Gina’s been crying for a whole week over her Bravo ordered ‘triggering’ nonsense, as Heather has been pretending to be a therapist.

Travis can’t be that guy for you.”

Heather how the fuck would you know? Just because your face is so serious, and you’re sounding like you think you know what you’re talking about, doesn’t make it a fact.

Still working on my serious face…

Travis is actually really patient, and would probably be okay with Gina fake crying about Matt’s infidelity. They both need those Bravo bucks. They’re trying to get into real estate for crissakes so what does that tell you?

How’s this, Heather? Do I look sad?

And who wears a cowboy hat like that? Does she actually think this looks right?

Things come up that are definitely triggering, like I went to a wedding in a CHURCH, and I got married in a CHURCH…”

And one time at band camp…

Other people get married in a church ?!! Who knew??

Ohhhkay Gina. That’s fer sure weird. A church? What? Producers had to be laughing their asses off at that one.

Some of these bitches make this too damned easy.

Not a good example of things that ‘trigger’ her. Like if it was the SAME church, then okay. As if getting married in a church is so unique?

Tamra brags to Shannon that she’s outing this loser dude of New Jenn’s, because she “cares so much about her…”

I love Jenn so much, that I really need her to know – Ryan liked me first! Nananananana!!

Heather: “Hey, let’s smoke a joint…”

Okay, I’ve joked that Heather last season, the only ep I found her to be not insufferable in, was when she was doing edibles at Shannon’s get-together.

So apparently she’s now graduated to just smoking the shit. It may be a little more of an effort, but it’s more instant gratification. This cracks me up. Does anyone else find this kind of hilar, besides me?? Stick up her ass, Heather DuBRow – “hey let’s smoke a joint.” I mean, she totally does need it. She does need to loosen the hell up. Glad she realizes it. I guess.

I’m not a huge pot smoker. but I do think it’s fun to every once in a while pull out a joint and have a little pot.”

I can’t.

I think she’s doing it a lot more than she’s letting on. I personally, not that you asked, don’t like the feeling of marijuana. It makes me feel so listless, and tired. I’d rater just have a glass of wine. I know, also a depressant, but doesn’t make you feel so completely unmotivated, and instantly needing a nap. Although I might benefit from the ‘relaxation’ it provides. I do have some edibles here somewhere from when I was in Cali last. I’m sure they’re stale.

Could she have a bigger smile on her face while talking about it though?? See, she CAN be funny, when she’s not really trying.

All the cool girls are doing it, and I so desperately want to be cool.

So I guess Tamra didn’t do a good job of advising them what to bring to camp out, because no one brought a casual shoe change. They’re hangin around the fire in their black and red plaid jammy sleepers, and high heels.

They ultimately decide to abandon the overnight camp-out. and retreat back to the house.

They proceed to hit some more of Heather’s stash, and get pretty baked. Wow.


Two next morning activities, and they have to choose between white water rafting and fly fishing

Gina in Weirdo- Thinks-She’s-Twenty Nasly -Voice: “I want to go fly fishinggggggg.”

Said no one ever – in this 2005 updated Valley Girl twang. If anyone knows of the offical name for this speaking style, please drop me a comment. I’m sure ‘Valley Girl’ isn’t correct.

Jenn calls Ryan and cries to him about Tamra’s accusations, but doesn’t spill the full details yet. Guess she was completely unprepared for the Tamra Judge judgment and back-stabbing.

Well New Jenn, welcome to the world. Were you born yesterday? Her gym is belly-up, and home girl needs a check. (although she does brag about some super lucrative business she and Eddie have.)

She’s being so secretive as she’s shit-talking me, right in front of me, and TV cameras.

In her yap, New Jenn confesses that she thinks that Tamra is ‘secretly’ trying to get the girls see the bad sides to her relationship?


So does she know the definition of ‘secret?’ Girl, it she ain’t doin’ it secretly.

Whatever. Moving on.

Rafters: Tamra, Taylor, New Jenn

Fly Fishers: Gina, Heather, Shannon

Oh geez, PTSD on my part, I’m ‘triggered, lol’ The fly fish instructor’s name is ‘Butch. ’ Blahhhhh, excuse me while I go puke in my sink, and not clean it up. (If you watch Below Deck you get it)

There’s a lot of falling, and little fishing success.

I’m falling and I can’t get up!!

So never been white water rafting, but holy moly, it goes from seeming like they’re paddling through a stream, to the raging white waters in two seconds.

Things get serious really fast. No one wants to actually paddle the oars at first, then they start paddling like crazy, or trying to, but not in any sort of unison. Didn’t the 23 year-old instructor give these chicks any instructions whatsoever? He couldn’t tell they were more interested in accessorizing their outfits, and would be completely clueless? What’s funnier is how chill he looks.

Well the paddles don’t match my bandana!

Meanwhile back at the fly fishing adventure, apparently the current is really strong in this ankle deep water. More falling, and almost as much screaming as the rafters. Can they like, stop squealing? This is ridiculous.

Instructor’s balls hang out of his shorts, and that’s all I’m sayin.’ They blur it out, thank God.


Heather keeps acting like she’s annoyed that Shannon and Tamra are sort of, not paying her any attention. Not sure how much of it is actually real. If by chance it is, it does seem like Heather is genuinely trying to engage with them, and they’re sort of in their own world.

And again, IF this is actually reality, in this instance, Heather needs to understand that she just does not share the same sense of humor as Tamra and Shannon, and cannot have the same rapport. She just doesn’t belong, and I don’t even care if that’s mean. This is Heather and she’s a fucking twat.

Shannon is one of my faves, Tamra, not so much. I have to admit, they both have a fun, silly sense of humor, and don’t take themselves seriously.

Heather, you know, just a whole different story. Would never poke fun at herself, and so flipping serious all of the time… She needs to loosen the hell up.

Yes, she does has her cool moments here and there, but overall, I just don’t see her being the third amigo in the new ‘Tres Amigos.’ Maybe if she was constantly stoned?

New Jenn orders Red Bull and Malibu. So much wrong with that drink, I don’t know where to begin. What’s worse? The Red Bull or the Malibu? I will NOT be doing a Bravo-inspired cocktail based on that – I do promise you.

Dinnertime, and let’s see what argument is being served. I predict more ganging up on New Jenn.

It’s a High’s and Low’s discussion, those are never good. I won’t go over all high’s and low’s, obviously, but Heather’s input is particularly noteworthy – both of them.

High – shoveling shit, and here’s why. I’m going to paraphrase, but her reasoning is supposedly giving credit where credit is due to people with ‘shit’ jobs. Since you tend to take for granted things that ‘the other half’ has to do, so you can go to a bougie restaurant, and eat a big $60 steak. Such gibberish Heather. Nice try though. “We all have our place in the world” is the best part. Or rather, the worst part. We all have our places in the world, and some people were put here to shovel shit? Does she realize how offensive that is to the people that work on the ranch?? I want to believe her intentions here were good, but fail at the execution.

Better would have been, “I’ve actually enjoyed seeing the inner workings of a ranch, and participated in some of the every-day chores, It’s good for us to expand our horizons, and do things we wouldn’t normally do.”

You wonder why I call her a bad actress, and why she ended up as reality TV as her claim to shame. Okay so, her ‘low’ is feeling left out of Tamra’s and Shannon’s hanging out and goofing off together. This again, I’m not sure about, I really want to believe she can be genuine about one fucking thing. But then that ‘shit’ just came out of her mouth,

They play some flashes where it does appear that she was trying to insert herself in their little messing around activities. They are very hands-on when it comes to their drunken antics. And they were kind of acting like she wasn’t even there.

She says it made her sad. That seems like a lot.

Shannon debunks her accusations, and says she was definitely not being excluded. They go back and forth with – “this is how I felt. I’m telling you my feelings. “Well your feelings are wrong” to paraphrase.

No one wants to not be included.” That WAS a direct quote.

Why didn’t Bravo play some flashes from last season where Heather and Gemily not only iced out Shannon, but proceeded for the entire weeks of filming, to ridicule her, bully her, gaslight, and literally make shit up to be ‘so upset’ about the whole entire season. Including Gina insisting that Shannon COULD NOT STAND the fact that she and Heather were friends. When in ‘reality’ I don’t honestly think she cared that much.

Then ‘omg did you see how Shannon freaked out about so and so…and did you hear her say this or that??’ Remember how they made up that she had ill intentions when she called them while they were in New York to see how they were doing??

Heather DuBrow, just bye. Go away.

Hypocrite. As usual. She must not have gotten a take-down assignment this season? Who knows. Shannon calls it her being competitive. I agree with that description – she is absolutely competitive, and that’s her main concern. Or just getting attention.

Tamra points out that her fight with Taylor could have been a ‘low.’ Heather takes this opportunity to take a dig at Taylor for that whole IMDb thing.

Heather tells Gina that Travis will “not put up with her” being upset about Matt’s cheating and her divorce much longer, and that pisses her off.

I might sort of see where Heather is coming from on that, but that was NOT the way to put it. I kind of like how people are turning on her, not going to lie. Last season she was the Queen Bee.


Tamra does a quick plug for her CBC/THD whatever business, clearly jumping on the trendy pot train, then spills it to Eddie about Ryan saying he wanted to fuck her.

Not sure what Eddie is going to do with this info. I feel like, not much. Do I believe Ryan said this? Yes, I sort of do. Tamra thinks their relationship Brooks and Vickie rerun thing.

Eddie: “Serial cheaters don’t change. Once a cheater, always a cheater.”

Yep, I agree, especially with the serial cheaters part. They get kind of a high off of the sneaking around, and living the double life. Why don’t they just smoke a joint?? So much easier.


Emily thinks that she and Annabell could be the new Yolanda and Gigi. No, Emily just no. Stop, Yolanda was an actual model, and didn’t look like a drag queen.

She questions Annabell’s future modeling carreer, due to her height, since Shane is short. Probably a valid point. I think girls, with a tall parent and short parent, end up an average height, like maybe 5’5” or 5’6” ? So techically she could still model, just probably not runway. To me, that’s tall for a girl.

I’m not sure of her exact age, and not seeing her around other kids her age, but she does seem like she’s on the petite side. The girl she’s modeling with is much taller, but looks like she’s a few years older. Annabelle is so adorable, and looks like she is going to be beautiful. Her hair and skin color are amazing. No shade on the child. Just her stupid phony mom. She annoys me. A lot.


Ryan’s house is of course amazing. Not sure if he would be reeling in all of these OC bitches if he lived in shack or a basic apartment. Jenn lets him know what Tamra had said, and he of course denies it. We get filled in on Other Heather, and that all seems a little messy. She, Heather and Tamra were all chummy. Then when Jenn started seeing Ryan, (Heather and Ryan were supposedly, just friends? A ‘sister’ to Ryan? Yeah no. That’s just gross) the dynamic took a turn. Isn’t this the chic that Tamra says that he hooked up with when they were ‘on the break?’

I really like Jenn’s jacket. Another jean jacket is the last thing that I need, but just look at those puffy sleeves? I may have to look that up. It’s probably like a $400 jean jacket.

I know you would never ever bang your sister…

Well I was close – Revolve and $295.00. Hurry, if you like it too, it’s almost sold out, and don’t think $300 is too much for a jean jacket. It IS cute.


Gina bitches to Travis about Heather. Travis seems so easy going, level headed, calm, and like a fucking sweetheart. What’s it like to have a guy like that??

Travis disagrees with Heather’s theory that she shouldn’t confide in him about still being ‘triggered’ (hate that fucking word) about Matt cheating on her. Or whatever the fuck. I told you my source said that this is all made up bullshit in order to give new Jenn shit, and Gina a story line. I guess Bravo didn’t want her to have yet another domestic violence story line, with her being the offender this time (She pushed Travis down the steps, two months before filming in a drunken rage.)

She notices that Heather never followed up with her later that evening, or the next day, and she acted oh so concerned, and vested in Gina’s emotions at the campfire. That’s so very Heather.

I got some pretty big shoulders, so let’s go.” Travis says, and he even got his own yap this season.

So sweet, supportive and empathetic. See, I don’t hate ALL guys.

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