to get a divorce because then your free shit might go away. Hmmm that must be a thing with greedy ho’s.

Love me some Candiace. “Michael plucked her up off of the curb and put her in a condo in the sky.”

Ashley continues to pretend she knows nothing about this lawsuit that Michael is pursuing against Candiace for her accusations of last season.

Robyn continues to defend Juan, now about the sexual harassment issue, for which he lost his job. Juan did everything right, according to Robyn. Okay. A dude that does everything right, and loses his job for sketchy reasons, and has other women claiming to have relations with him. It all sounds so very right.

Tired of hearing about Juan. Now Robyn has had enough too and loses it in the van. It really is enough. Why don’t they take this shit up with him? Of course Robyn wants to convince herself things aren’t as bad as they seem. It’s so humiliating. It has to be. They just got (re)married, not even a year ago.

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