I should have pointed this out last week, but don’t think I did.
Isn’t Ashley telling Candiace “some DM’s weren’t as innocuous and innocent as mine…”
Doesn’t that kind of prove the point that she knows there was nothing flirty and inappropriate with Chris’ comments about suggesting the bar, in which he is the manager of, on her next night out?
And again, it was NOT a DM!! He simply replied publicly, to her post or story or whatever the fuck it was, showing she was out, and where she was at.
Not the same as a DM! She just cannot stop saying DM!
Also, back to the argument betwen Robyn and Wendy, while it was proven Robyn did stand up, and got a little overly excited during her confrontation with Wendy, if Wendy is using verbiage of “she tried to fight me” that’s not really accurate. Robyn is coming off a little unhappy to me, and tense this season, I will say that. I think that has a lot to do with being with Juan, since he seems kind of, difficult.
So Candiace utters the name of this dude that Michael allegedly has been having sexual relations fooling around with. However they bleeped it out. I was reading on Twitter last week that a viewer who was at BravoCon knew the name of the dude that she says, but If orget what it wsa. I;ll have to see if I can find the tweet.
Ashley stops dead in her tracks when this is said. Girlfriend wasn’t expecting that one. She tries hard to play it off, like she knew this, or that it’s all fine and super cool.
“Are you veering off the path, is this deflection?” No I would say it’s hypocrisy. ‘Deflection’ seems to be an over used word and what people are saying now when they act like a fucking dick, and you point that out, with some back-up type of info to prove your point, and when they know you’re right – they just say “stop deflecting!”
My fucking sister did this to me when she was nailing me to the cross for something I shouldn’t have said to her trailer trash Ho mother in law, and I apologized. I also had just been through a horrific incident, drank some wine, AND this ugly wench intentionlly tried to get a rise out of me, and I took the bait unfortunately.
My sister called me the second I got home, after my three hour drive from the visit, when I thought it was all behind me and we were moving on. The mother in law Ho wasn’t mad about it, since it was all a set-up, she got the reaction she wanted, I exploded, and my sister and her husband were pissed at me.
Her work was done. Mission accomplished. So she’s throwing the incident up in my face again, for whatever reason even though I apologized. Newsflash when someone apologizes for a very minor incident, let it go. If you’re not letting it go you must have some ulterior motive. Her husband was pushing the narrative to her that i was this awful horrific person. By the way we were very very close.
Anywho, my point, she accused me of ‘deflecting’ when I pointed out something nasty her husband said to her later that same evening, pointed how fucking rude her ugly daughter had been to me on several occasions, and she didn’t seem concerned about that! I mean, maybe. So what, okay fine, I’m ‘deflecting’ because I’m pointing out what a fucking hypocrite you are. Call it what you want. I was right. I had a valid point and she knew that.
It’s kind of the same sort of, here, with Candiace firing back with her little chunk of info. Is it ‘deflection?’ Okay fine, whatever, yes, fine gold diggin ho, she’s ‘deflecting’ BY pointing out your hypocrisy. Same with my sister. She had no comeback for why it was okay for her husband to say nasty things to her, and why it was okay for her daughter to belittle and insult me, so the old go-to, is “stop deflecting.”
She even said to me, I don’t want to hear about K** and A**** anymore? (her husband and daughter, not disclosing names to protect the assholes) And why’s that?? Oh I know, because I have a point. And to this day (this was 2020) she refuses to speak to me about it. Or at all. REFUSES. She had every excuse in the book. she literally won’t speak to me on the phone or see me alone. I tried last Christmas.
She’ll only communicate via text, so she she has time to think of her replies when I put her on the spot. She called the whole incident and what all ensued afterwards, because she furthered the drama over his very minor incident, by telling my daughter about it, and turn her against me, ‘fantastical.’ Fantastical.
As I sit here alone day after day not being able to particpate in family activites, due this, no one even calls to make sure I’m alive for crissakes, she’s sitting on her big ass dropping words like ‘fantasical’ when I try to get answers.
So you can kind of see what I’m dealing with here. She knows damned well what my points are going to be, and they’re valid, and she can’t answer them. She just insults me when I try to bring it up. And says things like Fantasical.
So back to Potomac, since Ashley had no comeback, and I don’t think she knew he was sucking this dude’s dick, she resorted to ‘deflecting.’ He’s married to a chick, and wants to suck off guys. I guess he could be bi, but I think his preference is actually men. Which is fine, then come out as gay, and be with men then. She’s clearly bothered.
These two are both pretty ‘off’ when it comes to morals, so it’s really hard to pick a side here.
Ashley claims, “I hear everything about Michael, I process, I deal, you’re not hearing.” Mmkay Trashley, sorry but you’re getting the Trashley dubbing. I was trying to avoid it, I was trying to not do it, but girl, you have earned it. You are coming off as half-white fucking trash!!
Girl hung in there, I gotta hand her that. Stay with him as long as possible, get knocked up, and sit back, collect checks, and make tiktoks. She clearly even ‘forgets ‘ she has two toddlers. She told her (actually Michael’s) realtor that she’s never lived ‘alone’ before. I realize she was referring to not without a man, but why, when you have two children would you refer to yourself as living alone? Weird.
How could your fucking kids slip your mind? Especially two toddlers. You know they’re kind of, needy.
Ashley still gots nothin to say – she’s clearly annoyed by the dick sucking accusation. She just repeats “the pendulum always swings the other way.” That’s all girlfriend’s got. And it’s weak.
She’s on the Terese Guidice auto- replay train. And being compared to Teresa is NOT a good thing. I didn’t really think she was this stupid. She does not realize by repeating this phrase, it’s painfully obvious she’s just ‘getting back at’ Candiace, thus discrediting her accusations. Her expression of disgust, as she buries her head in her wine glass, is clearly bothered by the extra-circular dick sucking activities by her husband.
So Robyn, who stormed out, is outside sitting in the van and tells Mia, as she pouts, that her uber is thirty minutes out.
Chris being flirty is not the same as your husband getting hotel rooms with random chicks, grabbing dudes asses, and sucking dudes off, my dear brain-dead Trashley. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. She’s like a prettier version of her trashy ho mother. Not sorry.
Wendy sits and consults with Ashley who begins to justify her comments to Candiace about Chris.
I’m shocked Ashley is fully clothed.
She thinks Chris needs to do a check and think “maybe I’m being a little too friendly.” She couldn’t bring this up at Candiace’s, while she was grabbing and guzzling her bottle of wine, and stuffing her face??
And she’s so lying that she ‘just found out’ that he was flirting with her quite unattractive friend, and it just got told to her AFTER the visit.
She’s lying about the whole thing, actually. Candaice goes outside to the deck area and sits down with Gizelle. So we know this isn’t going to go well.
Apparently at every fucking get together, there is going to be some flimsy ass accusation on Chris’ flirty behavior. Cool. This isn’t getting tiring at all. Not even a little.
Candiace wants to know “exactly what made you uncomfortable?”
Gizelle: “I’m with a man, that doesn’t belong to me in a room with the door closed, and I thought you should know.”
There’s debate on whose suggestion it was, to have this talk in her room. Chris claims that he asked her to talk, and it was her suggestion to go to her room.
Gizelle denies that. The door open thing again, and whatever and more whatever.
Candiace: “You’re saying he had mal intent and he lured you into your room.”
Gizelle says she never said ‘lured.’ True, she hasn’t used that particular word, but she has FER SURE eluded to the fact that she was lured or coaxed, into her room because Chris was desperate to be alone with her.
Gizelle should probably get over herself. It doesn’t really sound like he was being flirty to me.
Gizelle seems uncomfortable honestly, because she knows this is just falling apart, and now she feels stupid. She couldn’t come up with anything else to talk about this season? ANYTHING?
These bitches will take the most minor incident and twist and turn and exaggerate the shit out of it, so they have some type of conflict to drum up. No matter what negative affect it may cause someone.
This is where we are. Say what you want to about Candiace, I just don’t think she does this shit. She has enough going on to talk about that she doesn’t need to make shit up.
Whereas Gizelle, no career other than being a housewife (does she?) her kids are teenagers, she’s not with a dude, so she has to grasp at hurting another housewife, and jeopradizing a relationship, to have camera time. Can some random company that makes generic face cream, offer to slap her name on it (Gina – OC) and pretend she did something? Like COME ON GIZ!
“So do you think he had mal intent?”
“I don’t know, it’s as simple as I don’t want to be in a room with a married man.”
So yeah during the reunion filiming with people everywhere , and knowing Gizelle was going to have to be going back out with the group to continue filming, Chris is going to choose that moment to make a pass at Gizelle.
Back inside – Trashley and Wendy still talking, Ashey insists she’s “not vindictive and not trying to be vindictive.” Okay so someone who is swearing and repeating that they’re NOT something, most likely IS. Yeah Trashley, doesn’t come off that way AT ALL. She starts yammering about this fucking friend, who visited her a few weeks ago, when she was acting all triumphant and giddy about dumping Michael and getting her mits on his money. (as usual) So quick question, camera dudes were swarming all around that party that day, where is the footage?? Where is the footage of him staring at Mia (which she walked back on WWHL Sunday night by the way) and where is the footage of him all over this chick?? And not to be rude, but would he really be all over this chick?? I mean, COME ON.
She doesn’t really give off the ‘gets hit on everywhere she goes vibe.’ I do realize just because they’re airing shots of Chris NOT looking at Mia and NOT flirting with this unattractive Deborah chick, doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. I am saying it’s all seeming highly unlikely that it happened. And why didn’t they air Deborah telling Ashley about it that day? Why wouldn’t she have told her then?
Candiace is getting all choked now and accuses Gizelle of “waiting for an opportunity to do it on a platform that wold cause the most hurt …”
Well duh Candiace. She saved it for several fucking months and rolled it out when filming started when she realized she had nothing else to do or say. Sounds kinda pathetic Giz.
Candiace points out, and I don’t disagree, (This actually is a serious accusation. We see her now trying to down play it because she’s starting to feel silly.) That her doing this has the potential of deterring other women who are being assaulted or inappropriately spoken to, or actually LURED into confined areas by a dude wanting to get fresh, from speaking out about it. Because they fear the dude will most likely have 1000 excuses, and people most likely will think she’s exaggerating for attention, which is what Gizelle IS doing. She thinks she’s a fucking advocate. An advocate for what? Being a fucking liar?
Being an “evil cu**” as Candiace calls her in her yap.. Well I guess there’s not an argument here of which one is worse. She put em both together. I like it.
Robyn, still sitting in the van like an idiot, Gizelle joins her and tells her about Chris now feeling this chick’s butt at Karen’s event. Again,where’s the footage? roll it! And have you seen that chick? How could he even distinguish her ass from her face?
Ashley forgot her clothes again when she consults with an attorney. As she sits down to wait, she has to hold it close at the top and cover her vag. OhmyGod. Girl. Thirsty much??
She has “broken down and is seeing an attorney.” She starts immediately with their habit of ‘picking up random chicks to bang activity.’ Does anyone wonder if this is even true? I think she just likes talking about it, and saying ‘I’m bisexual.’ She thinks she sounds really fucking cool. Not sure the attorney needs to hear about her sex life, but see above.
I’m sure divorce attorneys have heard every damned story, every which way.
Ashley perks up when she starts talking finances. “Our 8th anniversary was last month, so that means anything he’s made after that is martial property.” I didn’t even know that was a thing. Is that a Virginia thing, or DC or wherever the hell they’re at? Funny how that worked out right?? Exactly eight years. This attorney has her fucking number. I’m sure she knows he’s like 30 years older than she is too. Classic scenario, I’m sure she’s thinking.
She fills in that Michael was trying to draw up a ‘proposal’ and didn’t want her to involve an attorney.
Of course the attorney is like, yeah no, bad idea.
She rolls out this whole home buying debacle she is currently attempting to undertake. Again, of course the attorney is not going to say “sure that’s a splendid idea to buy a house together!” Also I’m pretty sure HE was buying this house without her on any documents, or having ANY ownership in it whatsoever. And she’s so fucking dumb she would have done the transaction this way. She doesn’t even know that Michael is seeing to it that all of her offers get rejected, since her realtor is his fucking employee for chrissakes. I’m so tired of knowing everything.
She’s so fucking dumb she wouldn’t wonder how she’s getting this house, supposedly in her name, and she signed not one fucking document?
This attorney is looking at her like she’s a fucking idiot. If he just ‘buys her this house’ he can take it away, when he fucking feels like it. He can tell her in a few years he can’t afford it anymore, and he’s selling it, she has to get an apartment, and she’s on her own. Tough titties.
If she has NO OWNERSHIP in it, she can’t do shit other than try to buy it from him. Hope Bravo is paying her well.
Don’t know why she needed to pay this bitch $400 to be told this. She tells the attorney “this has been very informative.” She really didn’t tell her one fucking thing that wasn’t common fucking sense. She continues to act like she trusts Michael. Also dumb.
She claims that Michael will have “no problem” with signing this non-existent house as a gift to her. This chick is in for a rude awakening, and I’m here for it. Michael is jerking her around and she’s too dumb to see it.
Mia meets Charrisse and her friend Jackie to get mani-pedi’s. Charrisse asks about Mia’s ‘health’
Can we pahhlease stop this? On WWHL, she was being asked about this too, and seemed to feel kind of silly about exaggerating for attention. Same standard answer: “Swollen lymph nodes/lumps. Surgery not urgent, I’m fine.” Then she always points to her ass, where there are some supposed lumps. It does look lumpy.
I don’t think there’s any surgery needed at all. Next?? Move on please Bravo.
Mia fills Charrisse in on her family situation.
Charrisse looks like she’s judging and not that interested. Mia announces that they’re all going to Miami for the typical Housewife brawl. As she talks about the house, we already know it’s not going to pass Housewife inspection. Of course as it always goes, the hostess gives the best rooms to her besties, and the worst rooms to the ones she hates. This mansion ONLY has six bedrooms for nine ladies so we already have set the tone. Who thinks the fighting over bedrooms on trips is getting so BEYOND tiring and embarrassing?
In the home scenes Wendy seems annoyed and dismissive with her kids most of the time. Especially her two year old daughter. I’ve been noticing that this season, and last year as well. Kammryn walks into the room, and Wendy is sitting there writing in a notebook, and she blows her off and summons Eddie to deal with her. “Dawlinggggg, take this child, and feed her.” As if she’s ordering around help. Kammryn seems like a really sweet, not that demanding two year old if you ask me.
She’s ‘journaling’ apparently, and that’s more important than interacting with her two year old. I realize the home scenes with kids are usually brief, but don’t the other moms interact with thier kids during the home scenes? And not tell them to take a hike? She can’t even fake it for the cameras?
Tired of hearing about her mom briefly in the hospital, and now she’s fine, and nothing was wrong.
Now can you pretty please tell us again how busy you are and list all of your responsibilities? Eddie brings up this stupid restaurant thing, and advises her to not get into another project. She tells him she has put it on ‘pause.’
She tells him about the winery burn whatever event.
Getting ready for Miami. Gizelle Robyn and Trashley are shopping.
Chris has been tweeting his anger out about the ladies, and all of their accusations.
Okay this mysterious ‘LLC’ I TOLD YOU ALL made no sense. He’s filling her fucking head with nonsense shit to distract her, that makes NO sense, and she walks around repeating this garbage sounding like an idiot.
So there was never an ‘LLC’ created. Okay so, if this LLC thing was a ‘we’ as in her name was involved, and she was to be part of this LLC, she didn’t even wonder why she hadn’t signed one dang document or knew anything about it? She wasn’t even curious what it was called? Michael doesn’t realize how fucking dumb she is I guess, and when she asked him about it, he thought she was accusing him of creating this phantom LLC without her involvement and knowledge.
No Michael, she is so fucking oblivious to what is happening around her, and the girl is laser focused on the money grubbing, she thinks she’s getting from you, and her 2 mill mansion, it really didn’t occur to her she would have had to sign documents to be part of an LLC.
I’m getting angry listening to her talk, I mean how dumb does she sound that she’s been walking around saying “we made an offer in the LLC” when there was NO fucking LLC. Did she even look at the contracts? To put an offer in, the realtor writes a sales contact, to see if the seller accepts it that the purchasers need to sign, Oh, wait, there were no contracts because I doubt there was even offers made on these houses.
If there was, she surely would have seen the ‘buyer’ wasn’t listed as this stupid ‘LLC.’
Or is she just signing shit without even looking at it? Okay Teresa Guidice. I keep making Teresa comparisons to her, and it’s not a damned compliment, Ashley, and we know how well that worked out for her. She spent a year in the slammer for just signing on the dotted line.
Next Trashley will also be saying “knock on wood” and knocking on her fucking head like Teresa.
They start talking about this male escort dude that Michael has been ‘using’ for a few years now, Okay so I’m about to get on a rant about Trashley and her non credible confusing contradictory commentary.
Did she not tell Candiace at the winery that (as she tried hard to act unfazed but we DID see that completely irritated, ready to skin Michael alive, expression right?) she “processes and deals with” Michael’s indiscretions??
I’m sorry, but if you’re a woman, and your husband is running around on you, and fucking chicks, yes embarrassing, if your husband is running around on you, fucking dudes, EXTRA embarrassing. Not that there’s anything wrong with the fact that he likes dudes, other than he pretends to be interested in women (I really don’t think he’s bi, I think he’s gay), it’s just another layer of humiliation, that you’re a woman married to man that doesn’t even like women. It just is.
So after acting so nonchalant and ‘oh whatever’ and insists she “owns and deals with” Michael’s cheating, here she’s telling the GEB, she doesn’t believe it. Robyn shares that Candiace had told her this tidbit years ago.
Now Ashley does that infamous overcompensating laughter act, as she’s pretending to act like this is a ludicrous accusation. Sure, Ashley, this is your skeevy Michael who has been busted coming on to dudes before. Don’t be standing here acting like it’s absurd. Didn’t she just tell Candaice she processes it and deals with it, however Candiace is in denial ?? Or somethi along those lines? But she had to pretend she wasn’t dumbfounded and pissed off at the accusation in thek moment.
Now after the over comp exaggerating laughter, she continues to play off her humiliation and embarrassment over this, and says “I don’t care, and I don’t believe it still.” BULL SHIT. Robyn and Gizzy look extremely uncomfortable. You don’t believe it, or it’s embarrassing and you don’t want to admit it?? She knows damned full well this is most likely true. I mean she had a name of the guy.
So isn’t this what she just criticized Candiace for, when presented with the overly flirty accusations against Chris? Girlfriend needs to at least get her stories straight. She may be gaining the first reunion chair, but it’s at the expense of coming off really empty-headed, ditzy naive, untruthful and hypocritical. Priorities.
Robyn clarifies in her yap that Candiace shared this with her ‘years ago’ and the Producer asks if she thinks it’s true. Robyn basically says yes without saying yes.
Of course it’s true. There were and are, most likely several dudes’ cocks he’s been entertaining. I don’t really feel badly for Ashley at all though. I’m sure she knew early on he was into dudes more than he was into women, but married and stayed with him anyway. She had her eye on the end prize. Keep up this marriage facade for eight years, and talk him into having kids with her. I would say it’s safe to call this a mission accomplished at this point.
It is however up in the air if she’s gonna be walking away with the mansion, and the bundle of cash she thinks she is.
Ashley’s face still reads to me fucking fuming but trying to act amused and unbothered. He’s been announcing on the show he wants to suck Juan’s dick for crissakes, and you could always tell he’s clearly into him. This hasn’t been exactly secret. Ashley is standing here in this bougie boutique lookin like a goddamned fucking fool.
Now Gizelle starts dissing on Chris now, and saying she never wants to communicate with him ever again and is pissed he’s Twitter whining. Oh my God. Who cares.
And we’re off to Miami. It’s Karen’s birthday. She’s referring to it as her ‘birthday trip’ when it’s actually just a typical Housewife destination debacle, that happened to fall over her birthday. And we already CAN SEE that she has really high expectations for her ‘birthday trip.’ And she will most likely be massively disappointed.
Now the scrutiny begins to see how well the planner of the trip, Mia does with every single last minordetail. She has two vehicles to take them to the destination. This is always a thing right, who sits with whom, like fucking middle schoolers. Get in the car and stfu.
Already the very high expectations are voiced – Wendy is the first – “I hope the house is on the water.”
“It’s on the bay, Ashley tells her.” My spidey sense is telling me that is not going to be satisfactory.
Meanwhile In the other vehicle, Mia shares that it’s a 12 mill house theyr’e staying in. Again spidey sense says , STILL not good enough. We already know they’re bitching about the bedroom count.
Do these dumb bitches really expect these houses to have private baths with every fucking bedroom?
Do they realize these aren’t Bed and Breakfasts or fucking hotels they’re staying in? They’re just your typical run of the mill huge bougie mansions close to the beach, that the owners rent out, since they’re huge, and in a vacay spot. Normal people would just make it work.
Much like Ashley, they’re making themselves sound so utterly un-intelligent, that they don’t realize nine people may have to double up, and every fucking bedroom is most likely not a fucking suite. Fuck. The nerve of this architect to not put a shitter attached to every bedroom? Did he or she NOT know the fucking Housewives would be staying here? Do you know how you can make yourself feel like you’re really intelligent? Watch some Housewives.
Wendy, in disbelief: “Are we sharing rooms??”
Can I remind these ho’s Kathy fucking Hilton stayed in a basement room, with fucking bunk beds, no private bath and no closet, and said it was fine?
She just asked Vyle where she can hang her fucking clothes? Kathy Hilton who has been showered with the best of the best of the best, for the past fifty fucking years, was fine in the basement in a single bunk bed.
Robyn calls Mia a “bullshitter” because she said “it was going to be a five star luxury all the wayyyyyy!!”
The sky is blue, the weather is gorge, back in DC, it’s cold, miserable and rainy, they’re in Miami, and we’re bitchin about bedrooms. BED ROOMS. Are they planning on bringing dudes back to the house to entertain in their rooms?
Wendy in her yap, with that horrible dress and lipstick: “This is not Miami, we’re in a residential area.” That’s usually where houses are located. Eye roll… Four degrees. Four. And asking – why is there a ‘house’ in a residential area?
Guess 40 year old, married with three kids, Wendy wanted to hang out with the frat boys in the party section of Miami? Maybe she does. We see she’s not super interested in her kids. And Eddie had his booty bitches, why SHOULDN’T Wendy have some fun?? Dump her ass down in the party section.
Robyn bitches “it’s not that big” as they pull up to the curb. Because she can tell that from the road. When it actually does look huge. Not sure what her ‘huge’ gauge is.
The inside is gorg, the view is gorg. It’s total windows all around, there’s a pool of course. (So it is ‘on the water.’)
And we’re bitching. But as we know the REAL bitching is yet to come, when they get to the room assignments.
Mia has assigned rooms, which let’s face it, is a good idea. Robyn and Gizelle seem like they had planned on bitching that they were sharing a room.
Like would they rather share with who they fucking hate? Mia could have been a complete shade-ass, and paired Gizzy up with Candiace, and Robyn up with Wendy. Instead she assigns the besties to room together in a HUGE suite. All of this bitching against Mia is so obvi, that it’s just to bitch. Is this entertaining to anyone? They’re here for two days.
Like how long are they here one or two nAnd how much time is really spent IN YOUR ROOM? They literally act like they are going to be at this house for a fucking month.
Charrisse is already mad she doesn’t have a private bath. Apparently she sleeps naked and she snores. No one wants to picture any of that. And she thought she was getting the hook-up. She’s not. She has no joining bathroom, in which to attach her eyelashes badly to her eye balls.
Ashley is acting all concerned, aka relishing in the fact that she’s not seeing where Candaice’s room is. Maybe she’s getting the couch.
We think she’s sharing with Wendy, and there’s only one bed. OhmyGod the world is ending. She did some sort of altering with the card that has her assignment on it. She’s running around the house like she’s so proud of herself over whatever she’s doing.
Bitching about bathrooms continues. Why are they sitting in this house when it’s gorgeous out and they just came from the icky dreary east coast? Wendy asks Mia where Candiace is sleeping, and Mia says “why should I be concerned about where Candaice is sleeping?”
Wendy reminds her that she ‘s the host. And more bathroom bitching. Charrisse claims she’s going to a hotel. More bathroom bitching. We’d rather be sitting inside whining about toilets and shitting instead of hitting the pool or beach. Charrisse’s voice, make it stop. Why is she here?
10. Mia calls Peter Thomas, Mia’s ‘friend’ who also happens to be in Miami. Why does Bravo insist on featuring this dude constantly? The ex-husband of an-Housewife? Why is he relevant and does anyone really need to hear from him?
Wendy looks immediately uncomfortable as she does an awkward hair flip. I’m assuming because she blew him off with this restaurant idea after coming in hot.
“Tell Wendy I got a beef with her when I see her.”
Previews are of course, screaming, acting insane, and drink throwing, like normal people act when they go out to restaurants.