Real Housewives of Potomac 11/19/23

The latest gossip is that, if you’ve noticed, Wendy is all about talking about being Catholic this season, when I don’t recall her really mentioning religion much? The very first ep she announces that she carries a rosary in her purse, Like it it was the first freaking thing out of her mouth. It seemed so random.

So, I’ve heard via social media, which is always quite reliable, duh, that her family really does practice this ‘Osu’ thing, so she’s trying to push the fact that she’s super religious and into Catholicism, in order to combat this.

I’m not saying, it’s true. I’m just putting it out there, as word on the street.

Picking up with Ashley, and the new Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Housewife, Wendy discussing how Nneke supposedly referred to Wendy’s family as practicing Osu, which is a certain practice in Nigeria, and Wendy denies it. So in other words, it’s true. I don’t know for sure, I’m just saying every time a Housewife denies an accusation, it does end up having merit. Just like Eddie and the booty models a few years back. It was totally true, it was so obvious from her reactions.

I have a game tonight so I need to get going.

Apparently the Nigerian community is upset with Wendy and her assessment of Osu, and referring to it as outcasts, and why would someone so ‘educated’ be portraying her tribe poorly?

They are saying her family is actually Osu, which explains why Eddie’s family has shunned him, and Wendy after they got married. Non Osu’s are not supposed to marry Osu’s.

We could go on and on, and be here all night, discussing all of the gossip blogs and how everything ends up being accurate. It’s not like these gossip sites are making shit up, and pulling info out of their asses. They have good sources, usually, and don’t want to be printing stuff that’s untrue, so as not to lose their credibility.

Robyn goes in hard with the ladies, how she just does not care about Juan and his alleged infidelity.

It’s not a concern, and wants everyone to just move on. This is the most nonchalant Housewife ever, about a cheating husband, I do have to say. I think she doesn’t want to give the reaction that they are looking for. And you can’t blame her for that.

This could change though, as more info starts to come out. This type of shit has a way of exploding. She does sound in denial.

Robyn and Karen move aside and have a covno. They’re going to do that thing where they make up, and it seems so warm and fuzzy, and lasts all of five minutes.

Wendy starts yammering about this talk show that will never ever happen, and why would anyone care what she has to say? She’s completely biased, and all of her opinions and commentary would be one certain side, and I hope my readers are smart enough to know what side that would be.

Mia immediately looks annoyed, but I think she’s annoyed every time Wendy opens her mouth. I have to agree.

My show vibrates really high, and not everyone is at the educational level…”

Wendy, dear, you don’t have ‘a show.’ There is no fucking show.

There is a lot of work that you have to go through to actually get this ‘show’ aired. Unless she just plans to do TikTok or YouTube crap, which wouldn’t really surprise me. I’m sure she will have people willing to listen to her, and agree with her delusional rhetoric.

Karen asks Robyn if their marriage is open. Which, to Juan it is, to Robyn it’s not. If I were Robyn I would consider, you know, what’s good for the goose… Why shouldn’t she? They agree to not talk about each other.

That’s what I wish I would have been doing during my marriage, had I been aware we were dating other people. Other women seem to do it, and seem to not have any shame whatsoever.

I guess it sucks to be pretending you’re somebody you’re not constantly, leading a double life, lying to the faces of your whole entire family, including kids, parents…everyone. You know, it sounds exhausting, and like a lot of trouble, just for some dick. Guess that’s why it never appealed to me. Some women just need some dick, doesn’t matter whose. Think there are some choice adjectives for those types of women.

Meanwhile, Wendy and Mia argue, and Wendy calls her slow, after they rehash the drink toss last season.

I don’t know if Mia comes off to me as ‘slow.’ There are certainly much slower housewives. Let’s see. Teresa Guidice, Mary Cosby, and much much more, I just can’t think right now. Well Tamra from OC doesn’t come off as bright. Oh and Gina.

This looks like the big camera moment that Bravo granted Deborah. I’m shocked kind of that she would have the courage to show up here and be filmed, after that humiliation she suffered last season seemingly engineered by Ashley. Shocked she’s still talking to Ashley. I take back what i said last week that she was less unattractive.

Yep she still looks like Oscar.

Robyn and Nneka seem to be hitting it off. Let’s see how long that lasts.

Wendy invites the ladies to her sons’ Communion brunch, except Mia and Robyn.

Grace and Gizelle go clothes shopping. Grace is so teeny and cute. Why wouldn’t she have a date for the prom? At first I was sad for her, however, as they discuss it, I agree, girls are kind of babysitting, and can’t be themselves when you have some whiny moody fucking dude you have to make sure is entertained, like a toddler, every fucking second. Then after prom, that carries on into the rest of your fucking life. Glad Grace is realizing this now.


So the ‘Happy Eddie’ shirt that Eddie is wearing, looking like created merch based on Deborah the Muppet referring to him as this last season, because he was supposedly all smiles, as he was aggressively hitting on her.

Deborah, girl, no guy ever has been all smiles whilst hitting on with you.

Someone on Facebook said it’s from a marijuana company he has? Not sure if that’s true or not, but I think the shirt is funny. So they’re making money off of this girl’s stupidity and false accusation.

So again Wendy is suddenly into announcing that she’s Catholic and went to Catholic school, and tried to roll her skirt up? She’s “makes her a Catholic girl through and through.” She is pushing this hard. Guess you can’t be Catholic and Osu at the same time.

I don’t put it past Wendy wearing a white dress to her son’s wedding. It’s kind of nice seeing Wendy animated and goofing around with her kids. Not sure if we’ve ever seen this side of her. If so, I don’t recall it. Maybe she was hitting a little Happy Eddie MJ. Usually she looks – constipated.


Karen drops in on Mia, in her new cool apartment with a view. Gone is the 10g/month mansion rental.

I don’t know what is with the way Karen is dressing, but it’s weird.

Mia tells her that her son has developmental difficulties and is in special education, so the ‘slow’ comment from Wendy was extra hurtful.

I don’t even know what to say. It was a bitchy thing for Wendy to say, and can’t we leave it at this without involving the children? She didn’t call your kid slow, she called you slow.


Candiace and Wendy meet, along with Keiarna, new chick, Wendy’s friend, med spa owner. So everyone continues to repeat this Ashley shit, that Nneka brought up the article about Wendy and the weird Osu thing, when actually Ashley brought it up. Why? To be Ashley.

Now it’s – Nnekka ‘pulled up’ the article.

Candiace calls this out as complete and utter crap, and is definitely onto Ashley and her games.


Karen and Ashley shop for a dress for Wendy’s Communion event, because she’s Catholic, you know.

Ashley already is pissed at the store, and doesn’t think it’s for her, because it’s not Forever 21.

The assignment is yellow.

This dress Ashley tries on is actually really cute. It’s not matronly, it’s fitted, and appropriate. She acts like she’s buying it, but as we know, this is not the dress she shows up in. It’s the dress she should have shown up in. It actually is really cute, has some yellow, and looks like high quality and appropriate for the event. Exactly why she doesn’t like it.

Why doesn’t Karen just wear what she’s wearing to the store? It’s yellow.

Karen drills her on this lawsuit, that she again, insists she knows nothing about. She tells her about Mia’s kid and the ‘slow’ thing.

Ashley admits she lied about Nneka bringing up Osu. I’m sick of this already. She’s not saying she lied, but we know she did. She’s blaming alcohol. She didn’t seem intoxicated at all.


Communion went off without a hitch, and Wendy says she was a “proud Catholic mother.”

She really is hardcore with the Catholic thing, so I don’t know maybe there is a point to all of this, that has to to do with this Osu thing. Like, “I’m really really Catholic, honest, I swear.” That’s how it’s coming off.

Wendy’s mom is really really strange, you have to admit.

This is the hoochie shit that Ashley shows up in, at a kids’ religious event. She sits by Candiace.

Does this dress make me look slutty??

Ashley admits she lied about Nneka’s Wendy commentary.


New besties and non-attendees at Wendy’s event, Nneka and Robyn meet for a drink. They quickly discuss Wendy, and a little hot spicy spiked tea is spilled about Wendy’s family.

This time Nneka IS talking.

If you recall, Wendy had said in her yap twice, that she had met Nneka ‘in passing.’ So it was weird that Wendy couldn’t acknowledge that she’s met her before. I guess it was more in passing than Nneka thought.

She says that when she first met Wendy, she got glared at and sort of imitates Wendy’s rapid blinking and constipated expression she does when she feels threatened.

She says that her family has been aggressive towards her for the past three weeks.

Ivy, Wendy’s sister had called her husband’s cousin (they’re friends) to tell her that Wendy was upset that Nneka was using Wendy’s name to socialize with the other ladies. This starts out sounding like normal Housewife shit, but then it gets weirder. Much weirder.

Her mom called her husband’s cousin and tells her that she is going to pray against Nneka, and it’s a sin to talk about Wendy, and she has a shrine where she puts people’s names??

Her voodoo mom cast an evil spell on me.

And check the DMV, on people she’s prayed against and see how they’re doing??

is this a joke?? This is a lot. This is worse than the psychics.

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