Real Housewives of OC Reunion Part 1 – 4/20/2022

Jen tells Andy to “treat her like the dog” as they’re getting seated and organized. Chick is strange sometimes. And this is the last we hear from her. Guess she was treated like a dog that gets ignored.

First off, Emily has her back fat hanging out of the back of her dress. I don’t mean totally to pick on Emily, but I kind of do. She was not a good human this season, so yes I’m going to point out her gross back fat. That dress is not for her. No one wants to look at that. At all. Those ruffles? What ? Could her tits be any more out in the open? Gina has to keep telling her that her nipples are falling out? This broad needs to learn to dress for her body. And wear a dress keeping in mind that you’re being filmed sitting down. I don’t even know how she is breathing, it’s so fucking tight. And my God, entirely too much make up. She looks like a drag queen. (not picking on drag queens, AT ALL, they’re cool. They just tend to wear a lot of makeup, before anyone gets all bent out of shape, it think that happened on a FB chat page when I referred to another Housewife having way too much makeup on as a drag queen)

I had no idea I looked this disgusting because I can’t see out my eyeballs. Shane said I looked good but now I have to let him butt fuck me tonight.

And a drag queen with way too much makeup, at that. Or maybe a clown. I don’t know, but it’s hurting my eyes to look at her. Yuck.

Heather’s dress isn’t going to win any “best dressed” awards either. Guess she was going for a classic “Housewife” look tonight. Which makes sense, sort of, it is the “Real Housewives” and I do appreciate the 50’s vibe actually. It’s just plain and could be better. Maybe she was going for this sweet and innocent vibe since she acted like such a disgusting douche all season. It’s not as bad as Emily’s train wreck. But also ill fitting in the bust area. Is she not wearing a bra? If she is, she needs a better one. She needs some lift and support for those girls. Maybe due to all of the business Terry lost over Shannon telling Gemily about Nicole’s almost law suit, she now can’t afford a decent bra. Yeah, that’s it. Also, her necklace looks like she got it at TJ Maxx.

Does this dress make me look like I’m not a lying hypocritical condescending piece of shit?

Shannon is wearing too much make-up too, actually. It’s aging her. And I thought she learned her lesson last year, and was going to lay off of those fillers. What am I missing about fillers? All that I see that they do, is make their faces look chubby, like they gained a lot of weight. And Shannon looks like she lost weight, actually. That sparkly eye shadow needs to go. It’s not flattering on a mature woman with this lighting. How do I know this, and these makeup artists do not? Where are they getting these makeup people? Craig’s List? They need reminded that some of these ladies are 50ish, and they’re filmed under harsh non-forgiving lights. And most viewers have really large, really sharp TV’s. With the exception of me. It’s large, but does need to be updated in the sharpness department. It’s not a ‘smart TV.’ Please don’t tell. Just not my priority right now. It works, and as long as I can watch my shows, I’m good.

Here’s our queen sitting next to that hideous drag queen!!!

I do like Shannon’s dress though. She actually got ‘best dressed’ on WWHL survey. Not sure how real those surveys are though! You may or may not have heard about her dress drama. Apparently she hired ‘Bones’ from Project Runway, who was the designer that she got teamed up with this past season, during the Project Runway/Real Housewives crossover, and he just failed to deliver the goods. So she had to come up with a Reunion dress last minute. Poor thing right ? Our Housewives do have it rough. Andy’s green suit? Hell to the no! Hate it. That shade of electric lime green ? And Corduroy? He looks like Kermit the Frog. Apparently he had it special made. I like the tie though. I like pink and green together. But that suit gotta go to Goodwill!

It’s not easy being green…. and corduroy

I’ll get more into the fashion, and cover everyone’s looks in my “Hot or Not” category on my site. I know. You can’t wait.

Andy asks Jen about putting her house on the market and if Rynnnnnne will be moving with her to Laguna Beach, and she says “we’ll see.” And then kind of chuckles. And I get the feeling she’s serious. I don’t blame her. Dude is an asshole, or at least he played on TV. Wonder if she ever put his name on the Hawaii house, as he was instructing her and threatening with hissy fits if she didn’t.

Heather has the floor first, bragging about her phenomenal marriage to Terry who is gay. (It’s ‘speculation!’) But that’s beside the point I guess. Maybe she has a good vibrator. If not, Noella now has this sex toy business, that a 33 year old dude that she just met, bought for her. This girl is something. She really does come off as just being “for sale.” And she makes no apologies for it.

Andy seems to be very familiar with this “Seeking Arrangements” website where she met Sweet James. I have never heard of that. Guess that’s what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’ll check it out. For research. Mostly. Wealthy men and attractive women, Noella describes it as. Hmmm. Yes I will research that. For my blog.

Noella is getting asked about her separation and subsequent divorce. She starts almost right away talking about IVF, and having children with him, as if there was a big hurry for that. Even though they both have kids from previous relationships. Cameras keep showing Emily, (unfortunately) and you can see her judgy brain working overtime, going a mile a minute and can’t wait to get in there with her opinions.

Maybe Big Emily should put a 12 inch sub in it, since her marriage is ALSO an ‘arrangement.’

Emily gets a little too worked up here with her “speculations.” Noella explains the amount of all told years that they had been together after being asked by Andy. And that he was separated, not yet divorced when they met. okay who cares. They had a little back yard ceremony in 2020 that “wasn’t legal,” but just for wedding ceremony and photo purposes. Big Emily interjects “because he was still married.” Maybe this big-boned bully bitch heard that the divorce rate is really high, and divorces don’t take two seconds to be finalized. (except for Noella’s – dude really wanted OUT!) so a lot of couples do get together when divorces are not yet final. It’s not the most pleasant ideal way to start off a relationship, but it does happen.

And while I agree that a lot of things ARE strange about Noella, that’s not really one of them. There is a funny part with her, where she says she “doesn’t care about money.” However she just said five seconds ago she met him on a site of “wealthy men.” Andy does point that out. If he hadn’t I’m sure Emily would have. She thinks she’s running the show here for some fucking reason. Noella says yes, but points out that he also cared about meeting a “beautiful girl.” They had to caption that, since Emily starts running off with her big mouth. So many people on Twitter Wed night were disgusted by her performance. I would say the ratio was for every 20 “OMG Emily, you look like a stuffed sausage, and you need to STFU,” tweets, there was maybe 1 or 2 “I like Emily!”

Noella gets asked if she was being honest that she had no interest in divorce when Sweet James first took off. He had been allover Insta and Twitter (I haven’t seen anything recently) in like Jan – Feb giving “his side” to all of this. He was saying that Noella was already planning on filing for “legal separation” when he filed for divorce. Emily is really full throttle right now, reminding us that she a non-practicing attorney, living off of Shane’s family’s riches. She’s outlining why Sweet James may have filed in PR, because it was a ‘race’ to see where jurisdiction could be established. Noella says that’s a lie. I’m not sure I believe her, however, but why is THIS clown sausage woman judging, friendly reminder, whose husband proposed to her via Google messenger? Who married a man because literally no one else was around?

I thought I even remember her telling the sad pathetic story in her first season, about them discussing the prospect of possibly getting married, when they weren’t even dating or an official couple, as if it was some sort of “arrangement.” Oh an arrangement? So, guys, she’s actually no better than Noella. Just more educated and subtle about HER ‘arrangement.’ Projecting. Maybe that’s where all this anger and hostility is coming from.

I maintain MY “speculation” that Shane’s big 180 in regards to his behavior, and “change” is literally due to his parents threatening to write him out of the will if he gets divorced again. I roll my eyes every time Emily starts with this “we put the work in” horseshit. Emily guys don’t change! You put in NO ‘work.’ He wants his inheritance when his parents croak. (as does she) So he quit acting like a complete piece of shit. My God you’re so dumb.

Noella says that Sweet James was “ecstatic” that she got cast on OC. And Heather the Mob Wife makes this ridiculous face. Andy then said that he “maintains on SM that she went all in on the show, and that was the problem.”

Wish I could have taken a dump this morning. I’m getting stomach cramps.

My God Big Emily has a big fucking trap tonight. I was on a Bravo chat group on FaceBook on Wed as it was airing, and the majority of viewers there also think she needs to STFU !! And speaking of Social Media, apparently Emily has nothing better to do, like say, play with her kids, or go for a run, and was feverishly following the Social Media gossip regarding who did what first when and where, as far as Noella’s divorce filing logistics. Noella said she wouldn’t have “done the show” when asked, if Sweet James would have told her it would affect her family negatively. Then these are the across the board distorted constipated faces when she says that, and Heather and Gemily, the Three Stooges, all say almost in unison, “I don’t believe that at all.” Insert dramatic music, and ten minutes of commercials.

So everyone is literally moaning and groaning (except for Shannon) that they don’t believe her . I think if he would have threatened divorce, if she did the show, she would NOT have. Girl likes her perks! That’s clear and she makes no effort to hide that, I’m sure you all have noticed. She even says in this order: “I like my plane, I love my husband, I like having the father of my child!” That order was a bit telling, but I do believe her. Like she said, she loves her plane!! If she would have known it would all be crashing down (no pun intended) as soon as filming started, I do believe she would have reconsidered. It’s just common gold digging sense. Not that I am one, but I watch a lot of Bravo.

Andy brings up how previously she was asked to be part of the show, and she answers that Sweet James was “chartering the chopper and wanted to make sure she had the best chance for this opportunity.” I don don’t know what she meant by chartering the chopper, I’ll be honest. Was she just talking about the plane? Or was that an analogy? I don’t think that Noella is smart enough to make an analogy.

Emily, who literally won’t shut up (SIT DOWN!!) and gets in there with legal jargon and opinions. (she wasn’t asked) as to why Sweet James filed for divorce in Puerto Rico. Emily says, “he was embarrassed about his tax troubles” and it’s “speculation” that Noella was more worried about Bravo fame, than her marriage. It sounds like she has given this a lot of thought and done some research even. A LOT of thought and research. Emily maybe should worry about HER own marriage? Maybe? Is she this bored? Maybe she should start an exercises regime of some sort, so her clothes actually fit her. Not to mention, she has literally sold HER soul to Bravo this season, and let them dictate to her to start playing this nasty vindictive character to be more interesting, and take the place of Vickie. The only problem is that Vickie wasn’t pretending. And Vickie also let her soft vulnerable side show too. Since she was being, like, authentic. Same comparison with Tamra to Gina, minus the soft vulnerable side. Not sure Tamra has one.

Okay, fine instead of researching cases for the ‘Innocent Project,’ that I care NOTHING about, I’m researching your divorce!!

So Shannon interjects telling the Three Stooges that it’s kind of inappropriate for them to be telling Noella what she was thinking, based on what they were reading on social media. Emily VERY loudly says she was ‘speculating” and Noella tells her that whole diatribe was creepy. Which it was. If someone I barely knew was sitting on their big ass beside me, flailing their chubby arms around, telling me what I was thinking and planning at every juncture when I was going through a traumatic event, I would think they’re some kind of stalker obsessed with my life. Emily looks like a stalker obsessed with Noella’s life. Emily yells out of her big fucking pie hole, that seems to eat a lot of pie, that it’s “NOT creepy because she’s an ATTORNEY!!” Emily, girlfriend, but is Noella your client? Is James your client? No! It is creepy. Sit the fuck down! I know you’re sitting down, but sit the fuck down more and get a sandwich! My God, Nicole was right. Go eat something so you shutta the fuck up! And NO you don’t look like Nicole !! Nicole weighs 100 lbs and you weigh 250. (they replayed the scene where Emily starts screaming that) Emily is acting like a miserable See You Next Tuesday. She Does need a sandwich. Is there a Disgusting Subway Sub in her purse? Is this why she’s so edgy?

Now she’s interrupting with more questions when Noella is trying to answer Andy’s question about their home in PR. She says attorneys don’t lie. Emily, attorneys DO lie. Actually they lie all the time. Isn’t there a joke, lawyer/liar ? Not to mention that you, an attorney, have been fabricating a fake argument with Shannon for four months. So attorneys DO lie.

Emily demands to know if they had established residency in Puerto Rico or not, because that then is why he filed for divorce in PR. Noella tells her they live, were married, ID’s are in California. Not to mention isn’t his business in California ? That’s a little more important than your DL’s and Voter Reg being in California. Emily yells, arms flailing around, like a crazy person, (she’s really really worried about this) “You own a house in PR, not California!”

Oh My Freaking God, are there snacks coming??? I haven’t eaten all day except for those two 12 inchers!!!!

Noella points out, their PR home was a vacay home. Big Emily, my God, why are you obsessed with Noella? This really is looking like a form of projection an/ or obsession. and its more unflattering than your dress and makeup.

I do have to say though, and not shocked, I know Noella’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and nor does she pretend to be, but she’s acting REALLY extra ditzy at this reunion. When Andy asks if she’s divorced now, she says yes, now she can “get married!” How quickly she has forgotten all about Sweet Sweet James. So that was odd. But this IS Noella. She has a new dude that is younger (& shorter according to the quick pic shown) and he “bought her a company.” She seemed surprised that Andy knows this. And what is it ? It’s a sex toy company of course. And empty-headed Noella is going to have to run this ‘Marketplace’ company? Hope it’s not hard.

Unfortunately for the viewers, and Andy, the vagina stack gets brought up. (not literally) There is talk back and forth about ‘the stack.’ Big Emily gets her big trap in here, of course, with a question about the stack. She wants to know about the stack dammit! Because she is CLEARLY obsessed and living vicariously through Noella. She wants to know every last detail of Noella’s life ! “Did James have sex with all of the stackers? ” she demands to know. “No, the stack was for her, for her birthday, and SHE had sex with the stacked ladies… There may have been a blow job in there …” Noella shares.

(Well Emily DOES want to know) She has her chubby arms flailing around again about the stack. Think she wants to do one also.

Not that I’m obsessed with you or anything, I am very busy doing NOTHING for my charity project, but I need every intricate detail of the Vagina Stack evening! Spill it Girl!!

Heather and Gina side whisper that they thought James banged all of them. I think all of these bitches should do their own freaking ‘vagina stack,’ because they sure do like discussing it !! This goes on a little too long for Andy’s liking (and all of our liking) and vagina talk tolerance. Clearly he had enough of hearing about gross vaginas and he’s like “all right we’re done here!” Most people were relieved. Except Emily, she wanted to keep discussing and asking more questions. In case Shane gets bored with sticking his two inch dick in her ass.

And with that he segues into the start of the gas lighting Shannon over Nicole Weiss James whoever drama. I almost would rather keep talking about the vagina stack. But we do have to delve into this, since it pretty much carried the show for the first 8- 10 episodes.

They play clips of the 3 Stooges and their bad acting FUCKING charade that has been going on all season. I really don’t know how many more times Shannon has to explain this shit about Nicole’s tits and law suit, and what was behind her talking about it, and apologizing over and over.

And Gemily, as Big Emily was doing to Noella, telling her what exactly she was thinking and doing. I hate to tell these two dumb bitches, but Shannon isn’t this calculated. Or calculated at all. She gets her water and big loud bitch Emily, again yelling in her ear about pulling the string out of the grenade or some fucking shit.

Andy asks Heather why not feel betrayed by Gemily who cornered Nicole about it at the party? Thing 1 and Thing 2 start talking all at once while Heather is trying to answer with her dumb ass excuses. Andy tells them to shut up, it was a question for Heather. And we already know all of their excuses and reasons. And we don’t care. We know you like the taste of Heather’s asshole. We know! Hope she waxes, and uses the wet wipes. Well those two probably wouldn’t care, they’re so desperate and thirsty.

Of course Heather had an equally dumb ass answer prepared. And duntaduntadaaaaa here it is:

Because Thing 1 & Thing 2, Tweetledee & Tweetledum, Her majesty’s subjects (pick your favorite, I like Thing 1 & Thing 2) called her to apologize and go out for cocktails right afterwards, and she didn’t “hear from Shannon” for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK!! A WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING WEEK, FOLKS!!!

Guess her profusely apologizing at your house ON THE SAME NIGHT doesn’t count. The same night isn’t as good as the next day according to DuBRatt.

Then Heather and we don’t know why, other than to be a still play the Mean Girl part, and most likely to change the subject, brings up how she “protected Shannon’s family” because she knew David was having an affair. “She knew, the world knew, Shannon knew!! EVERYONE KNEW!!”
What the literal fuck is she doing and saying ? That reunion clip she keeps referring to was AFTER he got busted having an affair, so yes, everyone did know, she DID know by that point, and they worked through it.???

So no they didn’t pretend “everything was great” (Maybe David was) But I think at that point Shannon really did think everything was going to be fine, moving forward, since she forgave him and he seemed remorseful. Why does Heather keep saying she could have “blown up her family?” How does knowing about someone’s husband’s affair (and actually she should have gone to Shannon PRIVATELY and told her) compare to this 20 year old dropped law suit that five minutes ago, she said “So what, it was no big deal!!” My God the contradictions are blaring, and Andy is not pointing anything out.

Now we’re on to Heather DuBratt and her pathetic rehearsed acting attempt when confronting Shannon about the tittie gate. She looked embarrassed when Andy asked about it. As she should be. What a fucking crock of ridiculousness that was. Just a whole big long diatribe of nonsense, given the alleged ‘crime’ topped off with the very hyperbolic “And I’m not saying this as a threat, I’m saying it as a promise.” (kids used that phrase in middle school —-30 years ago.) She gets asked by a viewer the reasoning behind this morphing into an angry weird mob wife, confronting someone who just offed her husband, (I added that part) and threatening to harm Shannon in this creepy peculiar monetary way over nothing. (added that part too)

I also feel the need to add, that Erika Girardi also used that phrase with Sutton last year on BH, in her angry hissing attention-craving moment at Kathy’s dinner. Also humiliating for Heather, if you ask me, to use the exact same verbiage and idiotic phrase as Erika Jayne, who is not exactly known for her intelligence, vocabulary and maturity level. And we all know that Heather DuBratt takes great pride in the fact that she thinks she’s more intelligent than most, with her unnecessary use of various word replacements. (such as “punitive” instead of “punish”) And whatever that one was that she said instead of ‘liar.’

She explains, she was just ‘upset’ or some horseshit, when it comes to “her family…” blah fucking blah fucking blah with this – HER family, HER gay husband, and HIS career, HER spoiled brat kids, never fucking mind anyone ELSE’S families and livelihoods. Shannon justifiably points out, “but you threatened MY family!” Silly silly Shannon! The PEASANTS of OC don’t count !!! ONLY THE ELITE DUBRATTS. Have you NOT been paying attention?

Shannon gets emotional and explains that was pretty excessive (given the circumstances under which it was said, as we all know) She is a single mom running a business, and cannot afford for some pretentious bored narcissistic assfuck (wish she would have said that) entering into a “law suit” against her over this nonsense. Heather then morphs into an actual human for maybe 30 seconds, and assures her she “said that in anger” and would never actually “sue” her. (But she did sue Kelly, I think it was Kelly) And sort of apologizes. (Why didn’t she call the next day and apologize, Shannon should have asked) Shannon gets an apology 4 months later !! But the same night and then again in a week isn’t good enough for Heather DuBratt. Okay my fellow Bravo Housewife peeps, couple problems with all of this. Here we go. Buckle up. Get a cocktail.

Yes, I know I looked and sounded really really stupid and asinine. Should have practiced it more I guess. Lesson learned. Wasn’t my high pony cute though?

I posted this on Twitter Wed night and it’s getting a lot of views and ‘likes’ so I must be on to something. My first problem with it, is that the whole stupid oration was just obvi so motherfucking rehearsed. Like I swear she practiced it in front of a mirror all day for that scene. She knew that she and Shannon would be speaking at that event, that I don’t even recall where it was or what it was for. This wasn’t said “off the cuff” in the heat of the moment. As she’s trying to make believe right now. Not even close. So let’s just debunk that bullshit. And I do truly believe she realizes how stupid she sounded and is slightly embarrassed by it. And how badly acted it was. No wonder she was never a success at acting. (Just sayin!)

Second item that debunks her attempts at saving face, and trying to not look idiotic, is that she was also asked a very similar question when she was on WWHL shortly after that episode aired, and she explained it by laughing it off, and that “she’s an actress” and realizes it was over the top. I don’t remember exactly what she said, and I don’t record WWHL, but her response was something along those lines. The episode could probably be found online.

So what it all boils down to is she’s a fucking asshole, and a liar. Just admit it was a poor attempt at wanting to sound important and threatening. Stop insulting viewers’ intelligence woman! Stop!!

Moving the F on… and I never want to talk about it again.

Not to be repetitive, but Emily is wearing so much damned makeup, every time the camera goes to her, literally ALL YOU SEE is dark dark red makeup and fake lashes. Her dress is so fucking tight and unflattering, and she literally won’t let anyone talk. Shannon couldn’t talk, Noella couldn’t talk, and she keeps trying to answer for Gina. It’s not the ‘Big Emily’ show, girl!! She looks like Mr. Snuffleupagus, and I think I figured out why she looks so bad. With all of the eye makeup and fake lashes, I don’t even think she can see. Therefore she was not able to see herself in the mirror to realize she looks this hideous.

I digress, moving on, again. It’s not my fault, they keep showing this hot mess! Camera guys are probably doing it on purpose because they see how gross she looks.

Shannon says and I quote “it was my fault, I drank too much when I divulged the Nicole law suit secret.” and our resident drag queen, chimer inner, says, and I quote, “That’s your fault” Emily. Girllll, what the literal fuck?? You’re embarrassing yourself. Back it the fuck down. She literally just said – it was her fault. (and it really was yours and Thing 1’s fault actually… but whatever. This is your gas lighting scheme at work– Congrats! ) Is there makeup goop in your ears, since it looks like Bravo’s low budget makeup person just dumped a gallon of it over your head? My God. And knock off the judgment that she drank too much, since you got trashed several times this season. And Shannon got tipsy ONCE. Maybe twice, forgot about her luncheon thing. You know the luncheon where she went into a JEALOUS RAGE about Gina’s Rite Aid face cream shit that I am sure NO ONE is buying.

Please for the love of all that is holy, do NOT buy it!!

I don’t know how many times Shannon needs to explain that she didn’t think it was the “same Nicole” and asked Gemily to please not say anything, if it turned out that it was. I don’t know how many more times one can repeat the same thing without going completely bizark. OF course Thing 1 & 2 would LOVE that!!

Heather STILL insists that this coming out could have ‘ hurt her family.’ (she hasn’t ‘gotten the memo’ plastered all over social media for the past four months, that 90% of the viewers are aware this is made-up bullshit. ) Sure, Heather, Yes !! Terry is sure to lose millions of dollars, millions, in potential patients, over this woman, who is an absolute NOBODY, A NOBODY, starting a law suit thirty fucking years ago, then quickly dropping it, over her (not really) dissatisfaction with her fake tits! If anything it probably got the weirdo who dresses like a woman, more exposure and he probably got MORE business from it ! Heather, fuck me, you are frustrating!!! Viewers see what a fraud you are! They show Jen while Heather is on her stupid soapbox about this info “harming Terry” and she, as a doctor, knows Heather’s claims have no merit whatsoever. You think she will speak up? Nope!

Heather I’m a doctor and I know you’re full of shit, but I’m afraid to say anything.

Shannon didn’t blow up her life. My God I can’t. Heather does, at the very least, acknowledge the ridiculousness of that stupid mob wife threat, except, again her excuse is a lie, because it all was rehearsed.

Oh great, Emily time, as if it hasn’t been the Big Emily show since it started. We do not need to hear about her and Shane butt fucking. I think I threw up in my mouth. She makes excuses for her childish “pot stirring” antics blaming alcohol, and wanting to ‘just tell the truth.’ Shannon said something to her about the way she was treating her, and Emily points out she apologized in Aspen.

Well Chubbs, Shannon apologized numerous times also, but had to re-apologize and re-explain at the reunion. Difference is that Shannon’s apologies are sincere and Emily’s is not. She gets asked about “The Innocence Project” an organization that she was pretending to be involved in. She says that she has some “ ummmm fundraisers coming up…” and does case reviews “when she can find the time.”It’s really about bringing awareness and raising money.” Okay, so you don’t need a law degree to throw fund raising events and talk about it, I’m pretty sure. Thought the whole point of an unemployed attorney with time on her hands, married to a loaded dude, was to actually FREE INNOCENT PEOPLE. I see what’s going on here.

In other words girlfriend hasn’t done JACK for this organization since that filmed fake ass meeting with the founder, that was clearly for show only. But hey, she had PLENTY of time to scour the internet dissecting the ins and outs of Noella’s divorce! Got it. Can we say phony??

I really didn’t come into watching this, thinking my recap would be 90% “I hate Emily” (thought it would be “I hate Gina” – perhaps next week) But I see what I see, and hear what I hear, and it ain’t good! Who cares about her fucking dad. I don’t. I’m sure you’re doing him proud now, sitting here dressed in an ugly 80’s prom dress with 30 layers of cheap makeup on, screaming at Shannon like a lunatic for money, and accepting kudos for being involved in a charity organization you’re doing absolutely nothing for. COOL. If she’s ashamed of nothing else tonight, she should be ashamed of that. Fast Forward this shit about her fucking dad and childhood. heard this story 800 times.

This reunion is getting under my skin. Would anyone miss the reunions if they just stopped doing them? I would not. Remember when they didn’t do the RHONY Reunion? Was anyone really THAT upset ? I was disappointed for like a second, and then was thinking, do I really want to sit for 2 hours, and listen to these women, dressed in bad evening gowns, yell, cry and rehash all of their dumb arguments? No! I have better things to do!! Bravo – ditch the reunions!

Now we have to be reminded of Gina’s complete stupidity arrogance, and her bending over with her asshole up in the air, for Bravo cash. Wait, Gina are you talking about your divorce, AGAIN ????

Andy asks Shannon, about her co-parenting relationship with David, which is status quo as it has been for the past three or whatever years. My “speculation:” I don’t think David is ALLOWED to talk to Shannon. I think these are instructions directly from the boss, the ‘boss’ being his very immature, very gold digging new much younger wife. That’s what I have thought for a while. If you didn’t catch my article on this I posted last summer, it’s here in the OC category of my website. That new wife of David’s sounds like a piece of work. David was trying to block the twins from filming this season, because I believe that (speculation) he was worried they may say something about his miserable life, and horrible wife. Why else would he care??

Awww little Ben calls Andy Face Time during the reunion. Let’s pretend that wasn’t on purpose. Maybe it wasn’t.

The Heather/ Gina / Shannon jealousy triangle thing. Well we knew this was coming.

No not ‘put a pin in her ego’ more like, “let’s put a dagger in her ego.” They play excruciating embarrassing clips of Gina as Heather’s little welfare project. I mean if it were me, as Gina, I would be embarrassed looking like a pathetic charity case, and kissing a rich person’s ass like a lap dog. Maybe that’s just me, and unlike Gina, I have pride.

The resident 80’s Drag Queen interrupts Shannon trying to talk to Gina. Shocker. “you’ve been gunning for me…” she tells Gina.

And of course, typical fucking VaGina. When told something that is definitely true, that she definitely does NOT want to hear, she gets super defensive and mean, and acts like the accusation is outlandish, which we all know it’s not. Gina. We know. We know.

Gina brings up Vickie and Tamra for some reason. You know those two ex-housewives that Bravo producers told Gemily to emulate if they wanted to stay in the ga me. And they suck at it. You’ve all seen Erin Brockovich right? Remember that line ? THEY SUCK AT IT.

This ended very annoying, with Gina having the gall to say that Shannon has to answer for “the ding dong things she did ???” Ding Dong things that Shannon did ? Then this big fat useless pig breaks into this sinister laughter that was just mind boggingly EVIL!!


Girlfriend check out some Twitter hashtags, and see who almost all of the viewer are calling a stupid idiot that we don’t want to see back. Spoiler alert –

it’s NOT Shannon!!

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