Real Housewives of Potomac 10/24

Think Big G just tried to make a joke about Ashley about her head bobbing around while she was dozing off, and it just came off as kind of – insulting and ridiculing, instead of funny. Guess just a dry sense of humor. Or still drunk as shit. And doesn’t know how to make a joke, clearly.

Also –I feel like Candiace kind of did have the lowdown on Mia’s mom when she made the low budget comment, just my opinion. Robyn and Gizelle continue to bitch about their room. Always endless bitching about rooms across the board, on all Bravo shows, always. Who cares about your fucking room when you’re on a trip. If you’re in your room THAT much, when you’re on a get away, then you may as well just stay the hell home !!! I sort of get the bathroom thing, but still, it’s just getting so old.

They zoom in on the salad. funny. hopefully no flying salad, or crabs.

Karen continues to just never ever shutta fuck up and give it a rest about her and Ray and the 25 years. WE KNOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Like it’s weird right ???? it’s a lot right ??? it’s trying too hard, it’s like pretending she is haopy when she’s really not.

Dinner is set up outside, and it really is stunning. Gordon complains he’s cold and goes inside.

After he decides to return, (guess he’s no longer cold) argument ensues about the bus ride head bobbing commentary by Gordon to Ashley. He tries to play dumb about it.

He just needs to learn how to make a little joke then let it go, and not sure why Ashley got so defensive about it.

He says he’s sorry, but not really. One of those weird – I’m-sorry-you-feel-that-way apologies. Usually that’s a girl thing, also a girl thing, whining that you’re cold.

Mia, because she’s Mia, had to retaliate by throwing dig at Ashley about Michael. Instead of just telling the big G to relax.

Mia should be embarrassed about HER husband, honestly and not making digs at Ashley’s husband.

He has been embarrassing the whole entire time.

Ok, so I always wanted to jump out of a cake. I think my days are numbered for this. So hey anyone out there wants me jump out a cake in the next 6 months drop me a line. My email is posted on the site.

I’m mostly kidding.

Did Wendy make Eddie wear that terrible suit ??? i hope he didn’t want to wear that on his own. he looks ridiculous.

Did Karen get the idea for the invitations from ‘Bridesmaids ?’ I think the Bridesmaids invite was better, it was one lone beautiful butterfly, not little half-dead moths.

Mia and Gordon are making a joke of how much he ‘enjoyed himself’ at the outing.

Guess it could have been worse, but he was really drunk, acting stupid. The tongue thing, what was that??? gross.

Mia is overthinking the whole butterfly invites with her analogy – no Mia she just watched Bridesmaids recently, apparently.

Seems that Mia’s mom was overwhelmed at dealing with the grandkids. To be fair, she just watched them for the threeish days while they were at Wendy’s get away, then they go away again. And keep in mind, the kids are not used to dealing with her mom and vice versa, since she hasn’t really been around. But to storm out like they are explaining – I don’t know, that didn’t seem appropriate.

Especially given the scenes where she supposedly wants to mend their relationship and blah blah and she’s sorry about not being there for her when she was a child.

Gizelle is shopping with the girls for flowers and shrubs. They like nothing that Gizelle likes.

Then they tell her she is gonna die alone because she has no one, that’s so mean. Teenage girls can be so mean sometimes. Geez now they’re even single shaming. How is she going to die alone when she has three children ?? But it’s good that they feel comfortable to talk to her. But again that’s so mean, that women have to be made to feel like nothing, for not having a husband. What year is this again ?

Are women still 100% dependent on a man to survive as they were hundreds of years ago ? This needs to stop.

Ashley meets with her therapist. Michael does not seem to be interested in Ashley sexually. Not sure what that is all about. He is up there, so maybe he is just tired? But she is a little hottie. The baby is like – ‘ok mom – this is an awkward convo in front of me ! Can we stop now ??’

Sometimes I think babies do have like some sort awareness about things that you wouldn’t think that they do.

Random fashion moment: I like the feather looks of Wendy and Mia in their confessionals.

There is a photo shoot for the candle thing with Wendy’s daughter and her mom.

Eddie did all the work for her. How nice.

This is awkward, Wendy wants to have this private convo in front of the photographers. They are like annoyed. Wendy, stop picking on your mom. It’s your fucking mom. She storms out.

Ashley and Michael are having a weekend romantic get away. Apparently Michael owned the Watergate hotel previously. Interesting little tidbit she dropped I would say.

They’re having cheesecake and Corona ??? Does that go together ? she’s blaming Gordon for her not sleeping on the trip. That seems like a stretch and strange thing to say.

So we think Michael likes Juan ?? likes likes. I feel like that did come up last season right??

Awkward love scene with Michael and Ashley, but at least he didn’t push her away. He’s worried about the buttons on the toilet. Hope things went ok after the toilet talk.

“Yes I need a man, I want a man, I just don’t want to answer to one. “

Gizelle girrrlllllll, could not have said that better myself !!

And let’s back off on knocking her style constantly !!

That denim jacket is cute AF she had on in her therapy session ! Denim is very in right now. And she doesn’t try to do insane weird things with hair.

If we want to pick on poor choices, let’s talk about Beverly Hills Reunion, and Kyle’s dress and hair looks, that were both meant for a teenager, and Rinna’s ridiculous ugly Barney outfit and long pony tail that looked like a horse’s ass.

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