Real Housewives of OC 9/6 & 9/13/23

So as I’m writing this on the 9/6 ep, since I’m so behind, the news just broke yesterday about Shannon’s drunk driving and hit and run arrest on Sat September 16th.

I think most would agree, even if you are someone that likes to partake in cocktails, as do I, that she has been coming off a little extra unglued and sort of possibly an alcoholic this season. She talked about a lot of “crippling” as she puts it, arguments with John. (apparently they have been seeing each other again, or still)

And then there were all of the phone convos with the ladies that she was not recalling. So she’s not just a social drinker. She’s an at home by herself, getting blacked out drunk, drinker.

That’s someone who may have an alcohol problem. So you can put whatever label you want on it, but there is now footage of her speeding around the corner of a very narrow road, where John lives, since she was coming from there, and nabs that house head on, backs up, and continues to speed away, where there is a nearby intersection. She narrowly misses the car coming across the intersection. And that whole thing where she parks in the middle of the road, and pretends she’s just walking Archie, and the crash didn’t just happen, is the behavior and rationale of a blacked out drunk person. I admire her quick thinking while in said blacked out state.

I’m betting John was also intoxicated, if he actually allowed her to get into her car like that (not blaming him, just saying he should not have enabled her.) What if someone would have been outside that house or crossing the street?

Okay so onto the episode – Shannon is getting into the colonic business with Dr. Moon. I have nothing to offer in regards to that.


I’m not trying to sound like Holier Than Thou, Susie Homemaker here, but just let me get on my soapbox for a sec. Jenn, who has five kids, has NEVER made homemade cookies? NEVER – at forty-something years old. Not even at Christmas?? She’s planning to introduce her mom to Ryan.


Heather ALWAYS wears black. She is having a soiree to launch her Tiktok style/Youtube ‘Lifestyle’ network thing, on this ‘Fireside’ app, or whatever the hell it is. It sounds like TikTok except others will be able to post on your network, or channel.

That may or may not be right. I’m over the Housewife ‘launch parties.’ And a Heather DuBrow ‘lifestyle’ channel? Why? I cannot even in my wildest dreams imagine how fucking cringy and annoying that is going to be.

Terry, look at the menu!!” He immediately dons his glasses and complies. He is in serious ass kissing mode with her. It’s very entertaining. As if he gives two shits about the fucking menu.

Yes dear, right away. is there anything else I can do for you, since I cheated on you….

Tamra and Jenn arrive in very similar dresses.

Do you think Ryan will want me now since I’m dressed like you?

Shannon declined the invite, and who cares. Gina is in Barbie pink again. She wastes no time egging on Heather about how rude Shannon was to not attend.

Emily stirs up some shit about Heather dangling that Shannon was talking about her at BravoCon.

So you see that Emily is in some kind of weird mood about it, or pretending to be. Or she was ordered by Production to act like a nut job at the lunch. Perhaps this is why she’s guzzling champagne and talking about getting “wasted.”

Heather and Terry make me want to gag. They’re so phony and —- phony. It’s plain to see that Terry is doing some serious sucking up, since he you know, cheated on her. And everyone fucking knows it, Heather. For some reason it got brought up once and very briefly the entire season. Which sucks. Maybe that’s why they have the ladies ganging up on her, as punishment.

They’re all packed up, and closing the following morning. They’re so excited to be unloading this house that they just built not that long ago, and did so many customizations, and it was this big huge thing, she was bragging left and right. It’s just weird. This is a house you live in for twenty years, after all of that work, not six.

I think couples that are not happy in their marriage, need to constantly be changing scenery (aka moving) to keep themselves busy. Subconsciously they must think that they’ll be happier if they live under a different roof. And you’re welcome.

They do a total white people dance – in public.

This Fireside thing sounds a lot like Tiktok, or Insta. She’s suddenly this social media expert, when last season she didn’t know that you could even comment on TikTok. Tamra is being kind of an asshole, and asking how the technology side works, when of course Heather doesn’t know that. “with the technology! she answers. Well, that clears that up!

So explain to me the exact coding and algorithm of the program?

But to be fair, what are YOU doing Tamra? You couldn’t even keep a gym running in SoCal where people do actually work out and care about fitness. Not to mention, it was ran by a Bravoleb. You would think that would have brought in the members? I guess that speaks to Tamra’s fan base. Or lack of fan base.

Tamra keeps making fun of Ryan’s wardrobe. You know in that way that you sort of ‘pick on’ someone that you like.

Emily is drunk, so she can sufficiently embarrass Heather I guess, and act a fool. She must have gotten that tip from Tamra.

Is this how you eat a cucumber, Heather??

She’s kind of reminding me of Julia Roberts’ character in Pretty Woman, with her bad table manners, and strange behavior, when they were in a fancy restaurant having dinner with those dudes that Richard Gere was buying their company.

Gina asks if something is bothering her, that she’s acting like this, and it’s the Shannon BravoCon thing that’s causing her to act like to act like a teenager who had her first beer, at this bougee Heather event. So this makes perfect sense. You’re ‘mad at her’ so you’re going to drink ten glasses of champagne and make obnoxious comments about the food.


I think Terry is sad about the house that Heather insisted on selling, and she just doesn’t give a shit, at all. You would think she would have some sort of attachment to it. Can’t really say it’s the house she ‘raised her kids’ in since they’ve only lived in it for six years, but she seems to like NOT even give a shit.

yeah, whatever, I don’t really care

More bad white people dancing.


Next day – Tamra calls up Shannon on the tele who still doesn’t feel good. “But it’s not covid…” Why do we need to follow up with that statement every single time you say you don’t feel well now?

Heather scolded Shannon for not attending her party and not letting her know until the last minute.

During the call, Tamra receives a message that Heather’s house has sold.

Gina still seriously thinks that she and Heather are friends.


Jenn takes her mom to meet Ryan. I hate to agree with Tamra, but holy smokes the jackets, that Ryan wears. What is going on?

Can’t Jenn talk to him? It’s been two years.

Ryan goes right to his cheating habits and admits it was wrong.

I think maybe her mom wants to date Will?

You can have him if you want him!


Okay so an arguing trip to Mexico had been planned, and is now being executed.

I kind of forgot about Taylor, where has she been? Or have I just not noticed? Was she at Heather’s event? They’re arguing about rooms and they’re not even to their destination yet.

No idea what Jenn was thinking wearing this knit turtle neck long sleeved prison uniform dress to dinner? In Mexico?? Where it’s like 90 and humid?? She looks like she’s boiling as she sits down. Was she confused when she ipacked?

Nothing screams Mexico like a long acrylic turtle neck dress!

Everyone is itching to bring up the sale of Heather’s Hotel, and Tamra is the one to finally open it up.

Poor Gina really does think she is friends with Heather, and that Heather cares about her.

Now the “not sharing enough complaint, which is the typical new Housewife strife these days.

I’m so over the Emily vs Heather thing this season. It’s so not interesting. Emily is clearly faking the whole thing.


They discuss her drunken behavior at her event. Emily makes fun of the ‘HD’ and starts the chubby arm flailing, which I find so off putting. Now that she got them lypoed, maybe it won’t be so bad.

If I keep doing this, maybe my arms will be skinnier!!!!

Heather denies saying anything at all about Shannon’s shit talking at BravoCon about Emily. Gina says in her yap, Emily is confused, and it was actually Tamra that was talking shit.

Tamra seems to know this, but says nothing. Gina also doesn’t speak up. Emily and Heather continue to bicker.

Oh shit that was actually me, but think I’ll let Shannon take the blame.

9/13/23 Episode

Anyone that feels sorry for Heather, because the ladies are kind of dissing her, and ganging up on her, well Emily is mostly. (Gina continues to kiss her ass, Jenn and Taylor love everyone, and Tamra is focused on tearing down Jenn) must not have watched last season, or maybe just has a boner for Heather DuBrow. She deserves this. I don’t care.

She was the ringleader in picking on Shannon all season last year. I see she’s not liking it too much w hen the tables are turned?

Well boo fucking hoo, no one cares. Bravo must want rid of her. And so do the viewers.

Don’t they know who I am????

Shannon in her yap, says she didn’t even see nor talk to Heather at Bravocon so she’s not sure what this story is all about.

Well Shannon, that is because it was Tamra, yet your good friend sits and here and says fucking nothing.

She cries to Tamra about all of this, as she pretends to be concerned. She could have admitted to it here.

Shannon complains more about John, and that he never wants to sleep over.

Gina: “Yaaaaaaahhh.” She sounds so stupid.

My little birdie told me that John had Shannon sign an NDA, forbidding her to discuss him on the show. And that’s why she kept freaking out, and crying to producers constantly in earlier episodes.

Which is confusing, because you know, she continues to talk about him, and their arguments. It’s clear to see that these two may have good moments here and there, but are fighting and arguing constantly. Which is what lead to her DUI a few days ago.

I was just thinking yesterday, as I was driving, and thinking how I needed a drink when I got home, and noticing the gorgeous early fall weather, (I know that’s some serious multi-tasking) that OC is normally in beginning of filming in this time period – late summer/early fall.

Usually they begin around back to school time, so I’m actually surprised they weren’t filming now, when the accident happened. On the shows now, we’re seeing it’s ‘fall’ – (whatever that means in SoCal) they’ve got the pumpkin activities going, so I’m assuming it’s October-ish now.

And remember Eddie gave Tamra the Louie shoes for her birthday which is September 2nd, which was early in filming.

So, my point, I guess filming for 2024 season may have been delayed due to 2023 airing being delayed, due to HEATHER DUBROW demanding they re-edit, to cut out all of Terry’s cheating discussions.

And you know how I feel about that, also not discussing Gina pushing Travis down the stairs during a drunken argument. And it underscores how Terry’s cheating must have been true. Why else would she demand it not be shown? And why in the name of all that is holy would Bravo accommodate her? These are questions that I have.

Heather still poor – me – ing to Tamra.

I can’t say anything right. I can’t do anything right…”

Pretty sure Shannon can relate to that, Heather. WHY DOESN’T HEATHER ASK HER THAT?

Jenn shares in her yap that she knows that Tamra called a mutual and asked for more dirt on Ryan. I don’t get why we’re revisiting this. Jenn knows he was fucking around when they were on the break. She knows, she chose to forgive him.

Jenn is a grown ass reasonably smart (not overly smart) forty-something woman. She has been given the info and everyone’s feedback, especially Tamra’s numerous times. She needs to figure it out for herself. It reminds me of that Paulina chick on Shahs of Sunset, if you watched last season of that in 2021 before it was canceled.

Everyone was so all over warning her about Mike, and talking about his cheating and controlling ways. She didn’t want to hear it. Pretty sure they had some blow out a while ago, and she is no longer with him. She had to leave him on her own. I think there was even a domestic violence issue.

Ryan at least does come off as a nice guy, with decent manners, and is attentive to Jenn’s needs, but who knows. We may be seeing some other persona for the cameras. I don’t think Jenn would still be with him if he was abusive, as Mike from Shahs is.

Tamra claims she has copies of text messages that Ryan was sending this other gym chick while he was with Jenn, and not on the ‘break.’

This dude seems to really like attention, is the main problem. Guess his mommy didn’t pay enough attention to him when he was little.

Heather distributes her gifts to everyone which is kind of awkward.

The next morning, Emily apologizes to Heather about her drunken behavior at her event, and whatever that was the previous evening. Who is not tired of all of these fake fucking apologies from her and Tamra? Heather addresses that in her yap.

Does it seem to anyone else that there is more time devoted to the yaps on Housewives now??

They head to a watering hole via ATV the following day, to do some water hole activities.

Emily jumps in first. I don’t mean to be mean, but she makes quite the splash, if you know what I mean. Reminded me a little of the Shallow Hal scene. Sorry Emily. I mean, it even took a while for the water to dissipate and stop rippling. She has lost weight now, so we’ll have to see how that goes. She does eat trash and doesn’t exercise, so… I don’t know. I wish her well.

Did producers tell the ladies to look fake concerned as she makes her way to the surface? Or were they just shocked at the splash??

Holy smokes !! Did you see the size of that splash??

It took a minute for her to emerge. I mean, it’s 36 feet deep, and pretty sure she probably went way down. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Could be why she’s gasping for air. And her nose is bleeding.

Gina also jumps in, however her splash pales in comparison. Maybe she didn’t jump from as high as Emily did. Whatever. I don’t feel like a bitch because I don’t like Emily. And I don’t like her because she’s a phony and an asshole.

I don’t think she’s nice. I didn’t like her treatment of Shannon last season, and the sucking up to Heather was gross. Even if Bravo did tell her to do that, has she no dignity??

Penniless Gina sucking up to her was also gross, but at least understandable. Emily an attorney, so she has earning power. She’s also married to a dude that comes from extreme wealth. So it was just ick that she was sucking the butthole of Heather DuBrow for four months. She can take or leave the Housewives, and be fine. Gina, no job, no career, no husband, broke boyfriend, needs the income. There. I said it.


Tamra shades Jenn’s fake designer duds. I wouldn’t be mad if she shaded Shannon’s constant wearing of white skinny jeans instead of picking on Jenn.

Vickie arrives, as a surprise, so the Tres Amigas are reunited. Have you all see these comedy/singing and dancing routines that they have been doing? And what do you think??

Tamra was so excited that she peed herself. In her defense she was jumping around too. That’s a recipe for disaster, at our age range especially when you’ve given birth. Doesn’t matter how long ago, sadly. You know, God IS a man. You honestly just have to laugh it off. But not too hard, or you’ll pee again.

They do their performance ‘dance’ as they take shots. Their dance reminds me a little of the Macarena from the 90’s

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena

I guess Tamra didn’t change after she pissed herself?

They’re off to dinner, and I’m happy to report I approve of Jenn’s dress this time. She doesn’t look like an over-heated sausage in prison.

Vickie’s arrival is a surprise, supposedly. The other ladies are not as excited as Tamra and Shannon. Vickie has been vocal in the press about what fucking twats she thinks Gemily is, or are, and I don’t disagree with her. So they feel uncomfy around her, and who cares? Suck it up, assholes. You could tell Bravo you want to be your authentic selves or they can shove it up their ass. So this is what you get. I know, they don’t care. They’re laughing all the way to the bank. But it does show how they lack integrity. Which is why I don’t like them. And Emily will gain all of that weight back. And Gina’s real estate career will be a joke.

They revisit Heather’s Snuffleupagus comment toward Emily, which given my opinion about Emily, was fine with me and funny. Except kind of insulting to poor Mr. Snuffleupagus.

Tamra had to google Snuffleupagus?

She never watched Sesame Street as a child? Or with her kids? Well she doesn’t know what corn stalks look like either, or how to carve a pumpkin?? Did these ladies not do anything wit their children when they were little?

Vickie has a Vickie moment, where she tries to compare her relationship with Brooks, to Jenn’s with Ryan. Just as Vickie needed to figure it out, just like the comparison that I made to Paulina and Mike on Shahs, she needs to learn for herself. The more people that tell her she needs to dump him, the more determined she will be to stay with him.

Jen looks flabbergasted. And if Vickie was in this situation, and didn’t listen to anyone, then why would she think Jenn is any different?

I’ve forgiven him for everything.

Tamra has filled in Vickie on all of the Ryan and Jenn stuff. And you all wonder if you’ve been following the Shannon DUI story, that she talked to Tamra the next day and Shannon didn’t mention it to her.

I’m sure she wanted to wait until it got released in the press, even though it was only one more day. Tamra would have told about 400 people in the span of half an hour, and it most likely would have been all over the internet Sunday night.

Everyone is all cranked up, because they don’t get a reaction out of Jenn every time they start shit talking Ryan. Actually, she’s really smart to not react and give them what they want.

I just can’t believe that they’re dumb enough to say out loud how this pisses them off. Like they’re saying the quiet part out loud. Don’t you think they should keep that to themselves, how Tamra and Vickie’s instigating and harassment isn’t getting to her enough?

When actually it is, however, she’s under control. She can control her emotions, and she also doesn’t get shitfaced. What a novel idea! You can see how these broads cannot process what’s going on with someone like that? They think it’s ludicrous.

She needs to fit in here, and start freaking out and melting down. This is embarrassing.

So the shots were flying, and it’s morning in Mexico. Gemily, Tamra and Vickie look like death. Shannon is whining and refusing to participate in beach activities, because she’s unhappy with her body. I thought they had these weird simulated bodies bathing suits that everyone was going to wear? When I first saw them, I thought they were to make her feel better, if they were all just wearing these?

I love me some Shannon, as you guys know, but in all honesty, the bitching about her body is getting old.

She actually hasn’t been her original weight when she was first on the show 10 plus years ago, for years. I think at the reunion last season she had looked like she had slimmed down, but then it seems like when they start filming it’s back up again, and she’s bitching and blaming stress and hormones. I’m not trying to sound like a dick. In her yaps, that some are recorded after the filming wraps, she looks a little thinner. If you’re really not going to do anything about it, then stop crying about it.

She does show up and seems okay in her hairy guy bathing suit.

Shannon doesn’t know what Snuffleupagus is either. I’m baffled.

This joke resurfaces between Emily and Heather, and Emily lets her know that wasn’t a nice character to be compared to. I must have missed or glazed that whole scene.

And I’m definitely NOT huge!! I’m curvy!

So we’re having lunch, we’re having fun, we’re laughing, and we can’t dare have that for more than 30 seconds, right Andy?? So guess Gina was told to get the Ryan thing going again (at this point I really feel like he’s the **th Housewife, is he on the payroll?)

She whispers to Jenn, asking why she’s not pissed off enough.

Will you please give us what we want and just freak out already?? I think you need more tequila.

So here we go, it gets going again. Emily chimes in too, telling her she needs to get more pissed off.

So it’s great that Jenn is so laid back and in control, but girlfriend is NOT very bright. She is like “who???” to Tamra, as to who the ‘mutual friend’ is that fed Vickie the Ryan info. I mean, girl. Come ON. I don’t know how some of these bitches get through a day. Jenn is sweet, but wow talk about gullible.

I can’t fathom who on earth would gossip to Vickie about me????

So they discuss this Alex chick who Ryan was double-dipping with while with Jenn (I know!! they were on a break – still inappropriate.)

Tamra plays dumb when Jenn says she knows of her but doesn’t really know her. You never talked to her?”

Jenn does see through that, thank God. Yes, she admits she had spoken to her, and said that Tamra asked her to send the receipts.

Jenn finally is growing a pair. She tells Tamra that it seems like she’s using her life and her pain to make herself relevant on the show. Which she is totally doing.

Then she drops that he was hooking up with this chick while they’ve been together. So that’s nice Tamra, to tell her like this.

She knows of the flirty messages. Gina questions why is she with him if this is what he does? It kind of does make her look foolish. Tamra whines to her about not showing emotion, aka reacting and coming unhinged.

I am getting kind of sick of the “you ruined your family” thing that Tamra keeps repeating. From what I am hearing and gathering she was unhappy and contemplating divorcing her husband regardless.

Maybe meeting someone that paid attention to her accelerated it.

Tamra then yells that she’s not the only one he fucked at her gym. Jenn wants names, and NOW Tamra decides to clam up.

Gina as the voice of reason is always scary.

Jenn knows he’s a player and she still chooses to be with him. Which makes perfect sense.

Maybe she likes the fact that he’s kind of (I said KIND of) a cool guy. If you saw the quick shot they showed of Will, he seems like kind of a dweeb. I don’t know. I’m just throwing that out there.

And Heather also making sense, and calling out Tamra for being the world’s shittiest friend, and desperate for attention and camera time.

Even I can see this makes no sense!!! And I’m nasty to everyone!!

Was everyone going this nuts when she married Eddie, who had rumors swirling about, that he was gay?? And was in a relationship with this much older dude that became his legal guardian when he was 21, and whose business he worked for? (He even took his lst name – that’s where the name ‘Judge’ comes from – his previous surname was Torres)

Vickie chimes in explaining that she needs to find it out for herself. So yeah, what I said.

Tamra has to get in with that fake designer dig that she seems so proud of, and telling her to “be honest.” Okay Tamra, you’re starting to sound like Kyle Richards. Not a compliment.

The whole table is just looking down, and feels really embarrassed for Jenn.

Tamra continues to gloat as Jenn leaves the table, upset.Be fucking smart” she says.

This from a woman who married a gay dude. Who shockingly, doesn’t want to have sex with her.

For some reason I feel like Jenn is going to have the last laugh here.

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