Real Housewives of OC Finale 4/13/22

Gina seriously blames “evil spirits” oh her drunken stupor rage filled tantrum the previous evening. Well it’s creative. Normally they blame editing.

Whatever all took place in the first 10 minutes I don’t even know, and I’m not even talking about. It was ridiculous. Get this piece of crap off of this show already. My. God. Even her bestie Emily makes fun of her in her yap.

Gina keeps bitching about Shannon, when Shannon didn’t even do anything. Gina was the one in the drunken rage. She’s saying now it’s because Shannon is better friends with Noella than her, and didn’t answer two text messages. Gina has the intelligence of a fucking piece of gum. And she’s not dumb in a cute fun way.

Well Gina sort of I guess apologizes to Shannon, and they seem to make up in this boujie clothing boutique. I’m not buying it. Gina is going to have four or five glasses of wine, and come after her again since she has her guard down. She needs to stop bitching about Shannon calling her arrogant.

She HAS been acting arrogant AF since after the first episode. Even now, “you’re the one that told me that you didn’t have friends.” Shannon did not say that. She told her that she has four close friends. I know you’re not a math major Gina, but three is not the same as zero.

And I’m old enough to remember (that’s a thing they’re saying now) the first episode when they were all out and Shannon was telling Gemily how much she appreciates them and is so glad they’re all friends now. This chick is tripping with this “hurt feelings” horseshit.

Again, I reiterate, Bravo Gods, don’t being this moron back next year. No we don’t ‘love to hate her.’ We just HATE HER. Shannon reminds VaGina how she invited her out with her friends after Matt beat the shit out of her, and they were separated. I’m sorry to put it like that, if it were anyone else I wouldn’t. She’s saying mean things to Shannon, so if you’re gonna dish it out, you should be able to take it, Gina!! She makes that same stupid ARROGANT face she makes when she has nothing to say. Then she just starts making shit up like a child. whatever they hugged. Not sure why Shannon is so desperate to be friends with this girl.

I’m just making this childish pout face because i have no idea what to say.

To keep with the Aspen boujie theme, they go to a boujie restaurant and I’m foreseeing Gina getting trashed and everyone fighting again.

Heather bitches about sitting across from Noella. She’s such a twat.

High school mean girls Gemily whisper and ridicule Noella for having a two second convo with the sommelier about ‘Sweet James’ leaving a shit ton of wine behind when he fled to Puerto Rico. They’re such assholes. Well, other than that, I was wrong! I stand corrected! They all said NICE things to each other and ended up goofing around and no one got sloppy ass DRUNK!! (Gina)

Emily doing this wedding photo thing crap. I guess I can see wanting to do something like this if they never really had a wedding. She refuses to call it a wedding or vow renewal, to stave off the bad luck Housewife stigma they seem to have caused past Housewives. But seriously, call it what you want, she’s wearing a damned wedding dress! Shane is in a tux! This gets the stigma slapped on it. Sorry. However, they MAY make it.

I chose ugly cry face picture and I do not care. Hope they ditch her next year too, and her and VaGina ride off into the Mean Girl sunset.

Since you asked, this is what I’ve been thinking about Shane’s 180 change, and all of this “we did the work.” rhetoric Emily constantly spews out. Guys just do NOT change like this. They don’t. So in case you’re wondering what my theory is? I think Shane’s parents threatened to write his ass out of the will if he got divorced again, so that was enough to shape his ass up and keep him from acting like a fucking douche. There, I said it.

He gives her several rings. Gina looks jealous.

Shannon keeps talking about her “core four” friends. After Gina’s constant “you have NO friends” accusations for the past two months. Shannon keeps feeling the need to point it out now.

Did I mention what a twat Gina is ??

Heather and Terry have a rehearsed convo about getting Richard Marx involved (Heather and ‘Richard Marx’ remind me of PK on Beverly Hills and “Boy George” – can we stop the name dropping?) in Shannon’s rock ‘n’ roll night to help with a song. She brags how Shannon asked for her help.

My GOOD GOOD FRIEND Richard Marx sent me this song, after Shannon BEGGED for my help!!

All of the rockers arrive at Shannon’s. Shannon points out her “friends” to Gemily. They joke that Shannon hired actors for her friends. Hahahahahaaa. What friends do THESE TWO have? Who in the literal fuck could put up with two assholes?

This looks like a heavy meal for such tight clothes.

Jen starts being super needy and awkward with Rynnnnne, and he just basically blows her off. It’s so hard to watch. How does she not see this? She insists on making this weird ‘announcement’ as to how much she loves Rynnnnnnnn and they’re in a great place now. Does he hate the cameras or just hate her? Still trying to figure this out. She requests more champagne and Rynnnnnnne says “no more.”

Oh My God ! is my wife going to announce that she loves me to everyone ??? I only have eyes for Terry.

Like why, he doesn’t want a repeat of “this wine is really good, this is really good wine, this is so good.”

Heather says some fake nice shit to Shannon, after she helped and encouraged the mean girl treatment and gas lighting for three months… And all of the insults in her yaps. But whatever Heather. Everyone knows you’re fake as fuck.

What. Ever.

Now that I got my Mean Girl gratification out of my system, I’m going to pretend to be fun and cool!

They perform their song. It’s a cute song. Emily IS bad. Sounds like Shannon and Heather are the singers. Heather takes center stage of course.

Ended on a positive “note” right? Pun MAYBE intended.

Glad they stopped with the finales being a big arguments and blow-outs. That is now saved for the Reunion. How many parts is this one going to be?

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