Real Housewives of OC 9/12/24 -Part 2 – Shannon Beador Out the Door

So I did catch the ‘premise’ of the fashion show being to feature ‘basic’ pieces such as black pants and white tops, however did she really suggest all of the ladies wear black and turd brown for the whole trip?? Like rainbow it up bitches!! That’s what I would say.

I had to get more of those gripes off of my chest before I’m forced to have to dive into this Emily body issue situation.

As I said earlier it’s difficult to believe these pants do not come in any other sizes than 0, 2 or 4 when Emily is more the average size of American women.

Can I again reiterate that if Heather were taken to this ‘ranch’ by one of the other ladies she would be bitching and moaning the entire time how it wasn’t bougie enough for her??

I don’t think I’ve ever looked for ‘the perfect’ white shirt. ever. And black pants are pretty easy to find, so I’m not really identifying with this ‘dilemma.’

But whatever – I’m going with it. I feel like the whole scene was planned around giving Emily audience (again)to complain about her body and/or her mom —- again.

Does she ever really stop??

All she does is insult and judge other women, who aren’t as loaded as her husband’s family, shows us her big bare ass, and bitches about her weight and mom who suffered from mental illness.

What a well-rounded classy lady!! Good job Shane picking that shit show to be the mother of your children.

And I would be insecure about those Pillsbury arms too.

I don’t feel bad about any of this because she made so many inappropriate hurtful comments about Jenn, and then fake apologized and blamed her mom, so I think I’m okay in telling it like it is about this broad. Somebody needs to.

Also her in-laws help support her lifestyle so this ‘independent woman’ rhetoric when disparaging Jenn is a bit grotesque.

Also the fact that Heather used ‘over sized’ to describe the jacket. I think in normal non-Housewife life she wouldn’t have been insensitive enough to use that word unless she was purposely wanting to be shady.

Was Heather being insensitive or was this fake?? I’m going with it was all produced, and also Heather who looks like a stick was happy to be insensitive.

But really Bravo, if I am right and I have to be because nothing else makes sense here, do they really think viewers want to listen to this from Emily fucking constantly? I guess they think since a lot can identify with her, we do.

I think we were all hoping since Ozempic, she would calm down and stop bitching about being overweight. But guess not.

She tried. She wanted to be as trim and fit as the other ladies and she’s not, but she tried. Hopefully you’re all following why I’m saying that, if you recall her comments about Jenn’s financial plight in a previous episode.

It is possible I ridiculed Jenn because I’m jealous of her hot trim bod?

Tamra feels the need to be messy since she’s taking a break from bitching about and judging Shannon.

She gets with Heather and tells her that Gina was behind Katie’s calling paps accusation. Is that ‘I’ma tell Heather if you don’t’ comment that’s getting it all pinned on her? She elaborated a little bit more to the story but I think my mind wandered during it, so not sure what she said. I was hearing Charlie Brown voice honestly as she was rambling all the way to the bank.

Tamra tells her that Gina thinks the pics were staged but she has to keep her close for ‘real estate connections.’

I actually think they were staged too but I’m jus tryna keep my job.

Can I hear Gina saying that? Absolutely.

This basic black pants (except for Emily of course because for some reason they don’t come in her size…) fashion show show gets underway as Shannon is outside trying to sneak some sips of alcohol like a teenager at her parents’ party.

You keep watch for my mom!!

Heather keeps asking Emily if she’s okay as if she has no idea what the issue could possibly be.

She approaches Gina and tells her they need to talk but not right now as she needs to focus on her event.

That blows over and the new focus is Shannon and Alexis speaking before Shannon leaves to go to her show with Vickie.

Shannon declines. You know I’m getting a bit of a Vanderpump vibe with Shannon and Alexis. It’s reminding me of how Ariana refused to speak with Sandoval throughout the season (granted Shannon is not living with Alexis.)

Only I think Ariana was being overly dramatic, and Shannon truly does not want to communicate with Alexis, and really has nothing to say to her.

Remember Ariana was okay living with Sandval, (since it was free housing) but refused to speak with or look at him. Only in Bravo Land. I wonder how that slob is doing maintaining her own home.

Back to OC, Shannon bids her good-byes and calmly tells Alexis she is not interested in a convo. Honestly what IS the point? Bravo and the ladies just want her to lose her shit again. Didn’t they already have a chat that didn’t go very well in Ep 1? But hey, let’s have another!!

Did I mention I get boned four times a day??

They leave the ranch to take a bike ride to a vineyard. You might hope it would be peaceful and relaxing but who really are we kidding?

Katie tells Gina she hears she’s been calling her a liar. She is lying, she was encouraging Katie to speak to Heather at the naughty school girl/golfing event.

(“I’ma tell Heather…”)

Gina gets all shrieky and worked up.

Heather looks quite satisfied and smug as she casually stuffs bread into her mouth, that this is ensuing on her behalf. Thought she wanted all of this calm zenness at her event.

Oh Stop!! Please don’t argue over me!!

Heather addresses the new bit of info about keeping Heather close in hopes of getting Realtor referrals from her bougie friends.

Does she even have bougie friends?? Does she have friends?

Emily shut the fuck up. In the background muttering to Heather and making excuses for her because she’s ‘had an emotional morning’ and robotically reassuring her “I have never heard her say that…”

Do I sound convincing? I’m an attorney.

Okay girl, quiet down and put some carbs in your face. Just becasuse she’s never said it to YOU, doesn’t mean she’s never fucking said it.

Kind of sounded like my old standby of Housewife overcompensation, where perhaps she HAS said that to her which is why she’s insisting she hasn’t. I feel like an attorney should know this. Even an unemployed one that’s mooching off her in-laws while ridiculing another for not being independent and self-sufficient.

Have we noticed when Gina gets caught lying or being messy, she starts fake crying about Travis, you know the boyfriend she literally threw out of her house, and he keeps whining to her like a little bitch. Fucking man up Travis. Jesus this is embarrassing.

Wait! It’s just come over me I’m upset about Travis!

‘Arms’ in her yap – “I can’t imagine that coming out of her mouth.” Again Emily, sit this one out. It’s totally something she would say.

And just because she’s never ‘asked’ Heather for Real Estate contacts doesn’t mean she’s not hoping Heather would throw her a client. I agree she wouldn’t ask her for that.

Heather believes Gina and is more pissed at Katie now. I don’t even really are about this because I respect Katie for going up against Heather.

And those photos WERE fucking posed and stages as hell. Tamra accuses Gina of being defensive and looking guilty when really it’s Heather.

I went on here longer than I wanted.

She calls Tamra a fucker which she does deserve because she’s the one that reported this to Heather like a Bravo robot.

Again the croc tears about Travis. She cries that he can’t work thorough his stuff and doubles down on throwing his sorry ass out was the right decision.

I’m a Housewife – I changed the subject to me to deflect.

His ‘stuff’ being caused by you for drunkenly pushing him down the steps in front of his kids now his ex is being ‘crazy.’ (???)

Why am I the only one saying this and wondering why this story was buried last season? Along with Terry cheating on Heather.

So riddle me this guys?? Can you imagine Shannon’s DUI just being like not addressed or talked about at all even though we all know it happened? Just not talked about?? Like it didn’t happen.

But no – it’s ALL we’re talking about. Not only is Shannon forced to address it day after day, but they ALSO have the audacity to bring on Dirty John’s new fucking girlfriend trying to extort money from her !! Does this broad actually think that John’s intentions in dating her were genuine?? She thinks that? She doesn’t know she was targeted as a previous Housewife to make Shannon really pissed off? She doesn’t know this. I feel bad for her.

Well at least Gina feels guilty for making his ex fuck with him. I guess that’s good.

Yeah sorry I pushed you down the stairs three years ago. My bad, Smell ya latah!

Oh my effing God not the body shit with Emily AGAIN next week??

Really?? This has GOT to be a fucking joke, Bravo. If this is all Emily’s got, perhaps it’s time for her to go. I foresee Bravo approaching her for next season to step up or just be a ‘friend.’ In that case I foresee her going after someone like she has at Shannon in the past and Jenn this season.

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1 thought on “Real Housewives of OC 9/12/24 -Part 2 – Shannon Beador Out the Door”

  1. Don’t you know that single thing wrong in the world is Emily’s mothers faulty. She should be ashamed of herself for constantly bringing her up. She makes me sick.

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