Real Housewives of OC 7/25/24 – Part 2 – More Space and Less Baggage

I’m glazing over this trashy modeling thing she is doing for Shane. Who cares.

And I see she drives a Rover, so that makes her comments about Jenn so fucking bitchy and cunty. Sorry not sorry I keep calling her cunty, but she is.

The gift of ‘me’ she calls it. Wow bitch, just wow.

The universe is taking care of her ugly sneers and smuggy faces. I promise you that.

Let’s reconvene in a few years.

And why the hell is Shannon kissing her ass?? It’s annoying. Also she definitely has Ozempic face. It’s sad to ruin your face because you’re too lazy to exercise.

And why are they dressed exactly alike?

I guess Shannon’s not going to admit to the Ozempic.


Jesus Christ – Alexis has a dog that looks exactly like Archie.

Wow these bitches are like the three stooges tryin’ to walk their dogs together.

How did we get stuck with these dumb blondes?

Jenn discusses how running her yoga studio with her partners, is the furthest thing from profitable, which is kind of sad.

I guess Tamra thinks because her gym ownership attempt was a failure, gyms overall, aren’t profitable. That’s ludicrous.

Maybe you and Eddie are bad business people, Tamra, did you ever think of that?

Maybe your gym sucked. Maybe no one wanted to patronize your business due to your Mean Girl and disgusting behavior in front of millions of people over several years??

If my gym didn’t work – no one’s can!

I find it very hard to believe that no gyms are profitable, Tamra Judge. Like don’t you think if that were the case, there would be no public gyms??

My God. The bullshit that spews out of Housewives’ mouths is astounding.

Shannon complains to Emily about the gym situation.

Well apparently she doesn’t need to worry now, due to Alexis and her inappropriate constant bragging about Jackass John sticking it to her constantly.

Assuming Shannon was bitching, so the gym owner mentioned it to Alexis, since she claims she’s so conservative and religious, and that didn’t go over too well with John and he went off on the guy.

I get it sex is natural, sex is fun, it’s not like I’ve never talked about it, and she’s in a new (soon to be abusive) relationship, but if you profess to be this super Christian bible thumping woman, it’s weird to be talking in public about fucking your guy incessantly. Like is this the first time she’s been laid on a regular basis or what?? That’s sad to be in our late forties, and finally having good sex.

According to Alexis, I don’t think Jackass John even told her Shannon was connected with this gym. I feel like he got off on taking her there since he went there with Shannon. My ex loved that shit too. It’s pretty disturbing and warped. Like for me, it would bother me and make me feel weird to go with another guy to a special restaurant or somewhere we went together. But to a classic narcissist, they think it’s super fucking fun!!

Like they feel so sly and sneaky!! My God how pathetic!!

Alexis acts like she’s such a fucking sleuth for knowing the gym owner learned the info from Shannon.

I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, and I think it’s SHANNON that told him!!!

Wow Alexis, regular Sherlock Holmes!! Of course he head it from Shannon. Fucking derrr, lady. Wow.

The idiocy in this episode.

If she didn’t want it talked about then why is she saying it to a crowd of women??


Who doesn’t love a Housewife crossover? Katie and Gina meet with Sutton.

I find it hard to believe Sutton would be friends with Gina. Is this another lie? Like her real estate ‘career?’ And Travis needs to get out to make ‘more room?’ Not because she’s sick of him mooching off of her?

Gina and her hair swinging, flipping and fluffing, I just CAN’T deal!! It’s so bizarre. She starts doing it the second Sutton arrives for some reason. I think it’s a nervous tick. She looks stupid.

Have you seen my hair??
Maybe I should I go back to the platinum perm??

Of course Sutton is friends with Heather, now THAT makes more sense.

So we’re seeing Katie’s contribution to the show. She has mentioned this story a time or two already, that Heather snubbed her at Sutton’s party, and she seems salty about it, or is pretending to be salty about it I should say.

My assignment is to embarrass Heather. Wish me luck!

So she’s here to challenge and NOT kiss Heather DuBrow’s ass. I’m here for it.

We see in previews she calls her out on contacting the paps on herself and Terry at Disney pretending to be all lovey-dovey in the wake of Terry’s cheating coming out.

Then there was some social media drama of course, why wouldn’t there be?

Sutton forewarns her ‘she’s gonna get ate’ like a pig and bacon, or something like that.


Shane and Emily are so fake and annoying. The only reason he’s still with her is because his family threatened to disinherit him if he got divorced for a second time.

That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.

Blah Blah who cares what they fake discuss. Some crap about how healthy fit and perfect Emily is and how out of shape and lazy Shane is.

Apparently he insinuated to his older daughter that she’s overweight. That’s classy Shane. They claim he had a heart attack scare. Whatever.


Okay, Travis is packing and leaving Gina’s house. She pretends to reconsider.

I did look it up a last week, and they are still together from what I saw.

Everyone on social media is acting so puzzled about this and I don’t know why. Gina has insinuated several times the reason is money-related. As in he doesn’t have any. She’s pissed and bitter she’s having to do for his kids and hers.

Not sure why he makes no money. I think Gina mentioned he used to be a Mortgage Loan Officer, so not sure what happened to that. They make decent money, and I’m sure really decent money in the LA and OC area. Supposedly he became a Realtor with her and that hasn’t been mentioned at all. Like get off your lazy ass Trav.

He feels ‘overwhelmed’ about leaving. What a pussy. I’m sure the ex loves this.

Could he be acting more pathetic? Is he going to cry? Tell her to fuck off. He supported her through all of her drama and now when he has some, she ditches him and refers to his ‘baggage?’ It seems like a weird term, when she also has three kids, and had a messy break-up and divorce. I get it she’s on good terms with her ex now, but that could change.

Do I really have to go, Mom???

Her rant is confusing though. She does the ‘more space’ thing.

I wonder where he’s going to live. She says “call me when you’re over there and let me know how it’s going” when he leaves. Maybe he’s moving in with his parents. That’s rough.

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