Real Housewives of OC – 8/22/24 – Bravo To Bribery!

I’m starting off tonight by saying these three very important things:

1. I’m already completely fed up, sick of and bored with talking about Shannon’s DUI. I believe it happened in September of 2023, so it is now almost a year later and it’s been talked to death for several months.

We know. She was shitfaced beyond recognition and ran into a fucking house (although the ‘almost running over his daughter’ is new info.) I am wondering the accuracy of that statement because being on film and all, and how much she hates Shannon I feel like she would have pressed charges of some sort by now.

2. The tag lines are getting dumber and dumber every year. “The only thing that’s stuck up about me is my middle finger.” Which leads me to number three:

3. What happened to Tamra ‘finding Jesus’ several years ago? One thing is for sure, she seems to have lost him. Maybe for this year’s filming we could say something on that order??

Oh and I think it’s funny Emily still has her old intro look. I love how they do that quick flash on her newly skinny face. Okay Emily The Hypocrite who has her lifestyle funded by her in-laws but screaming at a woman for not paying her own way. What an ugly turd.

By the looks of her newer confessional in the black, she may need to hit the OZ again.

Well it’s the am after the partying at the respective clique-splitting getaways.

Gina the super sleuth is completely onto Emily being pissed at her, as they make their way around the kitchen. Good job Gina.

Literally two seconds after Shannon announces for no one to grab the handles of skillets she just took out of the oven, she grabs the handle of the skillet she just took out of the oven. There’s the Diet coke carton conveniently placed on the kitchen island. Hmmmm.


That was an Alexis/Jenn move.

Speaking of witch (see what I did there?) there’s Alexis at the other household, having an Alexis moment of her own, and drones on and on about her period and being pre-menopausal when Jenn asks her if she prefers Red Bull over coffee.

It’s pretty bad when Jenn has to call a bitch out for sounding like a ding dong.

So glad someone sounds dumber than us.

We immediately get into Jackass Johnny talk at the La Quinta getaway, as Emily low-key accuses Shannon of lying that she paid for the majority of the activities and trips since they’ve been together. Shannon assures them that’s not the case and she can back it up with receipts and canceled checks.

Who gets ‘canceled checks?’

Not the point I guess. Maybe she was not being literal.

I’m the last person in the free world to have this many canceled checks…

I have to give Heather accolades, don’t tell anyone. In her yap she explains the problems when your guy you’re with doesn’t want to pay for anything. Yeah, it’s about the money, but it’s not JUST about the money. It’s what someone not wanting to pay for you represents.

It causes you to question their commitment to you if they don’t think you’re worth it, as Heather points out.

Shannon gives an example of it being his daughter’s birthday and she paid $10,000 for a trip and he didn’t contribute at all, or ask her if she wanted any type of reimbursement.

So if this was the norm, you can see how Shannon was happy to accept the plastic surgery money and the additional ‘gift’ when she was needed cash, probably assuming this was his train of thought. that he was acknowledging her constantly treating him, which is fucked up that he would allow that. And perhaps she was short on cash because she was constantly treating him??

And I also have to agree with Heather too (ugh! What’s going on that she’s saying all of these completely rational things) that even if you’re not married or living together, if you’re in a committed relationship with someone, it feels like it’s all from the same pot. You’re doing things for each other.

Having said that, I do think John was completely taking advantage of her. Like why would he let her pay all of that for the entire trip celebrating his daughter’s birthday?

I hate that Heather’s making sense. Shannon gets emotional as they all pledge their support to her and what she is going through. I feel like this is kind of backfiring for him and his dipshit new girlfriend because it’s causing people to be more in Shannon’s corner, and kind of forgetting about the DUI. And letting a woman constantly pay your way is sort of humiliating for a dude I would think.

It’s fucking evil disgusting BS that he is using the footage he has from Ring cameras or whatever, as leverage to extort money from her.

I think it’s great that these ladies – Heather and Gemily – are being so supportive of her, even though I know, the DUI was her own doing and kind of fucked up that she would have made that decision to drive to his house that night (but you do dumb shit when you’re shitfaced, that’s why you don’t get shitfaced.) We can’t keep beating up on her since I am sure she’s been beating herself up for the past year.

Gina says later in the ep what I’ve been saying (oh great now I’m agreeing with Gina – what is happening? Are they copying me?) where she points out she didn’t get sober directly after her DUI either.

Now was her DUI as dramatic as Shannon’s? No it was not, but it was still a driving drunk situation.

The point being, Shannon will need to get sober when she is ready and people beating on her and yelling “YOU HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEMMMMMM!!!” (‘people’ being Tamra Judge – who also struggles with knowing when to stop – just saying) are not being helpful.

Also what is with this confessional look? I thought it was just me thinking she looks odd and alien-like then I came across a Tik-Tok today that wonders the same thing. Looks like it was filmed right after a procedure of some sort?

Actually If I’m being honest, she kind of has Ozempic face. I can’t fathom why a trim fit woman would jump on that train, but it makes sense that someone taking it that’s already thin would lose all of of the muscle mass on their face overnight. That’s what I read as to where ‘Ozempic face’ comes from.

Later I’m going to a costume party dressed as E.T., dressed as a cocktail waitress.

She kind of looks like E.T. And not sure about the dress. It looks like it would be cute for servers or cocktail waitresses in a bougie bar or restaurant.


Jenn gets sad about seeing Will on IG looking so happy and energetic since he was not that way with her, and also wishing they could co-parent together without all of the animosity and drama.

We also learn some new info, or at least I did, that he’s had a girlfriend since they’ve been separated – Jenn’s former friend and interior designer.

Well isn’t that interesting? It’s not impossible that they were having an affair. Perhaps that’s why he was so disconnected and not wanting to spend time with her?

Tamra now makes this convo about her and her daughter that won’t talk to her.

They flash on her and Alexis having this Jesus moment. You cannot be serious These two?? One is fucking committing extortion on national TV, and one is just an all around horrible vindictive human that’ll do anything for a buck.

Let us pray that Jesus forgives us for acting like twats!


I would think that someone who calls themselves a “tennis kind of girl” would also be good a pickle ball. It’s literally hitting a ball – with a paddle – same exact fucking thing.

Gemily play pickle ball together and get into an argument about nothing. Well I lie, it’s actually about who’s up someone’s ass more than the other.

If you wear that dress again in public Ima smacking you with this.

Michelin Man arms better hit the OZ again. One might say that is rude and omg!! clutch our pearls, that’s body shaming ! To that I say, yeah whatever.

Keep in mind this hag is screaming at a woman in a restaurant for being stupid and ‘poor.’ She’s very fixated on Jenn’s personal life and finances, just as she was with Noella a few years back. She loves to torment ‘the poors.’

As she lives off of her wealthy in-laws. Just saying.

No not fixated, actually obsessed.

She taunted and ridiculed Noella just like she’s doing to Jenn. She was embarrassing at the reunion that season flailing her chubby arms around in her 80’s prom dress.

Anyone need new tires?

So if I wanna be a shallow bitch and comment on her chunkiness, I damned well can. How is that different from ridiculing someone’s low intelligence and bad financial situation??

Even Gina calls her out on her treatment of Jenn, which is pretty hypocritical given the way she treated Shannon for at least two consec seasons, and the way SHE was just treating Jenn at the beginning of this season. But okay, again Housewives think we don’t recall anything from previous seasons. Or two weeks ago.

So Gina and I are again agreeing. They’re definitely copying me.

Gina storms off citing everyone being mad at her. Not sure what Travis has to do with this, but he gets thrown in there too for good measure. You know, the boyfriend who has supported her through all of her drama, and she can’t seem to do the same for him.

Even though she’s the source of the ex hating her and making his life difficult, as I suspect.

Pack your shit and get out because I’m making more money and I don’t wanna share!!” Even though I caused all of this!”

Can’t you see us losing our shit if a guy did that to a woman?

Well that sucks when you’re trying do to a dramatic storm-off and can’t find the door.

Their fake fight escalates, and then they make up. Well that was stupid. And that little teeny tennis dress Emily, just no. Gina looked cute though. I approve.


Why are they all drinking Diet Coke all of a sudden? Literally have never seen these ladies drinking Diet Coke, or anything non-alcoholic actually, until this season. I smell a brand deal. They probably make like 5 grand every time they hold a soda can or say ‘Diet Coke.’

Diet Coke is disgusting and terrible for you. Soda all together is disgusting and terrible for you (unlike alcohol.))

Jenn and Tamra have a cringy convo. Why cringy? Because Tamra has been acting all fake nice and reeling her in so she trusts her, just so she can drop her flat on her face and humiliate her because of her money troubles and ‘stupidity.’

You know picking someone up just to throw them down. Like abusers do.

Nice Tamra. I’m sure Jesus is proud of you right now. He’s probably saying “hey don’t spend it all in one place girlfriend! – wink wink!”

Yeah, I already have the OPPOSITE of that planned, Big Bear doesn’t pay for itself,

Jenn also asks her to take it easy on Shannon.

So the general consensus out there in reference to Tamra is that she assumed the audience would be turning on Shannon, but we’re just not. Some are but the majority is not.

Why not? Because despite her troubles and challenges, she’s cool AF and genuine. So suck it Tamra. Go to church and pretend to pray, or get breast implants again, and them removed again, or do something to occupy yourself.

They take their nasty Diet Cokes and head home from Big Bear.

Johnny Jackass calls Alexis.Gloves are off.”



Can we start staying places where there’s people to take our shit?”

Did Heather seriously fucking say that?? ‘People’ to carry her shit??

That’s right up there with last season’s revelation of how she came to realize she appreciates people whose job it is to clean up shit when they went to that ranch. Literal shit.

Alexis pretends to be having some meltdown after Jackass calls her bitching about Shannon not paying back the money, and brags “we have the footage!! We have the footage!!” Girl, this is beginning to give blackmail/extortion vibes. I guess Bravo’s just allowing this and letting them make fools out of themselves for the drama.


Gina is remodeling her house after she threw out Travis and his kids because he doesn’t have much money, and therefore can’t live with her. But she still wants him to stick around! And he is. Dude has no self-respect.

Emily and Katie meet to exchange stories since they were in opposite trip cliques, as do Tamra and Gina.

This is where Gina admits she did have a drinking problem and also didn’t quit right after her DUI.

That’s not what Tamra wanted to hear. She’s trying to paint Shannon as so much worse that Gina, and she’s really not.

Later on she became aware she did have a problem.

You know, after she pushed Travis down the steps, in front of his children resulting in his ex hating her now, so now the ex is punishing Travis, and now Gina’s throwing him out, because the ex hates her now, and there’s too much ex- drama, as a result of her pushing him down the steps.

Can’t make this shit up.

Tamra wants to do ‘tough love’ with Shannon. She’s missing the ‘love’ part.


Ryan, accused of being involved in this $16 million MLB gambling and theft scandal, and Jenn do pedi’s together and order what else, Diet Cokes. They’re currently proclaiming his innocence, and trying to play it cool as if it’s no big deal. Would love to be a fly on THAT wall.

He dresses so weird. What IS this shirt?

I’m a mechanic – yeah that’s it! That’s where I ‘get my money.’

Jenn makes cracks in her yap about the ladies wondering how Ryan makes his money. That didn’t age well did it?


Shannon and Tamra are having their infamous dinner meeting to hash it out. Tamra calls Jenn and tells her she ‘feels animosity’ because Shannon should be reaching out to her.

This broad has a short memory, not only does she forget she was financially dependent on two different men at one time, how abusive Simon was, and has similar John Jackass Jannsen traits, but she also forgets that Shannon asked her at Heather’s new year party event if she wanted to meet and talk things out.

Tamra told her she has no interest in meeting with her. So what the fuck is she bitching about? Deflecting from her own miserable boring life.

She has absolutely nothing to contribute to a ‘reality’ show so she’s making up a ‘reality.’


She literally has the audacity to say to her the second she sits down that she was hoping she would “be the one to reach out to her.”

This woman should take Focus Factor or Prevagen or like, something. Shannon did ‘reach out’ to her by way of a face to face conversation and invited her to meet for a chat.

I don’t know why Shannon doesn’t point that out?

Bitch I did ask to talk to you! A month ago!

Then Tamra mimics her facial expressions and speech. What a dick. This woman has the emotional maturity of a four-year-old.

Did Gina, who also had a problem with alcohol, not have a talk with Tamra urging her not to shame Shannon about her drinking and act like a twat?

And here we are, doing just that. This is NOT what the people want! And she seriously thinks it is.

Shannon gets up from the table after she taunts her “have I driven my car into a house?”

Did Shannon really expect anything less from Tamra? She asks the producers if she’s getting a drink. In the bathroom.

Shannon has a point for ridiculing Tamra for sitting here bragging how she’s soooo calm.

Yes for exactly once she’s speaking quietly and calmly, but being extremely patronizing, because you know why? She’s trying to get Shannon to lose her shit.

And if she speaks in a normal tone of voice, she can walk away dusting her hands together and say “See??? I was being calm, and she lost her shit?? See? It’ s NOT me!” You don’t have to raise your voice to be insulting and nasty. I believe it’s called passive aggressive. And douchey.

Was she not married to Simon Barney? It’s exactly how he was.

Then Tamra the fucking trailer trash hag she is, throws in her face “oh you mean the MONEY that owe him?”

Shannon tells her she tried to make a settlement offer and that he won’t accept any less than this exact 75 grand, as she gets choked up about it.

Suddenly Tamra starts being compassionate. She had to get Shannon upset and crying by taunting and mimicking her, to then flip to this fake nice act so she felt in control. Has she been watching old episodes of when she was with Simon?

And she’s doing this same shit to Jenn.

Tamra invites her and Vickie to some fucking party at her house.

I smell a set-up.

Shannon is so dumb for buying this.

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