The Shannon and Vickie Show – so it looks like they do have an audience which is nice. I just wonder if this is really profitable for them. Seems like a lot of traveling, paying various people, paying for the venues to put on these skits. How much can the tickets really be?
Well I did a quick search. They’re in Nashville on the Sept 24th and Atlanta on the 25 if you’re inerested.
Are you ready for this? Tickets are $125 for main floor and $164 for a table.
I’m kind of surprised Vickie has time for this with her insurance business and all.
Jenn will be hosting a ‘Fiesta Party’ at Ryan’s. Or her and Ryan’s. I’m wondering if he still has this house given all of the alleged illegal baseball betting or whatever his goings on are.
This should make Emily happy. She loves tacos so much, she wants to smell like one. Wow that was so embarrassing for her.
I wish they’d stop doing this slo-mo thing with the ladies when the are entering somewhere. It looks stupid. These bitches are NOT movie stars. I know what they’re trying to do, but it’s not working. It looks rather pathetic.
Why is Tamra carrying this huge fur coat? So it’s warm enough to be in a halter dress outside, but carrying a fur? It the temp going to drop like 50 degrees in the next few hours??

I guess Jenn has like nine fucking dogs. We know that one is old, and one is not very old.
Gina immediately owns her jealousy of how Jenn is living post-separation/divorce compared to how she is/was. It’s good that she can admit it. Finally.
Now does Ryan possibly have this bougie house due to participating in illegal activities? Possibly. But, we haven’t gotten to that yet. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Emily comes in guns blazing about her issue with Heather, who hasn’t even arrived yet. She honestly seems a little tipsy.
Speak of the devil, Heather arrives wearing the ugliest style baby shit color of a frock I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. Did she just come from her job as an old spinster librarian in 1955?

Back and forth scenes. I do wonder how much Shannon is actually working on herself. I am a fan of hers, so I’m not just being bitchy to be bitchy.
Wah wah wah ‘fun Lexi’ arrives minus the ‘fun’ part. She comes in determined to be the center of attention without really sharing or saying much.
Apparently Shannon’s DUI has HER very stressed out you know. And you can see how that would be. Please note the extreme sarcasm.
Heather’s orders clearly were to mention Johnny Jackass and she wastes no time doing so.
‘Ohhhhhh dawwwwwling I simply cannot understannnnnd why you didn’t bring Johnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy to the GLAAAAAAAD AWARDS, since he’s alllllllllways soooooooo supportivvvvvvvvvve. ‘
The other ladies clearly had a heads up that ‘fun Lexi’ was going to make a whole big thing out of being upset about Shannon’s DUI and the law suit they are pursuing in order to extort money from her.

Katie and Gina stare at her knowing what’s coming and can hardly wait, while Heather looks smug as if she’s saying “my work here is done.”
Bravo really needs to teach these ladies how to act natural if they’re going to dictate lines and manipulate the gatherings.
Side note: Tamra and Alexis are now BOTH crying ‘editing’ since they’re seeing how poorly they are being received by the fans.
How original of them. Alexis is allegedly going to start, or maybe has already, recapping the episodes after they air with all of her revisions and pointing out ‘editing.’ I saw that on a TikTok video. It may or may not be true.
I don’t know, maybe to resolve the issue, they just shouldn’t behave so cunty??
Haven’t heard a peep out of Emily. She seems fine with being portrayed as a shallow inauthentic pretentious smug evil See You Next Tuesday bored bitch.
Good for her. You rock it Taco Bell!! You have every right to put down other women for not marrying rich because you know, your mom didn’t put you on the fucking bus. No worries!!
Back to this, Alexis starts grunting and acting stressed and preoccupied tossing her head all around. Right on queue the ladies press her for what’s up. She gives stupid vague answers and I guess we finally determine it’s the stress in general from the law suit and intimidation tactics with Shannon, that THEY are pursuing.
Gina in yet another horrible and unflattering confessional look (sorry girl) makes complete sense and an excellent point by pointing out that she and Jackass Dirty John are the ones causing all of the drama and chaos. They could easily let this law suit go and move on with their lives.

Alexis literally NO ONE and I mean, NO ONE cares about you and Dirty John’s meeting and this crap about it needing to be ‘six months later.’ NO ONE.
This stupid thing she says in her yap, that she doesn’t know how to ‘get out of it’ without walking away from it, but breaking up with him in not an option.
GIRRLLLLLLL. You don’t need to break up with him. We all want to see you with him, we do, we promise, we want you two horny toads together forever. You deserve each other.
Does she not see she could stay with the disgusting lizard but drop the stupid law suit?? What is she missing here?
Taco Bell is inside unraveling about Alexis being “a wackadoodle” whilst looking pretty wacko in her own right.
Gina is dressed like The Tin Man.
OMFG Tamra. Jenn tells them to write a truth or dare on a block for this dreaded game and Tamra thinks she’s supposed to write ‘truth or dare.’
I make fun of them because how can I no. These are the moments that get me through the shows.
Alexis tries to throw a block in a fake fireplace. Can’t make this shit up.
Heather the bad actress has a really good dog bark I must say.
Katie has to show her butt hole per the block’s instructions, and she does. Twice. She must have been very confident in her cleanliness.
Tamra and Emily liked it a little too much. I don’t think these two broads are getting business taken care of at home, so I guess this is what we resort to??
Tamra then pisses on the cement patio. Fucking gross.
Okay so the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Emily attacks, aka addresses her questions and issues with Heather about that stupid fashion show, and how she was told to bring jeans, and her unhappiness with the black dress, that was actually quite flattering on her.
I have news for you all, besides the dress being tight on Emily (that people are freaking out about for some reason but not Emily constantly poor-shaming Jenn), Alexis isn’t really that thin anymore. I doubt she’s a 2. So that ruckus is clearly just asinine.
Why does Emily say ‘MASUREMENTS?’
Heather claims she didn’t know Emily would be the only one not in the designer’s black bottoms at the end, which makes no sense because Emily is the only one that she asked to bring her own bottoms. So clearly she knew.
And I’m not saying that like I give a fuck. I’m just saying.
Emily clearly, even though she lost a lot of weight, thanks to Ozempic of course has nothing to offer the show besides crying about her linebacker body.
Heather at first looks empathetic, or pretends to, but quickly loses patience with her as she starts to lose her mind abut the black dress.
Since you know, she has nothing of any substance to say. Which I may have already mentioned.
Pointing out in front of Alexis that they had the same dress which made her feel more like ‘the big girl’ was a huge mistake since Alexis is stupid and doesn’t get the reference or pretends not to. This is when Heather snaps and I don’t blame her. It’s not her fucking fault of Emily’s size.
She cries Heather didn’t apologize but she clearly did.
I think Emily is hammered to be honest. She needed to be to act like such a fucktard.

She still needs more. She follows Heather and asks to talk about it some more, even though pretty sure it’s all been covered. The black dress, having her own jeans, she’s mad Alexis is skinnier. Yeah it’s been discussed to death.

This convo goes nowhere either. Heather doesn’t do this fucking manic meltdown bipolar shit. Is Emily new here?
Now Alexis starts having a tantrum. This is like a roomful of three-year-old’s.
Tamra advises us all covertly fat-shaming Emily would not be in Heather’s character. That is exactly something Heather would do.
Which she did do, but I think it was produced, however there is always the option of no. Bravo clearly listens to what she says. Case in point: Terry’s cheating being buried last season.
Gina tries to console Emily who honestly seems like she’s not just drunk, but maybe smoked some meth or something. She’s acting fucking insane.

She then proceeds to scream at Alexis (who IS being annoying, I will say) to shut the fuck up and calling her an idiot, much the way she screamed and ranted at Jenn.
Because this is what this woman brings to the table. Besides tacos.