Dumb Ass Puppet For Johnny Jackoff Alexis still sitting on the stage embarrassing herself. Is it just me or does it really seem like he’s simply using her to torture and/or get back at Shannon?? It’s so sad. I feel sad for her in a way.

Tamra tried to tell her not to be the mouthpiece for her new loser dude, and she chose not to listen. Even repeating verbatim a line he had used on the show.
She’s making an ass out of herself. She already admitted to not knowing something that she just bragged she did know, two seconds earlier. It’s all downhill from here as far as credibility.
Alexis gloats she’s been on TV for fifteen years, five different s hows.
“You’re a TV Starrrrrrrr.”

Alexis brags how she ‘googled him.’
Don’t think you’re going to find ‘narcissistic piece of shit’ on Google, Fun Lexi…???
What a fucking fucktard dumb ass moron IDIOT?
Like forrrrrr real woman.

Andy debunks Alexis’ claims of Shannon being bitter and defaming him by pointing out how she defended him all last season and it was the other ladies that were trying to tell her he sucks.
Did she do some drunk dialing and bitch about him? Yes. But when the ladies pointed it out, she just said they were fighting and no relationship is perfect, and it wasn’t that big of a deal.
If you recall from last year, Shannon does seem to downplay her drunk dialing and she’s sticking to it.
Mainly because I don’t think she recalls a lot of it. That’s all vodka and soda’s under the bridge.
Shannon brings up ‘the receipts’ of her research on everything that she paid for.
Letting your woman pay for all trips and dates is pretty low and scumbaggish, as well as cheap and humiliating. I believe Jackoff Johnny J whose daddy deserted him which got the narcissist monster circus freak in motion, is humiliated at that – AS HE SHOULD BE.
His initials are Doug Thomas. Too bad it’s such a common basic name. If you tried to google the loser you most likely wouldn’t get the right one.
Look for a miserable old warehouse worker Jewish dude with a bitter scowl on his face and his lip in his lap. All of his failed relationships are not HIS fault you know.
Poor Johnny Jackass – daddy didn’t like him either.
Alexis is looking embarrassed. She’s ‘in the middle’ she complains. You’re putting yourself there you fucking knuckle head.
Like what new girlfriend wants to be in the middle of the new dude and the ex??
It’s so awkward, and so where you DON’T want to be and not how you want to start a new relationship. Normally women in this position want to stay OUT of it.
It’s no different than a dude going through a nasty divorce, and of course has a new serious girlfriend immediately because that’s what guys do, the girlfriend inserting herself in the custody and money battle. It just doesn’t happen. Ever. She may ask her guy what’s going on and how things are progressing, bitching about the ex, that’s normal I guess, but what she is doing, not normal.
I don’t see how she’s not seeing this. I know it’s a TV show and all, but still. Why is she not embarrassed???
Shannon points out to Captain Slow that the worst thing she said about him was they he made her pay for everything.
Alexis looks a little bit like she came here unarmed in the brains department. Shannon is no dummy. Sometimes she acts like one, but she’s not.
Shannon is not an empty headed ditz that doesn’t know the difference between premise and premises. Or delicacy and delicatessen (That’s vintage Alexis.)
Alexis insists she has no choice but to be in the middle because “the lies keep coming.”
What ‘LIES’ Alexis?? And why are you fighting his battles??
I’m sorry, was Alexis part of this relationship for five years?? I feel like she wished that she was.
She is John’s dream come true because she’s stupid. That is one thing that is for sure. She posted a LONG ass post of gibberish after Part 3 aired that no one cared about.
What the fuck is forensic accounting?? Isn’t that a science term? She’s clearly repeating after him. I don’t even know what the hell it is and I’m not this dumb I promise.
She lists things John paid for and sounds idiotic. She brags she bought him expensive shoes too. So these bitches are lining up to buy this dude who hates women and treats them like shit, $1,000 fucking shoes?? I can’t. She gets all worked up throwing herself around. Can you fathom what this douchebag is thinking watching this??

You could tell when Tammy Lou Who advised her to not be sounding like John’s fucking mouthpiece, that she wasn’t going to listen.
If she wasn’t John’s ‘mouthpiece’ what the fuck else would she even have to say?
Alexis claims Jackass spend $350,000 which is more that Shannon’s $60g.
Can you even imagine??
Bot are large sums of money, not arguing that, but this does seem petty.
As Heather shockingly pointed out in an earlier episode this season, (shocking because it made sense) when you’re in a serious relationship with someone, it does sort of seem like it’s all coming from the same pot.
Especially when you think you have a future with that person.
The ladies are all confused why as to why Jackoff didn’t just take this loan money Shannon was offering what seems like a lifetime ago.
I’ll tell you, because he wanted to be on TV and wanted to be the center of attention for the whole season and to have this waste of space talk him up.
She did alllll the talking for this loser. He just sat back with his feet up and his arms behind his head watching it all unfold.
And all the old geezer had to do was go down on her four times a day.
That was graphic and I apologize, but I’m probably not wrong.
Katie is really dumb too. Can you even imagine the convos in the outings with her Jenn and Alexis. She asks Jenn of all people, if ‘all loans’ are paid back in installments??
Girl. That’s kind of the purpose of getting a loan?? ‘all loans?’ I mean in this case between two individuals, it can be paid back in whatever terms they agree to, but just what a dumb-sounding question. You can certainly pay off any loan in lump sum if you so desire. What the fuck?? How old is this broad?? And her nonunderstanding of a loan is certainly not from being wealthy.

Has she never taken out a loan, for anything, ever, or paid on a credit card??
I like Katie and Jenn, but Jesus Christ, the stupidity and ignorance of these bitches. Get a fucking clue.
“What about the 10g necklace?? Huh?? What about that??”
I find it hard to believe he bought Shannon a $10,000 necklace.
She mutters to Gina that he bought her a shitty necklace.

I love this. It’s petty, but funny. Alexis looks a fucking fucktard and I am here FOR IT.
This John and Alexis interview is so bizarre. First off it’s not really an ‘interview.’ We’re not even hearing the questions being asked.
It’s more like a typical Bravo yap, as I call them, except as I’ve mentioned before, it come off so strange because normally in couple yaps, especially a new couple, they’re happy and look at each other and banter to each other.
There were no smiles whatsoever, a few glances back and forth but they don’t even make eye contact.
Alexis barely even makes eye contact with the camera.
They acted way more serious than they needed to be given the situation. Remember Shannon offered to pay back the money, so it wasn’t even like that was an issue. He chose not to accept it for reasons that make no logical sense.
Alexis had this weirdo pinched constipated face the entire time.
And Jackoff, so fucking stone-faced and SERIOUS, sounding like such a fucking douche bag pissing and moaning about this fucking Ring footage which I’m willing to bet shows nothing.
So what she punched him when she was black-out drunk, big fucking whoop. What woman in a relationship with a raging narcissist hasn’t knocked back a few, blacked out and punched the fucker (or thrown a glass or two in his face – whoops)
They try to convince viewers they met ‘organically’ and neither one were necessarily looking and whatever the hell they’re saying.
If Jackoff is so fucking happy why does he not crack one smile the entire time?
Also thought he hated the spotlight??
You can tell this dude is lying and/or leaving out pertinent info about his own behavior. He doesn’t look at the cameras, he doesn’t look at her. He looks down. She looks down, which indicates shame and/or embarrassment. These are not two people in love. PerIOD.

Shannon immediately recognizes one of his ‘lines’ that they “can make it through anything.” Yeah that’s what dudes like this do, recycle the same fucking shit lines with different women.
She disputes he was ‘single for a year’ when they were still seeing each other and in contact two months prior to them meeting.
Alexis clearly just repeats what Jackoff tells her to, that they were ‘friends with benefits’ and not in a relationship for five years.
Alexis says that she’s “not taking a three gang-up-on.” A sentence that literally makes her sound like she has a second grade education.

I’m giving mean miserable hypocrite big girl Emily a pass when she tells Alexis “you are the dumbest girl I’ve ever met.”
Alexis claims she has a ‘degree’ of some sort.
Shannon explains to this dick that they reconciled in 2023.
Alexis: “But did he ever ask you to be his girlfriend again?’
Somebody shoot me. Clearly he fed her that.
Someone needs to explain to Alexis what a ‘friend with benefits’ actually means.
It’s not two people that were in a long relationship that go back forth.
Alexis gets asked to list all of the things Shannon is doing to make her so upset.
“Lied about the loan, lied she paid for everything…” Knees, teeth, this woman is retarded.
To be honest I think Shannon knew he wanted paid back but she was hoping he didn’t actually mean it, or would just drop it, given that she had contributed so much financially to the relationship.
I mean he sent her a fucking promissory note the next fucking day.
Shannon and Alexis go back and forth as to who was closer to this John Jackass Jackoff Jannsen. It’s so hard to listen to.
Back to the Alexis and Jackoff ‘interview.’ Alexis looks so smug with this stupid sour face. Why would you even WANT to be sitting here, a part of this and listening to this as the new girlfriend? It honestly speaks to her stupidity that she thinks this is normal. TV show or no TV show.

It’s just so bizarre. She yammers “offer it again, offer it again” when Andy questions why we’re this far into this and she’s offered the repayment and he still hasn’t accepted it.
She sounds like a nincompoop.
OF COURSE he decided to go after the money and sue her to coincide with filming. Like fucking DUHH. Why is this even a conversation? She acted psycho when Tacos asked her that the scene in Sonoma.
Alexis Bellino is a fucking DOOFUS.
Videos being used as extortion comes up, which they were totally doing.
This fucking ‘interview’ Jesus Chris, Alexis’ face, staring into space looking so sour, guilty and smug at the same time. I can’t.

Jackoff acting like he’s discussing a life or death matter and Alexis sitting here trying to mimic his demeanor is hilarious.
And then when you think you can’t possibly want to punch her in her pinched face any more, Jackoff offers to view the footage with Shannon and Alexis interrupts with “with me in the room.”
Jackoff ignores that comment.
Like WHAT IN THE FUUUUCK is wrong with this broad? They really think she is going to sit there and watch her blacked out drunk self in front of the two of them?? MY GOD.

I don’t believe she almost ran over his daughter. I feel like that’s an exaggeration. I don’t think there’s footage of shit. He knows she was blacked out and remembers nothing.
Alexis claims the videos were never to come up and she eludes that she just sort of ‘slipped’ that info.
Bull fucking shit. He ordered her to taunt Shannon with them. She sort of demonstrates then when she says she ‘wasn’t supposed to say it then.’
Which basically sounds like he told her to bring it up but she mentioned it prior to when her master told her to.

She thought it was ‘just with her friends…’ and the cameras, and a million people.
Tammy Lou Who smirks and scowls at Gina holding Shannon’s hand during all of this.

This is the woman who at the end hugs Shannon apologizes, and claims she was giving her caring and sympathetic looks. She looks sort of overjoyed at Shannon’s pain in this shot, JUST SAYING.
Andy asks why won’t he agree to a mutual ‘non-disparagement?’
“He will now that filming is over…”

Okayyyyy you fucking dingaling. I don’t think you were supposed to say that out loud. Jackoiff, do a better job at training your fucking flying monkey. Fuck.
He wanted the dumb one, he got the dumb one.
Andy points out that comment as sounding a bit sketchy.
Now all of a sudden she gets all defensive since she slipped and ‘she’s not John and she’s not speaking for him, she doesn’t know.’ But a second ago she acted like she knew A LOT.

Sorry F bomb is coming out. I’ve been trying to be better. Did you notice?
This dumb fucking bitch. It’s an exact repeat of he dialogue when she first plopped down and was talking about when Jim was suing Shannon and Tammy. When she was challenged she suddenly ‘doesn’t know.’ I can’t even believe my eyes and ears. And this is Housewives for chrissakes. Nothing should be shocking.
She starts gyrating around like Tacos claiming she’s not speaking for John. She also admitted earlier to having to ‘speak for him.’ Alexis we’re so confused
She’s chirping and repeating ‘I’m not John, I’m not speaking for him…’
It’s not like she’s been robotically repeating word for word what he has dictated to her.
Tacos quickly points that out. Thank God for Tacos. I’m okay with her when she’s pointing out what a cunty stupid asshole Alexis is.

The fucking first grader is FINALLY being excused.
Jackoff is going to have a fucking field day with this one.
No way Tacos’ dress is a ‘medium’ as she claims. First of all I doubt it’s a dress that runs S – M – L. I’m sure it’s a 12 or maybe a 14. Definitely NOT a 6.
She’s not a fucking 6.
Heather is fucking waddling and can’t even walk in that shit colored sausage casing that she’s wearing, And what does she have against spray tans? You live in Southern Cali for crissakes. Go get sprayed so you don’t look dead. She won’t even do the tinted lotions? Nothing??

Upon Alexis’ departure, No Story Line Tacos gets the floor, of course, why wouldn’t she?
But whatever I’m fine with it if she’s making fun of Alexis. She deserves it. Jenn did not.
So go Tacos.
In pointing out what a dipshit Alexis is, Tacos wants to know from Jenn how she’s friends with her if she’s so against ‘mean girl behavior.’
I don’t know that Alexis is so much a mean girl, as she is just a complete foolish mumbling idiot, but okay. Tacos has to be front and center. Even though we’ve not discussed her life for one fucking second. We just know everything is her mom’s fault.
“How are you friends with Tammy Sue Who?” (she kind of looks like a Dr. Suess character with her weird procedure, hoping you all got it.)

Jenn and Katie are friends with Alexis because they are not the brightest and neither is Alexis. Okay?? Let’s just call a spade a spade.
I mean Jenn and Katie literally discussed what the meaning of ‘a loan’ is for crying out fucking loud.
Loud mouth Taco Breath is yelling at Jenn now for being friends with Alexis. Which I don’t disagree with, but she’s such a fucking hypocrite and should probably just try really hard to shut the fuck up.
I think Jenn is just too dumb to know what to do.
Tacos is mad, and the taco arms are flapping how “Alexis had bad behavior the entire season and never backed down.”
Hey Taco Belle, couldn’t the same be said about Tammy Lou Who though??
Couldn’t the same be said about YOU even?? Yeah you delivered Jenn a flimsy apolog about your own drunken and despicable behavior, and blamed your mom. but you continued to make hideous snide snarky comments.
Shut up Tammy Lou Who. Go back to Whoville.
Andy gives Tammy Sue some sort of fucking accolades she does NOT deserve for “quietly defending Shannon” during the Jackoff interview being played.
Pay more attention Andy. You have one fucking job. She sneered joyfully at Shannon’s pain actually, than began doing fake fucking over compensating compassionate faces at Shannon to SAVE HER FUCKING JOB, and her stupid ugly Big Bear House.
At this point she knew she hadn’t been received well by viewers. Most of us were siding with Shannon. She knew she fucked up.
“I was on the right side!” she claims. Then what was with the alliance with Alexis?? Even after she exited the stage, Tammy Sue Who made a point run after her and console her??? But you’re on the ‘right’ side, Okay Tammy Lou Who.
And by saying ‘right side’ she basically admits it was fucked up to be going so hard at Shannon all season, and pretending to be buds with fucking Alexis.
Shannon must have missed the elated sneer as she cries and gives her gratitude for the ‘meaningful’ eye contact and glances.
They hug. Well success Tammy Sue. Thanks for the nudging Andy. NOT.

Jenn looks away with kind of an eye roll. She knows. She can’t even look at this disgusting display. Tammy Lou’s face during the hug even looks not genuine.

Shannon why are you falling for this? How many times do we have to do this?
They wrap up. Tammy Lou feels ‘happy and surprised’ that Shannon fell for her bullshit.
Tammy Sue does a mocktail for the cheersing at the end, as does Shannon. She doesn’t look excited about it.

So they did this weird thing where they filmed a get together three days after the reunion filming, for them all to deliver the news to Shannon that Jackoff did indeed hear the crash and did nothing and didn’t check on her.
I’m not defending him but I guess I would point out that if Shannon sent him that bloody face picture, he did see that she was okay if she took a selfie and sent it to him.
I just wish he would have stopped her from driving.
Speculation of this scene was to make some of the ladies look a little better than they did during the season. Namely Tammy Sue.
Also maybe they wanted to show off some new outfits. What is WITH Gina and the super short skirts constantly?
Heather knew this, but she ‘had her notes’ of what she wanted to discuss and it was all bitch at Katie for accusing her of something she definitely did.
This is dumb.
So after the finale some of the couples went to dinner, including Jackoff and his Jackoff brainwashed sidekick, where he admits he heard the crash.
Daughter talked him out of checking it out, which was probably not hard to do, so she took a peak and saw Shannon pulling over.

The ‘almost running over his daughter’ never came up. That seems like it was an embellishment.
Tammy Lou: “at the end of the day, Shannon, you’re a human being.”
Someone’s doing damage control. This is little different than screaming at her that she’s a drunk, a liar and shaming her for the DUI.
So Tammy Lou knew this too since she was at this stupid dinner, yet no one thought to tell her at the reunion.
Soooo dummmmmmmahhhh.
Tammy reassures Shannon that her tormenting her was ‘coming from a place of love.’ Didn’t Jenn mutter under her breath how that was coming at the reunion?
Tacos gives that comment some side-eye.

Not only did Ding Dong Tammy Lou Who not know what day it was at reunion taping, she also didn’t know her therapy where she pretends she got diagnosed with autism, wasn’t until the following week.
For the majority of viewers to be taking the side of a woman demonstrating clearly having a drinking problem year after year, and getting a DUI, three times the legal limit, with her dog in the car, over Tamra just being Tamra, what does that tell you??
It tells you Tamra ‘Judge’ and her spineless gay husband that can’t stand her, can eat a dick, and this desperate attempt at a reprieve is fucking fake and hopefully NO ONE is buying it.

Eddie’s gonna be so mad when they have to sell Big Bear. Oh but wait no, they ‘run’ a multi-million dollar company, however we never saw them actually working the whole season. Not one working scene. Not one.
I say get rid of Tacos and Tammy next season. I believe Alexis was already officially not asked back.
1 thought on “Real Housewives of OC Reunion Part 3 – 11/21/24”
I’ve been your biggest support. But know you’re calling out a Jewish dude. That’s just disgusting. Another antisemite. Buh bye.