Real Housewives of Potomac 1/21 & 1/28/24

Missed last week – got too wrapped up in the SLC reunion, so here’s a little quickie. Who doesn’t love a little quickie.

Karen and her daughter get a tats of a ‘G’ to commemorate her mother.

Since Karen and Gizzy are now besties, Karen wants to have a little mommy daughter brunch date for Raven to give Grace some tips about going off to school.

This Karen and Gizzy thing still makes me suspicious.

It’s Mother’s Day weekend in the PotoMAC, so it’s kind of a warm and fuzzy episode, which is fine. We need these sometimes. That’s why I wasn’t too upset that I missed the recap. No one killed anybody.

Candiace is planning a little Mom’s Day celly for the ladies and their moms and/or kids. With the exception of Gizelle, and possibly Robyn. Okay, so for almost all of the ladies.

You know I was just thinking we have heard nothing about this talk show of Wendy’s since the beginning of the season, and that weird meeting in some random apartment she thought could be a studio??

I assumed it was one her fleeting things, like the restaurant and the candles.

I don’t think she’s at Johns Hopkins anymore. She doesn’t refer to herself as ‘a professor’ (except for her tagline) anymore I noticed. I think with her behavior on the show, she really should remove herself.

Or maybe they removed her. I can’t fathom she can be taken seriously or respected by students at this point.

Also she doesn’t know that she’s unpleasant and unlikable, so she’s not going to be able to host a talk show.

I’m going to laugh my ass off when it gets canceled. Although I can’t fathom any network picking it up. Let’s just let her go, and pretend we take this all seriously. She really believes that she’s funny and entertaining.

The breakfast was really cute with Karen, Gizelle and the girls. It’s nice to see that on Housewives. It’s really only occasionally when it happens.

Candiace invites Robyn via text message to the Mother’s Day brunch. She declines.

I don’t mean to be a biatch, but Ashley’s mom is so – you know.

Candiace’s mom gives her some serious judgy side eye. Trashy, is that what I want to say? Trailer parky. You know what I mean. Then again, so is Ashley. She’s just better at hiding it most of the time. Can I also add without sounding horrible that Ashley’s father must be a REALLY good-looking guy.

If you get where I’m going with that.

Oh darn IT! Wendy can’t attend the luncheon. I think Candiace has latched onto her, because she really has no one else. And I guess they do sort of have things in common. Sort of. Now, Candiace I could see hosting a talk show. She’s so cute, she’s funny, she’s bubbly. Wendy always looks miserable and constipated.

In her yap, she goes hard at convincing viewers she had very important some ‘book signing’ (hasn’t her book been out for quite a while? Usually people do these book tours shortly after release – just SAYING) that happened to be on that day, and had been planned FOREVER AGO when she had NO IDEA about Candiace’s Mother’s Day plans.

Okay there, Zen Wen. Settle down. As usual she tries way too hard at being convincing when she’s fucking lying.

Of course she had to come up with an excuse. Of course she could not attend with her wacko mom, in the presence of Nneka, when they know she made all of those bizarre phone calls, etc.

Sounds like Mia is pissed at her mom again, so she’s not in attendance. Her mom is a lot like Ashley’s. If she would have attended, maybe they would have hit it off.

I guess we’re reintroducing the Jacqueline saga. Do we really need it?

I love what Candiace is wearing, as usual, but wtf is Karen wearing??

Jacqueline met Nneka with Charisse, and carried on for two hours about how much she hates Mia.

Here’s my take on Mia dismissing the whole thing, and making no attempt to reach out to her to apologize and try to smooth things over. Blaming she’s busy? Okay. Woman, ya can’t be THAT busy when ya lost your job a year ago. If anything, you should have a lot of time on your hands.

Pretty sure she feels embarrassed, since she was on this high fucking horse about how bougee and loaded she was, and made Jacqueline feel like a peasant, having to mooch off of them. Now she has to have her tail between her legs, if she were to reach out to her.

I can see right through these bitches.

And then there’s this:

The ONLY reason Trashley isn’t finalizing her divorce is because, I bet, and this is speculation, it’s in the agreement, that he stops making the payments on this big bougee NORTHERN Virginia house that she had to have when the divorce is finalized. You know how bitches put off divorcing their husbands when they’re greedy and pathetic, and are still wanting him to pick up the tab. While they’re out running around getting boned by other dudes. That’s called trash.

This dumb ass thinks that viewers are buying her fucking “it’s too emotional” excuses. Girl. It’s not one bit emotional. It can’t be when you used and married the old goat for monetary purposes and planned from Day 1 to have kids, then dump him, thinking you’d be set. But not so fast, the old goat outsmarted her with some verbiage in the prenup. Not that it’s hard to outsmart her. But he definitely got the last laugh. Now she thinks she’s going to make money from an ‘athleisure’ line with Gizelle. Maybe she will. It needs to be a lot, to make a $13,000 monthly mortgage payment.

Of course we know when Housewives of these clothing lines, or what-not, they’re just being handed shit to promote.

Candiace meets with Robyn to see if they can come to some sort of resolution about Candiace ranting all over social media and podcasts last season about Juan and all of the cheating accusations.

Candiace tries to use the excuse, or make the comparison, I guess, to Gizelle’s hair brain idea last season to crucify Chris for having the nerve to ask to speak with her alone at the previous year’s reunion. And since Robyn is bestie’s with Gizelle, Candiace is pissed at her about it too.

Even though Robyn was not on Gizelle’s side about it, and thought it was dumb.

Did she know about it ahead of time and could have forewarned Candiace?


I like Candiace, she’s one of my faves, but since she and Robyn were friends, she did take the posts and rants a bit too far, and I do believe it was 90% animosity over the accusations towards Chris.

I think she couldn’t stop herself, but she should have.

1/28/24 EPISODE

Who the hell does Karen thing will be wanting to tour Surrey county, Virginia?

I know this area is special to her because it’s where she grew up, and I can understand that, but it’s not really special to other people that are not from the area, I guess is what she doesn’t understand, is that it’s not exactly a tourist attraction. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what she’s trying to do.

Gizelle and Ashley‘s ‘athleisure’ line (who’s idea was it to put these two things together? Exercising, and doing nothing?)

Gizelle refers to working out several times in this conversation and she’s not looking to me like she’s working out, at all. I think she’s looking more for the ‘leisure’ aspect. And clearly the way they are discussing these garments as they take them out of the packaging, it’s just white label cheap SHEIN type shit that’s being sent to them & they’re slapping their label on, and charging three times as much as SHEIN. Hopefully they can make a little money off of it.

I doubt they’re coming up with anything as far as the designing, aside from saying, send me leggings with lace and mesh. Is that even original? I have leggings with lace and mesh, that I’ve had for a while, so someone has already thought of it.

Gizelle is losing child support for one kid, and two more in a few years, so she needs to get busy. And the Housewife gig can suddenly come to a screeching halt.

Ashley’s free ride is going to come to be over at some point, so she needs to get off her ass, stop making Tik-Tok’s with her 90’s dances, and do something constructive.


Speaking of ‘athleisure’ what the hell is Mia wearing? So not a fan of these long spandex onesies. This is not flattering to her. I can’t imagine it’s flattering to anyone.

I am interested in this salt sanctuary. Anyhing with salt interests me.

Back to the Surrey County thing, Karen doesn’t want to invite all of the girls because of ‘liability insurance’ which, of course we all know doesn’t even make any sense.

What the fuck liability is she talking about? Insurance for what? She just wanted her besties to go, so that’s fine, but just say that.

How many fucking times does Mia have to announce that she spoke to a lawyer about divorcing Gordon? Girl we get it. She’s sounding kind of Ashley, to be honest, ditching the old man when she’s done with him. She wants all these ‘oohs and ahhhs’ every time she announces this, and I don’t really think anybody is surprised, since his affiliation with the Chiropractic chain is over.

I need to give my two cents here on Mia asking Robyn if she and Juan are in therapy.

I don’t need to pay someone to tell me what I already know.

Mia scolds her for that since they are have been having issues due to you know, Juan’s cheating, before they even got married.

And you know how I feel about therapy. I think it’s a racket anyway. But I know it’s the thing now.

So we all know what kind of dude Juan is right? We know he is THAT kind of dude, that lies and cheats his way through life and uses women, and sucks the life right out of them, and then bitches that they’re not not straddling them.

Therapy is not going to help. He would end up getting angry with her for embarrassing him. He’d get all pissy with the therapist for her judgy remarks about his disrespectful behavior. And it’s not going to do shit to help.

Juan is not Gordon. Gordon is normal. We also know Robyn is still in some serious denial about this marriage. She makes a weird statement, and claims their problems are ‘not with each other.’ So she doesn’t have a problem with him meeting up with women hotel rooms I guess.


I can’t stand Wendy and Eddie scenes. They are so phony. Also sick of the we’re so ‘busy and important’ dialogue.

I don’t think Eddie can stand her, and I don’t even want to say anything about this stupid fake date that they’re on. Well, okay, fine I will say one thing. I like how he comes to bed at 2am, after she’s already asleep. He clearly doesn’t even want to have relations with her. You must be a wench if your husband doesn’t wanna fuck you. I guess he still prefers his online booty models, and who can blame him? I hope he grows a pair and dumps her dumb ass one day.

Karen’s fake health issue … yawn.

And I don’t think these bitches ‘work’ as hard as what they are always trying to portray themselves as. When do we even see them doing this said working? All that we see them doing is going out to lunch, going out to dinner, going out for drinks, going to events, visiting each other, and taking vacations. I really wanna work this hard.

Karen is inviting her select few to Surrey. Gizelle, Wendy, Ashley and Candiace.

Gizelle declines, which I probably should’ve foreseen was due to Candice’s attendance. I forgot about that thing for a second. Thought maybe she didn’t like the exclusion of some of the women.

I guess that’s not very Gizelle like.


It seems to me that Nneka can’t stand her husband. At all.

She even says in her yap, that when they dated it was long distance, so they never really spent long periods of time together, and living with somebody is a whole different ballgame.

Well, duh.

He can’t find his work badge, and Nneka bitches at him for making a mess looking through boxes.

I love how she phrases their newlywed challenge being “living together and being together.” That’s a pretty blanket statement, and sounds like she can’t really stand him. I don’t foresee this marriage lasting. Even in the scene in the beginning of the season, when he accompanied her to her doctor’s appointment, she acted annoyed with him the whole entire time.

Gizzy and her shoes drop in on Neneka. I don’t know why she insists on wearing these extremely high heels that she CANnot walk in. Her dress does not fit her, and was from ten pounds ago, but I’m not judging.

Nneka is considering getting inseminated with some Ike instead of actually having to have sex with him to get pregnant. Which will probably work out better because it seems like she doesn’t like to have sex with him either. POOR GUY. She’s mean to him, and doesn’t want to have sex with him.

She makes a joke about guaranteed income for 18 years if she gets knocked up, and I kind of think she’s serious. She seems like kind of a selfish bitch, but she’s been a good housewife because she’s making Wendy uncomfortable, and she’s standing up to her.

Why is Karen so worried about whether or not Nneka lives in NORTHERN Potomac or not? Gizzy always takes every opportunity to point out that Karen rents her house, which she quickly does. In NORTHERN Potomac.

Karen has opened up the Surrey County invite to all of the ladies. I keep forgetting who’s mad at who, and why they’re mad. Gizelle and Candiace are battling, as well as Candiace and Robyn. Karen and Robyn are pissy with each other, but not hating each other. I think that’s right.

The invite gets opened up to the rest of the ladies since Gizelle declined, however she sends the invite the afternoon before the departure and demanded immediate RSVP’s. Mia also declines due to being offended at being second string, and not doing ‘last-minute RSVP’s.

Karen acts like everyone is fucking dying to go.

What is with how they don’t know how to dress properly for where they are going? They know they’re going to some dilapidated house in the middle of nowhere to do yard work, right? Ashley is dressed like a fucking hooker.

There’s a fashion rule of thumb, if you’re wearing a really short skirt, you don’t want to go with extremely high heels, or a plunging neckline. Long story ‘short’ you pick one slutty or sexy piece, and go with that. It’s called balance so you don’t look like a fucking prostitute.

Wendy’s face when Nneka arrives, is something I just don’t ever get tired of. She suddenly gets this forced joker smile plastered on her face
while gritting her teeth, trying to not act bothered. She’s such a terrible actress.

Assuming producers told her to invite everybody. How much drama would there have been just with Candiace Wendy, and Ashley. I guess there could’ve been a rumble between Candiace and Ashley. Ashley is good at blurting out something random to get under Candiace’s skin.

Wendy mentions a Happy Eddie event, and indicates that Nneka is not invited. It’s really so immature and fucking weird how Wendy won’t even look at her, and will literally talk sort of to her, or at her, without looking at her. Wendy is such a twat honestly, I don’t get the fans. Pretty sure they’re the same fans as the Erika fans on RHOBH, or the Marlo fans on Atlanta.

Nneka is having an ‘unpacking party’ or housewarming or whatever and extends an invitation to Wendy, that Wendy just looks around and ignores.

Wendy calls this ‘skipping steps’ whatever the fuck that means. She’s talking ‘Wendy’ right now.

I don’t mean to keep picking on Wendy, but she just keeps giving me so many opportunities.

She makes a joke about Ashley and Gizelle‘s clothing line, where again I think their involvement in the styles is very minimal, but anyway, she makes a joke about how the two of them dress, and my mind immediately went to Ashley‘s housewarming party, and what the hell this jerk wore. So take a seat, Wendy. Because you wore THIS FOREVER 21 SHIT:

And she’s so classy, she LOVES this fucking gas station margarita, which is the most bottomest shelf tequila, mixed with a ton of sugar, and fake lime flavor. It’s giving me a headache just looking at it.

She laughs uncontrollably. I think Wendy should walk around guzzling fucking cheap tequila all of the time, if this is the result. Happy Eddie shit doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.

They arrive and meet the Karen fam. Karen puts them to work for probably about five minutes. No one looks like they broke a sweat.

They sit down for some lunch, and Wendy’s behavior toward Nneka is so fucking icky. She like talks at her, but is looking around while she’s talking, and tells her she’s inconsequential to her life. What is wrong with this woman? Is she severely constipated? Jesus, have some coffee and take a dump lady.

What does “steps have been skipped” mean? Just say your wackadoodle mom slurped too much fucking red wine through a ginormus straw, and was maybe hitting some Happy Eddie stash, and picked up her phone.

Doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, if she just fucking owns it. God.


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