Real Housewives of Potomac 1/14/23

I just kind of realized that there’s been no Chris Bassett in any of the new season’s episodes, has there? Maybe there was one quick scene…

I’m sure he’s over appearing on the show now, and who can blame him.

Do you know what I’m so over? These Housewives trying so fucking hard to pretend like they have cancer, or some other serious disease. Do they want to be sick? Are we that desperate to be the center of attention? Why on earth would you do that? Why would you want to manifest that you have a terminal illness, cancer, or heart condition?

Karen is clearly over-exaggerating some minor issues she’s having. Mia was clearly exaggerating, if not full-on lying, about some fucking pimple on her ass being a concern last season

Like God forbid they would actually have these conditions that they’re pretending to have.

So Brooks Ayers of them. (RHOC – Vickie’s ex that faked cancer for attention and sympathy)

Karen claims to have some 5% plaque buildup on her heart, or some shit that sounds like nothing, that she referring to as ‘a heart condition.’


Mia and Gordon head to a cooking class.

Robin and Juan will be joining. He’s on the phone as they enter the building, pleading with someone about a new coaching job. Sounded like he said ‘baby.’ Do we think it was his side bitch (one of them) calling, then he faked like it was someone he was begging for a job? Yeah I smell a rat. Fucking Juan wouldn’t beg and grovel like that. I guess he did have the option to not answer the phone, but that could have raised questions from Robyn. He always looks like he’s trying really hard to look so angry.

It doesn’t take too long until we see the purpose for this little couples activity. We’re soon going to see the EXTRA angry face, not just his normal resting asshole face.

Mia Starts drilling him about the credit card hotel chick from Canada. Not to side with Juan, but it is pretty silly that Mia asked him to break it down, when the story has been out there for several months. If you’re following it, you know every detail. Not that it’s that complicated.

Mia points out all that he had to do was give his info over the phone, IF this insane fish story is true, which we know it’s not.

He’s surprisingly somewhat passive about it, and just mumbles the story he’s sticking to. He says he just made a mistake. Yes it’s kind of mistake to fuck other women when you’re engaged to another. Some people think it’s fine to cheat, they think it’s fun even, and hot. But that’s not normal people. That’s disguting people with a whole host of issues.

Juan scares me, frankly. I would NOT want to be on his bad side.

You better watch your back, woman.

He claims to be owning his mistake.

No, Juan, you’re not ‘owning your mistake’ but you’re definitely owning this fucking ridick excuse that makes NO SENSE.

He’s definitely rattled, the way he’s rolling the shit out of that pizza dough. He claims to be calm when that gets noticed. This guy. He’s not even a good liar.

Robyn shares that she’s starting a franchise of a skin care company, that recently has become a chain. I don’t know that Mia and Gordon are the ones to consult with, and check if they think it’s a good idea, that just got booted out of their franchise business.


Not a Wendy’s mom scene. Why? She’s so fucking bizarre. She seems to be part of the cast this season. Unfortunately.

She wears extremely heavy makeup. She also looks really puffy. Maybe she should lay off of the red wine. And the french fries. Not to be rude.


Wendy looks stunning in the scene, I do have to say. She’s also dressed tastefully for a change.

Bogus health issue #2 on this episode.

We’re trying to make a health problem happen with her mom too, which seems to be the Potomac thing this season.

Apparently she had some sort of elective surgery and then had complications, which lead to that very serious and nail biting ten minute procedure that was being done when they were in Texas.

I’m curious what the surgery was. Wasn’t it last season she was bitching at Wendy, that she needs to pay for her boob job? Like it matters whether or not her tittles are perky or not.

So here we go – Wendy inquires about this phone call to Leba about Nneka, and the shrine, and the ‘praying against’ comments. If I never hear the word ‘shrine’ again for the rest of my life…. But anyway, I thought Wendy said in Texas she did talk about a shrine, but the GOOD shrine.

Immediately it seems to me like the bitch is lying. She feigns this confusion at Nneka’s name, and makes stupid constipated faces.

How’s this?? Do I look puzzled, or like I have to shit?

This is a lot of work that she’s doing, trying to look bewildered. I’m worried she’s going to pull a muscle from moving around so much. Looks like the most activty she’s done in several years.

She claims that she called Leba to try to act as a mediator, between her and Ivy, Wendy’s sister.

She again asked Wendy to repeat Nneka’s name. I don’t know why Wendy does that thing with her hand every time her mom pretends to not know who she’s talking about. This is the second time she did this during this convo, when saying ‘Nneka.’ Is it a weird tick?

My hands do this every time I say her name.

She denies ever mentioning a shrine.

Whatever — this dumb ugly bitch is lying. Hopefully she passes out from slurping her wine from a straw. Weird.

It was the good shrine, thought that was our story??


Grace body slams this dude at their self defense class, like he weighs five pounds. Gizelle, not so much…

Gizzy should actually learn how to do this, you know because she claims there’s constantly a whole host of married men trying to get with her.

Grace and her constant eye rolling, and muttering under her breath, makes me laugh. She’s so sarcastic. I love it.


Not Candaice now trying to pretend like she’s on the brink of death too. This is number three, in ONE episode, in case you lost count. She said she has a history of breast cancer in her family. If it’s not a mom, grandmother or sister then that’s not considered a family history. Did her doctor tell her that?

She meets with Nneka.

I’m so tired and annoyed with everybody making this big huge thing out of Nneka, calling Wendy a bitch that day when they were arguing. Wendy kept talking over her, and wouldn’t let her finish a sentence. Fucking Wendy was doing that shit that NPD people tend to do. She kept interrupting her, laughing at her, trying to get her confused and tripped up, so then she could further ridicule and discredit what she was trying to say. It’s what NPD’ers do, that are completely GUILTY of what they’re being accused of. If they weren’t guilty, they would let you speak, and make your point, and wouldn’t be playing fucking head games.

Fucking DUH. Why do I have to know everything? I’m exhausted.

Bitch, it’s not insulting to be called a crackhead!

Bitch I’m trying to clear the shit up.” is all she fucking to Wendy. Like stop acting like she fucking blew her head off or something. If Wendy would have shut the fuck up, she wouldn’t have needed to say it.

But I shouldn’t be surprised the way it’s going, because Candaice is up Wendy’s ass. She even defends Wendy calling Nneka a crackhead, because she called her a bitch first. Flash to several seasons of how they all use that term quite regularly when addressing each other. I;m disappointed in Candaice,


It’s time for Karen’s event, and I would assume these ladies are going to refrain from ripping each other‘s faces off at a charity event for women who have been sexually assaulted. I did not realize 80% of the Potomac Housewives have been sexually assaulted. That’s kind of awful. I’m hoping they’re not fabricating this too.

I feel like Gizelle is doing damage control from that debacle that was last season, and her accusations toward Chris. She seems to be on such good behavior and besties with Karen.

Let’s pray everyone forgets what a fucktard I acted like last season, just so I had camera time.

Mia shares that her occurrence took place when she was a teen, and Jacqueline left her with whomever assaulted her, and that’s why she holds his grudge over Jacqueline.

This is her reasoning for treating her so crappy last season.

That’s it.

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